How did it go finding the Cejka files?
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Bedini/Cejka: "Time Ends" in the 2030's (Energy From the Vacuum 20)
Originally posted by SilverToGold View PostCejka was working for the NWO and his timeline was for the NWO, it's beginning time and it's end time. This is their timeline for their existence and NOT for mankind.
This was back in 1984 or so when John saw this and they had THEIR agenda on it... who they were going to put into the presidency, when it was going to happen and their plan for the world. All their plans.
They also clearly had the events of the 9-11 on there and it was all planned out. 911 was an inside job and a stage event into one world government. This was the early 1980's when John saw this. Anyone with any common sense and a true open mind can see that 911 was an inside job.
There was nothing in there that required time travel or seeing into the future, it is just THEIR PLAN for humanity. All staged and all carried out to eventually end when they will kill off 90%+ of all humanity.
There is nothing new here, it's all in the bible and you people who don't believe in God, it doesn't matter. The people who run this world believe in satan and they are carrying out his plan.
They will place us all in a one world government and when that is in place they will start to systematically kill off everyone. They are already doing that now with vaccines, aerosol spraying and poisoning of the food, water and environment. But they mask will come off when no one has anywhere else to run and they will start turning all these weapons of death on those that let them create it. Hardcore mass killing will begin. Why? Because we as a society let them.
In the end they will fail and the NWO will be destroyed and humanity will proceed to new and open heights with ALL knowledge open. People will look back at these times as dark and backwards as any dark age of the past.
So there is no reason to despair really but every reason to keep following the truth.
But because so many people are brainwashed and have an intense hatred for humanity and themselves, most people will not make it past the next 30 years. They (we) are allowing all of this to happen.
Doesn't have to be this way but most people just want to sit around sucking their thumbs waiting for Jesus to rapture them or just watch sports on TV.
Watch these videos and you'll get some idea what it's really about.
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version - YouTube
And all of you little Feds like Cejka, they are going to kill your family to! There is no winning by siding against humanity because you're with us whether you like it or not. I didn't see anyone coming to Cejka's side to give him any life saving help when he came to meet his maker. They don't care about you and you're all eating, breathing the same poison as we all are.Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question
The Endgame said it is private.
Dana"Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."Nikola Tesla
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostEphesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I have to modify my prior post significantly though since I've learned so much more about the Bible and Bible Prophecy since I posted that.
1) There is not going to be a "golden age" for mankind as almost everyone is proclaiming - the New Agers, Buddist, Muslims and even MOST all self professed Christians claim that a Christ will come and reign for 1000 years of peace. This is a lie. Christ WILL come but he will be DESTROYING the world and killing all unsaved people as the Lion on Judah when he comes and he will NOT be ruling on the earth at this coming.
The "golden age" is a great deception to mislead people into a false sense of comfort and spiritual blindness. They will be caught off guard.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-4
" But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief." (This is for those who study prophecy as directed by the Bible using the Bible to define itself and studying the Bible from a historical perspective.)
2) There is no use in fighting the coming rule of the government & religious reign of Satan to destroy mankind. The Bible clearly states that Satan will have his day and God will remove his protection from the world. This will be the time of the 7 plagues being released. When that time comes, it will be too late to repent as Christ will no longer be pleading for remission of sins.
So people listening to Alex Jones or Ron Paul and thinking they will change the government and regain a new lease on life and change things, it just simply will NOT happen. The end of mankind is at hand and nothing will save anyone on this planet but Jesus Christ and repenting of your sins.
The mark of the beast WILL BE SUNDAY WORSHIP or SUNDAY SACREDNESS. And those who keep the 4th commandment of Christ will be hunted and killed for honoring the true Sabbath of Saturday. In order to obey God's commandments, one will have to lose all earthly possessions due to the No buying or selling restrictions initially placed on them.
You won't be hearing Alex Jones talking about that. Alex seems to be a good man but he is ignorant of Bible Prophecy and wasting his efforts. He should be preparing people's souls and not their bodies for the times ahead.
3) To all you people serving/running this Satanic government and churches, thinking you will somehow escape justice with your underground bunkers and stockpiles of goods.... this is from Christ next coming when he will destroy the wicked...
Revelation 6:16 "And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb"
So God already foresaw your underground cities & hideouts.... and you all will be begging the rocks to fall on your lost souls.
If anyone wants a preview of what really is to come in the NEAR future, watch this video.
Doug Batchelor - The Final Events of Bible Prophecy - YouTube
I am NOT a Seven Day Adventist. They are now part of Babylon but Ellen White was a true prophet and her message is the only one that makes sense of what the Bible says. Studying Ellen White is profitable but being part of the Seven Day Adventist is NOT.
Stop Twisting SOP - YouTube
For anyone doubting what I am saying... I suggest you study this video as it plainly reveals that GOD is preparing a message for the End of Time for mankind.
Ron Wyatt finds Noah's Ark
Giant pre flood man thumb bones were found, proving that man was larger before the great flood. That's what happens when you live 1000 years as was the common life span of pre-flood man, you grow larger.
These metallic rivets cover the entire site, proving that it is man made. These rivets also contain large amount of METALLIC ALUMINUM. Showing that they were man made. Metallic aluminum does not occur naturally and only was only made after the 1860's or so.
Ron Wyatt finds Sodom & Gommorrah
Bone inside sulfur ball?
You can see the RAIN of burning sulphur balls on the above piece. The entire area is ashes and sulphur balls. There is NO natural reason for this, it is a supernatural event exactly as told in the Bible.
Ron Wyatt finds the Red Sea Crossing
Last edited by SilverToGold; 10-31-2012, 06:03 PM.
Ron Wyatt finds the real Mt. Sinai where Moses got the 10 Commandments and destroyed the golden calf.
The rocks on this mountain are literally BURNT and when broken, show a normal unburnt core. The ENTIRE mountain is burnt by the fire of GOD in this manner.
This is the rock that Moses split with his staff that water flowed out of to provide water for the over a million Jews. There are water erosion on the rocks and this is in the middle of a desert,
This is the alter of unhewn stones where the Golden Calf was worshipped. Note the fence put into place to keep out unwanted eyes. Saudi Arabia is muslim and they have no desire to help Christians.
Ron Wyatt finds the Cruxification site of Jesus Christ and the Ark of the Covenant.
I know this is a lot of info but if you're too busy to look into these facts, how can you honestly say you care about your soul or those of your loved ones? There really is nothing more important than learning the truth of God's message and learning what God demands of us all in these times when Christ is soon to return. Even if you don't think he's coming soon, you have to agree that you're going to die one day so either way.... you NEED to KNOW THE TRUTH and you need this information.
God BlessLast edited by SilverToGold; 10-31-2012, 06:23 PM.
Yes I found Ron's site years ago and studied his work.
If youv read the Old Testament and the rituals, the blood from the sacrifice was sprinkled on the Ark and the people, so when I read the account of the Ark being in a cave under the cross it all made perfect sense, Christ blood had to be sprinkled on the Ark, God leaves nothing unfinished.Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostOutstanding
Yes I found Ron's site years ago and studied his work.
If youv read the Old Testament and the rituals, the blood from the sacrifice was sprinkled on the Ark and the people, so when I read the account of the Ark being in a cave under the cross it all made perfect sense, Christ blood had to be sprinkled on the Ark, God leaves nothing unfinished.
God had a plan from the beginning and it is amazing how He carries it out. When the beast Sunday laws come out, that is when the blood of Christ and the 10 Commandments will be revealed.... along with the video of Ron removing the 10 Commandments from the Ark of the Covenant with the 4 Angels watching over the Ark.
I hope someone who is a doubter will look further into these things and see how plainly God has provided proof for so no one will be without excuse.
The wall that Bedini saw had to be 6000 years or so. Marking the history from Adam to the Return of Christ. I hope that those believing the world is "Billions" of years old or caught up in the New Age ideology I see so much will consider that they are wrong and seek the truth in Jesus Christ and the Bible.
2029 & 2036.
Originally posted by frankidel View PostThere was a document about an asteroid that Nasa looks, in 2029, if the asteroid passes through a "key window", 7 years later ( 2036 ), it could crash on earth, and that one is a planet killer. I dont remember the pourcentage for the crash, but it can be possible.
Boyd Bushman states no doubt the same asteroid. The large rock which has already orbited the Earth once before, will return in 2029 and 2036, passing between the Earth and the Moon. However, he says in 2036 it will collide with the Earth somewhere between Siberia and Africa based on it's current trajectory and will be a 'huge impact' as Boyd puts it.
