Originally posted by aljhoa
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The same holds true for gasoline and diesel. In order to break them down instantly into a hydrogen rich gas and fire them simultaneously, we would need a far greater amount of particles interacting with the plasma, and this cannot happen when you are only creating plasma in a very small area compared to the total combustion chamber volume.
It would be far better to pre-process your fuels or water before it enters the combustion chamber, and then use plasma ignition to make sure more (or all) of it fires. GEET and plasma reactors could provide this setup. In order to do this on a late model vehicle, it would take large sums of money and time in order to get it working, which is why I am not currently working on this system.
I will add one more thing. We did play with GEET reactors and gasoline before firing them with Plasma ignitions and found that the exhaust contained only tiny amounts of CO, HC, NoX. It was mostly water vapor
