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Water Sparkplug Practical Application

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  • #46
    I did not mean that it would be too complicated to make the ignition system operating using optotrigger. It is just that this requires more parts that I don't have right now and longer time to make everything right. That is why for starters I will go with the LV side piggybacking the high voltage spike using an UPS, a capacitor an a whole bunch of diodes. I already have everything I need for this. If this will give any positive results, then I will certainly need your help to build a precisely controllable ignition system based on reflective optical sensors.

    It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


    • #47
      No problem. You have my ICQ and Skype.


      • #48
        My two cents on installing this in a car.

        After looking over the circuit real close its seems real simple in principle becaues all you are really doing is using the high voltage to make a spark which then creates an ionizing trail for the cap to dump through. Once cap is empty there is no more circuit for it. So actually what one could do is just hook a cap up to each spark plug with a high voltage diode so the ignition doesn't back up into the cap. then just have a steady power supply of high voltage keeping all the caps full, and each time the distributor comes around to fire a spark plug it simultaneously dumps the cap that is attcahed to that spark plug seems like one can do it all with out realys at all, just using some diodes. No need for more ignition coils or anything just us the ignition of the car that is already in place without modifications. I will try to come up with a diagram. but it may take me a while.
        Then if that works then all you need to do to get water in the engine is to install a good ultra sonic himidifier in the intake and the vacuum will suck all the fog into the motor to be blasted by the spark.
        Any way put that in your pipe and smoke it. :-)


        • #49
          Re 4 coils might not be the same from junk yard:

          In the USA, around the late 1980's, they started doing away with the distributor. There was a coil for each cylinder fired from sensors on the crank. These coils were compact designs. Maybe such a system is used where you live? You would just need to pull the coils off one engine of this design.

          Also, to get the engine to run above idle, you may have to have multiple sparks per downstroke. We are dealing with micro explosions, not combustion. In Papp's Noble gas engine, He fired three pulses; TDC, then at 60 degrees and finally at 120 degrees of crank rotation. In the long run, you may have to go the optical sensor route? Or, maybe design some kind of multiple firing circuit?



          • #50
            engine options - tuktuk/rickshaw

            My friend and I are looking at converting a tuktuk. They are cheap and multitudinous in Asia so we feel they would be an ideal candidate for testing the prototype and getting public interest once it is up and running. They have a two stroke engine. Is there anything we should be looking out for?



            • #51
              practical application

              You're pretty right on the money. But the diode isn't just to prevent hv from exploding cap...if you do have the cap across gap in parallel and you try it without the diode, you can get away with blasting the HV into the cap but it could explode. Anyway, the point I'm making is that the cap will not discharge over the gap following the simple hv pulse across needs the radiant event caused by the hv diode to drop resistance enough to will not follow from a simple hv spark. The diode is there to give a low resistance path for hv back to ground...then it shuts off and causes hv pulse to puff up in order to get more potential out of it, has nowhere to go but over gap as only path to ground left...then the cap across plug with diode will follow.

              What you're saying about getting rid of relays, etc... is exactly the conclusion I've come to and there needs to be no diode on the front side of the ignition. It does still need to be a cap discharge into the coil.

              A CDI module added to a typical ignition system will suit the purpose of already making the capacitive discharges....then make the cap mod across the plugs with the diodes. There you go. But what voltage do you want the caps to be discharging?

              Everyone thinks it is about low voltage high amp following but it isn't. Yes, it is current still but you want a high current pulse from very hv and low capacitance. Joules climb by the square of voltage so that is how you want the high current pulse to come from and not from low voltage high amps.

              Look at my amplifier circuit, that is exactly what you are talking about...except there doesn't need to be the diode on the front side on the main cap that discharges to the primary of the ignition coil. Luc was doing the same but with an inverter across the plug. That is low voltage high amps. This is why it worked for luc with a 2uf cap...not because you can get the effect with the 2uf cap, but because the 2uf cap was all that is necessary for a simple capacitive discharge into the primary of the ignition coil...then that output goes towards diode...

              The the hv output finds path to ground through HV diode series, through bridge to ground...the moment it jumps to it, diode shuts off, compressing hv pulse against diode, has nowhere to go but over plug, then the pulse from inverter/variac/whatever follows.

              It works better with the variac or whatever charging up a cap like I showed and if you keep increasing voltage on cap or cap bank wired in series to increase microwave oven transformer powered by variac and output on bridge (you probably want it adjustable) - bridge to cap - cap in parallel to plug with diode...but when getting to those need some really good microwave diodes in the 10kv+ range and even with those, you'll want a few in series...and heat sinked...

