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Water Sparkplug

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  • Water Sparkplug III

    Hello All,
    I have just uploaded another demonstration video. This is about as far as I can push this circuit in its current configuration.

    YouTube - Water Sparkplug III

    Regards Lee...


    • Originally posted by smw1998a View Post
      Hello All,
      I have just uploaded another demonstration video. This is about as far as I can push this circuit in its current configuration.

      YouTube - Water Sparkplug III

      Regards Lee...
      WOW!... do you work in a Hollywood studio? Amazing video editing and most excellent demonstration.




      • yes very nice video !

        what a good classic sparking melody you can play with just 12 Watts man !!

        the first part, with the 2mm gap demonstrated a very nice RF pitch on the video ... I would try to extract cold electricity from a piece of metal placed close to that sparking ... could be a good Edwin Gray collector of radiant electricity !

        experimenters get it with HV Marx Generators, but your way looks much simple and cheaper

        you may find some info here:

        you guys are fantastic this year !

        may you find the ways to free energy for all,
        congratulations Mr. Lee !



        • Barber's Adagio for Strings


          Barber's Adagio for Strings realy makes it!

          Well done again - I may post a vid tomorrow showing the progress of my FET system. Made a small breakthrough and you may be able suggest some further steps. I am still trying to do it without the Cap. I have done away with the microwave tranny too!



          • New guy

            Thank you for all of your extraordinary videos!

            I have studied this area from an entirely different angle for a long long time and I think you all have found a "spot." Congrats to all.

            I am not an electrical engineer nor a physics person.

            I will post a thought or two on parts of this "affect" that I am trying to understand.

            I will also mention what I think it "may not be." If, for no other reason, than to inspire a brief debate.

            As I don't understand the concept of "implosion," I am going to say I do not perceive that that is in fact part of the 'affect." I have respect for those who do and welcome their disagreement.

            It certainly is "explosive." It is certainly "combustive."

            I agree that the affect is not about "thermal" but of course, thermal is a component

            I am not sure of the role of water in the "affect." H20 is composed of all of the elements involved and I feel, will be critical to making this run an engine, but I do not conclude that H20 is NOT being "made" during the beginning of this affect.

            I am quite sure of LIGHT. I am quite sure this affect is mainly hydrogen as with the video we are getting up to now it most assuredly looks like hydrogen gas "exploding." maybe some helium, but helium is prevalent so I'm sure some of it gets blown up too.

            I am willing to stick my flag in the sand on the following conclusion before I go work the night shift.

            We know it involves the following as everything on Earth seems to involve the following:

            (+) (-)
            Electrical charge/current/field
            Magnetic field(s) (as a current is fundamental to a magnetic field)

            Among other things:

            Arc leaves electrode and enters atmosphere.
            Magnetic lines of force are created at angles to arc.
            Electrons instantly occupy this field seeking their opposite (+)
            They combine with free protons(+)
            I will conclude (no one else has to) we now have a field of subatomic hydrogen atoms. Some of them naturally join with each other and form diatomic hydrogen molecules.(these are "stable" and love to combine with 02 to form water.")
            The H* atoms are "excited" ie...gas.

            Here goes patient...H* as formed does not tend to "cross over" magnetic lines of force. Call me crazy, but, I think you have some legitimate "compression" going on here. This mag field is holding the H* in space for the explosion. I must assume that the arc is still arcing when this compressed H* is within the field and BOOM!

            Sure you will get "some" H20...but, I know you have something special here and I thought I would start out by saying something stupid and perhaps it would lead somewhere constructive.

            Thanks for hearing me out.

            Best to all,



            • water spark

              Thanks for the post T, all thoughts and ideas are welcome.

              I have a belief about a magnetic component to all of this that I haven't shared yet.

              Isn't helium non-combustible?

