You can use any core a toroidal core or EI EE types are little better, the important thing is that the windings must be coherent with the current flux. You must know that current flows from the negative side to the positive side. I like to think about voltage as a Vacuum rather than pressure. So you must wind it all in the same direction and than observe the current flux and make the right connection. The impedance network figure on Stanley meyer papers are right. You must try invert the polarity of the primary to see if witch is the right side any way the right way is to leave the diode in open configuration during the pulse. You find my drawings here help Feedback winding for resonance with pll 4046 - Electronic Circuits Projects Diagrams Free The second post.
This transformer must be used with the resonant circuit
Look at the first schematic on this pdf and you are going to understand why you are not able to resonate the water fuel cell with only one diode.
You actually need 3, one on the vic transformer between the charging chokes and another two connected to at least 2 water capacitor cells. The ground must be shared and between the to cells and you need two coils with thick wire to resonate. i'm trying to buy Sm cobalt magnets for my project to see what happens but they cost +-2500 euros for my two cells i'm trying to find best prices ;( Hope someone want to help my project.
Look for ferroresonance and core saturation.
I'm constructing it yet but i was thinking... i believe it will not work with very low power because you need to build up enough current recirculation to create a very high voltage to be able to ionize the water instantaneously to be able to it self-sustain the oscillation. Like negative resistance.
Hope that helps friends
This transformer must be used with the resonant circuit
Look at the first schematic on this pdf and you are going to understand why you are not able to resonate the water fuel cell with only one diode.
You actually need 3, one on the vic transformer between the charging chokes and another two connected to at least 2 water capacitor cells. The ground must be shared and between the to cells and you need two coils with thick wire to resonate. i'm trying to buy Sm cobalt magnets for my project to see what happens but they cost +-2500 euros for my two cells i'm trying to find best prices ;( Hope someone want to help my project.
Look for ferroresonance and core saturation.
I'm constructing it yet but i was thinking... i believe it will not work with very low power because you need to build up enough current recirculation to create a very high voltage to be able to ionize the water instantaneously to be able to it self-sustain the oscillation. Like negative resistance.
Hope that helps friends
