Originally posted by quantumuppercut
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New Renaissance Prizes offered to encourage Energy experimenters
Originally posted by PhysicsProf View PostNew Renaissance Prizes
Dr. Steven Jones
Emeritus Professor of Physics
Three Golden-Eagle gold coins to be given,
And up to 120 Silver-Eagle coins. By me.
1. Silver Eagle prize for allowing FREE lab-test:
First, your tests indicate that your build has more output power than input power -- and has output power of at least 1Watt on a load, and you will allow me to test/verify it . (“Black box” is OK, if you wish; you don’t have to tell me what’s inside, as long as there are no hidden batteries or capacitors). Do your best and submit your entry for me to look at: EMdevice12@yahoo.com
Once OK’ed, I will also pay shipping both ways. Results announced on forums; details of your device ONLY released WHEN you approve. No galvanic batteries or "borrowing" from the electric-power grid, please!
2. Gold Eagle (see photo below) prize if your device truly shows more Pout than Pin in my FREE tests, and you agree to seek to make the device available to mankind worldwide quickly. (With a fair profit to the builder, that’s fine and I’ll even help!)
3. A self-running device that also powers a load at over 30W will receive an additional Gold Eagle coin, the Double-Gold-Eagle prize!
Total value today, spot prices alone:
Gold $1,754.38/ounce X 3 = $5263.14 Silver $34.13/ounce X 120 = $4095.60. Total: $9,358.74.
These coins come from my father who passed away two years ago, an electronics engineer who would – I am sure – favor this use of the inheritance. I realize that I can’t build and test all the good ideas myself (although I keep experimenting!), but I can help others by using my training and experience to do PhD-level testing – and then assist in getting the product out the door to families everywhere. That’s my goal. The "contest" ends when either ALL THREE of the Gold Eagles are awarded, OR all 120 Silver Eagles are awarded.
Questions or suggestions? Let me know!
My website: Dr. Steven E. Jones
When I read about Dr. Henry Moray’s self-running electricity-generating device, I was intrigued. Then I read about tests done by physicist Harvey Fletcher on it and became quite convinced – Dr. Fletcher wrote:
"The device was contained in a small wooden box... which I, personally, inspected... The electrical load...consisted of 12 clear 75 Watt 100 Volt light bulbs and a 500 Watt electric flat iron... I did not know how the device functioned and I do not know today, but I do know that it did function for the several hours of time that I observed it. I could discern no batteries, and could observe no other known methods of inducing electric power into the box or its loads."
I have jumped in and seen some “anomalous power effects” myself, but not claiming OU yet in my builds… (See, for example, my thread here: PhysicsProf Steven E. Jones circuit shows 8x overunity ? and here: Rigor without Rancor in the Search for Novel Energy Sources ) I’m excited about the world-wide community hacking away at this problem… and I would like to provide encouragement and help where possible.
A “New Renaissance”? Catch the vision!
Galileo’s pioneering experiments – along with others -- lead to a Renaissance, a renewal of society and of the human spirit. We live in exciting times – “end times” some would say. I believe that we also live in the “times of refreshing” spoken of by Peter (Acts 3:19). With all the protests and upheavals going on there is also a prospect of “refreshing” or “renaissance” – a “New Renaissance” is quite possible with a clean, inexpensive energy invention. A source of electrical power that will make individuals and families independent of fossil fuels will have revolutionary impact -- a new Renaissance!
The first step is to see an “unconventional generator” like Moray’s actually work and be reproducible. But a crucial second phase lies in getting this out to people without having it stomped on. (We could discuss why Big Oil and Big Government might prefer to keep up the status-quo oil/tax profits rather than allowing people to produce power in their own homes and electric cars… Some of you know what happened to Dr. Moray’s device.)
Time is short and the need of humanity is great for a compact, non-polluting power source. Many face debilitating economic depression, while the globalist big-oil companies continue to reak in outrageous profits. Do they really want to see 5kWatt-scale devices that use no fossil fuels in individual homes and cars? I’ll let you answer that one.
The New Renaissance prizes are offered to those who think they have a working OU device and would like a quick verification, and who are willing to seriously endeavor to get the device out to humanity rather than selling out to “the powers that be.”
Let’s all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year – with OU completely confirmed ASAP .
To be frank, I have a seminar-talk on 9 March 2012 at a large university and I would REALLY like to award a Gold Eagle prize or two before then! Here is the abstract for my talk:
Please email me to discuss your proposed device entry: emdevice12@yahoo.com . Let’s empower the people of our planet (rather than the super-wealthy) and start a New Renaissance!