              The implosion part is a commonly accepted part of "Brown's Gas" check Eagle-Research practical energy! for more detail. Many people thought it was simply some implosion but it isn't. The Brown's gas, which is simply commonly ducted water gas (as opposed to separating h & o with classic electrolysis), is very, very explosive. But as soon as it explodes, it turns into water and by doing that, the volume shrinks and that is the implosion part. It is possible something else is happening here with this spark but so far, my tests show me it implodes soon after. However, even if that is the case, there are several ways to prevent the recombination back into least at the immediate local area of the spark gap.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • @smw1998a

                I just came home and re-read your original post. I missed the fact that you're using a chopper circuit to charge the capacitor. I thought that you were using mains and that's why I suggested using additional triac. What you can do raise the efficiency of your charging circuit is following:

                Take one simple 555 and make oscillator circuit with duty cycle control. I would prefer using power MOSFET or IGBT instead of BJT (easier driving and less resistance) but you can use BJT as well. Then you drive switching transistor with 555 clock. Place 0.1 Ohm (let's say 1W but you can get away with less I guess) resistor on the Source of MOSFET or whatever you prefer to use for switching. You can then place scope probe over the resistor and see the current consumption curve on your scope (if you have a scope current clamp of current transformer you can use that as well). Now, what you're going to do is that before you turn on your charger you will reduce duty cyle to a minimum. When you start your charger you can then lengthen duty cycle up to a point where a current curve stops raising and reach a plateau, that means that you've reached a full core saturation and there is no point in wasting any more electric energy. In any case when you've reached a full saturation of coil shorten your duty cycle just a bit in order to shut off current in every cycle just before core reaching full saturation. Most people runs their circuits by using 50% duty cycle but most cores would saturate much earlier depending on multiple factors that I won't elaborate on at this point. It could also be that you perhaps never reached full core saturation. Either way you should check that out with your scope and adjust duty cycle accordingly. Also, did you consider using two batteries to raise the primary voltage?

                Also, if you want to allow for more oscillations in your LC discharge circuit you should really use triac instead of thyristor since it will allow both polarities oscillations. I also suggested using MOC3021 triac driver which as an extremely cheap opto driver IC for triacs and thyristors. The main reason for that recomendation is that it's very reliable and it's simpler to use one IC and one resistor instead of optocoupler with transistor. Another reason is that MOC3021 have higher voltage rating and you can easily put two or more drivers and triacs in series to reach higher voltages.

                If you have problems with 555 you really should get them shielded because those sparks are wreaking EM havoc on your surrounding area.
                Last edited by lighty; 08-05-2008, 04:00 AM.


                • @Peter

                  One could use self-triggering of thyristor using neon bulb or Zener diode but there are several things to consider. Zener diode trigger will act unreliably in this role and especially in high transients environment. Been there, tried that and it sucks.

                  Neon bulb trigger will eventually get permanently ionized when you reach a certain frequency. I'm not sure what kind of discharge frequency Bedini systems reach but in our experiments which were somewhat similar in nature of discharges when we got over about 20-30Hz the neon bulb ionized fully and latched up thyristor. I'm not saying that the same thing happens in Bedini energizers but from what I saw I guess smaller devices reach maybe 2-3Hz discharge rate. Correct me if I'm wrong because we discharged 50uF at 900V and with that capacity and voltage things start gettin a bit weird when one goes over a few Hertz.


                  • confused on your circuit

                    Originally posted by smw1998a View Post
                    Hello All,
                    I have just uploaded another demonstration video. This is about as far as I can push this circuit in its current configuration.

                    YouTube - Water Sparkplug III

                    Regards Lee...
                    Hi SMW,

                    Very nice video! Thanks. I am a bit confused. In your video, you said the circuit only draws 1A @ 12V. But I checked your circuit, and it indicates an AC source. Was this video done on another circuit?



                    • Charge Pump Circuit

                      Hello All,

                      Here is the schematic of the charge pump driver circuit I used in my videos. It was designed as a pulse generator for the SSG circuit and used CMOS 7555. Because I was driving the 2N 3055 from section B. I knew, because of the limited current output that I needed to replace the CMOS component for the bipolar 555, which can source or sink 200mA. I later had to change the Section A side to a bipolar 555 because the CMOS version failed, probably due to transient voltage spikes. I have had no other failures with the use of bipolar devices.

                      The section A astable has a non standard configuration. This works well with the CMOS 7555 and gives an almost 50/50 duty cycle across a grater range. However, it does not work as well with the bipolar 555 but seems to function OK for this application. I find this astable/monostable circuit very useful for pulse generation. Particularly when adjustments need to be made on the fly. Section A controls frequency and section B controls pulse width.

                      A word of warning: The pulse duration of section B must NOT exceed the low period of section A or unpredictable results will occur. I prefer to us the CMOS 4047B as a section A driver but this is the circuit I used in my videos.

