In my opinion hte VIC is the second step after the WFC, the VIC incorporates the transformer and the choke in one component, that is the key component to master to build the gas processor I believe. Stan evolved from WFC to VIC to gas processor during 15-20 years.
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Stanley Meyer Explained
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Okay I will go over the WFC, Injector, and Gas Processor and the role they play.
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostWell...h2opower, I agree with your theory - you solved part of Meyer plan, but this is only for getting efficient explosive gas for running combustion engine.What about gas burner ? I think we still need complete understanding of WFC for other appliances.
Oh dear...and look for Meyer injector patent.Do you see voltage zones ? It is still based on the same principle evolved from basic WFC deviceThe WFCThe key to getting the WFC working is the EEC. When electricity passes through water the water molecule has close to a 1:1 break down and reformation ratio. So, when it is like this nothing happens but the hydrogen and oxygen from waters low break down voltage directly at the electrodes. In order to break the chain of the 1:1 reaction Meyer's added in the EEC to consume the negetive ions. This puts the reaction out of ballance nolonger is it 1:1 for the positive ions have no negetive ions to keep the stublility, and free hydrogen is what you get as a result. Once you unballance the equation like this you will see free hydrogen form close the middle of the electrods. In the WFC the EEC shares it's conection with the choke too the positive electrode, and they are 180 degrees out of phase. So when one is on the other is off, like a SPDT switch. It produces the ions in one step and then consumes some of the ions in the nexted, changing the 1:1 ratio. Remember the gap is only .06 - .01 inches. The unit must not have any grounds it must be a comepletely isolated circuit. For if you have a ground in the system when the EEC turns on it will sense the negetive and start producing standerd Faraday electrolysis.
The InjectorThe injectors do have a voltage zone but this is to ignite the mixture. But what it is really doing is polarizing the water molecule with a negetive charge so when it is sprayed out as a mist the resulting mist droplets repel each other and not form into larger water droplets. The water mist negetively charged turns into an ever expanding plume of ever decreasing size water droplets as the voltage divids when it evaporates spliting the water droplets as they do. This aids the mixing process as the droplets will be as very small, atomized. Like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract to each other. Meyer used the properties of water and oxygen to aid in mixing and combustion, being that both of them have magnetic properties.
The Gas ProcessorThe Gas Processor charges the incoming air striping it to higher energy levels, and uses coherent light to aid in this process. It does so be electron and photon bombardment. The EEC on the gas processor is not hooked up too the positive electrode, but is set as a mesh behind the Gas Processor to catch and consume negtively charged electrons/ions that where ejected from the oxygen atom leaving mostly negetively charged atoms to go into the combustion chamber. Again the EEC and the positive electrode are pulsed oppsite too each other, and the coherent light pulses with the EEC. The coherent light should be aimed and/or chosen too hit the absorbtion spectrum of oxygen, since it is the gas we are most interested in concerning the incoming air through the intake system. This also aids to stop the formation of ozone for the oxygen atoms left after the EEC mesh repel each other for they mostly have the same charge and like charges repel each other. The EEC puts a positive voltage zone to consume any electrons that was stripped off of the oxygen atoms so to keep the oxygen atoms from having a full set of electrons. The amp consuming device will complete it's circuit by consuming the negetive ions and electrons, thus lighting up the bulb(s). Plus the EEC's mesh also helps cuts down the formation of ozone.
The recirculated exhaust gases have no net charge and impead the reaction of the positively charged water molecules and the negetively charged oxygen atoms seeking each other by getting in the way, thus slowing down the reaction.
Let the Revolution begin,
h2opower.Last edited by h20power; 08-05-2009, 04:28 PM. Reason: changed electrons to ions and make more clear the EEC
Meyer Injector. Take a look at travelling voltage waves.Attached Files
And what is it do you want me to see and/or understand?
The negetive voltage zone (67) E10 is grounded for it is screwed right into the head of the engine, eg. replacing the spark plug.
Now I ask you this: What is the cone shapes relationship towards capacitance and magnetic field strength? What happens to capacitance as the area of the cone decreases, and also what happens to the magnetic field as the area of the cone decreases?
What I am asking of you is to pull out of the patent and go back into physics, for it answers the question.
Another interesting tip you should really consider :
Science writer John W. Campbell, Jr, however, envisioned magnetic charges with mutual attraction forces equivalent to millions of volts operating in small practical machines. He speculated that, "A magneto-electret --- consisting of a coil of magnetic conductor carrying a heavy magnetic current --- would develop electric potentials that did not tend to arc across. Perhaps a small magnetic coil would develop 50,000,000 volt potentials that could tear atoms apart".
h2o, in meyers patent on his injector doesnt it show the base of the injector plug (part that screws into the head of the engine) the positive voltage plate? also, i am probably wrong on this due to my lack of education in this matter, but when the lazer priming and eec removes the electrons, doesnt that leave a positively charge ( more protons than electrons) oxygen atom?
