Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley
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You may want to open your mind up just a little bit and at least consider the possibility that there might be another form of water which is not a mixture of H2 and O2 gas.
As a matter of fact, the research of Prof. Gerald Pollack makes more than clear that another state of "water" indeed exists:
Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff - Meyer WFC Replication Project
Batteries Made from Water - YouTube
The work of Prof. Pollack and Chris Eckman suggest that a shape of water exists, consisting of the same honey-comb like structures which exist in ice, with the difference that the H+ ions which bind the these layers in ice are absent and move to "the bulk water" which becomes acid and positively charged, while the EZ layer becomes negatively charged.
In other words: there is reason to believe a crystalized form of (almost) water exists which appears to be cabable of existing not only in Pollacks' "EZ" layer, but also in a gaseous form, which is a/o known as "Brown's gas" or "HHO", but has other names as well.
Frequently Asked Questions - Brown's Gas | www.eagle-research.com
Research indicates that Brown's Gas has characteristics that cannot be achieved by simply mixing bottled hydrogen and oxygen in a stoichiometric ratio.
BG contains H, H2, O, O2, H2O (as water vapor) and a special 6th 'structured' gas that Yull Brown called a 'Fluid Crystal', George Wiseman calls 'Electrically Expanded Water' (ExW) and professor Ruggero Santilli calls 'Magnecules'.
BG is also known under brand names of: Common-Ducted Gas, Rhode's Gas, Spirig Gas, Hydroxy, Brown Gas, Green Gas, Klein Gas, Aquygen, HHO, SG Gas, Ohmasa Gas, Knallgas, HNG and (erroneously by WikiPedia) OxyHydrogen.
BG contains H, H2, O, O2, H2O (as water vapor) and a special 6th 'structured' gas that Yull Brown called a 'Fluid Crystal', George Wiseman calls 'Electrically Expanded Water' (ExW) and professor Ruggero Santilli calls 'Magnecules'.
BG is also known under brand names of: Common-Ducted Gas, Rhode's Gas, Spirig Gas, Hydroxy, Brown Gas, Green Gas, Klein Gas, Aquygen, HHO, SG Gas, Ohmasa Gas, Knallgas, HNG and (erroneously by WikiPedia) OxyHydrogen.
Plasma orbital expansion theory for Brown's gas
Another researcher is Graneau, who investigated "water arc" explosions:
Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/Electrolysis_Water_Arc_and_Dielectric_Breakdown/
So, IMHO it's too short around the corner to call all things related to the term "HHO" a fallacy and conclude that it must be simply a mixture of H2 / O2 gas. I personally witnessed what happens when you ignite soap-bubbles filled with HHO gas. These implode instead of exploding, which makes it absolutely clear to me that it is NOT simply H2 / O2 gas. It may be something like a 'normal' water molecule in a different 'stretched' state, as Chris Eckmann suggested, it may be a gaseous form of Pollack's "EZ" layer, and it may yet be something else. I personally think it is likely that HHO is indeed a gaseous form of "ice cristals without the H+ atoms in between", because it appears the "HHO" are negatively charged, but one cannot conclude such things without proper investigations.
As for the source of the energy, IMHO one needs to consider the work of Prof. Claus Turtur. I find it highly unlikely that all these kinds of "cold fusion" actually have anything to do with nuclear fusion, as I explained in this video:
How Stan Meyer's "Car on Water" as well as "Cold Fusion" actually works. - YouTube
Oh, and for the record: I hold a master's degree in Electrical Engineering.

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Update: a sample of Pollack's book.