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Stanley Meyer Explained

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  • Originally posted by mmm_66 View Post
    Hi everyone...
    All I can say is a big "THANK YOU" to each and everyone of you who contributed all the information you have supplied in this forum. I have been in other forums that didn't even come close to having a clue what they were talking about. Keep up the great work. For me it is starting to pay off tremendously and as I progress more I will post my results. With great respect to each one of you.
    On behalf of all of us I want to say your very welcome .

    Now I wanted to talk about something that has been bugging me greatly. It is the proposed theory of Nitrous oxide (N2O) I will go over this right now in great detail to show why the theory breaks down when you take a close look at it.

    Nitrous oxide(N2O)

    I will put it to everyone as simply as I can.
    nitrous oxide | using nitrous oxide systems in combustion engines
    A property of nitrous oxide is that at about 565 degrees F., it breaks down into nitrogen and oxygen. When it is introduced into the intake tract of an internal combustion engine, it is sucked into the combustion chamber and, on the compression stroke, when the charge air temperature reaches 565 deg., a very oxygen-rich mixture results. If we add extra fuel during nitrous oxide injection, the effect is like a super charger or increasing the compression ratio of the engine. Automotive nitrous systems work like the automotive equivalent of a jet's "afterburner" and is used for short duration extra bursts of power.
    Nitrous oxide has this effect because it has a higher percentage of oxygen content than does the air in the atmosphere. Nitrous has 36% oxygen by weight and the atmosphere has 21%. Additionally, nitrous oxide is 50% more dense than air at the same pressure. Thus, a cubic foot of nitrous oxide contains 2.3 times as much oxygen as a cubic foot of air. Just do a bit of math in your head and you can see if we substitute some nitrous oxide for some of the air going into an engine then add the appropriate amount of additional fuel, the engine is going to put out more power.
    The balloon logic

    If I give you a balloon full of air and told you to make all of the nitrogen found in it into NO2 how much oxygen would you have left over? Given that Nitrogen makes up 78% of our air and oxygen only 21%? Composition of Our Atmosphere - Geography For Kids - By The answer is none as all the oxygen would be used up to create nitrous oxide and since it is a two to one ratio then only 42% of the nitrogen would be used to create nitrous oxide. That leaves 36% of the air as pure nitrogen. Since this balloon is all you get to play with in running your ICE, then what is left to combust with the hydrogen? Answer, is nothing. You would not get the engine running at all as Nitrous oxide is non combustible.
    If you convert half into nitrous oxide then only 10.5% of the oxygen will be will be available to form into water after ignition in the presence of hydrogen. Remember this balloon is all you get to use and we in the science world call this balloon "The Conservation of Mass." So to create nitrous oxide really results in a net loss of energy as it takes energy to create it. Oxygen is the oxidizer and without it you will not get a reaction. So, if you create nitrous oxide from the balloon and use what oxygen is left over to combust with hydrogen then there is no net gain combustible substance but only a net loss.
    It takes heat, as shown in the above quote, to break down the nitrous oxide in an internal combustion engine run on gasoline the heat of the hydrogen found in the fuel is used to break down the nitrous oxide, but the key thing tutanka is missing is the nitrous oxide that goes into an internal combustion engine comes from a second balloon which is better known as a nitrous oxide injection system , short form NOS. This heat from the reaction of the gasoline breaks down the newly added nitrous oxide and then you have one more oxygen atom per molecule of nitrous oxide available for combustion with more gasoline. But this is a two balloon system not a one balloon system as tutanka is saying is possible with only a one balloon system. If you only have one balloon you can not get more oxygen in the system available for combustion with the hydrogen, and as I have just shown you if you do convert some oxygen from the system you have less oxygen atoms available for combustion with the hydrogen atoms. The intake of any car is a one balloon system, unless you have installed a nitrous oxide injection system complete with a NOS tank which makes it a two balloon system by default.
    Now do you understand why his theory breaks down when you take a closer look at it? For what he is saying is he has found away to make more oxygen than that from which he started out with. Nitrous oxide is a non explosive compound, nitrogen gas is non explosive. The only gas in the whole system that is explosive is hydrogen. And note this hydrogen does not combine with nitrogen in an explosive manor. The result of hydrogen forming with nitrogen that is explosive after it is made is HNO3: learn how it is made.

