12v car battery
+ chopped to primary on ignition coil
555 circuit chops with square waves and isolated by opto
secondary outputs HV on collapse
HV + output through diode
+ from diode through + inductor on bifilar to + tube
- tube back to the - inductor on bifilar
- from - inductor through variable resistor back to secondary
variable resistor is to tune parallel DC "Tesla Resonance"
of the neg choke to the pos choke. They must be synchronized.
Action in tube gap for water is by way of voltage potential
annode insulated on OUTSIDE
cathode insulated on INSIDE
this schematic is without EEC but should be added
I have NOT built this exact version but present it as a simple
option to see the whole system together. Instead of battery,
it could be variac through bridge to primary on ignition coil.
Trigger can be on secondary side but SCR type component to
be triggered by similar 555 setup I believe must be able to handle
the voltage.
Anyway, just please look at the simplicity of the whole setup.
Resonance will be in bifilar chokes when tuned.
Voltage potential will be pulsed at plates without current as
Meyer's has always said.