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Stanley Meyer Explained

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  • #91
    Tube Electrodes

    I am looking for some tube electrodes as in the stanley meyer desing in the patent. I tried google and no luck which is really anoying as i found someone ages ago who sold them. Would appreciate any links


    • #92
      Re:tube electrodes

      From my recollection there was an Australian site and an American site for an experimental Stan Meyer Electrolyser. I was unable to locate either. You can look here in the UK:


      for all supplies you would need to recreate David Lawton's replication of Stan Meyer's WFC. Alternator is on you if you want to go that way.

      Depending on where you are if you want just the pipes or tubing there's several stainless steel tubing suppliers which you can cut to your specifications. Google online metals for example. I doubt they've disappeared but I could be wrong.

      Goodwill and Peace,
      Last edited by handyandy; 12-27-2008, 07:04 AM.


      • #93
        Thanks for the supplier

        Yeah there was one in au and us but darn if i can find them. They use to advertise on ebay and then they set up a shop.

        I think i am going to just go simple and not look for heaps of out put just some output. I am going to get a couple of metal plates. Stick some water proof tape around there edges. Not sand the surface and apply a hv across the two. It will be a matter of balancing so that there is no arc initially and a small production of hho. After that i will then go onto optimizing it but i dont see the point until i can produce the initial hv no arc hho producing event. This might be easier with rounded trodes thus the pipes to limit leakage.


        • #94
          Re:thanks for the supplier

          If you're going with plates and brute force electrolysis, study hydroxy booster.pdf at If you decide to insulate the plate edges with tape, google dielectric tape and see if it's what you need. Also look at scuffy44's design and what he uses for plate insulation to keep electrical leakage down.



          • #95
            My plan is to not use brute force as that would mean high current. I will be using low current high voltage. I might even coat one or both the plates with a dialetric. My aim is to just rip the water apart as laid out in Meyers patent. I will be doing anything i can to reduce current, leakage, and arcs. I will not be using pwm to do this. My initial goal is to get the fundamental aspect upon which his entire patent is based upon. It seems pointless otherwise. He himself says he started with just HV.

            Originally posted by handyandy View Post
            If you're going with plates and brute force electrolysis, study hydroxy booster.pdf at If you decide to insulate the plate edges with tape, google dielectric tape and see if it's what you need. Also look at scuffy44's design and what he uses for plate insulation to keep electrical leakage down.



            • #96
              A patent of concern

              This patent shows that I was wrong in thinking Meyer had this as an original idea for it was patented in 1989 for use in ICE's. The patent also gives a better understanding of the EEC's mesh grid. The WFC is not needed and was not used in Meyer's end design.

              Taken from the patent:
              Background of the Invention

              This invention relates generally to air inonization systems and in particular to air inoization systems for use with internal combustion engines.
              The prior art is repletd with inventions desigend to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines. Many of these inventions have focused on techniques designed to improve the mixing of air and fuel.
              An ionixed mesture of air and fuel mixes more thoroughly, thereby improving the fuel's combustion. In addition, most electrostatic techniques produce sme ozone as a byproduct of the ionization process. Ozone reacts more readily with hydrocarbons than oxygen does. Furthermore, electrically charged liquid fuel droplets resist coalescing into larger droplets, thereby permitting the fuel to be mixed more thoroghly with the air.

              Now I have been saying just that in not so many words about what the injectors are really doing, and the purpose of the EEC in the Gas Processor.

              I was shown this patent by a close friend and I thank him for aiding my understanding of the Gas Processor even more.

              Attached Files
              Last edited by h20power; 12-28-2008, 07:54 PM.


              • #97

                Keep a thermometer handy and post your results.


                I hear what you're saying. Stan Meyer includes ionized air in his injection patents I believe. It was part of his overall system. It's a subsystem. All the parts contribute to the result. I have a theory regarding the EEC. I need to test it. After I will report my results. Likewise please concentrate on the Gas Gun as I believe it is very important for the reasons you gave. Build it and they will come...



                • #98
                  Something else to think about.

                  Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                  I am looking for some tube electrodes as in the stanley meyer desing in the patent. I tried google and no luck which is really anoying as i found someone ages ago who sold them. Would appreciate any links
                  Read this: and if you still want to use a WFC, it's up too you



                  • #99
                    The Gas Processor is not a subsystem it is the KEY to this technology. Study the bond energies and once you understand them you will see that what I have done is expained the works of Stanley Meyer with science.

                    It only takes 1836 kJ/mol to break the bonds of the water molecule, and Stanley Meyer said in his patent he ionized the oxygen atom to its fourth enregy level and that yeilds 7469.2 kJ/mol. So, as you can see the unstable oxygen atoms have far more energy needed to do the job of breaking down the water molecule.

                    Let this be the year of energy independence for all



                    • tutanka ask for these patents to help one to build the Gas Processor.

                      You will find that the Gas Processor is hooked up in reverse on one of the patents, the negetive got put on the inside electrod when it is supposed to be on the outside electrod, and note where the voltage fields are. Stanley Meyer also didn't show the EEC, so for those that can't figure that one out, it goes just after the gas processor too consume freshly ejected electrons.

