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Stanley Meyer Explained

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  • #76
    Originally posted by magnetO View Post
    Hi h2Opower,

    puuuh, it doesnt get easier to me. I need to read ALL your posts and the whole thread. Will hopefully do so.
    It seems to me you are more likley a physicist, than a electrician. Is it so?

    Supposed, we have already split water, what most be done further?

    1.Do we get atomic O? If yes, we have to strip e-? How many?
    2.Dont we have a chance for O, but only for O2? Do we strip e- from O2? How many?
    3.Do we get a proton? Can we prevent from getting e-? I guess, no, but what would you say?
    4.So, do we get atomic H? Can we give it some e+? I guess, no, but what would you say?
    5.Do we get H2? What doing further?

    6.Do we want the ~20% O2 in (combustion) air getting something else? Ozon?

    Feel free to answer or not to answer, please.
    At first, I should reading, reading, reading,....


    Hi MagnetO,
    I am going to ask you too read the whole bit of posting for most of the answers to your questions are in there. At the end of your reading if you have questions, use the 5 step inteligence question asking and answering also given in my postings.



    • #77
      Originally posted by leanderborg220 View Post
      Hi H20power.
      In this Meyer drawing I can`t see any electron collecting Mesh for the EEC. What do you think ?
      What gap do you suggest for the air ionizer ?

      Yeah, I have gone over those drawing too, Meyer seems to have left off any showing of the EEC mesh grid.
      Things to consider, the electric breakdown voltage of air and the time it takes for O- to seek out and combine with O2 to form Ozone. We will need to do gas speed calculations with the two considerations in mind, for we don't want sparking from the gas processor to the EEC mesh grid, and we also don't want to form ozone. The physical size of your Gas Processor will determine those needs once the gas speeds are known. Remember we don't want the engine trying to suck air through a straw.



      • #78
        Originally posted by rdmwc View Post
        magneto, as far as the taking the electrons away, now H2Opower correct me if im wrong, but i believe we want to take away as many as resonably possible for the more we take away the less stable and more energy they will have... my biggest question right now is what is the purpose of the lazer distibutor and the effect the lazer light has on the mixure at the end of the injector plug... is this his final design that does away w the external gas processor and confines all his technologies into one unit?
        Yes, you are right rdmwc, it's all in percentages. The higher the voltage amplitude the greater the percentage of unstable gases sent too the combustion chamber. That give us control of the process so too make good use of it. The lazer distributor was replaced by direct pulsing of the LEDs in Meyer later designs. The lazer distributor had a beem cutter to send pulsed photonic energy to the mixture aiding in striping electrons from the mixture.

        Remember we are talking about energy levels and oxygen. Oxygen has 8 energy levels and I have already given the energies in kJ/mol of each of the energy levels. Remember the energy level of oxygen are so great that they have the power to break down the water molecule with a spark or heat ignition. Too aid this reaction the water has to be atomized and also prevented the water from reforming into larger water droplets. This is accomplished by polarizing the water giving it a positive charge, for then like charges repel each other and no reformation to larger water droplets occur. Now as water evaporates it will divide into even smaller water droplets this aids in mixing with the primed air gases.



        • #79
          To correct myself and get back on topic.

          Originally posted by h20power View Post
          No, thank you! Like I said in a lot of my postings if I make a misteak don't have any fears in correcting me, for any misteak I make wont stop the Gas Processor from working. It is called a positron e+ found here: Electron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia found under "Fundamental properties" So I will call it by the correct name from now on

          So, as I was saying the "positrons" need to be consumed so there are no positrons(e+) to form up with the electrons(e-) to make ozone in the intake system after the Gas Processor has primed the incoming air.

          Thanks for correcting me for it shows people are reading and will start becoming energy independent soon.

          Sorry about that I got caught up in the electron thing when it is "IONS" we are talking about. Positive ions and Negetive ions for all of this is based on "Ionization energies." Electrons and photons are being used to strip down Oxygen to lower energy levels, thus yeilding more energy than normally gotten from the reaction at the ground state. So my mistake was to say electrons being consumed when it is ions that are being consumed, the positive Oxygen ions. I must be more careful with my words, but I think I might have gotten that from the patent, will have to look that up. But it is IONS we are talking about, and electrons and photons are being used to push Oxygen from the ground state to higher energy levels.

          Sorry for getting confused I'll do better, but as I said before any mistakes I make wont stop the Gas Processor from working



          • #80
            Once you step back and take a deep look at this technology you will see it mostly has to do with chemistry. We are dealing in ions and ionization energies, valance electrons and such, not much physics here. Maybe that is why so many can't see the simplicity of it all. This is a controled lightining strom, and lightining storms don't need any plug-ins to make a tremendous amount of power. If fact lightining storms don't need any help from man at all. If you look up a lightining storm right today you will find out that humanity still doesn't understand how they work. For they are disobeying the laws of theromo dynamics big time, but if one stops to think about it, us walking and talking are also breaking these laws.

            If energy can't cross the space of a vacuum then how does the sun heat up the earth? You will be suprized to learn that the simplest of things man has very little knowledge about. Know your chemistry and you will understand this technology 100%.



            • #81
              What I can see is a largely "wasted" magnetocurrent. Have a look at the cap-HV-LV discharge ways of Gray vs Meyer. It is obvious that when you crash the inductor back EMF into the EMF in Meyer´s circuit this magnetocurrent will look for a receiver. What has the highest diel. constant near the diode? Distilled water! BUT the magnetocurrent will expand 90 deg. from the EMF like after an explosion and only some of this will reach the water. Possibly, the diode crash will cause a lot of the energy to be wasted and it will act as an LV anode inside the water, the choke+transformer will be the HV anode.

              I believe there are many things about Meyer WFC to learn concerning physics. Plcement of diode is central to success.


              • #82
                Meyl says that if there is straight magnetic induction line B, then electric field line are close circular around it. If Meyer tubes are two antennas generating magnetic current then electric field is "stuck" on them circularly causing large electrostatic-like effect which Meyer described as voltage potential.


                • #83
                  Is there an option to the Diode we are using. Is there any other way to block a HV pulse? So that it can work for long periods of time...


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Gauss View Post
                    Is there an option to the Diode we are using. Is there any other way to block a HV pulse? So that it can work for long periods of time...
                    I think that diode is not needed.More important if why one of coils was adjustable.


                    • #85
                      The WFC is not needed!

                      Once again will point at the numbers to show that the WFC is not needed. For in the end not even Meyer used the WFC.
                      It takes 1836 kJ/mol to break the bonds of water under normal conditions this number was discovered by Dr. Faraday many years ago. Now if you take into account what the Gas Processor is doing is striping electrons from the air making them have a much higher energy content then the answer of where this energy comes from to break the water down is in the air itself.

                      Looking at the reactions to break and form the water molecule:
                      4 H-O 459 kJ/mol bonds are broken taking 1836 kJ/mol to do so.
                      2 H-H 436 kJ/mol bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 498 kJ/mol are formed yeilding 1370 kJ/mol.
                      This is why all scientist say it takes more energy to break the bonds of water than you get from combining them, for the net sum of the reaction is negative, -466 kJ/mol.

                      Lets us look at just oxygen, since it is the most important part of the reaction, here are the energy levels of oxygen:
                      1st 1313.9 kJ/mol
                      2nd 3388.3 kJ/mol
                      3rd 5300.5 kJ/mol
                      4th 7469.2 kJ/mol
                      5th 10909.5 kJ/mol
                      6th 13326.5 kJ/mol
                      7th 71330.0 kJ/mol
                      8th 84078.0 kJ/mol

                      Now the 1st level doesn't have enough energy to get any useful energy yield out of it this way so you must get the oxygen at minimum to it's 2nd level of ionization.

                      The new reaction to form the water molecule 1st energy level:
                      2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 1313.9 kJ/mol are formed yeilding 2185.9 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction now is positive 2185.9-1836 = +349.9 kJ/mol, so now we are getting more energy out than in. But this reaction is still less than the 4864 kJ/mol of gasoline. So what do we do? Strip more electrons.

