Originally posted by jstadwater
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I do not believe that you will get the high voltage that you are looking for in the alternator unless you rewire the stator. I have rewired a Delco stator to achieve high voltage and it is possible, but what you get is three phase AC. I have tapped the stator both ways and with the factory stator you will get approximately 9 to 11 volts AC out of each phase and once you run it through the rectifier you get your 12 to 14 VDC. On my rewired stator (using 26awg wire) I can achieve 150 vdc at approximately 2000 RPM's at the alternator. It would be possible to utilize a rewired alternator but I would see two problems,
1. You need the room to mount it
2. The voltage increases at the RPM's increase.
I'm not sure if this would be the best solution, but if you would like to know how to do it then I would be glad to explain it to you.
Just my 2 cents but who knows I could be wrong.
What does every one else think?