I've experienced something interesting for me with my SSG.
I did a clean up of the wiring, for shortest connections with same length of wire to all transistors, good diameter wire and soldered all. At the same time i updated the core of coil 1.
All looked nice and clean but i lost the spike.
Previously, after buying a oszi, i could adjust base resistance to get a peak of 284 V. Thereafter 60 V!
By fortune my search went into direction of run/charge wiring. Mostly because i realized, that my ampere meter inline brings me a bit more Volts. This was the proceeding:
- Longer run wire: 134 V (+ or - longer).
- Longer charge wire (-) only: 286 V
- Longer charge wire (+) only: 306 V
- Same length, but a small diameter wire inbetween: 295 V (2 spikes. One at 0,5 A the other at 0,95 A poti setting)
So i'm back in the game, but hmmm... i think that shows me that there is somwhere a problem wich i only compensate with a long (6 meters ?) charging cable.
I'm allways interested in causes, not symptom 'healing'.
With different batteries it's the same. Any ideas?
So ppl, have a look on cable length and impendance, maybe there is efficiency!
I did a clean up of the wiring, for shortest connections with same length of wire to all transistors, good diameter wire and soldered all. At the same time i updated the core of coil 1.
All looked nice and clean but i lost the spike.
Previously, after buying a oszi, i could adjust base resistance to get a peak of 284 V. Thereafter 60 V!
By fortune my search went into direction of run/charge wiring. Mostly because i realized, that my ampere meter inline brings me a bit more Volts. This was the proceeding:
- Longer run wire: 134 V (+ or - longer).
- Longer charge wire (-) only: 286 V
- Longer charge wire (+) only: 306 V
- Same length, but a small diameter wire inbetween: 295 V (2 spikes. One at 0,5 A the other at 0,95 A poti setting)
So i'm back in the game, but hmmm... i think that shows me that there is somwhere a problem wich i only compensate with a long (6 meters ?) charging cable.
I'm allways interested in causes, not symptom 'healing'.
With different batteries it's the same. Any ideas?
So ppl, have a look on cable length and impendance, maybe there is efficiency!