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Water Sparkplug

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  • caps v diodes

    Originally Posted by gmeast
    Hi all,

    I may have missed it but I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could post a 'bare bones' schematic showing the configuration(s) being explored with respect to HV capacitor(s) being placed parallel the coil secondary. I seemed to have missed something. Is this in lieu of the HV diode?

    Thanks in advance,


    Rather than post a diagram ,for using only caps - think of it like this ,can you build a hv circuit as is used in a car include a cap [ condenser]?,now can u build a lv circuit as shown by cap70 [the secondary setup]?, if so then join the to together with the cap70 crossover coil and some hv caps .that design is diode free works every time and get the marine plugs [l76v champion]



    • Thanks anyway

      Originally posted by peteroks View Post
      Originally Posted by gmeast
      Hi all,

      I may have missed it but I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could post a 'bare bones' schematic showing the configuration(s) being explored with respect to HV capacitor(s) being placed parallel the coil secondary. I seemed to have missed something. Is this in lieu of the HV diode?

      Thanks in advance,


      Rather than post a diagram ,for using only caps - think of it like this ,can you build a hv circuit as is used in a car include a cap [ condenser]?,now can u build a lv circuit as shown by cap70 [the secondary setup]?, if so then join the to together with the cap70 crossover coil and some hv caps .that design is diode free works every time and get the marine plugs [l76v champion]

      Hi Peter,

      There was some confusion as to what I was actually asking. I've had a working spark plug for some time now and have posted YouTube videos of it. Luc provided the 'missing' links I was looking for.

      Thank you for very much for responding and I will check out cap70 #2 and will remember the marine plugs.

      Again thanks. Peace,



      • Hi everybody.
        Today I have obtained longer plasma discharges. I have made a little video with 10mm gap, but after that I did it with 12mm gap and it worked also.
        Here is the video: YouTube - SuperScanteie (plasma) de 10mm
        I used a string of new diodes, as some of you have suggested me. It's a 20x 1N4007 string. The capacitor has only 5.7uF (rated at 630V) charged at about 320V.
        Unfortunately, the plasma didn't occur each time with the HV spark, but I think this is due to the manner I triggered it. I simply touched the trigger wire to the ground. Maybe using a square impulses generator will improve the plasma output.

        I also wait the schematic with the HV caps.

        All the best for all!
        Real PEACE from the Prince of Peace: Jesus Christ!


        • Precisions

          Hi guys,

          Is anybody have experimented with the circuit I've proposed with the MOT?

          I've tried it with tap water but does'nt explode as much as distilled water.

          Here is a simple schematic:

          Exploding water.jpg

          Have fun!


          • The kiker difference.

            Having trouble posting so I hope this comes through!

            YouTube - Homemade Kiker type lead v standard lead

            I posted this over at the kiker thread but thought it would be of interest here as well. Highlights the strength of spark produced by the kiker.


            • Hi Gibs,
              I tried that experiment using a neon sign transformer and 0.001uF caps. The sparks are much brighter and louder when using caps than without caps. But there is no difference when I spray some water on such a spark.
              It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


              • Originally posted by Gibs View Post
                Hi guys,

                Is anybody have experimented with the circuit I've proposed with the MOT?

                I've tried it with tap water but does'nt explode as much as distilled water.

                Here is a simple schematic:


                Have fun!
                Hi Gibs,

                I just tried it with my 3mm = .12 in. gap plug and as soon as the spray hits the plug and my ears... man... is that loud or what. My girlfriend came running to the room, thinking I would be dead with that kind of blast.

                This was an easy test for me to do since I have many microwave oven transformers and capacitors. Did it in about 5 minutes.

                I can't do in the house anymore so I'll bring it outside and see if I can do a video.

                Thanks for sharing and if anyone else wants to try this wear ear protection and use rubber gloves if you spray water directly on the plug. We are talking of voltage and capacitance that can kill you. I measured the voltage at my 1.9uf cap bank and it was 1,300 VAC

                Test safe please.



                • Great Luc
                  I also had some fun just now. I tried Aarons booster cap circuit. I used a variac and voltage quadrupler on the booster side so I could use voltages up to 1000V or even more. Here is the circuit:

                  The quadrupler caps were all electrolytic 450V 100uF and the diodes on the quadrupler were UF5408, they are the same as 1N5408 but faster. I used a string of 15 1N5408 diodes in series as the HV diode and I also used a manual switch to trigger the discharge. The primary cap was always firing at 300V. I charged the booster cap to 400V and saw an increase in spark intensity then I slowly increased the booster quadrupler voltage 50v at a time. The explosions became louder and louder. But when I reached 800V on the quadrupler, there was a huge explosion between the spark gap and my diode string and one of the electrolytic caps died. Any suggestions about why this happened? Do I need more diodes in the string or two strings in parallel? I know that the quadrupler is not the best way thing to use as a booster cap especially when electrolytic caps are used, but I don't have a microwave transformer.
                  BTW, the air gap was about 4mm.
                  Last edited by Jetijs; 08-23-2008, 04:07 PM.
                  It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                  • I am guessing the volt capacity was exceeded for the capacitor. I had the same thing happen today. Everything was going great with plasma and all and then I went 120 volt to my voltage doubler to 220 and blew my 200volt caps. Oh well the bangs and bright lights were great. definately need sunglasses.