                      Here is a video giving an idea what is going on inside of the Gas Processor: YouTube - Lec 10 | MIT 6.013 Electromagnetics and Applications, Fall 2
                      Last edited by h20power; 02-24-2010, 04:45 AM.


                      • More Meyers explained

                        Hi H20power;

                        Thought you and some others would be interested in this and 5 other posts like it on Waterfuel78 this p.m.

                        Hugh and Tim,
                        Yuo both have abit of it right and some misobservations.
                        A little over a year ago, I was approached by a man who worked very
                        closely with Stan on his injector project. (from october 88 to
                        september96) stan sent him plans and this person outsourced the
                        machine shop operations and procured the parts to assemble the
                        injectors, then sent them when completed to Stan in ohio. I have over
                        1000 pages of development diagrams and have been stuyding them over
                        the course of the year past. The reason this individual trusts me is
                        because of my background in nucleonics and quantum physics. I have
                        determined by analysys that I can help with this:
                        1. one port on the injector base about 3 inchs from the bottom
                        discharge port. This seems to be for the introduction of r.o. water.
                        This evident after consulting with some of the inveters I spoke
                        with, having obseved Stan charge the water before use in the buggy.
                        2. Tim, you are correct in assuming that no water was flushed thru
                        the processor chamber. It was the effluent from the combustion
                        process that Stan explains in his new zealnd lecture set on yutube.
                        He used the flash steam from the combustion process over and over
                        contiouly to form a cyclonic idle process. He used a waste gate to
                        control decelleration and used the injection process to accellorate
                        I have made several improvements over Stan's processes in that
                        seperation of the elements is essential to the success of burning a
                        gaseous water and ambient air mixture in a combustion chamber of an
                        ICE.The way Stan designed his Injector doesn't allow for brine
                        buildup in the discharge port .He used stainless 304 for the
                        electrodes and the base, angled to create a waveguide at the
                        discharge port. The water was aspirated into the combustion chamber
                        surrounding the electrode,this wets the electrode, damping the action
                        of the spark gap.This is what he meant when he said he had a way of
                        damping the GMT force so as to not destroy the engine components.
                        I have designed sparkgaps using tungsten electrodes that I purchased
                        rather cheaply thru - harborfreight tools Resources and Information. (5/12$usd).I also use
                        MACOR like stan. This stuff is not cheap(82$/ft).If someone has a
                        working alternatve, please let us know.
                        I will release a writeup soon , but as I am handicapped, it takes me
                        a while to accomplish these tasks at hand. Artinvegas...

                        --- In, "Tim" <chasson321@...> wrote:
                        > Hugh,
                        > The Gas Processor does not use water. It uses air. Check the
                        > patents and you will find the injector has three ports. One for
                        > water, ionized gas - from the gas processor, and non-combustable
                        > from exhaust gas.
                        > The Gas Processor raises the level of the oxygen from ambient air.
                        > --- In, "Hugh" <scriabini@> wrote:
                        > >
                        > > Thanks Smack for the 'food for thought.'
                        > >
                        > > H2Opower has laid out a lengthy hypothesis that is partially
                        > correct.
                        > >
                        > > But, in order to produce the intense, high voltage, resonant
                        > electric
                        > > field that is necessary to the Meyer process, the plates
                        > (electrodes)
                        > > of the electrolyzer must not be in direct contact with the water.
                        > > They must either be insulated with a thin layer of high strength
                        > > dielectric, or the plates may be mounted on the outside of a
                        > > non-conductive container.

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                        • It seems like most experimenters forget to control their pulse trains.. So for shorting if you use ie 10 kHz, 10 kV per pulse, you will short the circuit after a few pulses(40 kV is enough to short most cells) and never notice what happens unless you have sophisticated equipment. What you need is a burst generator to control the pulse train and then the burst frequency(1/3 hz is recommended for liquid water). This issue rarely is discussed.


                          • thank you h20power for the attached document! i've been looking for information like that and have not been able to find it. mine prototype is coming along slowly, but it will get there! thanks again for all your help! also, ANTIQUER, do you have, can you get any more information about this?


                            • Burst Gating

                              I believe the burst gating was to allow the water to "recover", and flow back in between the plates after the "explosion from exceeding capacitance" phenomena. So if that's the case, the "best" gating F would be wholly dependent on the design of the cell itself; and may only be needed or noticeable when the gas production is highest, or when the water flow over the plates is relatively poor.

                              The earlier Dave Lawton design i saw & copied had a second 555 and pot for this, but then in the later, higher-voltage version using the alternator & transformer / diodes / tuned coils output it appears he dropped the gating part of the circuit.


                              • I canīt see how he dropped the gating since he owuld short the cell in no time. I believe you MUST burst a pulse train, wait for voltage to come down and repeat. That is exactly what the WFC doc describes over and over again. Anyway, to make HHO will take you nowhere since the output is too small. You will need the EEC to ionize oxygen and mix it with HHO and ignite the mix with water mist, oil etc to get a truly explosive engine. BIG PROJECT.... Not for hobbyist.. But to show the OU HHO production is not bad, it shows people something can be done and must be done.

