To be honest I wont even give the use of the Gas Processor in tandem with gasoline or any other form of fosile fuel due to the harm they have done world wide as a whole. Alaska's cost line is damaged for at least 400 years or more, places in South America are killing people due to polution brought out by the fosile fuel slavemakers. This whole war on terror is to take control of the countries resorces mainly oil as we all know or should know by now the events of 9/11 where planned well in advance by those in power. Even the first actions of our military was to secure the oil fields.
Think of all those people killed since the lie of 9/11 well over 1 million people dead, and Dr. Steven Jones has the smoking gun eveidence that bombs where planted in the buildings and this doesn't make front page news. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.. This is a war we are in a war of control, greed, and lust for power. The war we are in is based on a lie, "they" needed a new pearl harbor type of event so they could go in and take control of their resources, plus conver up their tracks of illegal arms dealings. The war in Afan is over drugs, for Osama has been dead for years YouTube - Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07 This woman was killed very shortly after this by a professional hit for she was in an armored car and she was shot by a snipper.
I am not sure if I have ever talked about this before here, but this war is made possible by the control of information (our Media), the control of energy ( which makes their wheel go round), and the control of the populations under the World Bank and IMF (Our FED Bank). The control over energy is the key to stopping them, energy independence is something that they are willing to kill millions to prevent. The plan to end the USA is well underway. You have to understand since there is no more cold war they have to invent an enemy that could never be found and that could stike at anytime, and they gave us, "The WAR on Terror." But interestingly enough it all started with the Oklahoma City bombing, if you take a very close look at those events you will find that like the events of 9/11 nothing adds up between what we where told and the true evidense of the events. I beams where sheared off, look up the shearing fource of an I beam and you will find that the bomb didn't have the energy to do such a thing. Plus all the debre was thrown in the direction towards the so called blast zone. One or more of the bombs didn't go off and had to be defused, but that footage is very hard to find these days.
This war you have entered for energy independence is a dangerous one YouTube - Energy / Oil Mob, Suppression & Government Control. I concider myself a very well rounded person, in many topic's be it science, politics, and many others.
If you go after funding for this more than likely all you will get is death for your efforts. Now that we have the internet I have done the right thing and given the technology away for free. For that is the only way to beat them, if you try and make a profit these people whom you don't want to see will seek you out. Control of the energy means control of the people and they are not going to give up their control of us of their own free will. You up against the World Bank, International Monetary found, FED Bank, and much much more.
The best thing any of us can do is build these devices get energy independent and just take the savings they give and like "Milk does the body good," pass it on
By not knowing who the true enemy is many inventors have been stopped in their tracks. Those in power rely on greed to alert them to any potential threats too their way of life, for everyone has been made to accept the programing of becoming rich, if you find an edge and or just want to get paid for their efforts. Greed is a hard rock to let go of perhaps one of the hardest, besides self love, and lust & personal pleasure.
I can't tell any of you what to do with the technology (because I gave it away for free) but I can alert you to just who the true enemy is. This has to be a grass roots effort of the likes the world has never seen before. For the control that "They" have over us is global and they are not going to give it up willingly.
Milk does the body good everyone, pass it on
Think of all those people killed since the lie of 9/11 well over 1 million people dead, and Dr. Steven Jones has the smoking gun eveidence that bombs where planted in the buildings and this doesn't make front page news. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.. This is a war we are in a war of control, greed, and lust for power. The war we are in is based on a lie, "they" needed a new pearl harbor type of event so they could go in and take control of their resources, plus conver up their tracks of illegal arms dealings. The war in Afan is over drugs, for Osama has been dead for years YouTube - Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07 This woman was killed very shortly after this by a professional hit for she was in an armored car and she was shot by a snipper.
I am not sure if I have ever talked about this before here, but this war is made possible by the control of information (our Media), the control of energy ( which makes their wheel go round), and the control of the populations under the World Bank and IMF (Our FED Bank). The control over energy is the key to stopping them, energy independence is something that they are willing to kill millions to prevent. The plan to end the USA is well underway. You have to understand since there is no more cold war they have to invent an enemy that could never be found and that could stike at anytime, and they gave us, "The WAR on Terror." But interestingly enough it all started with the Oklahoma City bombing, if you take a very close look at those events you will find that like the events of 9/11 nothing adds up between what we where told and the true evidense of the events. I beams where sheared off, look up the shearing fource of an I beam and you will find that the bomb didn't have the energy to do such a thing. Plus all the debre was thrown in the direction towards the so called blast zone. One or more of the bombs didn't go off and had to be defused, but that footage is very hard to find these days.
This war you have entered for energy independence is a dangerous one YouTube - Energy / Oil Mob, Suppression & Government Control. I concider myself a very well rounded person, in many topic's be it science, politics, and many others.
If you go after funding for this more than likely all you will get is death for your efforts. Now that we have the internet I have done the right thing and given the technology away for free. For that is the only way to beat them, if you try and make a profit these people whom you don't want to see will seek you out. Control of the energy means control of the people and they are not going to give up their control of us of their own free will. You up against the World Bank, International Monetary found, FED Bank, and much much more.
The best thing any of us can do is build these devices get energy independent and just take the savings they give and like "Milk does the body good," pass it on

I can't tell any of you what to do with the technology (because I gave it away for free) but I can alert you to just who the true enemy is. This has to be a grass roots effort of the likes the world has never seen before. For the control that "They" have over us is global and they are not going to give it up willingly.
Milk does the body good everyone, pass it on
