Originally posted by h20power
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Stanley Meyer Explained
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That's great,
On understanding a Taylor cone you have to read quite a bit: http://www.nicast.com/index.aspx?id=2910 notice in the artical the counter electrode, in our case, is the air itself. The inventor is Geoffrey Ingram Taylor. But I trust you can do the nesasary research on your own, for you have shown me new things in the past.
Oh, can you tell me who the technology belongs too, if not Albert Bowe? I had the patent but lost it in a computer attack.
Originally posted by h20power View PostThat's great,
On understanding a Taylor cone you have to read quite a bit: http://www.nicast.com/index.aspx?id=2910 notice in the artical the counter electrode, in our case, is the air itself. The inventor is Geoffrey Ingram Taylor. But I trust you can do the nesasary research on your own, for you have shown me new things in the past.
Oh, can you tell me who the technology belongs too, if not Albert Bowe? I had the patent but lost it in a computer attack.
Originally posted by CPU3rother View PostI think you misunderstood. The links you provided took me to the fox news interview with Denny Cline for the H2000. I think you just linked the wrong video. it was not about Albert Bowe. I'll start looking into the Taylor cone tomorrow as I'm still trying to get through the Sacred Living Geometry film you linked. My son keeps interrupting.
Hey I tried to build a tylor cone but it did not work
mabe my voltage was too small had about 3kv
I'll try harder
I have half my spares for the gas gun but here in South Africa things are realy expensive but I'll push on I just wish I can have some breakthrough everything I build flops ha ha
Hope you guys have better luck
The Spectroscopy Net
Light-emitting Diode (LED)
LOL this should have been apparent with your lightning analogy
Like a ton of bricks!!!!
Hello all, I am happy to see a Meyer's thread on the forum that contains a thread of hope
I would like to share a recent "ah hah" moment I had. I will try and keep it concise and clear...limiting it to these 3 KEY points
1. VOLTAGE does the work.
2. EEC is NEEDED...Straight from Stan's mouth, "I then HAD to create the Electron Extraction Circuit".
3. I have met an investor in Meyer's dealership....and the only thing of value I got was this statement "Did you know about his generator?...He would make the gas and had it in a tube....he said it was magnetic."
There is much MUCH more that needs to be understood, but, these three points should be enough for me to explain how I see it working.
As pointed out in this thread by H2OPower that that water needs to become many small capacitors...Well, the very atomic structure fulfills this requisite, the hydrogen is a positive half and the oxygen takes on an equal negative charge. So relatively pure or clean water will best best.
What if...You took two plates COMPLETELY INSULATED and put them into the water, what if you then took two plates (or mesh screens would be better) and placed them close to the two INSULATED plates....So you have one closer to the + and one closer to the -. Now what if you applied High Voltage DC to these two insulated plates? Wouldn't the plate/screen next to the + become a -?...and the one next to the - become +? So we would have a series capacitive effect of +/-/+/- (simplified) during the On or "Resonant" phase. If we then disconnect the High Voltage power, the plates/screens will retain a high voltage charge. It is here when the BIPOLARITY of H20 is exploited. The water molecules themselves are likewise polarized and energized with "condensed" Voltage Potentials. It should now be possible to siphon off some of the stored charge (Electron Extraction Circuit). The two outer plates, being COMPLETELY INSULATED means that the majority of the charge is never used up/destroyed...yet the uninsulated screens allow molecular/electron "interaction". We can use the IMAGE charge or "phenomena of polarization" to apply an opposite charge to the two opposing screens and MOST IMPORTANTLY...THE SURROUNDING WATER. So it works like this...Resonant "Pulse Train" charges the subsequent "WATER CAPACITOR" system to full charge....The resonant "Pulse train" is then "Gated" or stopped....During this off time A COMPLETELY SEPARATE circuit (attached to the uninsulated inner screens -/+) turns on an appropriate "Drain" load....LEDs, etc. This creates a chain reaction on a molecular level of migrated electrons and protons (or whatever the positive flow/aspect is). In doing so, gaseous release of H and O occurs and they NEVER HAVE A CHANCE TO EQUALIZE BACK so they are off balanced and have a net charge because the electron flow was entirely MIRRORED...being from within the WATER CAPACITOR, from the water molecules.
