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  • Originally posted by tutanka View Post
    This technology will change the energy vision in the world


    • Originally posted by tutanka View Post
      This technology will change the energy vision in the world
      LENR, Cold Fusion, executive summary for policy makers « LENR news

      2013 starts right with Cold Fusion 101 at MIT for second year | COLD FUSION NOW!

      "If anyone can draw on the power, where do we put the meter?"
      Tesla's Biography




      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        At least be honest - I already told you if you're going to criticize me, spell my name right. Don't make it look like I'm picking your grammar apart because I wasn't. I have said this probably 2-3 times already. I accept your apology in relation to my name but that doesn't change the other facts.

        You had no polite requests. You already called me a liar and you then ask for me to show you my work? I wonder what's wrong with that picture and you want to play nice guy now? You said, "I have a book for sale,it's called pinokio--only 7 bucks"

        For your information, several years ago when it was pointed out to me that I'm missing something big with the Stan Meyer water fuel concepts, instead of throwing a hissy fit and denying it, I embraced it because nothing else was working! I didn't blindly believe it but I would have been an idiot to deny it. I went and looked at Stan Meyer's work again and voila - there it was right in front of my eyes the entire time - NITROGEN. And all the historical references 100-200 years old regarding electrolysis, water, hydrogen, oxgyen and nitrogen basically spelled out it out as well.

        In any case, I'm not here to prove anything to anyone other than the indisputable fact of what Stan Meyer said in his own words in the patents that came way before any resonant circuits or tube electrodes. And, that has been accomplished.

        I spent about $8000 to purchase all the machine shop equipment and other tools to simply build my own jet engine for this project. If you want to cover these expenses, I'll be happy to show you a video clip with the jet running and the propane gauge sitting on zero (0.1 to 0.9 psi), which is a huge difference from 8psi.

        I'm not sure what is confusing about this diagram - it applies to cars, turbojet engines or generators. Anyone is welcome to build this concept and find out for themselves - I did. Everyone seems so eager to jump all over the WFC builds - why not the very thing that Meyer showed that predates all that with the secret key of blending nitrogen and recycled exhaust with the HHO?

        Play Mr nice guy now?-because i gave an apology where required?
        I think you have me mixed up with some one else.

        So you have a jet engine that run's on .1 to .9 psi of propane.
        What kind of measurement is that?. I have a 4kw motor that runs on .2psi of propane. Can you see how stupid that measurement is?.I thought you would have been a bit better at describing your fuel consumption rate.What about the flow rate at that said preasure Aaron?
        And if you look at any engine,you will see they need and use more fuel when cold.So being able to lean of the the jet engine once it's warm is nothing out of the ordinary.

        Now let's look at the water injection side of things.
        Its a well know fact that water injection has been around long befor Stan came along.This can improve the performance of any engine-old stuff,and nothing special.Most standard jet engine's have water injection systems to increase thrust.

        The nitrogen you keep refering to.
        It may help other's to understand what you mean by nitrogen. It would be far easer to say ionizing air rather than nitrogen.
        The bulk of air being nitrogen at 78.09%,and the rest being oxygen(20.95%),argon(.93%),carbon dioxide(.03%-depending where you live)and a small amount of other trace gases.
        All Stans video's show him ionizing air-there was no bottle of nitrogen.

        Other measurements you have failed to include are,the watts of power used for the ionizing unit and the HHO cell.

        Now the bit about me covering the cost of the equipment you paid for to see your jet engine.
        $8000.oo is less than i paid for my lathe alone,perhap's i should pull all my video's incase some one see's them that didnt cover the cost of that one piece of equipment.We all fork out money for test and construction equipment,and im glad most dont think as you do-or we all would have nothing to see. Some of us (like myself) pay for that equipment out of our own pockets,and some are lucky enough to obtain it through non charitable donation's.

        And on to the book i said i have for sale.It is interesting that you assumed straight of the bat that it was an insinuation toward pinokio,and not the master wood craftsman within the story.

        Many people have told me that you would never show one bit of proof when it came to your claim's.They said you would duck and weave your way out of it any way you can.Well seems like they were right.On this thread you have made 2 such claim's,and have managed to avoid once again putting any decent evidence forward unless i cover the cost of your equipment.
        To put forward a measurement of using .1 to.9 psi of propane in your jet engine,is no sort of measurement at all that prove's anything.
        My vehicle's fuel pump preasurises the fuel rail at 92 psi-can you please tell me the fuel consumption of my vehicle?.


