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New Stan Meyer Replication - off topic

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  • #76
    Air Not Just Nitrogen..

    Today I have received an email from Aaron mailing list about the new book based on Meyer works and on nitrogen..
    Reading these posts I have decided to reply for to have an clear vision on that.
    Meyer do not use just nitrogen but air (oxygen and nitrogen) and do not produce another molecule as ammonia during the process but just an atomic reaction , initially inside engine after inside the wfc injector.
    Is important understand that Meyer has found casually (or maybe in contact with others inventors) that an special air treatment can be used as fuel.
    From my side, after I made some experiments in this direction and writing two patents, I understand that Stanley Meyer don't has clear completely the right process.

    I want open your minds!!

    We are born in petrol era and we have been educated to burn gasoline and think that air is only an oxydant.
    I can assure that need to be revised this concept because Isn't TRUE!!
    I published an my video on, of course without comments but this just for patent protections, but now the patents are registered.
    From my video you see an fantastic transparent flame and is the result of AIR-AS-FUEL technology.. Inside my reactor have put few grams of pellet as electrons donor.
    The visible flame from video is air that burn at ambient pressure producing an intense blue plasma flame with more heat >1700°C.
    This is not a combustion reaction but an atomic reaction of the air without emissions of alpha,beta and gamma rays and on that is based my first patent.
    In my latest experiments I have found also that reactor during the process can produce few volts and an high electrical current .
    My second patent is based on that producing heat and electrical current directly from the SUN without an additional fuel.
    I start an Conference/Event in Florence from 8-9-10 April 2013 and in June to the Aaron Conference and in these places present the working AIR-AS-FUEL device.


    • #77
      There is still no movie or any other information at this website. You have nothing to show. I already told you to get off my thread once, you fraud.

      Originally posted by tutanka View Post
      Today I have received an email from Aaron mailing list about the new book based on Meyer works and on nitrogen..
      Reading these posts I have decided to reply for to have an clear vision on that.
      Meyer do not use just nitrogen but air (oxygen and nitrogen) and do not produce another molecule as ammonia during the process but just an atomic reaction , initially inside engine after inside the wfc injector.
      Is important understand that Meyer has found casually (or maybe in contact with others inventors) that an special air treatment can be used as fuel.
      From my side, after I made some experiments in this direction and writing two patents, I understand that Stanley Meyer don't has clear completely the right process.

      I want open your minds!!

      We are born in petrol era and we have been educated to burn gasoline and think that air is only an oxydant.
      I can assure that need to be revised this concept because Isn't TRUE!!
      I published an my video on, of course without comments but this just for patent protections, but now the patents are registered.
      From my video you see an fantastic transparent flame and is the result of AIR-AS-FUEL technology.. Inside my reactor have put few grams of pellet as electrons donor.
      The visible flame from video is air that burn at ambient pressure producing an intense blue plasma flame with more heat >1700°C.
      This is not a combustion reaction but an atomic reaction of the air without emissions of alpha,beta and gamma rays and on that is based my first patent.
      In my latest experiments I have found also that reactor during the process can produce few volts and an high electrical current .
      My second patent is based on that producing heat and electrical current directly from the SUN without an additional fuel.
      I start an Conference/Event in Florence from 8-9-10 April 2013 and in June to the Aaron Conference and in these places present the working AIR-AS-FUEL device.


      • #78
        Originally posted by jonabel1971 View Post
        And stay off my thread, Aaron (2nd time).
        If you are hoping to advance your work here you are wasting your time.


        • #79
          Well, that's the illusion, isn't it? I think it's fair to say that NOBODY here is being allowed to advance their work - at least when the moderators try to do more that moderate. A number of new people's experiments have already gotten ripped apart, ridiculed, and then their thoughts deleted. You've got no one to blame but yourselves. It's like children - trying to hold sand in their fists. It slips away, doesn't it?

          That's why I still have my power here - because I am immune to the risk of capitalists. Capitalists - like yourself - I assume?

          I don't have to call people names, and make threats like H20Power. It takes more time for some people to calm down. Some people never do.

          But, that doesn't mean my enemy's enemy is getting anywhere near me.

          This whole group is being led around by the worst elements - and there are many that would agree that it deserves the criticism. I noticed somebody criticized Heretic Builders earlier. Do you realize they were organized due to the abuse problems here? I just wondered if you knew that.

          Originally posted by MasterBlaster View Post
          If you are hoping to advance your work here you are wasting your time.


