Of course I said that I can't verify any of the claims but that is one
claim that is fairly popular.
Some people are simply funded to replicate promising technologies and
if they're based on other people's ideas then so be it - they get a patent.
Anyone can search the patent databases of some names that may have
come up recently and see this and research the train of thought that
went in to it and you can see the motives behind their website(s) -
basically leeching other people's ideas - in the patent world - patent
trolls in one respect or another.
You're right on the money - unfortunately most people are not willing to
do what it takes to build things themselves and want a handout.
Thankfully, there are a lot of people in this community that do build and
share the results.
I can understand that some people don't have a background in this and
may not have the funds - but where there's a will, there's a way.
You could always ask for clarification on what is said in the Borderlands
videos if anyone has time to answer.
I'm not so sure about people would have already prove OU if they could.
Maybe they have and people are willfully blind to wanting to see it or
unconcsious of it.
Any decent SSG is easily COP 1.05.
For example, there is some thread
here and someone that seemed to be earnestly trying to figure out if
there is anything to the claims is showing all of his tests, videos, etc...
He was doing his best to appear objective but stated that the best he
can get was almost COP 1.0 but nothing more and therefore, at best it
is at 100% or at least almost. From his vids, it looks like he really did put
a lot of time and effort into his builds with the multi coils, etc...
So for sake of example, let's pull his claims back from 99.9~100% recovery
to just 95% or even 90%. All the while he is saying he can't see any
gain, that wheel is spinning in front of his face while he is recovery almost
as much as he is putting in. IF his calculations are correct, he is at
1.05 to 1.20 easily.
How many people have honestly gotten a leather strap, hooked it to
2 spring loaded scales and wrapped that around a shaft with a disc
on it with a known diameter in order to calculate exactly how much
mechanical power there is? Peter shows this in his original Electric Motor
Secrets - that is the time tested old school method that is a correct
way to take mechanical power measurements.
I'd bet less than 1 out of every 100 people that has ever built any
variation of an SG, SSG, etc... have never done such a test to add the
mechanical power to their battery recovery.
After I mentioned that if they are recovering almost everything to the
batteries, what about adding the mechanical power - he stopped posting!
It is a very valid point but some people are not interested in facts, they
want to preserve what their belief system already is because it is more
comfortable that way.
The TUV tests showing 5.0 or so on Bedini's energizer are simply
dismissed as the Peukert effect by skeptics. But those skeptics
do not do the real tests themselves but proclaim themselves to be the
experts on knowing how to test this. The batts will be better for
resistive loads and not inductive loads if charged with negative energy
but still - Swapping batts back and forth until but ADD all
the mechanical power - if anyone comes up with less than 1.0 cop
they're drinking bad kool aid.
YouTube - ‪Self Running Bedini Oscillator‬‏
I've had that up for a while - it is WAY over 1.0 cop. The voltage can
be charged up, will drop and then rise up to match the pressure of
what can come from the output and will just stay there indefinitely.
Not good for anything other than to prove the principle that you can take
the output and "close the loop" - it is pseudo closing - the front does
NOT know the output is being preferentially taken as the main source of
power before the front side power is taken. That is why it is pseudo closed
because if it was closed so that the it is a closed system, both caps
would wind down fast. In this demo, there are resistances in the coil,
voltage drops on the transistor (or so people are lead to believe), etc...
so there is of course dissipation in this circuit so it is under 100%
efficient - YET - it is able to feed itself so that it comes up to
synchronization with the free environmental input.
Transistors can actually run on voltage and not current but that is a
different topic.
This works because what Tom Bearden says is CORRECT.
The source dipole is not being killed, period, and those that take that
to heart can get the same results in many different applications. The
principles that Bearden shares can be taken to the bank. And these
principles apply even when you get to bigger and bigger scales with
even bigger and bigger results.
Anyway, I'm not arguing with you Farmhand, I respect you and your
contributions highly. I'm just posting what I believe and what I know
to be true.