        • Stan Meyer Nitrogen

          Originally posted by Tinmanpower View Post
          Play Mr nice guy now?-because i gave an apology where required?
          I think you have me mixed up with some one else.

          So you have a jet engine that run's on .1 to .9 psi of propane.
          What kind of measurement is that?. I have a 4kw motor that runs on .2psi of propane. Can you see how stupid that measurement is?.I thought you would have been a bit better at describing your fuel consumption rate.What about the flow rate at that said preasure Aaron?
          And if you look at any engine,you will see they need and use more fuel when cold.So being able to lean of the the jet engine once it's warm is nothing out of the ordinary.

          Now let's look at the water injection side of things.
          Its a well know fact that water injection has been around long befor Stan came along.This can improve the performance of any engine-old stuff,and nothing special.Most standard jet engine's have water injection systems to increase thrust.

          The nitrogen you keep refering to.
          It may help other's to understand what you mean by nitrogen. It would be far easer to say ionizing air rather than nitrogen.
          The bulk of air being nitrogen at 78.09%,and the rest being oxygen(20.95%),argon(.93%),carbon dioxide(.03%-depending where you live)and a small amount of other trace gases.
          All Stans video's show him ionizing air-there was no bottle of nitrogen.

          Other measurements you have failed to include are,the watts of power used for the ionizing unit and the HHO cell.

          Now the bit about me covering the cost of the equipment you paid for to see your jet engine.
          $8000.oo is less than i paid for my lathe alone,perhap's i should pull all my video's incase some one see's them that didnt cover the cost of that one piece of equipment.We all fork out money for test and construction equipment,and im glad most dont think as you do-or we all would have nothing to see. Some of us (like myself) pay for that equipment out of our own pockets,and some are lucky enough to obtain it through non charitable donation's.

          And on to the book i said i have for sale.It is interesting that you assumed straight of the bat that it was an insinuation toward pinokio,and not the master wood craftsman within the story.

          Many people have told me that you would never show one bit of proof when it came to your claim's.They said you would duck and weave your way out of it any way you can.Well seems like they were right.On this thread you have made 2 such claim's,and have managed to avoid once again putting any decent evidence forward unless i cover the cost of your equipment.
          To put forward a measurement of using .1 to.9 psi of propane in your jet engine,is no sort of measurement at all that prove's anything.
          My vehicle's fuel pump preasurises the fuel rail at 92 psi-can you please tell me the fuel consumption of my vehicle?.
          More manipulation of my words.

          I accepted your apology for spelling my name wrong. Then I pointed out that you called me a liar and claim you're asking politely.

          Stupid measurement? This is the kind of mouth I'm talking about - therefore, let me point out the obvious what is completely common sense - it is RELATIVE to the engine and to a before and after measurement. If it takes 8.0 psi to run the engine and now only takes 0.1 to 0.9, that isn't stupid - it's fricking amazing! If you want to talk about stupid, it is taking the 0.1 to 0.9 out of context of the previously required 8.0 psi. Your claim shows that you also are here to manipulate and twist what I'm saying to throw people off because if that is the extent of your logical reasoning and critical thinking about what is being said, you are either sleepwalking in the dark or you actually are here to spread disinformation.

          It is equally laughable to bring up a warm vs cold engine as that has absolutely nothing to do with the differences in fuel needs as I discussed - because the difference were BOTH at operating temperature. And there obviously is a flow rate that needs to be considered but seeing that you don't know what you don't know - this has been measured with a flow meter from one of my oxygen concentrators - calibrated medical quality flow meter.

          Water injection? You just seem to know all kinds of things about my experiment without actually knowing a single thing. How amazing. You are the kind of assumptions. Increase thrust? That's ridiculous. For one, my jet is not on an airplane and for two, I could care less about the thrust. This is a LOW RPM system - WAY slower than most turbojet engines of the same size - because of the efficiency AND because we want a SLOW speed because the electrochemical reactions are SLOW. You are just making things out of thin air and expecting to everyone to buy that they are even relevant to my engine when they're NOT. My "water injection" does NOT serve the same purpose as common water injection systems but since you believe you know more about my engine than I do, there is nothing for you to learn.

          Yeah, pinokio is a reference to the master craftsman in the story - Thanks for the laugh and the entertainment - maybe someday you'll use your expensive lathe to build something relating to this subject that actually works.

          I'm not responding to this asinine manipulation/ignorance anymore - if anyone wants honest communication about this topic without these games that tinman and others are playing, I'll discuss it here: Stan Meyer - The Nitrogen Key more to come.
          Aaron Murakami

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