          • #80

            Originally posted by jonabel1971 View Post
            Everyone, I was SOOOO excited to hear Aaron was gonna release ALL this nitrogen information - and prove me wrong - but, I got the thread, and SURPRISE, SURPRISE. Yep, that's right - no information on NITROGEN Technology by Stan Meyer. None shown.

            Everyone: Aaron is also saying that the WFC will never output more than DC electrolysis. Most (if not all of us) have seen Stan's video biography - and it explains that Aaron's statement about the WFC is wrong by at least 300%. Even if Aaron's mythical Nitrogen technology is somehow needed to "improve" the output of a WFC, which has been verified to perform (with no other Meyer's tech attached) at 300% over DC electrolysis, shows another one of Aaron's lies. So, two problems now. Aaron says the WFC cannot beat DC electrolysis (which is wrong), and he wants everybody to go straight to this NITROGEN tech (which is also wrong procedurally - whether it works or not.).
            Jon even quoted a post in Water Fuel Secrets thread where I posted word for word an excerpt of what Meyer said defining NITROGEN as the non-combustible gas and Meyer is also stating blending the nitrogen with the hydrogen and oxygen is how you make it NON-VOLATILE so that the flame rate can be controlled. Anyone can copy and paste those quotes into google and see that they are directly from some of his patents. AND, that is one of MANY that Jon simply does not want you to believe exists. They're all over the internet. These all came BEFORE any circuits dealing with resonance ever came along. Why? Because the VIC had nothing to do with creating the correct water fuel. That only made the production of the water gas more efficient. And Jon is lying saying I claimed it cannot produce gas better than normal steady DC electrolysis. I'm saying large amounts of HHO is not what the fuel creation process was about. It is QUALITY not QUANTITY.

            Jon even quote this from my post in that thread:

            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            • and other non-volatile gasses such as oxygen and nitrogen. The hydrogen gas with the attendant non-volatile gasses in a controlled ratio are fed via a line to a controlled air intake system. The combined hydrogen, non-volatile gasses, and the air after intermixing are fed to a combustion chamber wherein the mixture is ignited. The exhaust gasses of the combustion chamber are returned in a closed loop arrangement to the mixing chamber for the mixture of volatile as the non-combustible gasses.
            • [0006] More specifically, the generated hydrogen gas is fed to a gas mixing chamber, wherein the hydrogen gas is inter- mixed with non-combustible gasses. The mixture is fed to a carburator (air intake mixture) system.
            • [0007] The gas mixture is'fed through nozzle to chamber in a jet spray. Valve or gate controls the amount of air intake to the jet spray. The gasses combine with the air to form a gas mixture of hydrogen, non-volatile gas, and oxygen. The mixture now combustible, but not volatile, is entered into a combustion chamber"
            Meyer defines non-volatile NITROGEN as a non-volatile gas.

            He also defines the non-volatile gases as being synonymous with using the term non-combustible gases.

            The gases combine with AIR to form a gas mixture of hydrogen, non-volatile gas (NITROGEN) and oxygen. The mixture now combustible, but NOT VOLATILE, is not entered into the combustion chamber.

            Plain water gas from the cell is EXTREMELY VOLATILE. That is just the way the so-called HHO gas is. It becomes NON-VOLATILE by blending it with NITROGEN! And THAT is the key to how he ran an engine on water, air and electricity. He wasn't making big amounts of gas. He started off with common flat plated electrolysis cells with pulsed DC. No VIC and all the resonance business. That all came after and is NOT foundational to the real foundation of Stan Meyer's technology. the real foundation is a simple pulsed dc electrolysis cell gas production is diluted with NITROGEN. Without the nitrogen, the water gas is very volatile and is not in the preferred combustible state that is needed for an engine.

            So if you see anyone claiming that the resonant circuits of Meyer's to create water gas efficiently is the place to start with Meyer's technology in order to get it to work, they actually just skipped all the foundational steps that Meyer started with and went straight to the resonant circuits without even considering that it was never what made his slow burning flame, the foundation of his work, to begin with.

            Nitrogen - Nitrogen - Nitrogen

            So now you know, if you already didn't, that when Meyer talks about the thermal energy, THAT is what he is talking about. Making the water gas non-volatile or slow burning.
            And then continues Hitler's big lie approach by stating over and over there is nothing from Meyer about Nitrogen. Go search those bullet points in Google and see that Jon is outright lying to you all.

            That is only 1 of MANY patents where Meyer spells out Nitrogen. And, there is one patent where he mentions it about 25 times as being the all important KEY - again - all before the VIC circuits ever came along.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #81
              Originally posted by jonabel1971 View Post
              There is still no movie or any other information at this website. You have nothing to show. I already told you to get off my thread once, you fraud.
              I remind you that Stanley Meyer was really convicted of fraud ..

