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Water Sparkplug

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  • Originally posted by Mario View Post
    Hi Aaron,

    I checked all the diodes and they're ok. I found out that the HV plug cable has a resistance of 6000 ohms. But even now that I replaced it with a normal wire it doesn't work. The coil works fine, so I guess the only possibility is that 13 diodes in series have too much resistance? For now I've been playing from 12 to 24V with caps from 25 to 330uF. Even without the diodes, doing it manually I get no difference between going direct from the 24V supply or from the cap. Did you get the diode plasma effect with 24V?


    Let me see if I can help you, Well, first your diodes must not be a problem at all, because I have already used more than that. But the voltage you are using is quite low. I have sede 250v to 550 volts to see the effect. Peter also used around 150v. Higher the voltage, more the Radiant.

    I used a simple bridge connected to the mains, which is 220V AC in our country to charge my cap up to 250 volts so you can do that too, but be careful.

    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


    • REPOST: Peter's demo video schematics

      Hi, I get asked for the schematics from Peter's they are.

      Peter Lindemann's Water Sparkplug Replication photos
      Photos and schematics from the youtube vid of Peter Lindemann's replication of the exact water sparkplug schematic I am using.

      Vid posted soon.

      Great for anyone who wants to simply study the effect and learn the basic circuit.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • diodes and voltages

        Hi Mario,

        I got the effect using less than 30v on the front cap that discharges into the primary as long as I had the booster caps on the backside with the diode. I kept turning my variac down and down and down until it was at a bare minimum voltage to see the effect. On the variac, it was about 15v so I'm estimating in the cap was about 20-25 volts.

        Try doing the bare bones method...put the diodes from the coil's low voltage + input and have the diodes cathode (output) going to the HV output of the coil. Then use 100+ volts on the front side cap... see if that works without any booster caps/variac bridge, etc... across the plug.

        If you can at least get the basic effect with the bare bones method...all your components are good. If you're already working on the bare bones method, lol, just pretend the above applies.

        Yes, try using higher voltages in the cap. I used low voltage to see if it worked only when I had the booster caps on the backside.

        Anyway, with the microwave diodes..those are just to get anyone's foot in the door with the effect easier than using a bunch of series smaller diodes. Their amp rating are too small to use with any booster method. I have compiled quite a bit of diode info for these purposes.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • PWM's

          I have been thinking about the potential benefit of including a PWM in the final stage of the circuit (I am assuming it would have to be after the Caps because they would quench any conditioned wave???) If we could pulse the DC at a very high frequency we would get benefits. The obvious one is reduced input power requirement, the second is the possibility of pulsing at molecular excitation frequencies, synchronous with hydrogen bond disassociation.
          I am investigating this on the premise that the effect would be the same as using an RF signal (which we know works, google burning salt water) but utilising the already high voltage discharge that is built into the spark system that we already have as the source, rather than expending more energy to create an RF signal.
          If anyone knows that I am on a fools errand, please don't be shy. If anyone knows of an off the shelf solution to pulse the DC at 13.56 Mhz (1st choice) or a harmonic there of, please let me know.
          Thank you.


          • Thanks Aaron and Elias,

            If I understand this correctly the booster cap is across the HV coil, protected by the HV diodes from the HV spike. The initial spark (that can even be from a 12 V battery) initiates conduction across the plug ionizing the air. Once that happens the cap sees a path for it to discharge its load across the plug, even if its charge is only of a few hundred volts.

            Also, I understand that in the basic circuit the energy from the cap gets split up in:
            1. Making a normal HV spike going through he primary/secondary.
            2. Acting like the booster cap discharging through the plug once conduction in it is initiated as in point 1.

            Am I getting this right?

            I'll try a higher voltage with the basic circuit to start with. And then I'll try the booster cap. I already have an oscillator ready to control the primary of the coil , (like in Ossie's circuit).



            • Hi everyone,

              I would like to share video's of a replicator who had a great idea to use a smoke glass to show the spark size on video. He also has tested to see if gasoline will react differently in the next video. Also in the last video (just posted) he demonstrates a circuit design by Overunity user: capacitor70 and shows the power between gas and water.


