Originally posted by tutanka
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The reason I compare it to Albert Bowes work is Stanley Meyer also used the properties of water to aid in it's own breakdown. The Steam Resonator heats up the water before it was injected into the engine for the same reasons Albert did. And remember Stanley Meyer said in his patents that the mixture was not flamable until the ionized gases where mixed with the atomized water mist. That indicates to me that the ionized gases do have the nesasary energy to break down the water molecule, just as I did in the math I posted. The numbers I gave assume that the ionized gases have to break the water down, for that is a worste case posibility, and it still has more energy than gasoline

Gas law science still applies to what we are doing. The main difference is the amount of water that will be needed from the two mens systems. Albert Bowes will need far more water and have far less power output than Stanley Meyers, but the GP can be used on Alberts system to improove apon his technology greatly, wouldn't you say? For we all should know by now that without the Gas Processor you need massive amounts of water to do the same work gasoline does. Albert Bowes is working with a diesel engine conversions, and Stanley Meyers is working with spark ignition systems for the most part. But you should see the value of adding in the Gas Processor to Albert's work without being shown or told why at this point.