              The difference between me and Meyer is that my system really works.

              This should make you think that what you are doing may not work.

              All the stories about free energy and imaginary inventions at the end are not real evidence.

              Actually only this works and that is the real video and not a fake Air-as-Fuel Reactor - YouTube

              However I suggest to you to come in Florence and see my technology, after you can write on forum "The AIR-AS-FUEL device works, I was an stupid man to consider this an fraud"


              • #82
                Tiger Torch

                What was that?
                I can do the same with a tiger torch.
                Was that flame produced by a gas ,that was the bi-product of running electricity through a circut inclosed in water?
                Can a high voltage spike break the water molecule down?
                There's so much I don't know.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                  I remind you that Stanley Meyer was really convicted of fraud ..

                  The difference between me and Meyer is that my system really works.

                  This should make you think that what you are doing may not work.

                  All the stories about free energy and imaginary inventions at the end are not real evidence.

                  Actually only this works and that is the real video and not a fake Air-as-Fuel Reactor - YouTube

                  However I suggest to you to come in Florence and see my technology, after you can write on forum "The AIR-AS-FUEL device works, I was an stupid man to consider this an fraud"
                  Will you indeed be coming to the 2013 Bedini Lindemann Conference in June?
                  I can't make it to Florence, but I could make it to Idaho.
                  Your presence and the "air as fuel" technology would be a big draw for me and others to attend.
                  If you say you're committed to attending, I will make my reservations tomorrow.
                  Let us know?
                  Aaron, could you make room on the speaking schedule?
                  Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                  • #84
                    You say Stan is a fraud, and then you put his name on your own research? Get off my thread, you liar (3rd time).

                    Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                    I remind you that Stanley Meyer was really convicted of fraud ..

                    The difference between me and Meyer is that my system really works.

                    This should make you think that what you are doing may not work.

                    All the stories about free energy and imaginary inventions at the end are not real evidence.

                    Actually only this works and that is the real video and not a fake Air-as-Fuel Reactor - YouTube

                    However I suggest to you to come in Florence and see my technology, after you can write on forum "The AIR-AS-FUEL device works, I was an stupid man to consider this an fraud"


                    • #85
                      Hitler's big lie, huh? Way to spread the fear, man - nice job. Here's a little expose', just in case you happen to think Aaron has any credentials at all. This is the distance ed. college that Aaron went to school at. Read all about how much science they teach at Clayton College.

                      In comparison, I went to the U of M in Duluth for 4 years of Computer Engineering. I also have 2 degrees in Computer Networking and Computer Information Systems from local colleges. I also got a 28 on my ACT in 1988, which was one point short of MENSA - at the time.

                      Anyway, I so much wish I would have gone to Aaron's college instead :

                      Clayton College of Natural Health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                      • #86
                        Stan Meyer self taught high school drop out.....
                        Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by jonabel1971 View Post
                          You say Stan is a fraud, and then you put his name on your own research? Get off my thread, you liar (3rd time).
                          I wrote that I was accused I did not write that I think it is .. I think on the contrary .. I think this man has had bad luck and a lot of people against.
                          I don't have based my researches on Meyer but on the Baziev theory.


                          • #88

                            Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
                            Aaron, could you make room on the speaking schedule?
                            Yes, no problem. Would love to have Alex if he is interested.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #89
                              Jon Abel's fraud

                              Originally posted by jonabel1971 View Post
                              Hitler's big lie, huh? Way to spread the fear, man - nice job. Here's a little expose', just in case you happen to think Aaron has any credentials at all. This is the distance ed. college that Aaron went to school at. Read all about how much science they teach at Clayton College.

                              In comparison, I went to the U of M in Duluth for 4 years of Computer Engineering. I also have 2 degrees in Computer Networking and Computer Information Systems from local colleges. I also got a 28 on my ACT in 1988, which was one point short of MENSA - at the time.

                              Anyway, I so much wish I would have gone to Aaron's college instead :

                              Clayton College of Natural Health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                              Hey everyone, I'm rapidly exposing Jon Abel as a disinformation agent.

                              You can see my response to this...

                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by jonabel1971 View Post
                                In comparison, I went to the U of M in Duluth for 4 years of Computer Engineering. I also have 2 degrees in Computer Networking and Computer Information Systems from local colleges. I also got a 28 on my ACT in 1988, which was one point short of MENSA - at the time.
                                if you were even on the bottom rung of the ladder, you would realise
                                that this lot does not qualify you for anything. You need to
                                forget much of it.

                                How many of Tesla's 800 patents did you study?

                                How long was the module on cold electricity?

