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Water Sparkplug

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  • Faraday, Timing, Fuel, etc.

    To All, great work and I'm glad to see some
    parallel development beginning.

    gotoluc said: "Faraday Cage over the coil and plasma ball and it did not help"
    That might NOT be a bad thing.
    Could lead to being able to build a big enough effect to knock out a city
    block and night vision glasses Too! This could lead to a defensive device
    against high tech, battery powered and mobile.

    About the timing and what not.
    The timing isn't the whole issue it seems.
    There are those that have already done this work.
    (not the spark plug, but otherwise)
    I didn't understand the details, but the Gun_Engine
    needs to be looked at. A modified Suzuki engine.

    NOTE: this could be a HOAX ... and then again it might not be.

    The engine can run with 8 parts water to 1 part fuel.
    The engine can run on any liquid or gaseous fuel, including acetylene.
    140 degree exhaust.

    Something about detonates fuel vapor.
    "which yields about fourteen times higher pressure than max pressure
    of the original Suzuki, I limited fuel supply to 10% of the original spec
    to avoid cylinder bursting, yet the measured power output reading was
    exceeding max power of original Suzuki fully fueled. Also no traces of
    pollutants in emissions (zero toxic emissions)."
    One other interesting thing to note was:
    "torque (is) independent from speed, which allows elimination of transmission in cars"
    Maybe you guys can understand what the Gun_Engine
    is doing ... Right?!, because I don't know.

    atomizing ... Yes ... and that Picture.. Oh My
    going Bigger and Badder just destroys the target.
    Just enough to do the job and hit the target is needed.
    atomizing would seem to make the target easier to hit
    and vaporized fuel would be an easier target still?
    I know I know .. easy to say .. it's easy to say.
    Diesel is cheaper to make .. it is more expensive (now) for other reasons.

    Welcome and my hat is off to you. Keep up the good work.

    The normal heat an engine creates will not be there using
    a plasma spark. Using water should mean even less heat.
    Engines are designed to work "with" the heat that is expected
    to normally be created. The heat itself is normally just wasted
    and is not used. Heat is the biproduct.
    Lack of heat might only effect fuel being vaporized.

    Sitting in the peanut gallery, just thinking
    Last edited by Vortex; 08-14-2008, 10:26 AM.
    Remember to be kind to your mind ...
    Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


    • Stills of Plasma effect

      Hello All,

      I have been working on "Water Spark Plug IV" Video. I use my Fuji 602z still camera which has a reasonable video capture, OK for You Tube anyway. I have been trying to capture the effect with a high shutter speed 2000th/Sec with no luck. Out of frustration I tried the continious shooting mode which I rarly use as it's only available in automatic mode with a reduced resolution. It didn't turn out too bad, it would be good if a pro photographer could have a go at this or someone with a high speed video camera.

      Here are three of the many stills I shot. The positive electrode is a piece of 1.6mm welding rod and the negative electrode is the head of a nail around 6mm in diameter, just to give a comparative scale of the arc. The gap is 1.2mm.

      All The Best Lee...
      Attached Files


      • Love the work you guys have done

        Hi All,

        I'm a new guy to the forum (this is my first post actually). I've been reading about everyones work diligently though for about the past month. I really believe that in the very near future you guys will be able to perfect this! Just a question though for those already trying to run small engines with the "effect". Has anyone tried to use hho gas along with the "effect" or is this something you plan to do in the near future? I just came across another new youtube video showing someone running a generator at idle with about 3-4 liters per minute hho output. He believes that a high percentage of the hho is actually being leaked though from the air intake. He believes he can get the engine to operate at higher rpms once he can contain all of the gas in the combustion chamber. I really think if you combined the water spark plug "effect" and a small amount of hho gas, you would have enough power to run a small engine at full throttle or close to it. I really have enormous respect for the work you guys are doing and cant wait to see whats next!

        YouTube - generator running on hho testing Pt.8



        • is pure water possible?

          I've been reading up on this stuff for awhile now. But I found a few references that point to the explosion/implosion effect that you guys have also seen.

          It seems like it would not be easily implementable to run a ICE on just water. One source even stated that the effect occurs so fast that one would need to completely reconfigure the engine to account for this.

          Exploding water is a big step, but shouldn't we also be concerned with the fact that gasoline is not exploding rather burned. Its respectably a slow process, detonation is when gas explodes. And we all know that this can destroy an engine.

          I wonder how those that have run engines on water have overcome this, does anyone know where I can read up on this?


          • resistor or not ... that is the question

            Hi all,

            I became somewhat confused regarding the type of spark plug. I am guessing the proper one is a non-resistor type plug ... or no? Help please.

            Thanks in advance,



            • Yes, you need a spark plug WITHOUT a resistor
              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


              • variac

                some water spark plug set ups show a variac and full-bridge. Is this because there needs to be fine voltage tuning or for values above twelve volts or for really high voltages? None of the videos actually give you a voltage range for nominal operation.

                Thanks in advance,



                • Welcome Bill!

                  Welcome Bill!

                  They could build some container around the air intake and put a few pcv valves or something so that there is enough air sucking in on the downstroke, but hardly anything is leaking outwards.

                  HHO + moisture is what I believe will run an engine. Actually, people have already run engines on 100% hho but they don't make enough volume to keep it running very long. With this spark + moisture, that might make all the difference.

                  With water moisture, the water source I would use for the moisture or water injection would be water that has had HHO bubbled through it because it changes the potential of the liquid water.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • detonation by plasma

                    Hi Rip,

                    I've seen many comments on the gas engine and the implosion that follows up. I don't believe any of that is justified. The plasma with or without water...about 95%+ probably implodes soon after...but that is ONLY if there is not enough Low voltage cap power to cause a strong enough Lorentz Force plasma acceleration to eject the plasma from the gap outwards into the engine to thoroughly obliterate any fuel in there.

                    I can dump 1000v at about 20uf or 400-500v @ 330uf and I can guarantee you probably less than 5% of it is anywhere near the gap to implode.

                    The implosion only becomes a potential issue with low power that just about everyone is using, in my opinion.

                    This plasma burst with or without water happens crazily fast...but if it is happening AFTER TDC, then the explosion/detonation, etc... expands when the piston is on the down stroke therefore working in harmony with the motion of the engine and these explosion/detonations can be timed to happen on demand.

                    Regular detonation in an engine is when the fuel explodes on contact when injected because of all the heat from being too lean, then makes more heat which causes the gas to diesel/ping/detonate more causing more heat causing ore dieseling. But this is so hard on the engine because this happens when the fuel is injected meaning it is happening way BEFORE TDC. So these detonations are happening when the piston is coming up for compression meaning it is bucking the piston on the upswing going AGAINST the harmony of the engine.

                    Also, having a rapid explosion/detonation timed when we want it...the temperature is way lower than dieseling from heat.

                    On diesel engines, they run by the diesel squirted in at TDC or AFTER TDC? If so, then the fuel is put in when the detonation is used to the advantage by having it explode when the piston is on the downswing.

                    Originally posted by rip View Post
                    I've been reading up on this stuff for awhile now. But I found a few references that point to the explosion/implosion effect that you guys have also seen.

                    It seems like it would not be easily implementable to run a ICE on just water. One source even stated that the effect occurs so fast that one would need to completely reconfigure the engine to account for this.

                    Exploding water is a big step, but shouldn't we also be concerned with the fact that gasoline is not exploding rather burned. Its respectably a slow process, detonation is when gas explodes. And we all know that this can destroy an engine.

                    I wonder how those that have run engines on water have overcome this, does anyone know where I can read up on this?
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • "Water with H bubbles."

                      I suggest that the Water Spark Plug with enough water vapor in a combustion chamber is getting that effect.


                      • Diesel that I have studied and I am not an engineer is "combustion through compression" glowplugs aid with some heat. Modern engines use computer controlled injection where "Rudolph" himself was far simpler.As in email I think this effect might have a happier home in a diesel engine.

                        An older unit might be best as the number of modern controls would be reduced. They seem expensive on ebay...$1000+...I'll put up a $100.



                        • Hi all

                          I yesterday I made the ignition system for my generator motor. Here is how the circuit looks like:

                          The interesting thing is that if I close the trigger contacts manually taping together two alligator clips, everything works like it should. But if I put a reed switch on the trigger wires, an interesting thing happens, the SCR starts to trigger by itself about 2-3 times per second. If I switch off the inverter, there is still a charge left in the cap and if I now put a magnet near the reed switch, it triggers and dumps all the cap charge in the primary of the ignition coil. But when the inverter is turned ON, it triggers by itself. Here is a video:

                          YouTube - SCR triggered CDI system

                          I tried to make the reed switch wires longer so that I can put it as far away from the circuit as possible, but this does not help. It could not be because of the spark discharge, because then the discharge frequency would be higher, instead it triggers about 1/3 of a second after the spark discharge. I suppose it has something to do with my light bulb as the current limiter, because the discharge frequency is about the same as the time it takes the bulb to fully light up. I could prove this with some high power resistors instead of the bulb, but do not have them. Maybe I need a bigger reed switch. I used a 1k resistor in series with the reed switch. The same happens if I do not use any resistors at all, but when I tried a 4.4k resistor, then as soon as I closed the trigger contacts, the caps discharged at a higher frequency, I guess it was about 50Hz. This is confusing.
                          It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                          • @everyone,

                            I just uploaded a video but I have no time to write about it since I'm now on my way out for most of the evening.

                            I will answer questions late this evening when I return.


                            Video: YouTube - Capacitance Vs. Voltage and Diode Test 1
                            Last edited by gotoluc; 08-16-2008, 07:46 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                              Hi all

                              The interesting thing is that if I close the trigger contacts manually taping together two alligator clips, everything works like it should. But if I put a reed switch on the trigger wires, an interesting thing happens, the SCR starts to trigger by itself about 2-3 times per second.
                              Hi Jetijs,
                              Could the problem be a tiny arc forming between the open reed contacts? It won't take much to switch the SCR on...

                              Regards Lee..


                              • I checked the reed while the random discharges - no visible arc at all. But it might be that the gas in the reed switch glass envelope starts to ionize slowly and starts to conduct After all I am using 230V alternating current that is charging up the caps up to 300V when rectified. Maybe the reed switch acts like a neon bulb at those voltages. Aaron and Peter used way lower voltages, maybe that is why their reed switch worked fine. I don't know
                                Anyway made some spark discharge photos. Here are some of them:


                                As for the waste spark. I think that it would be very beneficial to solve this, because it would decrease the power that we need for the spark twice, also giving the cap more time to charge up. This is especially important at higher RPMs. Also the spark frequency would then be twice as low and simpler switching methods could then be used. For example, my 4 stroke generator engine makes two revolutions per full cycle and the magneto gives two sparks in this two revolution cycle. One of these sparks is a waste spark. I think that we could solve this if we attached a 2:1 gear or pulley system on the main shaft. Then we could attach a magnet on the larger wheel and use this to trigger the reed switch at correct time. Or maybe we could use kind of flip flop circuit that makes the SCR trigger at every second impulse, but I am not as skilled in electronics as others here, so if any of you know how this can be achieved, please share this with us What do you think?
                                Last edited by Jetijs; 08-15-2008, 12:31 AM.
                                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

