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Water Sparkplug

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  • to GotGas

    It’s very interesting. We must think about what you sad. If we can do some manipulations with this information (in our brains) and make little discovery’s- than we can do more...
    Thank, You!


    • Great post Luc!

      I have a Halloween skull here in the shop that makes that fog from water, I was thinking of using it to fog water vapor into the intake with the plasma going to see what would happen. NOW maybe it won't be fogging in water vapor after all, maybe something with a little more kick........

      BTW The fog this thing makes from room temp water is actually COLD, you can feel it with your hand........explain that one to me. I went to the website of the one I have, it says not to run it for more than 10 hours a day. I don't even want to drive that long on a trip before getting a hotel room, covered on the normal vehicle run time anyway.

      Thanks Luc for posting that over here..............................Mike


      • between the plates

        Originally posted by goldenequity View Post
        Not to distract.... but wanted to alert all to what appears to be a breakthrough on HHO production.
        Very interesting audio interview with Lynnferd Grant who has now produced gas not just AT the electrodes..
        but BETWEEN them.... a la Stanley Meyers.... no resonance, no tubes..... a paper clip.... and a spoon!

        Eagle-Research NEWest News about Brown's Gas

        "We can see (and we see it every time) a THIRD gas being formed exactly in the middle BETWEEN the plates . . . in the fluid itself."

        We've been pointing this out for years.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • note

          Originally posted by GotGas View Post
          I wrote the information on this web site but see that it appears to have been deleted and could only speculate as to why.
          The purpose of this forum is for open sharing and all opinions are respected and appreciated but suggesting what you are suggesting is not appreciated.

          Your posts in regards to this topics HAVE NOT BEEN DELETED, PERIOD.

          Post what you want to post but leave these speculations and insinuations out of it.

          Thank you.
          Last edited by Aaron; 11-14-2008, 11:50 PM.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • Already listening ears?


            you speculated and insinuated that I speculated and insinuated. I think I deleted the post after Linderman pissed me off. Too funny.

            The fact of the matter is, a person could write a fews books based on the information that was contained in that original post and the post I wrote today.

            Nobody has ever explained how electricity is produced at a sub-atomic level. Nobody ever explained the double slit experiment. Nobody.

            All laws of science are effect based. Like a blind man walking down a hallway feeling for walls and stairs and naming what he feels wall effect, stair effect, etc.

            If a person understands mass/energy conversion then suddenly they can create with intent and understanding. I posted the info. on your web site to be nice even though I had planned to write something someday and include a few other things I have learned along the way.

            After Linderman pissed me off, I probably deleted it because he writes books about other peoples work. Don't recall for sure, I can only speculate.

            Here is another true story:

            Not long ago a man stuck a knife in my leg. Sounds pretty horrible huh?

            The man was a surgeon and he reattached my foot after I tore it off BASE jumping a 1000' cliff.

            Enjoy your day.


            • Originally posted by jstadwater View Post
              Great post Luc!

              I have a Halloween skull here in the shop that makes that fog from water, I was thinking of using it to fog water vapor into the intake with the plasma going to see what would happen. NOW maybe it won't be fogging in water vapor after all, maybe something with a little more kick........

              BTW The fog this thing makes from room temp water is actually COLD, you can feel it with your hand........explain that one to me. I went to the website of the one I have, it says not to run it for more than 10 hours a day. I don't even want to drive that long on a trip before getting a hotel room, covered on the normal vehicle run time anyway.

              Thanks Luc for posting that over here..............................Mike
              Hi Mike,

              don't let this stop you from trying water in your skull mister also. I mostly posted that to make us think and see what can be done and to think he is not even using a plasma spark and he can get a gas engine to work on Diesel. I don't know though if his semi Geet is a requirement for it to work.