Originally posted by rdmwc View Posth2o, in meyers patent on his injector doesnt it show the base of the injector plug (part that screws into the head of the engine) the positive voltage plate? also, i am probably wrong on this due to my lack of education in this matter, but when the lazer priming and eec removes the electrons, doesnt that leave a positively charge ( more protons than electrons) oxygen atom?
Wow, your very observent, not many people caught that lie Stanley Meyer told. Trust your instinks, for you are right. But on the EEC look at it this way, you have a ground(-) and a mesh collector(+) in order to light up the light bulb you have to connect it to positive source for the other end is grounded, thus the ejected electrons are consumed, leaving mostly negetive ions to travel into the combustion chamber. The one thing I like to point out in all of this water for fuel technology is this, no laws of physics are broken not a one! Knowing this anyone studing this technology has to constantly go back and forth from the patent to modern science in a real investigative sense. If anyone thinks it was easy to uncover Stanley Meyer patents think again, for it was very hard, for Stanley Meyer didn't make it easy.
But keep the questions coming for that is how the water for fuel technology got solved in the first place I kept asking questions, but more importantly I would answer those questions I had ask myself concerning the water for fuel technology. This video gives a very good example on how to go about asking questions and answering them: What does it mean to be a citizen?
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostAnother interesting tip you should really consider :
Listen I don't want any quotes, I want answers to my questions. For the one thing I am trying to do is to get you to look outside of the patent for the answers. If you don't know then tell so, for I will answer the question for you. But at the least I want you to try and answer the questions. Remember I am not picking on you, but only trying to get you to see what was done by Stanley Meyer. The answers can not be found in the patent.
You can do this for I belive in you and belive that you can.
Jan 1 2009, this is the answer to the question: How you get voltage to do work is by physically changing the voltage zone. The field always hits at 90 degrees to the surface, so with the cone shape as you move down the voltage zone the area physically gets smaller thus nolonger having the same capacitance capabilities. And the magnetic field lines have less area thus increasing the magnetic field strength as you move down the voltage zone. So capacitance decrease and magnetic field strength increases. Capacitance is only a matter of geometry, not charge, for it is never a function of the charge. That is what the cone shape is doing, hope this aids in your understanding of the pic you posted.
so the EEC , the bulb is grounded on one side obviously, but the other is just wired to the mesh? i thought the mesh has positive voltage to it and creates a positive voltage field which attracts the freed negative electrons then they flow to the light bulb being consumed by the filament. ? sorry if my questions annoy you, hopefully they wont; all im asking for christmas are quantum mechanics, physics, chemistry, and electronics text books!
Originally posted by rdmwc View Postso the EEC , the bulb is grounded on one side obviously, but the other is just wired to the mesh? i thought the mesh has positive voltage to it and creates a positive voltage field which attracts the freed negative electrons then they flow to the light bulb being consumed by the filament. ? sorry if my questions annoy you, hopefully they wont; all im asking for christmas are quantum mechanics, physics, chemistry, and electronics text books!
postive electrons?
Hi h20power,
may I ask you, what "positve electrons" are?
I have already read many of your contris, but not all yet. It would be very kind of you, giving me a link or something else, where 'your' positive electrons are explained.
Thank you
Originally posted by magnetO View PostHi h20power,
may I ask you, what "positve electrons" are?
I have already read many of your contris, but not all yet. It would be very kind of you, giving me a link or something else, where 'your' positive electrons are explained.
Thank you
So, as I was sayingthe "positrons" need to be consumed so there are no positrons(e+) to form up with the electrons(e-) to make ozone in the intake system after the Gas Processor has primed the incoming air.
Thanks for correcting mefor it shows people are reading and will start becoming energy independent soon.
h2opower.Last edited by h20power; 12-12-2008, 10:18 AM.
Hi h2Opower,
puuuh, it doesnt get easier to me. I need to read ALL your posts and the whole thread. Will hopefully do so.
It seems to me you are more likley a physicist, than a electrician. Is it so?
Supposed, we have already split water, what most be done further?
1.Do we get atomic O? If yes, we have to strip e-? How many?
2.Dont we have a chance for O, but only for O2? Do we strip e- from O2? How many?
3.Do we get a proton? Can we prevent from getting e-? I guess, no, but what would you say?
4.So, do we get atomic H? Can we give it some e+? I guess, no, but what would you say?
5.Do we get H2? What doing further?
6.Do we want the ~20% O2 in (combustion) air getting something else? Ozon?
Feel free to answer or not to answer, please.
At first, I should reading, reading, reading,....
magneto, as far as the taking the electrons away, now H2Opower correct me if im wrong, but i believe we want to take away as many as resonably possible for the more we take away the less stable and more energy they will have... my biggest question right now is what is the purpose of the lazer distibutor and the effect the lazer light has on the mixure at the end of the injector plug... is this his final design that does away w the external gas processor and confines all his technologies into one unit?