And for Zooty's slanted logic - I respect The Dude as well, very much
as a matter of fact. But if Darcy took my response as being
against scrutiny, when in fact I believe I have clearly pointed out that
it is the insults to Bearden I have a problem with, I think I ought to
post why and clear it up and for Zooty to tell me the post was
condecending - he seems to be in the camp that wants to ignore
and not focus on the facts and logic I believe I am posting with and
wants to aim everyone's attention at at something else to put focus
on something else that is distracting. That is the politicians way of
dealing with facts - pointing a finger of one hand in one direction while
the other hand is in the pocket thumbing through the next distraction
that they want to pull out.
In any case, I want to bring it back to the topic of this thread and
the posts that have been posted.
It is interesting to me that when someone insults someone else based
on nothing but speculation and denies they are insulting someone
and one more more people defend that person who is stating these
insults yet have an issue with me defending that person who isn't
even here to defend himself, those are the people that I think are the
ones that need to be seriously scrutinized.
When people can't deal with the facts and are incapable of focusing on
any particular issue, they resort to other insults. GB wants to claim this
forum is a front for affiliate programs - it is not but what a detour away
from the issue of him insulting Bearden - insulting me and this forum. And
Zooty can't focus or deal with the facts so he wants to say I'm anal
retentive - I already said that I simply have no tolerance for BS'ers and
when people have attention deficit disorder when it comes to facts and
have to drift off into attacking the person that is putting it to them
straight - in both cases - neither were intellectually honest about what
was posted and what wasn't.
And thinking that because I don't personally know Bearden that
disqualifies my argument that he shouldn't be insulted based on
pure speculation - that goes right to the heart to show what kind of
morals that person is operating on.
I agree - there are those that take credit for other people's work.
I was recently a victim to this. Before putting out my plasma ignition
package, I was putting in video title screen thanking one particular
individual for his own contributions - went to google to search to make
sure I spelled his last name right and come to find out he claimed he
invented my circuit and applied for a patent. When common criminals
stoop to these levels, some people may not be so motivated to want
to share anymore. So maybe those crooks are paid to deter people
from wanting to post anything else because they put a bad taste in
their mouths.
Originally posted by Farmhand
View Post
claim that is fairly popular.
Some people are simply funded to replicate promising technologies and
if they're based on other people's ideas then so be it - they get a patent.
Anyone can search the patent databases of some names that may have
come up recently and see this and research the train of thought that
went in to it and you can see the motives behind their website(s) -
basically leeching other people's ideas - in the patent world - patent
trolls in one respect or another.
You're right on the money - unfortunately most people are not willing to
do what it takes to build things themselves and want a handout.
Thankfully, there are a lot of people in this community that do build and
share the results.
I can understand that some people don't have a background in this and
may not have the funds - but where there's a will, there's a way.
You could always ask for clarification on what is said in the Borderlands
videos if anyone has time to answer.
I'm not so sure about people would have already prove OU if they could.
Maybe they have and people are willfully blind to wanting to see it or
unconcsious of it.
Any decent SSG is easily COP 1.05.
For example, there is some thread
here and someone that seemed to be earnestly trying to figure out if
there is anything to the claims is showing all of his tests, videos, etc...
He was doing his best to appear objective but stated that the best he
can get was almost COP 1.0 but nothing more and therefore, at best it
is at 100% or at least almost. From his vids, it looks like he really did put
a lot of time and effort into his builds with the multi coils, etc...
So for sake of example, let's pull his claims back from 99.9~100% recovery
to just 95% or even 90%. All the while he is saying he can't see any
gain, that wheel is spinning in front of his face while he is recovery almost
as much as he is putting in. IF his calculations are correct, he is at
1.05 to 1.20 easily.
How many people have honestly gotten a leather strap, hooked it to
2 spring loaded scales and wrapped that around a shaft with a disc
on it with a known diameter in order to calculate exactly how much
mechanical power there is? Peter shows this in his original Electric Motor
Secrets - that is the time tested old school method that is a correct
way to take mechanical power measurements.
I'd bet less than 1 out of every 100 people that has ever built any
variation of an SG, SSG, etc... have never done such a test to add the
mechanical power to their battery recovery.