              I also don't think one pond mister is going to have much or any effect on a car engine as he could barely keep the engine to idle. Here is the topic I took it from: Fuel Vapour System - Got it working!! My suggestion to you would be to make a bubbler tank like plasmastudent77 did but for water and heat the water with your engine coolant so the water vapors easily. Maybe use one of those new plastic one gallon paint cans and have more air tube to make more bubbles to get lots of water vapors for your V8. Get some 3/8" copper coiled pipe (from home Depot) which comes in a flat coil and uncoil some off so it fits nicely in the paint can but have most of the coil away from the bottom so some water is on the bottom. Also leave enough pipe on each end to come out of the can to connect it to your engine coolant with T's taped from the tubes going and coming from your vehicle heater core to heat the water.

              This device will cost you no energy as compared to the ultrasonic pond misters to which you would need a minimum of 8 to feed a V8.

              Last edited by gotoluc; 11-15-2008, 02:24 AM.


              • Originally posted by Ansis Freimanis View Post
                It’s very interesting. We must think about what you sad. If we can do some manipulations with this information (in our brains) and make little discovery’s- than we can do more...
                Thank, You!

                Somewhere I have a link to a scientist that discovered how to use the inbound wave superimposed over the outbound wave to produce a scalar wave and mass.

                If we can convert energy into mass, then we have to be able to convert mass into energy. An atom bomb is the perfect example of a mass to atomic energy conversion. The largest energy release in the known history of man on Earth was accomplished with an atom bomb by the Russians.

                A nuclear bomb and an atom bomb are two very different things. Atom bomb is a fusion device and a nuclear bomb is a fission device.

                Suffice it to say, that method of mass to atomic energy conversion has been "peer reviewed" by the entire planet. :-)

                So anytime some idiot with a shiny new degree in physics or chemistry tells you that a free energy device is not possible, just ask them to explain how a fusion device smaller than a car could release 50 megatons of energy. Then ask them to show you which law of thermodynamics covers that. You win the argument every time at that point.

                Many of the laws of thermodynamics were written to describe steam engines and fire over a hundred years ago and do not cover mass to atomic energy conversion.

                In other words, those laws were written by people that never saw an electric light bulb or a polyphase motor or even an automobile. That puts thermodynamics into a proper perspective doesn't it?


                • to GotGas

                  Hi! You are wise. Your style is provocative, but you are right- in many, many cases. At first I am Latvian and English is not my language- in middle school (I finish in 1985 year) I learn German language. You know- in internet, you can find everything- INFO about "free energy devices"- video clips, movies and whatever. Very many scientists are talking about it... At first I watching all stuff of INFO- movies, patents, and I start to understand- I don’t understand... You are right about atomic bomb- its tremendous uncontrolled power and it is so small- in the atomic rockets is very small amount of uranium 60 and 55 (I don’t remember details). Existing Joe cell too- subatomic reactor, but its very complicated to make it and is too hard to control this device (You Tube videos).
                  P.S. About me- I am listening to you- I am not angry to you!
                  Be happy!


                  • Guys, here is Luc's voltage doubler , ready to do new plug wear tests Monday.
                    Added all the updates from Greg and AC in your PDF
                    Voltage doubler is in the updated doc under Revizal's stuff

                    ImageShack - Hosting :: rimg0275fd9.jpg

                    Getting to Greg's one ASAP forgot to mention, after the plug wear tests we got increased MPG from the plugs, prob cause of the gap..
                    Last edited by ashtweth; 11-15-2008, 09:42 AM.


                    • to Luc

                      Hi! I suppose the plasma+ diesel vapor+ super lean gasoline/air mixture= good combination! Lean gasoline mix making High temperature in combustion chamber, but diesel vapor- it is good lubricator and mix with it makes system work great! And very best of all is that- diesel is not so flammable like gasoline. It’s safer!
                      P.S. Revizal, maybe you can comment this!