    Now there is even more that should be said with it as his theory just keeps breaking down when looked at closely, but I am the one that is being made out to look like a fool. In the reaction with gasoline one has to understand that oxygen is the limiting reagent or in other words there isn't enough of it to complete the reaction fully. For we all know that some of the oxygen is used for combustion, and some for creation of CO2, CO, and NO as a result there isn't enough oxygen in the system to burn all the fuel with it's slow burn rate. Now nitrous oxide is introduced to the system with another bottle and at 565 degrees F the nitrous oxide breaks down providing extra oxygen to be use for combustion with the hydrogen in gasoline. That is how it works to boost power of the system by adding in more oxygen. But the key point here is that this is a two balloon system not a single balloon system as tutanka is saying can take place.

    Now in sharp contrast the system in which Stanley Meyer used, hydrogen is the limiting reagent as when it is made it already has the perfect amount of oxygen needed for combustion, and then you add in more oxygen from the outside air supply. So with that in mind if you where to add a NOS injection system to the car what would be the point of adding in more oxygen when there is already too much in the system? Plus that oxygen will be untreated by the Gas Processor and/or Water Fuel Injectors not missing any electrons. His non understanding of how a NOS system works in a standard gasoline driven internal combustion engine is his down fall, plus the fact he doesn't seem to know that Stanley Meyers system has too much oxygen in it already for it is the hydrogen that is the limiting reagent and not the oxygen as is the case for the gasoline fueled system. I should call that system the Rothechild/Rockfeller system since they are the primary people driving the gasoline system to be maintained and taking in a lot of the profits.

    But that is not it on how his theory falls apart when looked at closely. How the nitrous oxide is formed is yet another issue. In nature nitrous oxide is formed when nitrogen monoxide(NO) + ozone(O3) + sunlight interact to form the nitrous oxide compound. Other ways it is made it has to be derived from something else. Now you have to ask how is NO formed? And it turns out that to make NO takes a lot of heat something like 1400 degrees or so. So first you have to have the NO and O3 present plus the correct wavelengths of light energy to produce nitrous oxide. That you are not going to get from sucking in air from our air supply, one big balloon most of us call earth. So as you can see his theory just doesn't hold up, but I am the one that is being made out to be the stupid one not living in the real world. Nitrous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Now at first when he proposed the theory I didn't know if it could work or not, so I looked into it with an open mind, but look deeply into it I did and what I found out was, it will not work that way. Note it did make me understand Meyer system a whole lot better so for that I should thank him and perhaps I will. For if he hadn't suggested it I wouldn't have learned the Meyer system is an hydrogen deficient system totally unlike gasolines oxygen deficient system. It is the conservation of mass that prevents his theory from working correctly and how nitrous oxide is formed and/or created in general. For in his system he has not identified just where the nitrous oxide will be coming from and/or where it will be formed as it travels down the cars intake system, the Gas Processor now being a part of that system for it is found in both of Stanley Meyer's designs (gaseous injection system and the water injection system).

    Now I wrote this so that everyone can see why I say it can't work that way for themselves given the same data and information I looked at to draw that conclusion. Here are previous post that I also show more information on the subject:
    Inert Nitrogen (78 percent of the air) is absolutely essential.

    It is this that prevents the horrible detonation and runaway heat problems that your car would have by absorbing the heat generated and expanding to shove the piston down. It is the most abundant gas in the combustion chamber. And it really does need to be. Nitrogen might even be stripped of electrons but that doesn't change it from being an Inert Gas. The reaction generating the heat in the system is coming from the Hydrogen and Oxygen.

    As I have stated earlier the Gas Processor can not create Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous oxide is most commonly prepared by careful heating of ammonium nitrate. And if it did, by some means of magic, the conservation of mass comes into play for the Nitrous oxide that would be created in this magical world would be created from the very supply of oxygen and nitrogen coming into the system so there is no net gain of an oxidizer or nitrogen.

    Now if you hook up a NOS system and add Nitrous oxide to the system then yes upon ignition you would get a net gain in oxidizer and nitrogen (approximately 64%) because you physically put the gas into the system.
    I hope this clears things up so we stop having these opposing points of view on Stanley Meyer's patents.

    Let me know if this was informative or not, okay everyone?

    Energy independence is our goal so lets get too it and keep our noses to the grindstone,



    • atomic nitrogen + atomic hydrogen

      Originally posted by h20power View Post
      If I give you a balloon full of air and told you to make all of the nitrogen found in it into NO2 how much oxygen would you have left over? Given that Nitrogen makes up 78% of our air and oxygen only 21%? Composition of Our Atmosphere - Geography For Kids - By The answer is none as all the oxygen would be used up to create nitrous oxide and since it is a two to one ratio then only 42% of the nitrogen would be used to create nitrous oxide. That leaves 36% of the air as pure nitrogen. Since this balloon is all you get to play with in running your ICE, then what is left to combust with the hydrogen? Answer, is nothing. You would not get the engine running at all as Nitrous oxide is non combustible.

      HEAT instantly separates oxygen from nitrogen in N2O (nitrous oxide) and
      just simple engine heat makes all that extra oxygen available for combustion,

      You mention NO2, that isn't nitrous oxide, that is nitrogen dioxide.

      If you have a gasoline engine, why does N2O (which is nitrous oxide)
      make the fuel burn better? It lowers the temp making a denser mixture
      meaning you pack more fuel and air in there, but also the N2O acts as a
      oxygen delivery system for more oxygen available to burn the fuel more

      The premise of your argument that oxygen is bound to nitrogen makes
      it unavailable for aiding in combustion is actually not true N2O breaks
      down under high temperature
      meaning it instantly separates freeing
      up all the oxygen. This truly is a fact about N2O and has been known
      for ages as it applies to Internal Combustion Engines.

      But to the point of water fuel engine, nobody is proposing that N2O
      (nitrous oxide) is what makes it work. It is the fact that in the air
      processor, when electrons are stripped from nitrogen and oxygen both,
      they are BOTH unstable and are difficult to combine into N2O before
      any combustion takes place anyway.

      The atomic nitrogen mixed with atomic hydrogen, which is freed up
      from HH from the plasma becomes "very reactive." I have searched and
      found the same that active nitrogen and hydrogen produces "anomalous"

      "active nitrogen" hydrogen - Google Search

      Spend a few hours and pour through the literature of active nitrogen
      and reactions with water vapor, water, moisture, hydrogen, atomic
      hydrogen, etc...

      There is a lot about active nitrogen and hydrogen and hydrocarbons and
      other chemistry but don't throw the baby out with the bath water, they're
      all pointing to amazing properties of active nitrogen and apparently in
      much of the science, it is an unknown why nitrogen has these properties.

      Also, the nitrogen acts as a EEC in the combustion chamber as part
      of the process.

      H2OPower, it would be a shame for you to have put so much time,
      money, and effort into this project to simply be so easily dismissive of
      what Tutanka has shared and again, nobody is saying nitrous oxide is
      what makes it work, just that some nitrous 'could' be produced in the
      combustion chamber - but that is NOT the key. Active nitrogen +
      atomic hydrogen is.

      Whether you agree with him or not or think he was argumentative towards
      you in this thread, the published literature over a hundred years points
      exactly to verifying that the "Thermal Explosive Energy" results from a
      peculiar reaction with ACTIVE NITROGEN and ATOMIC HYDROGEN.

      Again, the nitrogen is very positively charged in the air processor just
      as oxygen is, so therefore, how much nitrous would be created?

      Arguing against it by arguing against nitrous oxide isn't even arguing
      against what Tutanka shared.