              The radiant blast separates h/o in the gap, ignites it and they come back together forming a vacuum. This is a factual known occurrance. George Wiseman has shown this for years with igniting browns gas.

              Anyway, Meyer shows the EEC (electron extraction circuit) to take electrons to prevent them from being used to reassemble the h/o back into water. Is anyone working on this? It goes from annode...through bulb to burn off freed up electrons...then back to + input...a bulb in series there could instantly pull the electrons from the gap. This would allow a serious explosion from the gas without it instantly forming a vacuum. This is how to get real motive power from the blast and might be easier than boosting the plug spark 100 times. I doubt it needs to be that strong.

              With a weak spark, some at has already shown youtube vids of them getting a little motive power on a motor. Amplify the spark and they'll get better...steal electrons from the gap...probably better.

              Originally posted by vzon17 View Post
              After looking over the circuit real close its seems real simple in principle becaues all you are really doing is using the high voltage to make a spark which then creates an ionizing trail for the cap to dump through. Once cap is empty there is no more circuit for it. So actually what one could do is just hook a cap up to each spark plug with a high voltage diode so the ignition doesn't back up into the cap. then just have a steady power supply of high voltage keeping all the caps full, and each time the distributor comes around to fire a spark plug it simultaneously dumps the cap that is attcahed to that spark plug seems like one can do it all with out realys at all, just using some diodes. No need for more ignition coils or anything just us the ignition of the car that is already in place without modifications. I will try to come up with a diagram. but it may take me a while.
              Then if that works then all you need to do to get water in the engine is to install a good ultra sonic himidifier in the intake and the vacuum will suck all the fog into the motor to be blasted by the spark.
              Any way put that in your pipe and smoke it. :-)
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #52
                extracting the electrons



                That sounds like a very plausible way to boost the energy transference without having to up the power requirements.

                btw, I have setup a blog to attempt to make this info more accessible for the average person.



                • #53
                  Running a Generator


                  One practical application would be buying a 2KW Natural Gas Generator and converting it to a water power generator!

                  Like this one Green Power Plant Permanent Ind. Co.

                  Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                  • #54
                    Apllied to car?

                    Has anyone seen this video, or is this individual perhaps somewhere in this group?

                    YouTube - Plasma spark in running engine

                    I took my electronics to my truck and hooked up a few different arrangements. The best I could do, without adding the inverter, cap, etc., was to retard and stall the engine. I figured it was a little too low of voltage coming from the car, but I had to see it to rule it out.
                    Has anyone else tried just adding the diode principle to the existing stock setup of the car?
                    I have not pulled a plug yet to see what it actually looked like, my boy woke up and my wife is just off the night shift sleeping, so that will have to wait.
                    And I should probably find a small engine to work on to avoid any problems getting to work.. lol

                    Is there a spell checker on this thing?


                    • #55
                      If you use firefox it has a spellchecker built in.


                      • #56
                        I've been meaning to check into firefox for a while now, I really like thunderbird. I guess this would be a good time to try.. Thanks,



                        • #57
                          Yes, Water is Fuel

                          Great blog, keep posting!
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #58

                            With this spark plug method, it is possible that some radiant kickback might fry some computers or other electronics in a car...not sure if it will but something I wouldn't want to do.

                            Someone at said they did this spark method on some engine with gasoline and it was different but they didn't say what was different.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #59
                              I was thinking the radiant might fry something, thats why I made the need my truck for work comment. I've popped so many caps and meters, etc. it's ridiculous.
                              Come monday I'm going to o see if I can grab a small engine. There is a nice big second hand kind of dump barn thing here next to where I live. They should have something there. I'll bolt it to a table and try some setups on that.
                              I would like to know how that person in that video has his stuff hooked up though. It looks like one wire coming from the positive side of the spark plug, and one wire coming from the engine block as a ground. Both wires are going out of view.. hmm.. time will tell.
                              Keep the experiments going!



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by brusers View Post
                                I was thinking the radiant might fry something, thats why I made the need my truck for work comment. I've popped so many caps and meters, etc. it's ridiculous.
                                Come monday I'm going to o see if I can grab a small engine. There is a nice big second hand kind of dump barn thing here next to where I live. They should have something there. I'll bolt it to a table and try some setups on that.
                                I would like to know how that person in that video has his stuff hooked up though. It looks like one wire coming from the positive side of the spark plug, and one wire coming from the engine block as a ground. Both wires are going out of view.. hmm.. time will tell.
                                Keep the experiments going!

                                Some motorcycle engine will do it.
                                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.

