Supplier needed - Dave Lawton’s Voltage intensifier circuit.
I have gotten a Freq. Pulse Generator. But, it does not have the Bifilar Chokes, and Voltage Intensifier circuit. If you are familiar with the Dave Lawton WFC experiment, I need some one who can supply the High Volt portion of the circuit. Maybe more of them in the future.
2 Bifilar Chokes (inductors), 100 turns 21 AWG (22 SWG) enameled copper wire bi-filer wound on a 9 mm (3/8") diameter ferrite rod, 25 mm (1 inch, or longer), and the toroid wound as per Stan’s US Pat 4936961. With a 600V 40A diode in between +ve inductor and the toroid secondary.
Thank you,
Norm St.Onge, elf
YouTube - NormStOnge's Channel - Norm St.Onge - 59 - Male - Delray Beach, Tallahassee, & Never Never Land, Florida - - elf - 99 - Male - Delray Beach - Tallahassee & Enchanted Forest, Florida -
I have gotten a Freq. Pulse Generator. But, it does not have the Bifilar Chokes, and Voltage Intensifier circuit. If you are familiar with the Dave Lawton WFC experiment, I need some one who can supply the High Volt portion of the circuit. Maybe more of them in the future.
2 Bifilar Chokes (inductors), 100 turns 21 AWG (22 SWG) enameled copper wire bi-filer wound on a 9 mm (3/8") diameter ferrite rod, 25 mm (1 inch, or longer), and the toroid wound as per Stan’s US Pat 4936961. With a 600V 40A diode in between +ve inductor and the toroid secondary.
Thank you,
Norm St.Onge, elf
YouTube - NormStOnge's Channel - Norm St.Onge - 59 - Male - Delray Beach, Tallahassee, & Never Never Land, Florida - - elf - 99 - Male - Delray Beach - Tallahassee & Enchanted Forest, Florida -