              YouTube - water explosion

              YouTube - plasma arc with gasoline

              YouTube - New Circuit


              • How the spark circuit and Gray tube works

                Hi Mario,

                (Ash, would you be willing to include this entire post in your water spark plug document?)

                That is pretty much it.

                But I'm sticking to my guns on my explanation that seems to not fit well with some people.

                The HV from the coil moves through the HV diode to the + of the low voltage source to ground back to seeks ground through the diode. That diode is open. When the HV is off, take a volt meter and put the neg on ground and + on the hv diode cathode/output. You will see that you can measure the low voltage side's voltage potential on the output of the diode because the diode is open.

                Many people think the diode is automatically closed and won't let the hv through but that isn't true. That is the whole point that diodes have reverse ratings...and if the diodes were automatically always shut, then the low voltage from the annode/input could never get through.

                Also, the diode closing is not is fast, yes, but not instantaneous...once the hv moves through the hv takes a bit of time for it to get the reverse current through it in order to slam shut.

                The HV potential, which is the voltage gas (it is a gas composed of "particles" smaller than a hydrogen atom - smaller than an electron - very, very small fractional charges - Mendeleev's original periodic table of elements showed some of this) has MOMENTUM.

                As it is moving, the HV diode slams shut and the voltage potential with its momentum slams against the diode...compressing it more and that re-compressed potential...which is expanded 90 degrees from the wire has to go somewhere...the only path to ground as of now is the gap on the plug. That un-condensed/expanded potential is what causes the primary effect of the cold plasma.

                Then, when voltage on the cathode/output of the HV diode drops below the annode/input of the HV diode, then and only then can LV source move out of it and over the gap.

                The lv source is not the cause of the effect, it simply can boost the primary effect - which can be had all by itself with one small cap that is virtually empty when discharged to the primary.

                Primary effect is that potential slamming against a diode.

                Many think the simple hv spark jumping a gap is enough to ionize the gap to reduce the resistance enough to have the lv source follow it...that is simply a fairytale.

                Only the recompressed potential against the diode's abrupt shut off can cause the cold plasma ionization that is necessary to allow the lv source to follow. At this circuit's scale of operation, this is all necessary to make these effects.

                This is a method of "splitting the positive" that Bedini has shown for years in the open but nobody really got it. If I am wrong, I apologize and will correct all my explanations but until then, that's my story and I'm sticking to it until proven wrong but following the logic of all this, it is very consistent with what Tesla explained, it is consistent with other technologies that utilize this concept, etc...

                Working of the Gray Tube

                This will put what I'm saying into context with something that many people have studied but I am not sure anyone gets it. Many are convinced in all the free electron concepts in the Gray Tube, etc... McGratten mailed me a package about 7 years ago with that explanation but I always saw it happening in a different way.

                The Gray Tube has a low voltage rod and high voltage rod. Low voltage rod has a diode on it that has the cathode/emitter pointed towards the gap. Low voltage source can be any low voltage source and Gray showed he used a 12v battery...the neg of that battery is connected to the neg of the HV capacitor at 3000-4000 volts and a few uf's. The + of the hv source goes to the hv rod.


                I have made the Gray tube analogy to the spark method and most have automatically thought that they look at 2 gaps and think they serve the same purpose. I'll show you why the 2 gaps have nothing to do with each other but why they are making the same effect. It is necessary to actually understand how the Gray tube works in order to see what the real analogies to the spark plug circuit are.

                When the low voltage side is connected by commutator, whatever...the hv source immediately sees path to sees that the diode is open and has conductivity to the low voltage source which has conductivity to ground which is its own jumps and as soon as it moves through the diode for a small unit of time, the diode slams shut....only a small fraction of the hv potential made it through.

                That hv potential from the cap slams against the diode and compresses against it very strongly forcing it to explode 90 degrees from the wire outwards...the only other path to ground it by going to the grids...through the electromagnet that pulses a magnet or other electromagnet to provide motive force on a motor to a + on another low voltage source and that lv source has a - that winds up being connected back to the hv -'s.