                      • Originally posted by Ansis Freimanis View Post
                        Hi! I suppose the plasma+ diesel vapor+ super lean gasoline/air mixture= good combination! Lean gasoline mix making High temperature in combustion chamber, but diesel vapor- it is good lubricator and mix with it makes system work great! And very best of all is that- diesel is not so flammable like gasoline. It’s safer!
                        P.S. Revizal, maybe you can comment this!
                        It is also worth mentioning that diesel fuel contains more carbon than gasoline and if you can break the carbon chains up into smaller chains using a Geet reformer reactor and ultrasonic energy, you will get more of the the energy out of the fuel than you normally would. This is also true with gasoline.

                        It is the carbon in hydrocarbon that burns, not the water.

                        So good analog would be...

                        I can hold a match to a carbon rod and it will not burst into flames. If I grind the carbon rod into a fine power and throw it into the flame, then it ignites.

                        They add things to gasoline to make it more difficult to break the carbon chains so you don't create a Pogue Carburetor which is the same thing as a Geet in that it breaks the carbon chains into smaller parts to make the fuel more combustible through evaporation.

                        Don't get too intrigued by that stuff regarding "it emits x-ray" crap associated with the Geet. Pulling some Scotch tape off a roll will produce enough X-ray to develop an x-ray of your hand.

                        Tape some xray film to the top of your feet and drag your feet around the carpet to make static and you should be able to do the same thing.


                        • to GotGas

                          Do you think static electricity (body+ Scotch+ flour) can make X-Rays? I think- there is too small current and if I remember correct for X-Rays we need a electrons with high energy (AC) to hit an special metal material in 45 degree angle, for gamma rays. Alfa and Beta is soft X-rays. With Scotch and flour you can "take" a static electricity (it is like Capacitor) and nothing can happen- You’ll be OK.
                          P.S. I think you worried too much.


                          • Ansis, check this out:

                            But lets not go into offtopic here
                            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                            • voltage multiplier

                              Hi all,

                              Has anyone that is using a voltage multiplier on the spark plug circuit put the circuit on a scope to see if the multiplier maintains its high voltage at high spark rate? Every one I have built sags miserably at higher frequency (power demand).



                              • @ Luc

                                @ Luc

                                Yes, I will try the skull mister with water, of course. But that video opens doors to more possible liquids to "fog", than just water. I don't think this will require a semi GEET to function, keep reading below.................

                                @ ALL

                                Does anyone here know the auto-ignition temp of gasoline? How about deisel fuel? What I'm thinking is the same principle of heating the water to make it easier to go to vapor, as Luc stated. Applications already exist that heat the gasoline before it gets to the engine. You follow me? Some of us already feed a "vaporous" gas into the intake, HHO, what would it hurt to feed in a little extra? Even if we need to use a LP carb instead of a gasoline carb, or throttle body, big deal if it works, right? They make adapter plates to change a mulitude of fuel injected and carbed vehicles over to LP (just modify it for low pressure). I know guys here in Naples that run their fleet trucks on LP as we speak, they are in the GREEN category.

                                Still use the fuel tank in the car as the supply, feed the gasoline (or deisel fuel,) from the tank into a "created" unit to heat it to the right temp, making it easier to vaporize, but well below auto-ignition temp. Engine size would dictate the number of small sonic transducer units required to change the heated liquid to vapor, "on demand" (could be electronically controlled via throttle position). Still use the return line to the fuel tank (may need to be bigger diameter for all that excess liquid the engine won't be using ). It's not as simple to make as it is to write.......but I think it can be done for sure. Hence my signature at the bottom of my posts, it's also my motto, "IF IT DOESN'T EXIST, CREATE IT!".

                                Then maybe use a heat exchanger from the exhaust system to create a steam feed, and a booster to add HHO..........and ignite it all with a plasma blast from the spark plug!!! VIOLA!!! And they call me a redneck......I'll show them! I share this idea with all of you, to kick around, give feedback, try to build one before I do, what do you think? Later.............................Mike
                                Last edited by jstadwater; 11-15-2008, 06:03 PM.
                                IF IT DOESN'T EXIST, CREATE IT!!!

