Good source of diodes
I found a good place for eveyone to get HV diodes at high amps, inside old microwave ovens. They range from about 10kV -15KV at about 1/2 an amp each!
Also if you don't have a few microwaves lying around contact your local microwave/TV repairs shop and order some spares.
As far as tubes are concerned Im no help there, but I do think that Tesla used tubes his high voltage setups
I found a good place for eveyone to get HV diodes at high amps, inside old microwave ovens. They range from about 10kV -15KV at about 1/2 an amp each!
Also if you don't have a few microwaves lying around contact your local microwave/TV repairs shop and order some spares.
As far as tubes are concerned Im no help there, but I do think that Tesla used tubes his high voltage setups