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All about electrolysers, HHO, joecells ect. :)

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  • Ahh now theres

    A reason for the plexi. Thanks.


    • Here is a website for vinyl sheet if anyone is interested

      Clear Rigid Vinyl Sheet - US Plastic Corporation




      • plastic sheeting also a good source for sheets. Smaller sheets & they will cut them up for you.


        • Hi guys,

          Today somebody posted this excelent link in to check material compatiblity. Just key in source material and destination material.

          Example :
          Source Material : Potassium hydroxide
          Destination Material : Polycarbonate
          Compatibility : Severe - Do Not Use

          Wow, I really like this site.

          Compatibility categorised as below:
          Severe - Do Not Use

          I should have known this site earlier so that I could have saved lots of money on material trial and error.


          • Thanks for the link,
            this is good stuff
            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


            • hello,
              i found this and i think it may be a safer way to stop blowback. or, at least it can be an added safety feature to the bubbles and flashback arrestor. (before the arrestor)

              they are pressure controlled check valves. they remain open under the outgoing gas pressure, but once that pressure stops, the flap closes automatically.

              Liquid/Gas Check Valves - US Plastic Corporation

              check it out... get it? hehe



              • 316 vs ...

                I noticed on website that he uses a Titanium rod and I assume 316 pipe for his generator. What do you think of Titanium as the plates vs the 316 stainless? I am curious as the recycling center where I destroy things in 10 hour shifts, just got in some thin sheets and they are available to me .


                • Try sign shops or their suppliers for vinyl,pvc or acrylic sheets. One of my sons has a sign shop & they use this stuff all the time. They might give you the scrap stuff free.


                  • Woo Lemon tree you are kickin Butt,
                    kumaran what a link ,man i cant keep up with you guys, here is m tiny two cents for this thread.

                    our Smackz Unit arrived, We are gonna get this emission tested on a holden Falcon [EFFIE] and add it to our write up to help the cause of boosters and support open source engineering.

                    Here is a peak of the smacks booster

                    Also our plastic is here for the Ravi Cell, gonna mount it and do some gas flow tests, the write up is going to be pretty comprehensive for all.I know this thorough extensive emission and gas flow test by accredited faculties creates more security ,awareness and support for open source engineering, The Ravi write up is going to be nice you all will like it.

                    Here is the conditioned tubes


                    more to come.



                    • HHO under vacume

                      Hello all I've been reading but just now got to posting.

                      I've been running a joe cell type configuration generator in my 86 Toyota(Carberated) truck for about 6 months now seeing a increase of aprox 6 mpg in town (19,20-25,26) Without a noticable increase on the highway this I attributed to lack of gas production at highway speeds

                      The cell is comprised of 4 tubes 316ss 4.25", 4", 3.75", 3.5"
                      10" in length - n n +
                      inside PVC Pipe 4" (4.25"true ID) 16" long, Holds the better part of a gallon of distilled water which I add aprox 1 tbl spoon of KOH.
                      Have pulsing circuit @ 44khz does cut down amps but not much, circuit died recently havent revived it yet so I'm running constant voltage.

                      Cell output is plumbed into a T with the PCV valve and is under vacume, having read many of the posts here and some of the other forums Im now convinced that the lack of improvement on the highway is due to the O2 sensor not my cell capacity.(the nerve of them on a carberated engine)
                      On highway trips the cell will compleatly convert 90% of a gallon (h2o) in less than 300 mi. I don't know if this is a high rate or not but Im hypothosizing the vacume helps liberate the HHO more redily.

                      Im on a long road trip at the moment and at a barowed terminal, will post some pics of this system and the one under construction when I get home.

                      Please post thoughts or ideas.


                      • Hi! Tarkus.
                        Sounds like you are trying to build a version of Meyer 's or Lawsons unit using a joe cell. I have the plans,schematics,parts list & detailed instructions on how to build this unit which was written by an automotive eng. named Powers. Send your e-mail in a PM & i'll send it to you. Might help you fig. out the problem you're having as it has detailed instructions on trouble-shooting it.


                        • I think, that vacuume helps to evaporate the water out of the electrolyser. because, some of my friend, made an alcohol destiller, and also used vacuume, to make better spirits evaporating. also, it seems that you have not bubbler? it is highly recomended safety device.
                          Last edited by Lemontree; 04-12-2008, 07:55 PM.


                          • Chemalloy for making hydrogen.

                            I understand from Peter this can generator hydrogen with minute voltage.

                            ( Peter's video )
                            YouTube - Peter Lindemann about Stanley Meyers patent

                            I see this stuff for sale, is this the same stuff?

                            See my experiments here...

                            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                            • theremart,
                              I have some experience with chemalloy. After I saw the same video you posted (the long version), I decided to try to make my own chemalloy. I took all the metals in needed (zinc, aluminum, brass, tin, silver, but without nickel) proportions and melt them together in a argon gas environment to prevent oxidation. At the end I got aluminum like metal. This metal behaved much like Peter said, it produced 0.5-0.9V with some microamps when submerged in water. I grinded this metal into small pieces and put these pieces in the water, because it is said, that when powderized, each small particle of this metal also produces the same voltage/amperage thus increasing power. But I found out that in plain tap water almost no gas production occurs, but it does if I make the water more acidy. The more the acid density, the better gas production. But the thing was that the chemalloy material slowly started to get black and the gas production became smaller and smaller till all the material was consumed. Its just like placing zinc in H2SO4 solution - there is gas, but zinc is consumed. I thought that this might be due to the fact that I made my chemalloy myself and did something wrong, so I bought some rods on a internet shop and also from ebay, but they behaved exactly like my self made chemalloy and also were consumed in acid environment. Maybe I did something wrong, but so far it doesn't seem promissing. I will upload a small video with chemalloy gas production tomorrow
                              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                              • Bubbler

                                Lemontree: I don't use a bubbler at this point due to the design of my unit. The cap is a slide fit not affixed, this allows it to blow off should I get a flash back coupled with a pair of PCV valves (one way) tested it and top makes a loud pop and the PCVs don't let a flashback happen.
                                Thank you for your concern though.

                                Any of you who are building these may want to check out the PCV valves $3.00-6.00 at any auto parts store and many come in a threaded metal housing.
                                cheap one way valve
                                Last edited by Tarkus; 04-13-2008, 04:59 AM.