Example devices that could be entered -- if your build meets the criteria for at least the Silver Eagle prize (some I’ve been working on, too):
Summary: Three 1-ounce Golden Eagle coins and up to 120 1-oz Silver Eagle prizes are hereby offered, to encourage inventors and builders to join me in the pursuit of “New Renaissance” energy to EM-power the good folks of our planet.
You live in Sampete county right? I am friends with Less K, and he speaks very highly of you. I moved to this part of the country recently for many reasons, one of which is the inventive minds. I have lots to share, would you consider a dinner party?
Andrew M.
Dr. Jones,
I know somebody that would help you solve your energy questions.
Eric Dollard has asked me to put out some feelers for "a place to crash land". He is in Lone Pine, CA. I am certain that he would be a great inspiration for developing as many Watt-Seconds as you could possibly need. The only thing that he needs at the moment is a situation other than living out of a broken/sabatoged car.
You are offering quite a bit of money for inventors to bring overunity "inventions" forward. That is very noble.
I personally have read all of the "strange" quotes in Mr. Dollard's publications. When you talk about oscillations that grow with respect to time, it catches the attention.. Every quote of this nature is referenced. Following these references takes you back to the electrical pioneers. I have found much more meaning in my observations by following his references to Steinmetz, etc than any modern textbook theory.
To wrap this up, Eric has done his homework. He is in need. You are looking for somebody like him. How do we connect you and him?
More than likely I will get a phone call from him on Sunday. Please let me know if you're interested in talking to him.
Originally posted by quantumuppercut View PostI think what we need is a well equipped, reliable team to develop an OU device. It takes too long and hard for any individual to theorize, make the circuit, have require equipments and do measurement and testing all by himself. A team in private would move much faster and avoid technical discussion in public which could cause more confusion. A working device is not enough, we need revisions and simplification to aid replications. We need to combine our resources and knowledge to get through this.
Originally posted by shawnnweed View PostYou are right and wrong. I have spent nearly 4 years researching, theorizing and testing on one concept alone. You are right in the fact that it takes a long time. But I have already done that so you are wrong in saying we need a team to complete it. I have my project halfway built at my house and am simply awaiting parts. I agree that it would have been nice to have some help. I had to borrow money from every person I know and spend countless hours explaining the concept so that they could understand and believe in order to invest. All that needs to be done now is building a working model and replicating it. A replicated model will cost about $800 and I would love for at least one person to replicate it to verify that it can sustain itself. I am leery about explaining to anyone how it produces OU. But once seeing the working model it wouldn't take much to figure it out. However, the math is all worked out and if anyone cares to understand it I am more than willing to explain it. I live in California so take that into mind before calling. (213) 382-1560. (Best between 1-5 pm my time)
,Shawn). No math just method of tuning. Something which can "fly" immediately, even if no so much power generated per cent (scrap yard parts) .I'm working on it hard. Let's make world the better place for everyone.
Originally posted by Web000x View PostDr. Jones,
I know somebody that would help you solve your energy questions.
Eric Dollard has asked me to put out some feelers for "a place to crash land". He is in Lone Pine, CA. I am certain that he would be a great inspiration for developing as many Watt-Seconds as you could possibly need. The only thing that he needs at the moment is a situation other than living out of a broken/sabatoged car.
You are offering quite a bit of money for inventors to bring overunity "inventions" forward. That is very noble.
I personally have read all of the "strange" quotes in Mr. Dollard's publications. When you talk about oscillations that grow with respect to time, it catches the attention.. Every quote of this nature is referenced. Following these references takes you back to the electrical pioneers. I have found much more meaning in my observations by following his references to Steinmetz, etc than any modern textbook theory.
To wrap this up, Eric has done his homework. He is in need. You are looking for somebody like him. How do we connect you and him?
More than likely I will get a phone call from him on Sunday. Please let me know if you're interested in talking to him.
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostI understand you perfectly.It is ok to build something alone but it is frustrating process and takes too much time, money and much more (job,friends are avoiding you, vide what happened to kapanadze). That's why I concentrated on devices which can be build with limited resources only by hand work and cheaply using only spare time (but i have it a lot once the crisis took my job). No math just method of tuning. Something which can "fly" immediately, even if no so much power generated per cent (scrap yard parts) .I'm working on it hard. Let's make world the better place for everyone.