                      Pin 4 of section A receives low and high signals from the control logic. If you connect pin 4 to Vcc the circuit will be switched on, if pin 4 is connected to 0v the circuit will switch off. Output pin 3 of section B is connected to a 1 watt 470 ohm resistor and then to the base of the 2N3055 transistor.

                      Omission: Each IC has a 25v 47uf electrolitic capacitor across pins 1 and 8. Not shown in the schematic.

                      Regards Lee...
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by smw1998a; 08-05-2008, 02:37 PM. Reason: omission


                      • Originally posted by Ahchoooo View Post
                        Hi SMW,

                        Very nice video! Thanks. I am a bit confused. In your video, you said the circuit only draws 1A @ 12V. But I checked your circuit, and it indicates an AC source. Was this video done on another circuit?

                        Hello Ahchoooo,

                        The circuit is 12v DC. I have just posted the charge pump driver schematic. This chops the 12v DC from the supply battery through a step up transformer. The output of the transformer is a type of pulsed AC, this is rectified and stored in the capacitor, a type of step charging, each pulse puts a little more voltage in the capacitor. You can see this in the still at the beginning of the Water Sparkplug III video. You can just see the little jaggid steps as the capacitor charges and then it drops back to the bottom when it discharges.

                        Thanks for the tuning info. Very usful tips. I hope to post the full circuit over the next few days. If you could just hang fire until I have completed this, we can pick appart the working circuit and hopefully improve on the very basic stuff I have done. I don't see this as "my" circuit, it's Luc's. If anyone can improve on what I have done, great! Let's move it forward.

                        Thankyou for your kind comments and input.

                        All the best Lee...


                        • Lee's Circuit

                          Hi Lee

                          So if pin 3 of 'B' connnected to the base of the 2N23055 then I assume that is the complete circuit in conjunction with the circuit in Video 2 ?

                          When you say 'step up transformer' are you referring to the ignition coil?

                          Did you also say that the circuit has a frequency limitation at approx 50hz?



                          • Magnetic field containment of plasma

                            The plasma (a charged/expanding field of free electrons and free protons) is contained ie...the majority of particles tend to 'follow" magnetic lines of force.

                            (In certain industrial applications magnetic field(s) are used to contain plasmas.)

                            A separate component of the "effect," Some H atoms will, in fact, lose their electrons on contact with the magnetic field..becoming positively charged hydrogen ions....then back to picking up an electron again and so on and so on.

                            Helium is not flammable. Sense would be that there is helium in the plasma that is being created. I will study this conclusion further, and attempt to support it.

                            In my tiny head an attempt is being made to define what is going on in this "effect."

                            The effect of the arc/plasma on the atmosphere at the tip of the plug is what is going on. The particulate (ions, H20, 02, aether...etc) in the atmosphere is reacting to the rush of ions and giving us this effect.

                            All of the necessary elements are available to create Hydrogen, Diatomic hydrogen, water and other stuff I don't know about. I will repeat that this activity includes, but, is not about thermal.




                            Hydrogen (I suggest H* is being created and then HHO, is also being created...with a majority being H*. I suggest that the "excitation" of the particulate in the plasma does not allow for majority of 'stable' diatomic Hydrogen production)

                            Water (this water includes Atmospheric H20, H20 that is created by "collisions and combinations" in the plasma and "post effect water" or recombination water or whatever you think it should be called when the effect "dies down/cools off/dissipates/no longer has a magnetic field containing it so the elements just go shooting off into the galaxy..or whatever)

                            Note: As the effect is refined by the heroes who are working on it this "effect break down" will change. Without some kind of fancy spectral analysis, we think we are looking at the same thing in these 6 or 7 different videos, when, in fact, we may not.

                            Ie.....early tests included the "water spray" which appeared to magnify the effect. Some of the most recent tests do not include a water spray, but, kick ass anyway.

                            I will hold to my wild guess that successful "piston pumping/mechanical work" will need water vapor injection.

                            Best to all,



                            • Hello everyone. I would just like to share my latest video with everyone....

                              YouTube - DEFINITIVE PRESSURE TEST w/ PLASMA SPARK

                              Thank You!


                              • 75 psi

                                That's an interesting demo.

                                Why do you start with 35 psi for this test?