After I mentioned that if they are recovering almost everything to the
batteries, what about adding the mechanical power - he stopped posting!
It is a very valid point but some people are not interested in facts, they
want to preserve what their belief system already is because it is more
comfortable that way.
The TUV tests showing 5.0 or so on Bedini's energizer are simply
dismissed as the Peukert effect by skeptics. But those skeptics
do not do the real tests themselves but proclaim themselves to be the
experts on knowing how to test this. The batts will be better for
resistive loads and not inductive loads if charged with negative energy
but still - Swapping batts back and forth until but ADD all
the mechanical power - if anyone comes up with less than 1.0 cop
they're drinking bad kool aid.
YouTube - ‪Self Running Bedini Oscillator‬‏
I've had that up for a while - it is WAY over 1.0 cop. The voltage can
be charged up, will drop and then rise up to match the pressure of
what can come from the output and will just stay there indefinitely.
Not good for anything other than to prove the principle that you can take
the output and "close the loop" - it is pseudo closing - the front does
NOT know the output is being preferentially taken as the main source of
power before the front side power is taken. That is why it is pseudo closed
because if it was closed so that the it is a closed system, both caps
would wind down fast. In this demo, there are resistances in the coil,
voltage drops on the transistor (or so people are lead to believe), etc...
so there is of course dissipation in this circuit so it is under 100%
efficient - YET - it is able to feed itself so that it comes up to
synchronization with the free environmental input.
Transistors can actually run on voltage and not current but that is a
different topic.
This works because what Tom Bearden says is CORRECT.
The source dipole is not being killed, period, and those that take that
to heart can get the same results in many different applications. The
principles that Bearden shares can be taken to the bank. And these
principles apply even when you get to bigger and bigger scales with
even bigger and bigger results.
Anyway, I'm not arguing with you Farmhand, I respect you and your
contributions highly. I'm just posting what I believe and what I know
to be true.
And for Zooty's slanted logic - I respect The Dude as well, very much
as a matter of fact. But if Darcy took my response as being
against scrutiny, when in fact I believe I have clearly pointed out that
it is the insults to Bearden I have a problem with, I think I ought to
post why and clear it up and for Zooty to tell me the post was
condecending - he seems to be in the camp that wants to ignore
and not focus on the facts and logic I believe I am posting with and
wants to aim everyone's attention at at something else to put focus
on something else that is distracting. That is the politicians way of
dealing with facts - pointing a finger of one hand in one direction while
the other hand is in the pocket thumbing through the next distraction
that they want to pull out.
In any case, I want to bring it back to the topic of this thread and
the posts that have been posted.
It is interesting to me that when someone insults someone else based
on nothing but speculation and denies they are insulting someone
and one more more people defend that person who is stating these
insults yet have an issue with me defending that person who isn't
even here to defend himself, those are the people that I think are the
ones that need to be seriously scrutinized.
When people can't deal with the facts and are incapable of focusing on
any particular issue, they resort to other insults. GB wants to claim this
forum is a front for affiliate programs - it is not but what a detour away
from the issue of him insulting Bearden - insulting me and this forum. And
Zooty can't focus or deal with the facts so he wants to say I'm anal
retentive - I already said that I simply have no tolerance for BS'ers and
when people have attention deficit disorder when it comes to facts and
have to drift off into attacking the person that is putting it to them
straight - in both cases - neither were intellectually honest about what
was posted and what wasn't.
And thinking that because I don't personally know Bearden that
disqualifies my argument that he shouldn't be insulted based on
pure speculation - that goes right to the heart to show what kind of
morals that person is operating on.
I agree - there are those that take credit for other people's work.
I was recently a victim to this. Before putting out my plasma ignition
package, I was putting in video title screen thanking one particular
individual for his own contributions - went to google to search to make
sure I spelled his last name right and come to find out he claimed he
invented my circuit and applied for a patent. When common criminals
stoop to these levels, some people may not be so motivated to want
to share anymore. So maybe those crooks are paid to deter people
from wanting to post anything else because they put a bad taste in
their mouths.