                      2nd energy level:
                      2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 3388.3 kJ/mol are formed yeilding 4260.3 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction now is 4260.3-1836 = +2424.3 kJ/mol, now that is close to half as much energy as the reaction for gasolines 4864 kJ/mol.
                      Since Meyer says he used the 4th energy level or lower lets look at that reaction.
                      The new reaction to form the water molecule at the 4th energy level:
                      2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 7469.2 kJ/mol are formed yeilding 8341.2 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction now is 8341.2-1836 = +6505.2 kJ/mol

                      Now in that reaction the unstable oxygen atoms have the power to not only break down the water molecule but to react with it with far more power than the reaction of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms do at the ground state. That is the key, it's right there in front of you. All that needs to be done is get the water to be atomized, in this new envirenment of unstable oxygen atoms, and give it a spark or heat ignition source. In order to get the water molecules atomized you have to put a charge on it or it will form back into larger water droplets. The Gas Processor and Electron extranction circuit, will effectively change the envirenment in which the reaction takes place. The unstable oxygen atoms have the power to take the hydrogen atoms away from the oxygen atoms already holding on to them and give off what Stanley Meyer calls "Thermo Explosive Energy." If you don't understand the math presented here then use the internet to teach yourself.

                      For this is the arguement the scientific community puts on why water for fuel shouldn't be able to take place. They speak of the 2nd law of thermo dynamics being broken, and I have shown clearly that it has not been broken. There is no magic here just energies of ionozation being used in a way they have never been used before. It is just chemistry, dealing with ionozation energies of the reaction between hydrogen and unstable oxygen atoms.

                      Energy independence is now ours for the taking,

                      Last edited by h20power; 03-07-2009, 07:16 PM.


                      • #86
                        About the choke, remember the diode will splash the magnetocurrent(monopole current) everywhere at impulse(diode probably will transmute too?), each HV-LV collision will be a bit different I guess since neutrinos fly by now and then and convert into electrons inside water. Transmutation will happen at the electrode. So the resonance frequency will change over time and water needs to be discharged completely. I read about a guy who got a terrible shock from the water.


                        • #87
                          Diode is in Meyer schematic for blocking action, and is even named so. I haven't understood it up to now.

                          Diode is here for blocking BACK CURRENT - ELECTRONS FROM WATER !!!!
                          I'm 100% sure about it.

                          That's why also insulation on tubes and amp consuming device before diode.
                          Electron extraction circuit.


                          • #88
                            Re:Stanley Meyer Explained


                            I want to personally thank you for this thread. I get it. There is one patent of Stan Meyer where he uses the term Radiant Energy and EASER. "Those skilled in the art..." will see this. If you put 1+1+1 together you get 3. Start with Tesla, study Bearden and Bedini look at all Stan's patents and then ask yourself why the Joe Cell is suppressed. The Joe Cell is in fact an EEC. There's a lot going on in the gas gun. There's 2 sides to every equation. It's not just the hydrogen atom that's involved it is also oxygen. The more electrons you strip the higher the energetic gradient goes. Nature prefers everything in equilibrium (high school chemistry) and I believe in fact that the gas gun is potentially dangerous. All for now...



                            • #89
                              Your very wellcome Handyandy, I am glade that some are getting this information, this way the energy revolution gets underway. For I looked at all veriables and this was the only way to get it out too the people

                              Any other way would be stopped quick and haulted, for too many have their hands in other peoples pockets.



                              • #90
                                more on the EEC

                                If you look at the David Lawton replication he modifies his basic circuit and introduces a light bulb. This is his EEC. His results state that the amp draw goes down and production increases as the light gets bright. The explanation given is cold electricity. I think the answer is simpler than that. The light bulb is simply pulling the electrons it needs from the water capacitor in order to light. Pulling not pushing and that's why it's cold. I have heard electrolysers described as a load. What is a lightbulb but a load. A load does work. It can be anything in this case it's light. The water capacitor is a limited source of electrons. The load is your throttle for producing gas. I think I've said too much Happy Holidays...