"Many, many, many, many megatons....It's there, we're tracking it."
Boyd Bushman - Senior Research Scientist - Lockheed Martin - YouTubeLast edited by reddpill; 11-25-2012, 10:46
your daily dose of truth
wow guys this got creepy fast. The interpretation of revelation that you are using comes from a Scottish teenager and the year 1830. The Scottish teenager had a bad dream supposedly about the end of the world and it was adopted by an English lay preacher. Revelation as it was written speaks in the language and allegory of the horites, to an audience familiar with such things. The seven churches listed were on a well known roman postal route. Revelation was meant for them. Unknown to most, that document was written a few years before nero destroyed the nation of israel. Much of what is written literally actually happened during the destruction of Jerusalem. Please don't buy into the end times quackery, it's there to make a lot of people money, and keep people coming back to church. It is a fear based religious tactic. The doctrines that most of you are spouting off were created under constantine to help control the crumbling roman state. of the 5 early seminaries 4 of them taught universal reconcilliation, a doctrine since constantine that will get you branded a heretic. The only seminary preaching hell damnation and destruction was the carthaginian one. It's doctrines were a mixture of stoic philosophy, and the ego's of tertullian(who used to preach these doctrines to scholars who dared debate with him) and Augustine who was more into philosophical constructs, than theological ones.
Oh, and Noahs arc landed on mount AR-arat in hebrew the central semitic dialect(har-meni in southern semitic dialect) MT meni(har meni) is mount mary, which is in eastern africa to this day, it is refered to in buddhism, hindu, muslim, and coptic christianity as THE most important mountain the world.
Noah is known as NU in his homeland and the land speaks to that fact, there are is a town in niger known as Bornu, or "the birthplace of noah" noah or NU as he is known in archeological circles was a very powerful ruler priest king of the rivers in and around mega lake chad. Poor English translations do not equate truth. We know from other accounts that NU had a menageri and a large population of livestock. In addition the animals listed in various accounts are exclusively african and did not exist outside of africa even during the saharan's last wet period.
I could go on and on but no doubt most of you guys would not believe me if I bought you a plane ticket and organized a tour! The Evangelical/low church interpretation, and the catholic/high church interpretation of history and fact are entirely false. Don't believe roman propaganda, these doctrines and teachings were cherry picked to control roman citizens at the end of the roman empire. If the rest of the christian world is to be believed(by that i mean, everyone, including Constantine and his councils) the truth lies outside of the Carthaginian/roman schools of thought as they have a history entirely independent from christian thought, and contrary too it.
I used to buy into all of this too, until I actually looking into it.
As far as astorides and dooms day predictions of a more modern orign well, what are you going to do about it? most likely none of it will ever come true. So far, not a single person predicting the "end of humanity" has ever been right. 100% failure rate after 70AD(but 100% exact predictions during the AD66-70) tells me that outside of it's original audience it has no meaning as a future event.
Cejka files ONLINE!!
Some russian website hosted the cejka files!
Enjoy them while you can ;-)
Index of /video/Documentary/Science/Research/tr23/cejeka/
^^^ .rar files will extract into an .iso file. ( a disk image) burn that image with toast, etc and you will have the document dvd.0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG
Originally posted by Nasa Nate View PostSome russian website hosted the cejka files!
Enjoy them while you can ;-)
Index of /video/Documentary/Science/Research/tr23/cejeka/
^^^ .rar files will extract into an .iso file. ( a disk image) burn that image with toast, etc and you will have the document dvd.
Thanks for the link. The Cjeka Files disk that Energy From The Vacuum put out sometime back had a Time Out feature on it that Ended December 2012. Just discovered that the other day when I went to open the disk and look for a file but could not due to it timing out. Your timing to put this up was very good!
Thanks again,
UPDATE #1 , just finished burning the DVD and the files on it are timed out when you go to open them.
UPDATE #2 , you have to change your system date to the year 2011 and you can view them.
Thanks for the workaround IndianaBoys! We are all in this together.
These files re illuminate many of the projects in this forum, like the ATREE, etc
i hope we can get this hosted on some other sites, as well as posting in other energy forums.Last edited by Nasa Nate; 05-13-2013, 10:02 PM.0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG