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Hydrogen Boosters for Cars

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  • #46
    Just a little info on my two cars.

    1994 Ols Tornoda When I hooked up my booster I lost .6 miles to gallon.
    I had heard about using a 1.5 volt battery to add a little voltage. This I did and I was able to increase mileage by 8 MPG. But only for a short time and then the computer corrected what it seen as a problem and I was back to square one.

    I ordered one of Red's efie controllers and when I get it I think I will get my 8 + a little more back. I will shoot for 50% increase.

    My other car

    1998 Subura Outback When I hooked up my booster Which was today, For 134 mile highway trip I got 36.2. befor HHO 28.1 up about 30 %

    I believe it will go over 40 mpg with efie. My long term trim went up to 12.6%. I believe this will go down with the efie. Which will increase my mpg.

    This is cool stuff. I didn't know that we could do so much with so little.

    Thanks for this site.


    • #47
      No need for the MAP sensor monitor. The EFIE's that are designed right, automatically adjust to load using the Systems already in place by the factory ECU.
      Currently have three signals: two 02 sensors and one MAF sensor.

      Can I get by with modifying the 02 signals or will I need to modify all three?

      The readings are a little gray on this aspect and Im not sure which way to go.



      • #48
        Originally posted by Danny EscapeHybrid View Post
        Currently have three signals: two 02 sensors and one MAF sensor.

        Can I get by with modifying the 02 signals or will I need to modify all three?

        The readings are a little gray on this aspect and Im not sure which way to go.

        You only need to modify the signal from the "Pre Catalytic Converter O2 Sensor(s)"

        (psst...Don't Tell Anyone, But I'm Really Not Mean!)


        • #49
          O2 Sensor Extension Harness

          O2 Sensor Extension Harness

          I saw this up in the Energy section and have to ask this question. The way Im reading it is you disconnect the plug from the 02 sensor, plug the extension into the 02 plug connector, and connect the other end to the EFIE (after cutting off the other end of course.)

          This about the right of it? This way your EFIE is tied in directly to the ECU for 02 inputs.



          • #50
            Originally posted by Danny EscapeHybrid View Post
            O2 Sensor Extension Harness

            I saw this up in the Energy section and have to ask this question. The way Im reading it is you disconnect the plug from the 02 sensor, plug the extension into the 02 plug connector, and connect the other end to the EFIE (after cutting off the other end of course.)

            This about the right of it? This way your EFIE is tied in directly to the ECU for 02 inputs.

            Yes, You would just basically splice into the "Extension Harness" Signal wire. This would make your connection without cutting any factory wires. I would only do this if you lease your vehicle or something along those lines. At $24 a piece it can add some $$$$ to an install..

            (psst...Don't Tell Anyone, But I'm Really Not Mean!)


            • #51
              Originally posted by Redmeanie View Post
              Yes, You would just basically splice into the "Extension Harness" Signal wire. This would make your connection without cutting any factory wires. I would only do this if you lease your vehicle or something along those lines. At $24 a piece it can add some $$$$ to an install..

              Or just goto a pull your own part Junkyard and find a model with matching plugs. Most manufacturers use the same plugs for many vehicles. Then it would only cost you a couple bucks and the time it takes to find and cut the wires. When I go, I'll probably take as many as I can get my hands on. If I get some extras, I'll offer them up to members that want them.


              • #52
                hello everyone, new here

                Let me start by saying GREAT FORUM! i have been lurking a while but now i need to ask questions.
                a little over 2 years ago i made a cell for my gmc sonoma. several attempts and it never worked properly due to running too hot. It would start off at 8 amps and then draw more and more as the temp rose. I had a couple complete melt downs. Also, at the time I didnt notice any computer controled vehicle accessories that are on the market now. I realized without being able to modify my computer, it was hopeless anyway.
                I will build another for my truck now that these items are available, however I already installed one on my KLR 650. It is carburated so it is easier to work with. I went with the stainless wire spiral type. I built it long and skinny and its mounted up front where it will stay cool. also i can watch it work while riding and place my hand on it to check the temp. I will install a guage when i get around to it. It draws 2 amps and takes about 5 minites to fill a qt size freezer bag. I have been reading claims of 1-2 liters per minute so my 1st question is how are people getting these results while maintaining a low temperature?
                The next subject is how does one know how much to lean the fuel mixture? I am afraid to modify the carb yet cuz i dont wanna run it too lean. Without carb modification and only at 2 amps i did see 2 more mpg. I know if i can produce the #s I am seeing on the net and lean the mixture a bit i can get much better results. Gonna pull the spark plug tonight to see the condition.
                Is anyone using an egt(exhaust gas temp guage)? I am thinking about installing one so i can keep an eye on that. This way Ill get a heads up before melting the piston.
                Anyone using a pulse generator? What other types of setups are there? The one in my truck was of light switch plates. Ive also seen the cylinder type.
                Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


