VIC output calcs.
I've been looking through the SMTB to help shed some light on how to calculate how to wind a VIC to get the desired voltage output. For instance,
If your GP has a capacitance of let's say 0.1 uF, you have a 12V supply, your target frequency is 50 KHz, and you want a voltage output of say 50 KV.
How do you calculate the size of your Primary, Secondary, choke 1, and choke 2?
H20, Your posts say that Primary, Secondary, choke 1, and choke 2 are all to be wound bifilarly with matching inductances. The part that i'm struggling with is that the inductances all affect each other (step charging). Is there a set method of calculating with these parameter to give you the desired output V? I know wire size as well as coil spacing factors into this as well.
Could you post a step by step example problem to illistrate how to properly calculate and ultimately design a VIC? Or site the formulas that I need clarity on?
I've been looking through the SMTB to help shed some light on how to calculate how to wind a VIC to get the desired voltage output. For instance,
If your GP has a capacitance of let's say 0.1 uF, you have a 12V supply, your target frequency is 50 KHz, and you want a voltage output of say 50 KV.
How do you calculate the size of your Primary, Secondary, choke 1, and choke 2?
H20, Your posts say that Primary, Secondary, choke 1, and choke 2 are all to be wound bifilarly with matching inductances. The part that i'm struggling with is that the inductances all affect each other (step charging). Is there a set method of calculating with these parameter to give you the desired output V? I know wire size as well as coil spacing factors into this as well.
Could you post a step by step example problem to illistrate how to properly calculate and ultimately design a VIC? Or site the formulas that I need clarity on?