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Tom Bearden and Oil?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
    IMHO Tom Bearden is doing exactly the same thing as Don Smith - he can't say us plain truth.Period. He is giving tips among some crap.
    It may be mostly crap. Tom Bearden was a partner with William Fogal, the inventor of the “charged barrier transistor”. You can read the full story by the one who tested their device, in a publication title, "Testing the Charged Barrier Transistor: A Personal Encounter with Pseudoscience". Stuff like this gives us a bad name and does nothing to further our cause or help the work of legitimate researchers in alternative energy. The Fogal transistor was another promising technology, promoted by Bearden, that is once again hidden from the general public. It's either been bought out and suppressed, or it never worked as claimed and it's main purpose was to extract money from potential investors. This and other non-sense is what he has contributed. It appears he has people chasing the wind for his own personal gains, as suggested by the below quote from the above test report on the Fogal transistor.

    Originally posted by W. Timothy Holman
    My motivation in writing this account is to provide some rigorous experimental evidence to counter the
    growing efforts of advocates and promoters of pseudoscience to obtain funding for inventions that have
    no basis in physical reality
    Last edited by gravityblock; 06-01-2011, 09:22 PM.


    • #17
      I can only say this. Some things are proven with facts and some things you just know are true.

      Bearden is a spirit filled man and I see it in his eyes. Enough said.

      God Bless Bearden


      • #18
        Originally posted by pengrove View Post
        I can only say this. Some things are proven with facts and some things you just know are true.

        Bearden is a spirit filled man and I see it in his eyes. Enough said.

        God Bless Bearden
        God will catch the wise in their own craftiness. The evilness of the wrongdoers will be shouted on the rooftops for all to hear.

        God Bless the truth.

        Last edited by gravityblock; 06-01-2011, 07:44 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
          And you're gullible, I see it in your words. God will catch the wise in their own craftiness. The evilness of the wrongdoers will be shouted on the rooftops for all to hear.

          God Bless the truth.

          Hi GB
          I have not read much from Bearden, although I would like to soon.
          However I would like to add my two cents here.
          Even though what he says may seem like useless words to you It may sound perfectly logical to others.
          Take this site for example....
          If someone completely unschooled in physics or electronics would begin to read some of our posts they would think we are all on something illegal. Heck there are some posts that go completly over my head and I concider myself somewhat educated, even though I spell better in German than Engish(which is my mother language)
          My point is some people when they write , write as they think which sometimes is hard to understand. I know that is how I write and if you would ever read my experiment notes you would see that and think i was completly off my rocker. Which I am but that is besides the point
          Smile it doesn't hurt!

          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
            Hi GB
            I have not read much from Bearden, although I would like to soon.
            However I would like to add my two cents here.
            Even though what he says may seem like useless words to you It may sound perfectly logical to others.
            Take this site for example....
            If someone completely unschooled in physics or electronics would begin to read some of our posts they would think we are all on something illegal. Heck there are some posts that go completly over my head and I concider myself somewhat educated, even though I spell better in German than Engish(which is my mother language)
            My point is some people when they write , write as they think which sometimes is hard to understand. I know that is how I write and if you would ever read my experiment notes you would see that and think i was completly off my rocker. Which I am but that is besides the point
            We as an Open Source Community need to separate fact from friction in order to make progress. If we don't, then progress won't happen in this area, or it will be extremely slow. There are things which I post, which may be wrong, but it's not done intentionally or done with a hidden agenda which may benefit me or only a select few. We must ask ourselves, what are the motivating factors behind a person. Not everybody has the general publics best interest in mind. In fact, it could be argued that our society is a sophisticated form of slavery. This is what I'm fighting against. We have been bamboozled and hoodwinked by TPTB, and by allowing this to continue, will only ensure our continued slavery to this corrupted and destruct-full system of things.

            Last edited by gravityblock; 06-01-2011, 08:16 PM.