                    • Transformer vs capacitor vs spark gap spacing

                      Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                      Hi Gibs,
                      I tried that experiment using a neon sign transformer and 0.001uF caps. The sparks are much brighter and louder when using caps than without caps. But there is no difference when I spray some water on such a spark.
                      Hi Jetijs,
                      In order to get the explosive effect, you need higher capacitance (higher dumping current). Now, I understand that it's not easy to find a capacitor at about 2 uF 15,000 Volts, but if anybody try this experiment, I would like to heard about the results.
                      With the MOT experiment, I use two 0.88uF capacitors in paralell to get an average of 1.76 uF. When I connect only one cap the effect almost cease (with a .015" spark gap).
                      When I connect more than two caps, the effect is a little bit enhanced but not that much. The difference I've noticed is the sound pitch of the explosion. More capacitance gives a lower sound pitch effect.
                      It's all about fine tuning (transformer vs capacitance vs spark gap spacing).

                      Hi Luc,
                      I'm happy that you've tried the MOT experiment cause now we both know that's THE effect we are looking for. By going further, I would replace the entire ignition circuit on an engine with the MOT circuit by connecting an SCR or MOSFET to switch the transformer. Of course, the power supply should be 120 Volts, so an inverter would be required.

                      I suggest you try this other experiment:
                      Keep the circuit as is but instead of connecting 120 Vac directly to the MOT, charge a 2000 uF 200V capacitor at about 170 Volts and discharge it into the MOT primary. By ajusting the spark gap spacing you might be able to get one loud bang per discharge.



                      • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                        Hi Gibs,

                        I just tried it with my 3mm = .12 in. gap plug and as soon as the spray hits the plug and my ears... man... is that loud or what. My girlfriend came running to the room, thinking I would be dead with that kind of blast.

                        This was an easy test for me to do since I have many microwave oven transformers and capacitors. Did it in about 5 minutes.

                        I can't do in the house anymore so I'll bring it outside and see if I can do a video.

                        Thanks for sharing and if anyone else wants to try this wear ear protection and use rubber gloves if you spray water directly on the plug. We are talking of voltage and capacitance that can kill you. I measured the voltage at my 1.9uf cap bank and it was 1,300 VAC

                        Test safe please.


                        please have a look at the video I said I would do. Also, there is a slow motion of the effect at the end.

                        Video Link: YouTube - Microwave Oven Transformer and Capacitor Circuit test

                        Keep up all the good work



                        • @everyone

                          Here is a link to download a full size DV file of only the slow motion video part of the video I just posted above.

                          Link: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

                          Last edited by gotoluc; 08-23-2008, 10:13 PM.


                          • Spectacular!

                            Originally posted by gotoluc View Post

                            Here is a link to download a full size DV file of only the slow motion video part of the video I just posted above.

                            Link: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service


                            The slow-mo was amazing! Thanks for posting.




                            • @everyone,

                              the link below is a new uploaded video to inform all who maybe interested of the engine project I'm working on at this time.

                              Video Link: YouTube - Plasma Water & Gasoline Engine Project



                              • Originally posted by Gibs View Post
                                Hi Luc,
                                I'm happy that you've tried the MOT experiment cause now we both know that's THE effect we are looking for. By going further, I would replace the entire ignition circuit on an engine with the MOT circuit by connecting an SCR or MOSFET to switch the transformer. Of course, the power supply should be 120 Volts, so an inverter would be required.

                                I suggest you try this other experiment:
                                Keep the circuit as is but instead of connecting 120 Vac directly to the MOT, charge a 2000 uF 200V capacitor at about 170 Volts and discharge it into the MOT primary. By ajusting the spark gap spacing you might be able to get one loud bang per discharge.

                                Hi Gibs,

                                thanks for your suggestions. I was going to do further tests with this setup since it is a even simpler than the circuit we are working with and is showing a powerful effect.

                                I will try your new recommendations and other things that come to mind. I would like to find its efficiency levels and power consumption compare to the circuit we are working with.

                                Did you look at the 2 video's I posted above just after your last post?

                                Thanks for sharing

                                Last edited by gotoluc; 08-24-2008, 01:05 AM.