      I studied active nitrogen a bit in the past because of a completely
      different application in electromagnetics..sealed nitrogen in a tube with
      rotors, etc... Anyway, coming full circle, to active nitrogen and I do
      see absolutely in the literature amazing characteristics to active
      nitrogen and atomic hydrogen. I'm still sorting it out in my head but
      is is absolutely undeniable.

      Check this page:
      Lord Rayleigh: Active Nitrogen

      It has been known for years that the active nitrogen can emit more
      energy that it received and may account for part of the "anomalous"
      reactions with hydrogen.

      You already have just about all the parts needed for a full replications.
      You have the air processor, you posted pics I saw them, you can put
      the led's in there and the electrons stripping circuit is no more complicated
      than a positive ionizing hair dryer schematic from the sharper image patent.

      Anyway, you're light years ahead of me in terms of having nicely machined
      parts, you seem to have the circuitry for efficient HHO production even
      though you don't need tons of hho, just a bit, etc... you're in the position
      to probably more quickly replicate a 100% water fuel engine than anyone
      else on the forum maybe. I know a lot of others probably think so.

      We are both aware of the fact that something doesn't make sense about
      having the fuel be 100% hho because nobody is creating enough hho
      in any cell to fully run an engine. NOT EVEN MEYER regardless of what
      he states. All video evidence shows HHO production that is NOT impressive
      in the least bit. He may be doing it very efficiently but he certainly is not
      making enough to run an entire dune buggy engine on it.

      I'm not arguing with you here so please don't take it like that. Simply,
      you've done so much... Forget about nitrous oxide, its irrelevant.
      Active nitrogen + atomic hydrogen. Do the research and you'll come to
      the same conclusion. If you have the Air Processor built right and are
      positively charging the air and stripping electrons from oxygen, then
      you absolutely MUST BE producing active nitrogen at the same time.

      I don't know many people that have put this much time and effort into
      these projects as you have and I'm only trying to help. If you don't want
      me to post in this thread either, I'll step out, that's fine but please don't
      get stuck on nitrous oxide or even nitrogen dioxide.

      Active Nitrogen + Atomic Hydrogen

      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Aaron, sorry but that was my mistake at first when the theory was proposed to me as I didn't at first know the chemical make up of nitrous oxide. Like I said it was new to me and I had to look into it to fully understand what was being proposed. But no matter if I made that mistake the problem still would exist that the oxygen used to create the N2O or NO2 comes from your one balloon source of air. But the only way to know for sure is to set up a Gas Processor and fire it up with a gas spectrum analyzer and see what gases are produced by the Gas Processor with an air flow rate of 32ft/sec minimum. To do that you have to have the correct circuitry one with an electron extraction circuit, and the correct pulsing of the LEDs to boot.

        But my main point in all of this is if you make the N2O from the same supply air that feeds into the intake system you will get no net gain in oxygen concentration. But if you understand that Meyer's system already has an excess of oxygen already, what would be the point of adding in any more oxygen? My points are valid and have to be considered with his theory in mind excepting that those problems I found with the theory can't be over-looked and just swept aside as if they didn't matter. No they have to be addressed in order to prove the theory to be a valid one.

        Now in my theory of Meyer's work the two processes Meyer employed one had an advantage over the other in that the wfc produced untreated oxygen to be injected into the combustion chamber and the water fuel injectors could treat the incoming oxygen that was being produced on demand by the water fuel injectors. Then there is the problem of what is explosive and what is non explosive and what is an oxidizer. Nitrogen is non explosive, Nitrous oxide is non explosive, Nitrogen dioxide is non explosive, and Nitrogen monoxide is non explosive. There are only two reactants in the system that are explosive when mixed together and they are hydrogen and oxygen.

        Aaron you also didn't understand that the paragraph I wrote in saying if you converted all the available oxygen to nitrous oxide you would have no oxygen left for the gasoline to burn in to produce the 565 degree F heat to break down the nitrous oxide.

        Last edited by h20power; 01-27-2010, 06:17 AM.


        • Hi everyone,

          Here are some questions I will answer for everyone.

          "How is Stanley Meyer's two designs that he employed an oxygen rich system?"

          Answer: The WFC produces hydrogen and oxygen on demand and the water fuel injector also do this. Then the outside air is sucked into the intake system of the car adding even more oxygen to the system. The oxygen that the WFC and WFI's create is in a stoichiometric mixture with the hydrogen, so any outside air being brought into the system containing oxygen, the oxygen that it does bring in is more than is needed as the resulting mixture from the two sources are a perfect match for burning all of both atoms completely.

          "What two components Meyer used can strip electrons from the atoms?"

          Answer: The water fuel injectors and the gas processor.

          "Why does Stanley Meyer specifically say that you have to strip four or more electrons from the oxygen atoms?"

          Answer: When looking at the math of the process, one can see that at the fourth energy level the mixture over takes gasolines energy content.
          2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 7469.2 kJ/mol are formed yielding 8341.2 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction now is 8341.2-1836 = +6505.2 kJ/mol and that is more than gasolines 5080 kJ/mol. And note these numbers assume no hydrogen was created by the water fuel injectors only a charge placed on them so they can't reform into larger water droplets and/or stick to other things while traveling towards the combustion chamber if it has the same charge. Also the hydrogen has not been ionized in this equation as-well. This is a worst case equation or one could view it as cold start situation.

          "What advantage did Meyer get when he went from a gaseous injection system to a direct water injection system?

          1. The loss of 10 VIC transformers and controlling circuitry that went along with them.
          2. He had no more need for the quenching circuitry, pressure regulators, and transport issues of the hydrogen/oxygen mixture created by the water fuel capacitor.
          3. It cut down the size of the retrofit kit considerable.
          4. It cut cost by not needing all of these missing items.
          5. It cut weight off of the conversion kit and lost weight saves fuel.
          6. Easier to diagnose a problem if one occurred.
          7. Easier and faster installation times.
          8. I am sure there are more that everyone can think of that I didn't mention here.

          If you have questions you would like answers too I and others can try to answer them for you, all you have to do is ask .



          • Hi Everyone,

            Now Everwiser posted this site as to teach everyone more about ionization: HowStuffWorks "Ionization" but note a thunder storm actually has three capacitive zones not just one from the bottom of the cloud to the earth. It also has one from the top of the cloud to the bottom of the cloud and another from the top of the cloud to the earths stratosphere and strikes occur in all of these voltage zones. The ones that take place within the cloud make the thunder that shakes the ground for it is igniting the hydrogen/oxygen mixture the clouds voltage zones are producing. Strikes from the top of the cloud to the stratosphere have a very pink color pretty close to that of hydrogen ionization spectrum does for all of the hydrogen being produced by the cloud floats upwardly. So the next time your in a thunder storm look for these things and note the different sounds of the lightning strikes and what happens after the strikes. For the strikes that take place inside of the cloud produce a earth shaking sound and right after dump a large amount of water on the ground as the hydrogen/oxygen mixture is turned into water and gravity does the rest. Anyway I just thought this would help to better understand some of the processes involved in Stanley Meyer's work.



            • Hello Everyone,

              Well, I don't see any questions regarding Stanley Meyer's water fuel injection system patent or any other work of Stanley Meyer's related to making use of water as a source of fuel, so that must mean that everyone that has read my thread is busy working on replicating Stans work . I look forward to seeing everyones designs come to life as per the designers interpretation of how they think it will work best on what ever the designer has in mind to what the device will be connected too. Going from a gasoline ICE to an hydrogen on demand HICE or taking a step back and hooking a WFC set up to a water fuel cell. Since I have no more questions then I believe I have accomplished my mission in bringing Stanley Meyer technology back to life.

              Have fun everyone in becoming energy independent, and don't forget to pass on what you have learned to your fellow man.