                Take a balloon and push it flat against a wall. It compresses and the contents of the balloon wind up exploding 90 degrees perpendicular to the direction of original propagation.


                The gap in the Gray tube is simply a mechanism to get the HV to jump into a diode with a lv potential sitting on it so that it can move into it to have the diode slam shut to compress the potential against it.

                The secondary discharge from ignition coil is a mechanism to get a HV to jump into a diode with a lv potential sitting on it so that it can move into it to have the diode slam shut to compress the potential against it.


                The Grids on the Gray Tube are the secondary path for the expanded potential to move to ground.

                The ground on the spark plug is the secondary path for the expanded potential to move to ground.


                Here is what this method is:

                You are giving the HV 2 paths to travel in order for it to move back to its own ground or relative ground.

                1 path is a high resistance path
                1 path is a low resistance path


                The Gray tube high resistance path is out to grids back to ground.

                The water sparkplug circuit's high resistance paths is over spark gap back to ground.


                The Gray tube low resistance path is through the diode to lv side back to ground.

                The water sparkplug circuit's low resistance path is through the diode to lv side back to ground.


                1. The HV will choose the low resistance path FIRST
                2. Diode slams shut expanding that potential
                3. Expanded potential (electro-radiant event) has only the high resistance path left back to ground.


                So when it is explained that the hv spark jumps the gap ionizing it to reduce the resistance of it and have the lv source follow incorrect.

                And seeing the analogy in comparision to the Gray tube, that popular explanation of how Luc's spark method works would be the same as claiming that this is how the Gray tube works:

                The hv from the hv cap first jumps to the grids ionizing the air to reduce the resistance of it enough for the 12v battery potential to jump from the low voltage rod to the grids...all the while never needing the hv to jump the gap in order to slam against the diode.

                We know the above is NOT how the Gray tube works but that is what people are claiming when they say the Spark plug circuit works by the hv simply going to jump over the gap to ionize it for the lv source to follow.

                Last edited by Aaron; 07-27-2008, 06:03 AM.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                  Hi everyone,

                  I would like to share video's of a replicator who had a great idea to use a smoke glass to show the spark size on video. He also has tested to see if gasoline will react differently in the next video. Also in the last video (just posted) he demonstrates a circuit design by Overunity user: capacitor70 and shows the power between gas and water.


                  YouTube - water explosion

                  YouTube - plasma arc with gasoline

                  YouTube - New Circuit

                  That last video is a WINNER! WOW!
                  See my experiments here...

                  You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                    Take a balloon and push it flat against a wall. It compresses and the contents of the balloon wind up exploding 90 degrees perpendicular to the direction of original propagation.

                    Excellent contribution, Aaron.

                    Very contentful, diligent and patient.

                    After exploding into 90 degrees right in front of the diode, how far are these gaseous particles (voltage potential) thrown away? Not more than inside the insulation, some parts of Millimeter?
                    Do they (voltage potential) find back to the wire and to plug, in our spark plug situation?

                    Or is much of it lost in space? So, do we have with our great, bright sparks only get a lean, thin creature of a spark in relation to what was possible?

                    Has anybody seen on photos what was the spatial arrangement around the Grey Tube? Where was the diode exactly located in relation to spark and grid?


                    • Very good Aaron. Your explanation as always is clear and easy to understand. Now I bet someone could replicate Gray tube.

                      I had missed Gray tube example and considered only coil and cap resonance, but now I realized by your excellent explanation that Gray tube is another method of Tesla conversion. I'm not thinking so clearly as you so I need some time to realize which one it is, but a large 2uF capacitor which apparently Gray used makes me thinking that we found a missing factor Mr Gray struggled with.
                      Such big cap cannot be charged easily and fast enough to recreate event with quick repetition...unless you use a big power supply. The solution is to use magnetic field around spark gap and/or use a proper coil to resonate with capacitor discharge. That way capacitor may be small.

                      Now think about two factors:
                      1. what 'compressed voltage potential' may looks like ? IMHO it is either : a VERY SHARP PULSE or HIGH FREQUENCY OSCILLATION. Both have a common feature : fast rising and falling edges - this is the case when RE is manifested.

                      2. How do such pulses travel ? What is the best conductor for them ?
                      Well, like Tesla said : VACUUM or rarefied air ! where is the best vacuum like not in vacuum diode ....

                      Hmm... interesting that there is a carbon rod here.It could work as a resistance like secondary of the coil in sparkplug experiment.That's way a pure RE is coming back , all electrons from vacuum diode are stopped inside carbon rod (this rod may be in state of incandescence in such case)


                      • expanded potential and insulation

                        Originally posted by magnetO View Post
                        After exploding into 90 degrees right in front of the diode, how far are these gaseous particles (voltage potential) thrown away? Not more than inside the insulation, some parts of Millimeter?
                        Do they (voltage potential) find back to the wire and to plug, in our spark plug situation?

                        Or is much of it lost in space? So, do we have with our great, bright sparks only get a lean, thin creature of a spark in relation to what was possible?

                        Has anybody seen on photos what was the spatial arrangement around the Grey Tube? Where was the diode exactly located in relation to spark and grid?
                        Hi Magneto,

                        Good insight on wondering what the distance the potential can go. It is my personal opinion that the plastic encasement tube around the grids and rod assembly functions as insulation on a wire to lock in the pressure of the potential. But with the Gray Tube effect, the entire effect is like happening inside the insulation of a wire.With the insulation on the wires for the spark plug circuit, the difference would be probably quite small. On this small scale, I don't think you'd see much difference with or without insulation. I'm sure with the right equipment, a difference would be measured. According to this model, having more insulation on the wire between diodes and to the plug would allow more of the potential to be released at the spark plug gap instead of loss to environment.

                        The diode is on the backside of the low voltage rod/carbon resistor/rest of lv rod/diode cathode/diode annode/low voltage +. The diagram in the patent shows a triode I guess with only 2 leads used. The 3rd was unused because a commutator run by the motion of the electric motor would trigger that side of the circuit closed so the HV sees the ground through the lv potential suddenly avail at the tip of the lv rod.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • insulation - not insulation


                          Tesla does talk about 90 degree explosions from exploding copper wire, etc... that did go right through different materials like they weren't even there. There are several manifestations of the different personalities of these "energies." But how these things appear to be consistent with other effects, I believe the Gray Tube case was used as a dielectric to lock in the high pressure potential.

                          That is in Secrets of Cold War Technology - chapter 1...the best read on that particular topic I think. That chapter is a must read for anyone studying this spark well as just about every other Tesla technology imaginable. I know Tesla didn't have diodes, but conceptually...he did all this in more than one way.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            (Ash, would you be willing to include this entire post in your water spark plug document?)

                            But I'm sticking to my guns on my explanation that seems to not fit well with some people.

                            1. The HV will choose the low resistance path FIRST
                            2. Diode slams shut expanding that potential
                            3. Expanded potential (electro-radiant event) has only the high resistance path left back to ground.

                            Excellent Aaron

                            Ash, do please include Aaron's complete explanation of the mechanics going on in the Water Power circuit in your .pdf document as it is the most logical and could benefit many to expand on this or even other circuits.

                            Once again Aaron for all your great help.



                            • This is wild.

                              Cob227 off youtube in his circuit can burn for long duration the water.

                              YouTube - BURNING WATER FROM A SPARK PLUG

                              take a look at this.. watch for how long the water burns... on the side of the spark plug..
                              See my experiments here...

                              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                              • Hi and Luc Aaron and all, of cause i can thats what i am here for.. sorry just saw this posts guys..adding now will post as soon as up, adding in Vids..wont be long

                                Edit..up now
                                Back round on Aarons Gray tube added, new vids added any more let me know guys , you guys are doing great work, and the world needs it more then ever
                                Last edited by ashtweth; 07-27-2008, 01:27 AM.