                • #53
                  Welcome Jim

                  Originally posted by Jimmyo View Post
                  Let me start by saying GREAT FORUM! i have been lurking a while but now i need to ask questions.
                  a little over 2 years ago i made a cell for my gmc sonoma. several attempts and it never worked properly due to running too hot. It would start off at 8 amps and then draw more and more as the temp rose. I had a couple complete melt downs. Also, at the time I didnt notice any computer controled vehicle accessories that are on the market now. I realized without being able to modify my computer, it was hopeless anyway.
                  I will build another for my truck now that these items are available, however I already installed one on my KLR 650. It is carburated so it is easier to work with. I went with the stainless wire spiral type. I built it long and skinny and its mounted up front where it will stay cool. also i can watch it work while riding and place my hand on it to check the temp. I will install a guage when i get around to it. It draws 2 amps and takes about 5 minites to fill a qt size freezer bag. I have been reading claims of 1-2 liters per minute so my 1st question is how are people getting these results while maintaining a low temperature?
                  The next subject is how does one know how much to lean the fuel mixture? I am afraid to modify the carb yet cuz i dont wanna run it too lean. Without carb modification and only at 2 amps i did see 2 more mpg. I know if i can produce the #s I am seeing on the net and lean the mixture a bit i can get much better results. Gonna pull the spark plug tonight to see the condition.
                  Is anyone using an egt(exhaust gas temp guage)? I am thinking about installing one so i can keep an eye on that. This way Ill get a heads up before melting the piston.
                  Anyone using a pulse generator? What other types of setups are there? The one in my truck was of light switch plates. Ive also seen the cylinder type.
                  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
                  Hi Jim,
                  You are in the right place...

                  I would suggest you slow down a little on answering your questions. Sounds like you have some background in what to do. Now you need to search around and see whats out there and decide what you want.

                  Then act on your research.

                  My suggestion would be for you to start with a smack generator and take it from there!


                  "But ye shall receive power..."
                  Acts 1:8


                  • #54
                    Thanks for the welcome. Ok, what is a smack generator?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Jimmyo View Post
                      Thanks for the welcome. Ok, what is a smack generator?
                      Hi Jimmyo!
                      The Smack's booster is a plan for an HHO generator that's available on the web. Read the e-mail I sent you. Just google Smack's booster.
                      For anyone else who is interested there is a video on you-tube by ArkansasMadMan showing his cell using a Joe cell design with ss mesh stuffed in the center tube & wrapped around outer tube that he says is producing 3LPM on raw battery power.
                      He is selling them on e-bay as hal72703 & claims his mpg on a Lebaron went from 22mpg to 43 mpg.
                      Thought it's worth checking out.
                      By the way, it was Rickhoff who posted the info. I mentioned on regulating & checking your cell temp.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Jimmyo View Post
                        Let me start by saying GREAT FORUM! i have been lurking a while but now i need to ask questions.
                        a little over 2 years ago i made a cell for my gmc sonoma. several attempts and it never worked properly due to running too hot. It would start off at 8 amps and then draw more and more as the temp rose. I had a couple complete melt downs. Also, at the time I didnt notice any computer controled vehicle accessories that are on the market now. I realized without being able to modify my computer, it was hopeless anyway.
                        I will build another for my truck now that these items are available, however I already installed one on my KLR 650. It is carburated so it is easier to work with. I went with the stainless wire spiral type. I built it long and skinny and its mounted up front where it will stay cool. also i can watch it work while riding and place my hand on it to check the temp. I will install a guage when i get around to it. It draws 2 amps and takes about 5 minites to fill a qt size freezer bag. I have been reading claims of 1-2 liters per minute so my 1st question is how are people getting these results while maintaining a low temperature?
                        The next subject is how does one know how much to lean the fuel mixture? I am afraid to modify the carb yet cuz i dont wanna run it too lean. Without carb modification and only at 2 amps i did see 2 more mpg. I know if i can produce the #s I am seeing on the net and lean the mixture a bit i can get much better results. Gonna pull the spark plug tonight to see the condition.
                        Is anyone using an egt(exhaust gas temp guage)? I am thinking about installing one so i can keep an eye on that. This way Ill get a heads up before melting the piston.
                        Anyone using a pulse generator? What other types of setups are there? The one in my truck was of light switch plates. Ive also seen the cylinder type.
                        Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
                        Ok Lets see if I can QUICKLY give you a direction!

                        First off, PLATE AREA. The wire designs are cool looking, but in a "Booster" Application, I have yet to "SEE" anyone generating what is needed with a simple, Reliable build, which is what you want with a "Booster".

                        5 Mins to fill a Qt Ziploc is not even close to what you need.

                        Before trying to lean anything you need to Find, Build, and TEST a "Booster" that fits your needs.

                        An EGT with a Carbureted Engine is the "Best" and Only way to go for tuning.

                        A PWM is the only way to go for me also....Right now Im working on one that will limit current, SOOO it SHOULD Never go over a Preset Current....In Theory! We Shall See!

                        I agree with the comment on the "Smacks" Style Booster....I have posted NUMEROUS Links to Step By Step Directions Here....So Just Search and Yee Shall Find.....

                        (psst...Don't Tell Anyone, But I'm Really Not Mean!)


                        • #57
                          Melting pistons?

                          Quote[Is anyone using an egt(exhaust gas temp guage)? I am thinking about installing one so i can keep an eye on that. This way Ill get a heads up before melting the piston.]Unquote.

                          My recent test program of using standard type "J" gap spark plugs, as opposed to the Brisk LGS Premium spark plugs, clearly show that combustion chamber temperatures decrease by burning more of the air/fuel available in the cylinder per cycle/stroke.

                          To calculate the best "J" gap positions for my tests, I first needed to determine which side of the earth strap was doing the work, so I started with all the "J" gapped plugs positioned in a way that saw the open area of all the plugs facing the roof of the combustion chamber.

                          I deliberately set the carburetter rich and ran the engine for a hundred klm or so, this allowed the plugs to get "dirty". This made it possible to clearly see the evidence as to which side of the "J" strap the spark activity was taking place.

                          Using this information, I "indexed" the plugs to both the worst and also the best settings, dictated by that obvious evidence of spark activity, and recorded exhaust gas temp, head temp, spark plug shell temp, Idle speed, and exhaust gas emissions, at all stages of the tests.
                          I never altered the engine timing or idle speeds at all throughout the day.
                          The only thing touched were the actual spark plugs themselves.

                          I think you should look closely at the readings I recorded, I think you'll find them interesting.
                          Spark Plug Indexing - Holdenpaedia

                          It's worth getting up to speed with what actually happens when you burn more of the available air/fuel per stroke.

                          I expect that by adding HHO to the equation, you will see another decrease in combustion chamber and relative component temperatures.

                          I'm awaiting delivery of an Alexis twin cell HHO(up to 6 LPM) system as we speak, and I'll be conducting more tests as soon as I get it fitted. The same engine will be used for these tests, that way, the readings will be able to be related back to those of the previous test program.

                          Also being seriously considered, is a test program using Nology Hotwires ignition leads.

                          I am hopeful of a positive result by using the Brisk plugs, Nology leads, and the 2 x Alexis V2 HHO gens.


                          • #58
                            Wow, thanks to everyone for all the info. I will build a smacks for my truck. I will have to try to build a scaled down model for the bike as the bike's charging system only puts out 17 amps total and i need to operate the lights and fan. Also the space is limited but on the bright side it has a much smaller engine than a car and shouldnt need as much hydro.


                            • #59
                              Seems that this topic has been dead for a while I recently installed an Alexis Cell on my 1996 Honda Civic and its working out pretty good, the whole install can be seen here the HHO VMU Computer does everything you need to do and more. right down to OBD2 Interface for hydroxy production based on RPM of the vehicle for a more calculated air/hho mixture you can see the specs on the VMU at Viecofuel | VMU 2 Specs | Product Information | Info pretty cool stuff. Hydroxy Technologies Corporation Manufactures the cell and the computer.
                              Last edited by colinjlyon; 11-14-2008, 05:38 PM.


                              • #60
                                Col thanks for the report, please keep us updated on the VMU2's performance ,. ill be releasing a type of OPEN SOURCE "VMU2" circuit in the next month or so