Now if you have any chance replicating Stanley Meyer you should see why the 3 Key points are as significant as they are.
1. VOLTAGE DOES THE WORK (The primary power source only needs to furnish enough energy to create the adequate density of High Voltage to fill your specific Water Capacitor...which can be done very efficiently)
2. ELECTRON EXTRACTION CIRCUIT (EEC) is NEEDED (The "Meyer Effect" is the "re-direction of implied molecular charge(s)"...meaning we "Induce" an opposite charge across a water gap (and across water molecules themselves) ultimately to COMPLETELY ISOLATED electrodes/capacitor plate pickups...we then discharge the accumulated charge into an electronically isolated circuit/load to re-direct/time-alter the bonding covalent charges, releasing ionic or charged gasses.
3. Investor saying "Did you know about his generator?...He would make the gas and had it in a tube....he said it was magnetic." (This first hand observation that the gas was magnetic hints at the fact that the resulting gas was in a charged or ionic state, for, magnetism and "charge" go hand in hand.
I hope that makes sense...
Thanks you two.Very well done
Now when talking about micro-capacitors I am talking about the injectors. The WFC is yet a different way to break the bonds of the water molecule. Meyer shows a pick of the water molecule being elongated for a reason, for in the very next instant the electron extraction circuit is turned on comsuming some of the electrons. This causes the equilibrium of the water to be unbalanced and the water corrects this unbalance by releasing hho. Then on the next pulse it does this all over again. If you don't have the electron extraction circuit hooked up the water molecule will relax back to the state it started off in before the pulse train hit it. This system has to be isolated for if you put a ground in there, when the EEC comes on you will get standerd Dr. Faraday type electrolysis for the positive will sense the ground.
The injectors work a bit differently in that the properties of water are used to break it down. That is why Stanley Meyer says, "using the properties of water...." The main thing that has to be done is atomizing the water and putting an image charge on it. That creates the micro-capacitors from the water molecules due to their polar nature and the fact that water is a dielectric liquid. Then you must make it so the evaporation time of water is less than the relaxation time of waters ability to carry a charge. This process also aids in mixing for the atomized water miro-capacitors have the same charge on them and repel from each other. The high voltage image charge makes the water droplets split into smaller and smaller droplets aiding in the evaporation process as it is mixing with the ionized air gases from the Gas Processor.
I hope that adds a little more clarity for you don't want to mix up the two ways Meyer used to break down the water molecule. It sure looks like this is going to be the year of change indeed
if you read or look over stan's patent, you will see what it is. it is a part of the gas processor. on a short note, your assumptions are correct. blocked in manufacturing, yes, but not the cylinder. the process by which to create a conducting interior surface and remain transparent to allow pre-selected specific wavelengths of light to pass through.
Originally posted by pmazz850 View PostWhat exactly do you mean blocked? Blocked from manufacturing it? And by who? And what is it? Looks like some sort of see through cylinder. For the gas processor?
I think is present in this thread some confusion .. you refer sometime to Albert Bowe's technology but concept of this engine is different from Meyer system. I reassume it fastly .. In fact Albert Engine use ONLY hot vapour, vacuum inside engine and only HV field. Not air charged positively with electrons strip, not water charged negatively, not photons. Please explain me this because in mymind I have some confusion.. There are some ways for reach the success??? Regards to All
Originally posted by h20power View PostYes, it was blocked from manufacturing for it needed a transparent conductive coating on the inside surface of the tube and no company in the whole US will do it. If you find any company that can put a truly conductive coating 30ohms/sq or lower tell me.
Originally posted by tutanka View PostHI H20POWER..
I think is present in this thread some confusion .. you refer sometime to Albert Bowe's technology but concept of this engine is different from Meyer system. I reassume it fastly .. In fact Albert Engine use ONLY hot vapour, vacuum inside engine and only HV field. Not air charged positively with electrons strip, not water charged negatively, not photons. Please explain me this because in mymind I have some confusion.. There are some ways for reach the success??? Regards to All