Is Urine the Fuel of the Future? - YouTube
School girls in africa developped a Generator Powered by URINE - YouTube
The nigerian girls setup is, from what I can see, a car battery, that is used as an electrolysis cell, wich gas output is then fed to a container with borax, probably used to filter out lead compound vapours. The gas is then fed to a urine bubler, then to the engine intake.
WHY anyone has ever replicated this??
School girls in africa developped a Generator Powered by URINE - YouTube
The nigerian girls setup is, from what I can see, a car battery, that is used as an electrolysis cell, wich gas output is then fed to a container with borax, probably used to filter out lead compound vapours. The gas is then fed to a urine bubler, then to the engine intake.
WHY anyone has ever replicated this??