              • Maganese Coated Copper Grid

                I have a question which may or may not be relivent to this thread. In patent number 5,010,869 Stan is talking about a copper grid coated with maganese dioxide. I am having trouble locating this material with the coating. Any leads as to the fabrication of this grid or how it is done ? Thanks in advance for any info or leads



                • Maganese Dioxide

                  Originally posted by mmm_66 View Post
                  I have a question which may or may not be relivent to this thread. In patent number 5,010,869 Stan is talking about a copper grid coated with maganese dioxide. I am having trouble locating this material with the coating. Any leads as to the fabrication of this grid or how it is done ? Thanks in advance for any info or leads

                  Maganese Dioxide is the rust looking material that is inside a typical D cell battery.

                  YouTube - Get Zinc, Carbon Electrodes and MnO2 from a Lantern Battery


                  • Originally posted by mmm_66 View Post
                    I have a question which may or may not be relevant to this thread. In patent number 5,010,869 Stan is talking about a copper grid coated with manganese dioxide. I am having trouble locating this material with the coating. Any leads as to the fabrication of this grid or how it is done ? Thanks in advance for any info or leads

                    Hi mmm_66,

                    No, I also didn't find it, so I went with a 304 SS fine screen mesh in it's place. Digit's has gotten his working, but I don't know of the material he used for the EEC screen mesh grid. Chasson321 thanks for you help as I couldn't answer that one.



                    • Hi all,
                      I just wanted to say HI. I discovered Stans work last week and just spent the last 48 hours reading this thread (the last 10 pages I'm sorry I coudn't follow - the freedom cuircuit debugging...)

                      I think I just got the steepest learning curve brain dump in history!

                      Anyway, I just wanted to say that from the perspective of a newbie with electronics and physics knowledge, your explainations are clear and they make sense.

                      Please don't let the "noise" defocus you all.

                      I've spent the past 2 years studying what you are calling the collapse. I keep my login online so you can track me down if you want. Please don't let this issue take away your focus. It goes much deeper than you think.

                      I noticed you mentioned after you have this technology sorted you plan on investigating the trade towers? JMHO but is there anything positive to gain from that? If I may be so bold as to suggest something more beneficial to mankind? I am thinking of the work of a man called Martin Armstrong (no, I'm not him). I think you would find it fascinating.

                      Anyway, I would love to join this war and as soon as I have some other prior commitments dealt with then I certainly will. In the meantime, I wish you all the best and I'll be following your progress.

                      Good luck and God speed.


                      • Originally posted by h20power View Post
                        Originally Posted by mmm_66 View Post
                        I have a question which may or may not be relevant to this thread. In patent number 5,010,869 Stan is talking about a copper grid coated with manganese dioxide. I am having trouble locating this material with the coating. Any leads as to the fabrication of this grid or how it is done ? Thanks in advance for any info or leads

                        MMM_66 Hi mmm_66,

                        No, I also didn't find it, so I went with a 304 SS fine screen mesh in it's place. Digit's has gotten his working, but I don't know of the material he used for the EEC screen mesh grid. Chasson321 thanks for you help as I couldn't answer that one.

                        That patent is not from Stanley Meyer. It is from a company called Zenion Industries.


                        • Originally posted by chasson321 View Post
                          Maganese Dioxide is the rust looking material that is inside a typical D cell battery.

                          YouTube - Get Zinc, Carbon Electrodes and MnO2 from a Lantern Battery
                          Seems to me this metal could be electroplated to the copper grid. Maybe that is what Stan did.

                          Good Day!!!...24


                          • Originally posted by itzon View Post
                            That patent is not from Stanley Meyer. It is from a company called Zenion Industries.
                            Hi Itzon,
                            Yes you are correct that is not Stanley Meyer's patent it is a patent that Stanley Meyer refers too. Now like Edward Grey the most important parts of the patent weren't really talked about very much, IE the electron extraction circuit and Gas Processor. Not too many people know that Stanley Meyer also spoke about using the Gas Processor to replace the catalytic converter, if someone has that patent please post it so everyone can read it, I seem to have lost it. But back to what I was getting at the important parts of the patent where barley talked about. Once I broke away from the hho bandwagon and started to study the Gas Processor understanding science the way I do I knew I have found out how it all works, and that is by Electric Fields and Moving media" YouTube - Lec 9 | MIT 6.013 Electromagnetics and Applications, Fall 20 coupled with the science of the "Aurora Borealis." That is the core of how to make use of water as a source of fuel. The unique properties of water do the rest, mainly the self ionization of water and it's dielectric properties, but there is more to it that that as the other properties of water are also used.

                            Now in this video the "Gas Processor" doesn't have air flowing through it or a electron extraction circuit, but an Gas Processor it is. YouTube - Lec 10 | MIT 6.013 Electromagnetics and Applications, Fall 2

                            I hope that helped some,

                            Last edited by h20power; 01-30-2010, 11:33 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Farside View Post
                              Hi all,
                              I just wanted to say HI. I discovered Stans work last week and just spent the last 48 hours reading this thread (the last 10 pages I'm sorry I couldn't follow - the freedom circuit debugging...)

                              I think I just got the steepest learning curve brain dump in history!

                              Anyway, I just wanted to say that from the perspective of a newbie with electronics and physics knowledge, your explanations are clear and they make sense.

                              Please don't let the "noise" defocus you all.

                              I've spent the past 2 years studying what you are calling the collapse. I keep my login online so you can track me down if you want. Please don't let this issue take away your focus. It goes much deeper than you think.

                              I noticed you mentioned after you have this technology sorted you plan on investigating the trade towers? JMHO but is there anything positive to gain from that? If I may be so bold as to suggest something more beneficial to mankind? I am thinking of the work of a man called Martin Armstrong (no, I'm not him). I think you would find it fascinating.

                              Anyway, I would love to join this war and as soon as I have some other prior commitments dealt with then I certainly will. In the meantime, I wish you all the best and I'll be following your progress.

                              Good luck and God speed.

                              Thanks Farside,

                              I am glade that you found this thread and can see what has been done here. I will try to keep my head up with all of the negativity I get from just about all turns even from people you would expect too know better like Aaron. That last bit about me not wanting him to post on this thread was totally uncalled for. All I ask for everyone to do is look at how the theory of Nitrogen being transformed into nitrous oxide by the Gas Processor is in direct confrontation with the conservation of mass and chemical science. Even the information they game me to read says that is true. Nitrogen in the presence of oxygen will not turn into this atomic nitrogen they speak of, and it says this right in the information they gave me to read. Furthermore the device know as the Gas Gun did not have any nitrogen flowing through the Gas Processor as it was directly connected to the gas processor and the source of water going into the stacked resonant cavities. And we all know that the Gas Gun was to demonstrate the atomic power of the water being tapped into by this technology. Pity none of the tapes of the Gas Gun in operation have found there way into You Tube so everyone could see the Gas Gun doing it's thing. But the point is the Gas Gun produced thermal explosive energy and did so without Nitrogen gas in the system, other than minute amounts dissolved in the water that got released when the water was broken down by the stacked resonant cavities into hydrogen and oxygen.

                              But if you have any question concerning the technology please feel free to ask, and I will do my best to answer them. And if I can't I am sure others will be able to help answer your questions if you have some. The technology is not all that hard but things have to be done the right way and the controlling circuit is a big part of how that is to be done. Plus I will look up Martin Armstrong and see what it is you want me to see with his work.



                              • nitrogen and oxygen

                                Originally posted by h20power View Post
                                All I ask for everyone to do is look at how the theory of Nitrogen being transformed into nitrous oxide by the Gas Processor is in direct confrontation with the conservation of mass and chemical science.

                                Nitrogen in the presence of oxygen will not turn into this atomic nitrogen they speak of,
                                n2o won't be created in a gas processor that strips the electrons.

                                Also, atomic nitrogen will be created in the presence of oxygen because
                                the oxygen is also losing electrons at the same time so the oxygen won't
                                be able to bind to the nitrogen.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