            • #21
              I think part of the problem is that there are more theorists here than actual builders. It leaves the builders in a dilemna,which one to build? I have been guilty of engaging in theories myself,but I also made it clear that it was only a theory. I think some may have stated theory as fact, or it was taken that way. If someone tries to built a machine from theory, it may take a long time to work out the bugs,if ever. Even posted works or you tube videos are seldom replicated successfully. There are just too many variables unless all the components are revealed and their values. We should be very deliberate about seperating theory from fact when posting. It should be understood which category it belongs in. I think theorising is good,it may spark ideas that were dormant in someone. I am trying to get started building or rebuilding some of my projects that I put on hold for a while. Hopefully some will be successful and I can post them here. I have witnessed first hand,fruitful works manifested from experimentation.Good Luck. stealth


              • #22
                If you don't read the books you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't read the books?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                  I think part of the problem is that there are more theorists here than actual builders. It leaves the builders in a dilemna,which one to build? I have been guilty of engaging in theories myself,but I also made it clear that it was only a theory. I think some may have stated theory as fact, or it was taken that way. If someone tries to built a machine from theory, it may take a long time to work out the bugs,if ever. Even posted works or you tube videos are seldom replicated successfully. There are just too many variables unless all the components are revealed and their values. We should be very deliberate about seperating theory from fact when posting. It should be understood which category it belongs in. I think theorising is good,it may spark ideas that were dormant in someone. I am trying to get started building or rebuilding some of my projects that I put on hold for a while. Hopefully some will be successful and I can post them here. I have witnessed first hand,fruitful works manifested from experimentation.Good Luck. stealth
                  Theory should be based upon experimental data and observations while a device is built upon this foundational theory, instead of building a device to prove a theory which lacks the experimental data or the correct interpretations to back it up. There is a big difference here, which people don't seem to be able to make a distinction between for some odd reason. Some experiments and observations may be mis-interpreted, incomplete, inaccurate, etc, thus it is necessary to discuss these theoretical issues in order to proceed in building a device which has the greatest chance for success. Again, most people don't choose or want to take this route, but rather do it blindly while re-inventing the wheel. The below quote is an example of this mindset. It's OK for them to post their theories, but yet they don't want to hear the theories of others. Research, discussion, and theories are the best tool for a replication.

                  Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                  Hello all
                  I would like to hear from others with there results. Not theory black and white
                  recoded information.

                  Last edited by gravityblock; 06-01-2011, 10:09 PM.


                  • #24
                    Tom Bearden

                    Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                    You insinuate that the users that have commented here have contributed little.
                    My post is directed to those that are slamming Bearden - primarily those
                    that talk a lot of theory but show absolutely nothing.

                    They are debating theory against theory. That is one
                    story against another and is ridiculous. If the armchair theorists spent as
                    much time actually building instead of talking, they might actually have
                    some valid criticism.

                    I spend more of my time building than anything else because that is where
                    the rubber meets the road.

                    Those that question Bearden - I would ask "What have you done
                    for me lately?" Who has applied any of their armchair theories to anything
                    in the real world and actually gotten results? That separates the wheat
                    from the chaff.

                    Quoting theorems, laws, effects, etc... means nothing if they aren't put
                    to use.

                    There are many things that have been designed that have their theory
                    of operation heavily rooted in Bearden's theories and they work. One
                    success is infinitely more real than a thousand pages of talk.

                    So according to you Inquorate, Stiffler and Bedini are the only ones,
                    which they are not, but let's say that is true. Bearden has been a
                    champion for Bedini for many years, supports him, etc... which means
                    according to your claim, Bearden, who is being questioned here is
                    sided with 50% of the known overunity devices according to you, which
                    is a VERY HIGH NUMBER and anyone that would question someone that
                    is associated with 50% of the working overunity devices would appear
                    to me to be highly suspect!
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      Quoting theorems, laws, effects, etc... means nothing if they aren't put
                      to use.
                      That in a nutshell is the basis for failure. Don't find fault with the ones who are quoting the theorems, but blame the entire community for not trying to understand, apply, or implement them correctly.

                      Last edited by gravityblock; 06-01-2011, 10:32 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by pengrove View Post
                        My family is into the Oil business and I still work everyday trying to save this Earth.
                        Thank you for saying that. I think it's easy to get polarized into an us vs them mentality which obscures the truth that at an individual level every one of us really does have the best of intentions, no matter how delusional their actions may be.

                        Don smith for example worked in the petroleum industry his whole life and then after retirement worked to try and bring some of tesla's lost discoveries to light. Unfortunately he tried to go the commercial development route and we know now how well that worked for him. It didn't.

                        Even when people do have selfish motivations, the primary one of these seeming to be money, we should honor them for their struggle and take up the call to embark on this same struggle ourselves and see where it takes us.

