Thanks to all
I to would like to thank all of those that helped me when all the world was saying I was on the wrong track. I thank Chasson321, HMS-776, TRON, Digits, and all of the team for their moral suport. I also thank Dr. Lindemann for his words of insperation when I was first on to what Stanley Meyer had done though he chose not to write in this thread I know he is doing great things for humanity elsewhere. And to all that have shown me support for this has been a fun trip, though at times the nay sayers where starting to get me down, I knew that the science proove what I was saying so I pressed on.
But now on to the more fun part and that is becoming energy independent for all of this has to be built and that is where I am today building it so I can best take care of my family. I hope I have shown that there are more ways to do this than that of Stanley Meyer did with the injectors or WFC at first. Oh, and on the frequency for the GP I am going with 50k Hz for unlike Stanley Meyer my ionized air gases are not being recirculated and if I need to go higher all I need to do is match up another VIC transformer for the new frequency in mind and remove the old one.
Though for me a lot of work I have ahead of me as I convert this car to a water burning vehical of freedom and then the road trips are back in buisness route 66 here I come
I to would like to thank all of those that helped me when all the world was saying I was on the wrong track. I thank Chasson321, HMS-776, TRON, Digits, and all of the team for their moral suport. I also thank Dr. Lindemann for his words of insperation when I was first on to what Stanley Meyer had done though he chose not to write in this thread I know he is doing great things for humanity elsewhere. And to all that have shown me support for this has been a fun trip, though at times the nay sayers where starting to get me down, I knew that the science proove what I was saying so I pressed on.
But now on to the more fun part and that is becoming energy independent for all of this has to be built and that is where I am today building it so I can best take care of my family. I hope I have shown that there are more ways to do this than that of Stanley Meyer did with the injectors or WFC at first. Oh, and on the frequency for the GP I am going with 50k Hz for unlike Stanley Meyer my ionized air gases are not being recirculated and if I need to go higher all I need to do is match up another VIC transformer for the new frequency in mind and remove the old one.
Though for me a lot of work I have ahead of me as I convert this car to a water burning vehical of freedom and then the road trips are back in buisness route 66 here I come
