Originally posted by h20power
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For sure this needs testing, but how do we know exactly the every wavelength of every highlighted color in this range??...:

Something I want to add here is that in the Stanley Meyer's papers, he says clearly that he uses in the Laser Accelerator ASS'Y that he uses 932nm LEDs and near kind phototransistors to be triggered by these LEDs.
I don't know if this has something to do with the Gas Processor ASS'Y.
An other idea is to find some LEDs that can change the light wavelength. But how we know when the Gas Processor is working effectively??
Stan Meyer says about non-combustable gases. The air is full of Nitrogen, right??
So did Stanley found a way to control the oxygen coming from the air (and then ionize it), and the amount of Nitrogen he uses from the air (maybe ionized too).??
I like Planck's law and tried to put it to use as best I could, but like I said earlier in the end I had to make a "best guess" as to which wavelengths should work the best. Yes it is delrin but I think natrual nylon would have been better. But I was trying like hell to keep the cost down this thing was not cheap and more than one had to be made or it wouldn't have been made at all. Now on to the next stage and get the electronics built and the unit installed in a car for testing. I am also working on the injectors, but there is nothing to show about them as of yet.
Remember the title is "Stanley Meyer Explained" I did not say anything about showing but only to provide a clear explainatoin as to how it all worked, in doing it this way it forces everyone to think and come up with as many different designs as there are people viewing all of this imagine over 21k different designs that all work.
Is there only one type of car in the world of course not so why should there be only one type of design here, after all it is to take the place of fossile fuels right? So we need as many different design as we can get and that is where all of you come in making your own designs so when the time comes to take over it will be done with ease. For we will be competing with each other just like all of the many different car companies are doing right now, plus it goes one further and steps into power genaration and distribution. This is only the beginings of a world wide transformation and I wellcome all designs. For our end goal is enegy independence for all, so we can start the hard work of cleaning up the mess we have made of the planet thus far.
Remember the title is "Stanley Meyer Explained" I did not say anything about showing but only to provide a clear explainatoin as to how it all worked, in doing it this way it forces everyone to think and come up with as many different designs as there are people viewing all of this imagine over 21k different designs that all work.

All the Best..!!