Have you had time to read my theorum? If so I would appreciate your thoughts on it. I have just received an e-mail from the parts company from india stating that my shipment should be coming soon. These are the final parts required to build a working model. I saw that you aided others in their research or builds and would be glad for you to help me in mine if you see potential. I also saw that you have done research in solar which mine is based on. However my research has nothing to do wit the sun but with artificial light sources. And lastly I wanted to say that you have gained much respect from me in that you beleive in OU or at least the potential for OU. Please call me (213) 382-1560 and I will share with you the actual math behind my theorum to include parts and build specifications. If you truely were a physics professor then you will be able to understand this implicitly once explained.
Wow -- thanks for the plethora of responses plus support! (That word made me think of the Three Amigos -- a classic).
I'll try to catch up and respond briefly.
About supporting researchers -- I have provided monetary support to the extent I've been able, to two researchers, about the value of one gold eagle I guess, so far. Also from the inheritance from Dad. I'm retired now, you understand (jobless, so to speak). And if someone wishes to send me a "Proposal" for research, I would sure take a look. Email address at end of this post.
Somehow, it would be great to get some funds for researchers more generally IMO... WHEN (I say when, not if) novel-energy devices take off, as we're discussing -- a portion of those incoming fair-profits need to be re-cycled to support further research and development. That's what I would do (and am doing, in a humble way already).
Dave -- clearly you're a supporter/nominator for Eric Dollard, and I understand he's been called an "eccentric genius", rightfully so from what I've read. I guess I've been called that, too -- except for the "genius" part perhaps...I challenged the Theory of Relativity as an active, Full Professor of Physics -- I favor the Lorentz-Ives approach. Basically, I like to challenge established "theory" -- that's how science evolves and progresses. Look at the data from CERN challenging the cosmic speed LIMIT (c), now...
But that's a long story.
@Dave -- I understand Eric does theory --great -- does he also have a working device? As much as I enjoy delving into theory, I'm an experimentalist at heart and with limited funds want to support experiments and working devices. Once we get building "test" devices for sale -- as a DISTRIBUTED team worldwide, I hope -- then we should have funds for such worthy goals as you mention, Dave. But if Eric does have an actual device -- that's a different story for immediate attention; pls let me know.
Andrew M -- yes I know Les K very well, and have worked with him on research. He's a whiz with Bedini-type motor-generators and is making good progress IMO. We should get all together locally.
And so we see some informal "TEAMS" forming, which is great also (I agree with you Quantumup.. that this is important.)
MBrownn -- I'm looking at your stuff, trying to climb the learning curve regarding Lockeridge devices. Heard of 'em before, but much to learn.
Thanks for your support, SliderHaan. Good to hear from you Boguslaw and Stweeny -- I think we're pretty much on the same page.
Shawnn- I'd like to see your Theorem; is there a link, or could you email me? EMdevice12@yahoo.com
My own research is focusing on what is called the "Thane Heins effect", or the "delayed-Lenz effect." This can be achieved in two ways currently:
1. A motor-generator with control of the RPM's
2. A transformer approach, with control of frequency of the input voltage on the primary.'
Here, I feel like I'm starting to understand the Physics a bit, though still climbing the learning curve. I personally prefer the solid-state approach, #2, no moving parts.
So -- assuming some of you are likewise interested, let me point you to a series of youtube vids that describe both approaches 1&2 -- OverunityGuide (OUG) does a great job IMO in these vids, and they have been archived by my friend Gary (DeepCut), today. I have just reviewed the 7 vids by OUG on this subject, and found more enlightment after viewing some a second time. The last (#7) is my favorite, and this will also get you the list:
OUG ARCHIVE 7. MOT Microwave Oven Transformer Delayed Lenz Experiment. - YouTube
The attachment screen-shot is from OUG's vid, to show the microwave-oven transformer he used. Cool -- basically off the shelf. Of course, he needed a signal generator to get up to 950 Hz on the input, to get the delayed Lenz effect.
I'd love to see such an off-the-shelf Xfo that gave the delayed Lenz effect at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz, Europe etc). THEN just about anyone could do this... Note that OUG is not now claiming OU, just the delayed Lenz effect.
I finished my first Thane-type hand-wound transformer today, played with it until I blew the fuse on my Variac...Oh, well, fuses are cheap.
Last edited by PhysicsProf; 12-12-2012, 10:59 PM.
Shawnn- I'd like to see your Theorem; is there a link, or could you email me? EMdevice12@yahoo.com[/QUOTE]
I sent the e-mail. Let me know what you think.
Originally posted by PhysicsProf View PostOK -- good to talk to you, Shawn. Your design is intriguing and it was good to hear your plan. I support you and wish you the very best in your research!
Originally posted by shawnnweed View Postsometimes it is the most simple things that have the highest probability of working. And while this is simple you can see the depth of thought that has gone into it. I appreciate your assistance and much more your approval.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.