                        So let's get to work harnessing that wheelwork of nature. Tesla's soul cries out for it.

                        Peace and freedom from suffering for all beings.


                        • #27
                          I personally work in the oil industry. I am a sales rep for one of the oldest family owned companies in the nation, and they make lubricants for industrial and commercial uses (gear oil, motor oil, hydraulic fluid, grease, penetrating oil). I am just as much against the strangle hold on power that exists today as anyone else here. I feel we need to push this kind of research as far as it can possibly go until it is accepted and becomes more mainstream. I do however recognize that part of the ultimate goal here is to maintain the kind of comfortable lifestyle that people enjoy now, at the same time as giving people the ability to power that lifestyle for themselves.
                          think of it this way, if it was just an us v. them situation at it's heart, we wouldn't be searching for free electricity, we would be finding ways to cut electricity out of our lives...
                          rather than fight a system that is so deeply entrenched in society, we would simply cut them off, and force them out of the picture. but that is not what we are doing here, we are working on finding ways of continuing our modern lives while proving there is a better way to do it. once we have energy independence from corporations and are making our own power, how do you think we are going to maintain our nifty cars that run on HHO or electricity, or lubricate the bearings on the machines we build to harvest the radiant energy? there is not one person I have seen commenting on this forum suggesting that we can defeat big oil or big electric completely. someone somewhere is still going to have to come up with a product that will allow these machines to work properly.
                          JB himself and the people that sell the kits to his SSG's promote a petroleum based product to be used in the bearings of the bicycle wheels that they recommend you use. if our aim is truly to kill the industry completely, then were are we going to get this lubricant from?
                          rather than make a big deal out of who is funding Beardon's website, and trash the mans contributions on that basis, why not agree to use the good things that are coming out of that relationship. even if Beardon himself is a part of suppressing this kind of tech, a lot of his published work is being used to make some progress. I like the saying "don't throw out the baby with the bathwater" and it fits this situation nicely. take what works, promote it, build it, and prove what we are here to prove. making this a fight of us against them will do us no favors. at some point there will have to be some cooperation. if we still want to drive our cars and run our machines, they will need at least decent lubrication, and until someone finds a renewable source of said lubricant, we can't possibly kill the entire industry, though we can greatly reduce their influence over our lives.
                          If killing the industry is the goal here, we are going about it the wrong way...

                          modern convenience will have it's price, make no mistake about that. i believe we can get to the point of making our own power, and living without having to pay someone else to provide that power for us. But at some level we are still going to rely on other people for the things we cannot produce ourselves. if you do want to kill off big oil, then get some people working on alternatives to petroleum based products. If that can be done, I will hop right on that bandwagon and use it myself. We will all have to do our part if we are going to win this fight, and conversations like these get us no where. If even one of Beardon's ideas lead us to energy independence, who cares who funded the man? I personally do not, though i do recognize why this is an issue. what I am saying is don't discount a good idea because of it's source, rather use the good idea, and focus on the goal here!
                          The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                          • #28
                            cheap shots

                            Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
                            That in a nutshell is the basis for failure. Don't find fault with the ones who are quoting the theorems, but blame the entire community for not trying to understand, apply, or implement them correctly.

                            Quote Hitler's big lie and the others are cheap shots at both Bearden
                            and Craddock and are uncalled for - they are based on nothing more than
                            your reaction by making a bunch of assumptions.

                            That is a lot different than simply making comments that it is interesting
                            or something to that effect - you are blatantly accusing them of trying
                            to deceive people.

                            I'm not finding fault in someone just quoting references but doing so while
                            insulting Bearden and never showing any personal work themselves. That
                            to me is very suspicious.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #29
                              Any green men in this forum?

                              Ha. This is an interesting discussion. I think it best to think carefully about anything and everything that is said to see if it makes good sense. In the developed world we are not going to get totally away from petroleum products for a long time. I have always thought nuclear power was the way to go, but the disaster in Japan shows that people, even the best people can mess up badly. Their whole operation depended on having electric power to pump cooling water but they let a "little" tsunami put their petroleum powered generators out of service. That was poor planning, at the least. So, you want to go totally green and sustainable? Keep trying.
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                                My intent was to start a valid and civilised conversation. I apologise as it seems you may be offended and that was not my intent.
                                No need for apologies. Aaron is easily offended at times for no apparent reasons.


