Originally posted by mmm_66
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Now I wanted to talk about something that has been bugging me greatly. It is the proposed theory of Nitrous oxide (N2O) I will go over this right now in great detail to show why the theory breaks down when you take a close look at it.
Nitrous oxide(N2O)
I will put it to everyone as simply as I can.
nitrous oxide | using nitrous oxide systems in combustion engines
A property of nitrous oxide is that at about 565 degrees F., it breaks down into nitrogen and oxygen. When it is introduced into the intake tract of an internal combustion engine, it is sucked into the combustion chamber and, on the compression stroke, when the charge air temperature reaches 565 deg., a very oxygen-rich mixture results. If we add extra fuel during nitrous oxide injection, the effect is like a super charger or increasing the compression ratio of the engine. Automotive nitrous systems work like the automotive equivalent of a jet's "afterburner" and is used for short duration extra bursts of power.
Nitrous oxide has this effect because it has a higher percentage of oxygen content than does the air in the atmosphere. Nitrous has 36% oxygen by weight and the atmosphere has 21%. Additionally, nitrous oxide is 50% more dense than air at the same pressure. Thus, a cubic foot of nitrous oxide contains 2.3 times as much oxygen as a cubic foot of air. Just do a bit of math in your head and you can see if we substitute some nitrous oxide for some of the air going into an engine then add the appropriate amount of additional fuel, the engine is going to put out more power.
Nitrous oxide has this effect because it has a higher percentage of oxygen content than does the air in the atmosphere. Nitrous has 36% oxygen by weight and the atmosphere has 21%. Additionally, nitrous oxide is 50% more dense than air at the same pressure. Thus, a cubic foot of nitrous oxide contains 2.3 times as much oxygen as a cubic foot of air. Just do a bit of math in your head and you can see if we substitute some nitrous oxide for some of the air going into an engine then add the appropriate amount of additional fuel, the engine is going to put out more power.
The balloon logic
If I give you a balloon full of air and told you to make all of the nitrogen found in it into NO2 how much oxygen would you have left over? Given that Nitrogen makes up 78% of our air and oxygen only 21%? Composition of Our Atmosphere - Geography For Kids - By KidsGeo.com The answer is none as all the oxygen would be used up to create nitrous oxide and since it is a two to one ratio then only 42% of the nitrogen would be used to create nitrous oxide. That leaves 36% of the air as pure nitrogen. Since this balloon is all you get to play with in running your ICE, then what is left to combust with the hydrogen? Answer, is nothing. You would not get the engine running at all as Nitrous oxide is non combustible.
If you convert half into nitrous oxide then only 10.5% of the oxygen will be will be available to form into water after ignition in the presence of hydrogen. Remember this balloon is all you get to use and we in the science world call this balloon "The Conservation of Mass." So to create nitrous oxide really results in a net loss of energy as it takes energy to create it. Oxygen is the oxidizer and without it you will not get a reaction. So, if you create nitrous oxide from the balloon and use what oxygen is left over to combust with hydrogen then there is no net gain combustible substance but only a net loss.
It takes heat, as shown in the above quote, to break down the nitrous oxide in an internal combustion engine run on gasoline the heat of the hydrogen found in the fuel is used to break down the nitrous oxide, but the key thing tutanka is missing is the nitrous oxide that goes into an internal combustion engine comes from a second balloon which is better known as a nitrous oxide injection system , short form NOS. This heat from the reaction of the gasoline breaks down the newly added nitrous oxide and then you have one more oxygen atom per molecule of nitrous oxide available for combustion with more gasoline. But this is a two balloon system not a one balloon system as tutanka is saying is possible with only a one balloon system. If you only have one balloon you can not get more oxygen in the system available for combustion with the hydrogen, and as I have just shown you if you do convert some oxygen from the system you have less oxygen atoms available for combustion with the hydrogen atoms. The intake of any car is a one balloon system, unless you have installed a nitrous oxide injection system complete with a NOS tank which makes it a two balloon system by default.
Now do you understand why his theory breaks down when you take a closer look at it? For what he is saying is he has found away to make more oxygen than that from which he started out with. Nitrous oxide is a non explosive compound, nitrogen gas is non explosive. The only gas in the whole system that is explosive is hydrogen. And note this hydrogen does not combine with nitrogen in an explosive manor. The result of hydrogen forming with nitrogen that is explosive after it is made is HNO3: http://www.lycos.com/info/nitric-acid--hno3.html learn how it is made.
Now there is even more that should be said with it as his theory just keeps breaking down when looked at closely, but I am the one that is being made out to look like a fool. In the reaction with gasoline one has to understand that oxygen is the limiting reagent or in other words there isn't enough of it to complete the reaction fully. For we all know that some of the oxygen is used for combustion, and some for creation of CO2, CO, and NO as a result there isn't enough oxygen in the system to burn all the fuel with it's slow burn rate. Now nitrous oxide is introduced to the system with another bottle and at 565 degrees F the nitrous oxide breaks down providing extra oxygen to be use for combustion with the hydrogen in gasoline. That is how it works to boost power of the system by adding in more oxygen. But the key point here is that this is a two balloon system not a single balloon system as tutanka is saying can take place.
Now in sharp contrast the system in which Stanley Meyer used, hydrogen is the limiting reagent as when it is made it already has the perfect amount of oxygen needed for combustion, and then you add in more oxygen from the outside air supply. So with that in mind if you where to add a NOS injection system to the car what would be the point of adding in more oxygen when there is already too much in the system? Plus that oxygen will be untreated by the Gas Processor and/or Water Fuel Injectors not missing any electrons. His non understanding of how a NOS system works in a standard gasoline driven internal combustion engine is his down fall, plus the fact he doesn't seem to know that Stanley Meyers system has too much oxygen in it already for it is the hydrogen that is the limiting reagent and not the oxygen as is the case for the gasoline fueled system. I should call that system the Rothechild/Rockfeller system since they are the primary people driving the gasoline system to be maintained and taking in a lot of the profits.
But that is not it on how his theory falls apart when looked at closely. How the nitrous oxide is formed is yet another issue. In nature nitrous oxide is formed when nitrogen monoxide(NO) + ozone(O3) + sunlight interact to form the nitrous oxide compound. Other ways it is made it has to be derived from something else. Now you have to ask how is NO formed? And it turns out that to make NO takes a lot of heat something like 1400 degrees or so. So first you have to have the NO and O3 present plus the correct wavelengths of light energy to produce nitrous oxide. That you are not going to get from sucking in air from our air supply, one big balloon most of us call earth. So as you can see his theory just doesn't hold up, but I am the one that is being made out to be the stupid one not living in the real world. Nitrous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now at first when he proposed the theory I didn't know if it could work or not, so I looked into it with an open mind, but look deeply into it I did and what I found out was, it will not work that way. Note it did make me understand Meyer system a whole lot better so for that I should thank him and perhaps I will. For if he hadn't suggested it I wouldn't have learned the Meyer system is an hydrogen deficient system totally unlike gasolines oxygen deficient system. It is the conservation of mass that prevents his theory from working correctly and how nitrous oxide is formed and/or created in general. For in his system he has not identified just where the nitrous oxide will be coming from and/or where it will be formed as it travels down the cars intake system, the Gas Processor now being a part of that system for it is found in both of Stanley Meyer's designs (gaseous injection system and the water injection system).
Now I wrote this so that everyone can see why I say it can't work that way for themselves given the same data and information I looked at to draw that conclusion. Here are previous post that I also show more information on the subject:
From: http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...html#post65421
Inert Nitrogen (78 percent of the air) is absolutely essential.
It is this that prevents the horrible detonation and runaway heat problems that your car would have by absorbing the heat generated and expanding to shove the piston down. It is the most abundant gas in the combustion chamber. And it really does need to be. Nitrogen might even be stripped of electrons but that doesn't change it from being an Inert Gas. The reaction generating the heat in the system is coming from the Hydrogen and Oxygen.
As I have stated earlier the Gas Processor can not create Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous oxide is most commonly prepared by careful heating of ammonium nitrate. And if it did, by some means of magic, the conservation of mass comes into play for the Nitrous oxide that would be created in this magical world would be created from the very supply of oxygen and nitrogen coming into the system so there is no net gain of an oxidizer or nitrogen.
Now if you hook up a NOS system and add Nitrous oxide to the system then yes upon ignition you would get a net gain in oxidizer and nitrogen (approximately 64%) because you physically put the gas into the system.
Inert Nitrogen (78 percent of the air) is absolutely essential.
It is this that prevents the horrible detonation and runaway heat problems that your car would have by absorbing the heat generated and expanding to shove the piston down. It is the most abundant gas in the combustion chamber. And it really does need to be. Nitrogen might even be stripped of electrons but that doesn't change it from being an Inert Gas. The reaction generating the heat in the system is coming from the Hydrogen and Oxygen.
As I have stated earlier the Gas Processor can not create Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous oxide is most commonly prepared by careful heating of ammonium nitrate. And if it did, by some means of magic, the conservation of mass comes into play for the Nitrous oxide that would be created in this magical world would be created from the very supply of oxygen and nitrogen coming into the system so there is no net gain of an oxidizer or nitrogen.
Now if you hook up a NOS system and add Nitrous oxide to the system then yes upon ignition you would get a net gain in oxidizer and nitrogen (approximately 64%) because you physically put the gas into the system.
Let me know if this was informative or not, okay everyone?
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