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Nitrogen Hydroxide ?

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  • Nitrogen Hydroxide ?

    I've been digging around the net and have found just enough info on this to be curious. Has anyone here ever tried it. If it works it sounds easier than trying to replicate an electronic circuit. Any information that you may pass along would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Try it for what?
    It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


    • #3
      You pull intake air going into the engine through it. It is similiar to a hho type cell but different . Nitrogen hydroxide is supposed to be created and burned in the engine with only a very small amount of fossil fuel used.


      • #4
        this also interests me i found some actuall info on it. will try find it again.


        • #5
          Nitrogen Hydroxide

          Nitrogen Hydroxide - valid?

          Positive charged air + HHO/HOH enters vacuum during intake and possibly
          makes nitrogen hydroxide?
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            Nitrogen Hydroxide - valid?

            Positive charged air + HHO/HOH enters vacuum during intake and possibly
            makes nitrogen hydroxide?
            Hey Aaron, maybe this is the Nitrogen connection your looking for, could it be?

            Good Day!!!...24


            • #7
              hope hope

              Would be nice lol

              I'm still going to do the experiment even if I don't understand it.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #8
                Nitrogen Hydroxide

                "nitrogen hydroxide" - Google Search


                Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies

                Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies

                H2O + ONO + ion = N2NO3

                That has a lot of claims about nitrogen hydroxide. I don't want to put
                all this in the Ionization & Water Fuel thread if it is off track and I
                don't want to clutter that thread with this if not relevant.

                Alternative Science and Technology Research Organisation



                NEMO ALERT: Australian Fuel System Alternate-Energy

                (N(OH)2O) or N(oh)2 or NH4OH or

                water fuel systems
                Operating Unit
                Untitled Document

                YouTube - Nitrogen Hydrogen Booster- WFC
       :: View topic - mrgalleria, can you test the Nickel again?

                AHANW Forums - Dingel's Magic Car and How It Could Save the World

                Self-consistent-field calculation of nitrosyl hydride and nitrogen hydroxide - Inorganic Chemistry (ACS Publications)


                HHO Cell Kit

                The Water Engine - The water engines!

                Water-Fuel Generator Kit by inventor Carl Cella

                Journal of the Society of Chemical ... - Google Books

                There are other links, just wanted to get the ball rolling.
                Anyway, it's a real live molecule verified by spectrum analysis
                it appears.


                Abstract from first link at top:

                Cover Picture: Experimental Detection of the H2NO3 Radical (ChemPhysChem 10/2003)Fulvio Cacace, Prof. Dr. *, Giulia de Petris, Prof. Dr. *, Anna Troiani, Dr.Dipartimento di Studi di Chimica e Tecnologia delle Sostanze Biologicamente Attive, Università di Roma La Sapienza, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy, Fax: (+39)06-49-913-602
                email: Fulvio Cacace (*Correspondence to Fulvio Cacace, Dipartimento di Studi di Chimica e Tecnologia delle Sostanze Biologicamente Attive, Università di Roma La Sapienza, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy, Fax: (+39)06-49-913-602

                *Correspondence to Giulia de Petris, Dipartimento di Studi di Chimica e Tecnologia delle Sostanze Biologicamente Attive, Università di Roma La Sapienza, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy, Fax: (+39)06-49-913-602

                setDOI("ADOI=10.1002/cphc.200390107")Keywordsinorganic radicals • gas-phase chemistry • mass spectrometry • nitric acid • short-lived intermediatesAbstractThe cover pictures showsthe mass spectrum of nitrogen hydroxide oxide, the H2NO3. radical, which was discovered by neutralization reionization mass spectrometry (NRMS) and characterized as a relatively long-lived (over 1 s) metastable species. The discovery required the availability of the appropriate charged precursor that fortunately had previously been prepared by this group (1989) as a result of their sustained interest in gas-phase ion chemistry of nitrates, nitrites and related molecules. Cacace et al. found that protonation of nitric acid by strong Brønsted acids yields, in addition to the H2ONO2+ ion, smaller amounts of the less stable (HO)2NO+ isomer, namely charged nitrogen hydroxide oxide. This result has allowed the present discovery by NRMS (yellow trace), whereas NRMS of the H2ONO2+ ion does not result in detectable H2NO3. neutral species (green trace). The importance of nitrogen hydroxide oxide stems from its relevance to a variety of research areas, from the reduction of the NO32- anion, to atmospheric chemistry, radiolysis of nuclear-waste solutions, the charge-transfer mechanism of aromatic nitration, etc. Find out more in the communication by Cacace et al. on pp. 1128-131.Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
                10.1002/cphc.200390107 About DOI
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  There are other links, just wanted to get the ball rolling.
                  Anyway, it's a real live molecule verified by spectrum analysis
                  it appears.
                  There is a story behind Nitrogen Hydroxide. It might be in all those links, but I am not going to read all of them to find out but I will relay it to you guys.

                  At the close of WW II, when the Russians and the US were closing in on Hitler and chasing him all over Germany, there was a discovery made.

                  If I am not mistaken, The Americans and Russians both converged on a compound that housed allot of Hitlers experimental research.

                  Among these various gadgets was the HHO cell. The thing was probably on a few military cars and trucks, but during the heat of battle no one really popped the hood to admire the engine.

                  Since Hitlers fuel supply was dwindling, his scientists came up with the fuel cell.

                  I believe that there was a soldier that actually understood what he saw and brought the invention back to Australia.

                  The device is similar to the Joe Cell but only has one tube inside the other.

                  Supposedly, it uses the engines vacuum along with very low voltage to help pull apart the H20 molecule and make nitrogen hydroxide.

                  This process is suppose to be the missing link on processing the atomic O1 and sticking a N1 in there and creating fuel on demand.

                  Aaron mentioned copper in the air ionization thread. I believe copper intake tubes along with heat, helps this process to take place as the water inside the cell is heated.

                  Anyways, it is a good story whether it's true or not, it's anyones guess




                  • #10
                    Nitrogen hydroxide is supposed to be created and burned in the engine with only a very small amount of fossil fuel used.
                    Well that is what is suppose to happen.

                    I don't think it is as complicated a process as many believe. It just requires a tad of vacuum, some copper, water and heat and a battery....

                    I have done my own experiments but failed to finish the project due to getting side tracked on the TS.

                    I did not like the by product of Chromium I was producing by the electrolysis in the cell.



                    • #11
                      nitrogen hydroxide

                      Very interesting story and I wouldn't be surprised if true. A lot of
                      technology came from that area during that time.

                      The copper I mentioned was from something Tutanka posted in regards
                      to something can be done with a copper tube or something. I guess it
                      could be part of an ionization chamber.

                      The vacuum helps to pull apart of the gases in the cell and this has been
                      said quite a bit in the threads relating to nitrogen hydroxide. When the
                      "mixture" enters the combustion chamber, the vacuum there may help to
                      further dissociate the HHO.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #12
                        The copper I mentioned was from something Tutanka posted in regards
                        to something can be done with a copper tube or something. I guess it
                        could be part of an ionization chamber.

                        Most of the HH0 cells out there today have plastic tubes running to the intake so the gas mixture exits the magnetic field before entering the combustion chamber. I have always believed that the fracturing of the H2O with brute force was going in the wrong direction. EDIT BY Brute force I mean throwing more amps at the problem to create more HHO.

                        I believe the copper tubing may help keep the field around the mixture all the way to the chamber..
                        At least that is the theory I was subscribing to when I stopped working on my HHO project.

                        The current race to Hydrogen power made me realize that the atomic H was not important. It was the Atomic O.......

                        Cars running on Hydrogen would require total re-engineering, while everyone with half a brain knows that N20 and gasoline go great together with the ICE just they way it is...

                        The older engines were big enough to steal some of the HP to turn it into a vacuum pump-IEC...the newer less powerful computerized engines are useless for that...
                        And not many want to drive a 70 model car for various reasons.

                        Like I have said before, they are always one step ahead....

                        My 002...


                        Last edited by Murlin; 01-25-2010, 03:27 PM. Reason: Clarify


                        • #13
                          How to Make Nitrogen Hydroxide

                          Here is a 3 page compilation of this thread. I condensed it into a couple
                          categories. It is short and sweet. It is INCOMPLETE. There are a few
                          things that need to be added that may or may not be apparent to get
                          a full working motor. But it will give the Nitrogen Hydroxide story and more.
                          How to Make Nitrogen Hydroxide
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #14

                            This goes a bit off topic of ionization so I post it here.

                            We all know the ICE is an extremely inefficient power plant.

                            However it is the only thing that millions of DIY's have to work with.

                            What Meyers did took a huge amount of special engineering to get his dune buggy to run on water.

                            The standard ICE will not run to long on Hydrogen and or water. It needs lubrication.

                            Hydrogen burns so clean that it will scour the cylinders from carbon.

                            Carbon is what lubes the ICE inside the combustion chamber. Not oil as one would think.

                            So a system that uses small amounts fossil fuels would be preferable for the average guy who wants to make his car get uber MPG.

                            In order to accomplish this task, one needs to come up with a system that uses the least amount of energy possible while keeping the entire unit as simple as possible.

                            Turbines sound great, but the average guy could not build one in his garage and convert it to run in his vehicle..

                            In nature, won't 2 molecules of water randomly disassociate into H30 and OH ?

                            Of course they recombine, but this special property of water could be exploited.

                            This means that perhaps there is another way to create and use the gasses needed by less complex means.

                            Resonance frequency could be used along with electromagnetism to stop recombination after the gasses leave the WFC and head towards the combustion chamber. This resonance frequency is determined by how far one puts the plates inside the cell.

                            Water vapor and N2 keep things cool and steam adds to help push the piston down. Small amounts of fossil fuel are burned in the mix for lubrication and starting the engine. The whole point would be to use the engine "as is" without modification, perhaps only changing the ignition timing and installing a plasma spark plug..

                            A simple cell consisting of 2 tubes will create the desired effect.

                            There are many unanswered questions about this system that I do not have the answer to, only more questions that I will have to put to the test. But for the moment I can only speculate since I too am waiting for warmer weather to make experimentation more enjoyable and rewarding. But the ionization thread has rekindled my interests on this project. I find it very exciting...

                            Could one exploit the magnetic moment of copper to polarize the N2 that is already in the ambient air and combine it with the fractured OH(hydroxide) creating nitrogen hydroxide? A shielded copper intake would absorb heat from the engine while working to keep the mixture inside the field and help keep the magnets around it from degaussing..

                            Would the magnets and copper see the mixture as a solid since it has water vapor in it and induce a reaction? Questions....questions...

                            The hydrogen would be the only thing that would be need to be ionized for extra power and the HHO cell already does that easily with low voltage. The nitrogen hydroxide would compliment the carbon fuel to increase joule output just like N20 does except have an added kick from hydrogen.

                            We need to come up with something that works with the current engineering that the ordinary person can use.

                            Anyway like I said earlier I am not a chemist so there are things I do not understand about the physics of it all....just thinking out loud here.....




                            • #15
                              Turbojet Engine


                              Check out these Turbojet engines people are making from car turbos.

                              I'm sure the thrust or whatever can be used to run an electric generator.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO

