The Critical Volume of Water.
Now in my latest studies on water I found out water has a critical volume and also water has a memory. The critical volume of water is 0.056 m^3 kmol^-1, it is at this volume while inside of the voltage zones of the injectors water goes from being water to two parts hydrogen one part oxygen. As for the other property of water having memory and all, I can recall Meyer saying something about thinking positive thoughts around water. Maybe someone can help me out and find his words in the patent and put them in quotes for everyone to read. For it seems the structure of water is effected by emotions and/or our collective and individual thoughts. And water resets this memory when it phase shifts from ice to liquid and from vapor to liquid. That's why rain water works so good in all of my electrolysis trails for it reset and the first emotions it got where positive from me.
So it would seem Stanley Meyer understood some this as the water when being injected is made to go into vapor form using the knowlegde of the phase diagram of water. If that is so he erased waters memory by having it go from water to vapor form just prior to sending it through the voltage zones of the water injectors. That was not possible with the WFC so with that system then the way one would feel would change the reaction. So if you felt positive and happy the car would run excelent but if you felt mad and upset the car would run like crap. The only one who could answer those thoughts would be Meyer himself since he is the only one that spent a lot of time driving a car using water as it's source of fuel. Perhaps others like Dingel could tell if this true, but his in jail for life and doesn't seems to be talking about the water for fuel technology to anyone and I can't say that I blame him for he is going to die over this technology. Anyway I just thought I'd let you all know a little bit more on the properties of water.
Now in my latest studies on water I found out water has a critical volume and also water has a memory. The critical volume of water is 0.056 m^3 kmol^-1, it is at this volume while inside of the voltage zones of the injectors water goes from being water to two parts hydrogen one part oxygen. As for the other property of water having memory and all, I can recall Meyer saying something about thinking positive thoughts around water. Maybe someone can help me out and find his words in the patent and put them in quotes for everyone to read. For it seems the structure of water is effected by emotions and/or our collective and individual thoughts. And water resets this memory when it phase shifts from ice to liquid and from vapor to liquid. That's why rain water works so good in all of my electrolysis trails for it reset and the first emotions it got where positive from me.
So it would seem Stanley Meyer understood some this as the water when being injected is made to go into vapor form using the knowlegde of the phase diagram of water. If that is so he erased waters memory by having it go from water to vapor form just prior to sending it through the voltage zones of the water injectors. That was not possible with the WFC so with that system then the way one would feel would change the reaction. So if you felt positive and happy the car would run excelent but if you felt mad and upset the car would run like crap. The only one who could answer those thoughts would be Meyer himself since he is the only one that spent a lot of time driving a car using water as it's source of fuel. Perhaps others like Dingel could tell if this true, but his in jail for life and doesn't seems to be talking about the water for fuel technology to anyone and I can't say that I blame him for he is going to die over this technology. Anyway I just thought I'd let you all know a little bit more on the properties of water.