Very good thoughts! Clearly the solution is using spikes and charge capacitor.
Do you have any experience with zener diodes for large power (called transils) . I need to invent a reliable overcharge protection to dump excess voltage safetly at high rate. Transils are good but for accidental excess power dump while we need continuous protection when things start to accumulate too fast
Think about snow ball effect. If we could have parametric resonant circuit then it will work always at maximum circulating power and this surely is the solution for loading resonant circuit !!!!!
Capacitor was called condenser in the past ....
Do you have any experience with zener diodes for large power (called transils) . I need to invent a reliable overcharge protection to dump excess voltage safetly at high rate. Transils are good but for accidental excess power dump while we need continuous protection when things start to accumulate too fast

Capacitor was called condenser in the past ....
