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Stanley Meyer Explained

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  • Yeah chuukie, that's Kevins site and he going to give his version a try soon.

    As for the type of LEDs everyone should look into ultra bright types that have 23k mcd or higher. Here is a list of 73 wavelengths for oxygen: That way you can look into which ones seem to work on oxygen the best, but note there are more wavelengths that effect oxygen.

    Remember have fun looking up which wavelengths do what to oxygen for this part is new to all of us.


    PS Does everyone have an idea of how the injectors work now? For it is not like the WFC's way to split the water molecule.


    • yup.

      "Thermal Atomic interaction (gmt) is caused when the combustible gas ions (from water) fail to
      unite or form a Covalent Link-up or Covalent Bond between the water molecule atoms. as
      illustrated in Figure (1-19). The oxygen atom having less than four covalent electrons (Electron
      Extraction Process) is unable to reach "Stable-State" (six to eight covalent electrons required) when
      the two hydrogen atoms seeks to form the water molecule during thermal gas ignition.
      The absorbed Laser energy (Va. Vb and V c) weakens the "Electrical Bond" between the orbital
      electrons and the nucleus of the atoms; while, at the same time, electrical attraction-force (qq'),
      being stronger than "Normal" due to the lack of covalent electrons. "Locks Onto" and "Keeps" the
      hydrogen electrons. These “abnormal” or “unstable” conditions cause the combustible gas ions to
      over compensate and breakdown into thermal explosive energy (gmt)."

      That is a direct quote from his Birth of a new Technology paper.

      Just remember that his whole process the final end point of the spark plug was tapered. It is that way to facilitate the wave guide a kind of electric pump to compress and push the whole mixture out of the end to be ignited by spark or compression heat away from the unit.
      One other note other then the ionizations of the ambient air and water mist everything kinda happened all at once. As he put it instantly.


      • How the water fuel injectors break down the water molecule

        Turning water into "Mirco-Capacitor" is yet another way to break the bonds of the water molecule and it has nothing to do with Dr. Faraday type electrolysis. We all know that water is a dielectric liquid and knowing this we know that all the rules of capacitances apply. As the dielectric liquid passes thru the voltage zones it picks up an image charge from the voltage zone that is on the capacitors plates of the injector. This image charge is then used to break the bonds of the water molecule by allowing the voltage to perform work. How? As the water molecules evaporate they lose size or that is to say the phyical area of the newly created miro-capacitors is decreasing at a rate faster than the relaxation time of the water molecule ability to lose the image charge they picked up. This is the very definition of how voltage preforms work.

        Now there are two theories as to what is taking place;

        One is the water molecules self destruct as the water molecules decrease in size due to the evaporation time is less than the relaxation time of water. Remember the relaxation time for water is є/σ< 10-6 seconds and for air є/σ> 10 seconds giving the water plenty of time to evaporate while still retaining its induced image charges from the injectors high voltage zone. Since water is polar it acts like a capacitor, but one that the area of the plates are decreasing and the charge is just about remaining constant. Once it reaches a critical size it self destrucks turning into hydrogen and oxygen.


        This creates hydronium ions ( H3O+) and these ions can't exist in waters' evaporate state thus releasing one or more ( H9O4+) mono atomic hydrogen atom(s) per water droplet when the droplet size reaches a critical mass of not being able to support any hydronium ions. And the image charge picked up will not allow the hydronium ions to dissapate it's charge.

        Again no one ever seemed to pick up on what Stanley Meyer was doing until now. He used two totally different ways to break down the water molecule that both were not apart of Dr. Faradays type of electronlysis. One breaks down the water molecule in a direct short condition and the other I just discribed.

        That is the way the water fuel injectors work like a kelvin genarator and/or a Taylor cone.

        Last edited by h20power; 04-11-2009, 07:47 PM.


        • h2opower

          Do you think the speeds are fast enough that you can just mix the gases at the intake manifold and skip the whole complexity of building the injectors? Or will the O stabilize from the grounded engine block?
          Last edited by CPU3rother; 04-13-2009, 03:23 AM.


          • Originally posted by CPU3rother View Post

            Do you think you can just mix the gases at the intake manifold and skip the whole complexity of building the injectors?
            According to Stanley Meyer's patent yes, once the ionized gas is mixed with the atomized water mist that has be turned into miro-capacitors it is a flamable mixture. It is all in the patent for he speaks of safty factors and talks about that very thing. You do have to take my word for it, build the Gas Processor and test it out for yourself with a modified Kelvin genarator that has 20k volts at the ring or more. That is why I say understanding the system is far better than trying to back engineer the system with no understanding. Once you learn the way the system works you can make it work just by following the rules that Meyers had given.

            Always strive for understanding, for once you learn the way the system works you can change the system to suit your needs.



            • I am cheating a little bit in your favor by telling you this, build the gas processor, then get a LPG/Hydrogen conversion system from here: Alternative Fuel CNG Engine Conversion LPG Hydrogen Erdgas. Use any hho system that produces 7L/min or more, (Boyces systems will do that with ease with just over 5amps of current draw) and away you go. But once you understand how the Gas Processor works fully you will also understand how Stanley Meyer's WFC works fully, hint, the WFC will not work without the EEC.

              But another question you should have asked is, "How do you make mirco capacitors from water?" If you already know then in your next post answer that question, if you would be so kind.



              • Micro cap

                Hi H2O

                Just done some reading on electron spary and so on and found what you where refering to about micro caps in water.

                It seems to Ionise the water( or the gasguns processed gas in conjunction) comming in we need to apply a high positve voltage onto a siringe needle.
                This will create what you called a image charge on the substance you have injected.
                In return a Coulomb Fission will form between Ions. meaning the ions will repel each other and will break up untill they are in their simplest form, beacause they are all the same charge now.

                Although they still do not fully understand the full mode of operation there are 2 theories
                Either the the molecule gets charged and starts repelling each other and whole the surface decreases due to Colomb Fission the become even more charged und breaks up even further into smaller particles
                Or the voltage applied will exceed the suface tention and will casue the molecule to fall appart into smaller particles.

                I hope this is write so far the votage neede looks small like in 3-5 k so thats easy

                My question is though
                do I only ionize the water like this and feed it with the primed gas form the gas gun ?

                Thansk Digits


                • If you apply positive voltage you generate acid water... you need to apply hig voltage negative field.. you need to add more elctrons on water not strip electrons.. air must be ionized positively and water negatively.. There re availables some way not only one, important is that concept must be clear..


                  • tutanka, you are correct, you will have to use negative high voltage in order to get a negative image charge.


                    • I'm an italian private researcher... As many peoples I was focalized on standard ho cells but when I have read thred of H2OPOWER my mind has been illuminated. The way for obtain high amount of energyu is work in this direction but I think isn't present only one solution.. Importat is understand concept of functionality.... after is only question of intuition.. For it I think that isn't needed complicated circuits .. in nature don't exist anything of complicated.. all is simple.. and for this concept must be created an water system energy... simply using HV fields and imagination.. Regards


                      • However I think that if someone of you has already realized an similar system it would have to share the experiences with others. This does not mean that it must slament give to the plans but only an indication.. Regards to all


                        • Originally posted by Digits View Post
                          Hi H2O

                          Just done some reading on electron spary and so on and found what you where refering to about micro caps in water.

                          It seems to Ionise the water( or the gasguns processed gas in conjunction) comming in we need to apply a high positve voltage onto a siringe needle.
                          This will create what you called a image charge on the substance you have injected.
                          In return a Coulomb Fission will form between Ions. meaning the ions will repel each other and will break up untill they are in their simplest form, beacause they are all the same charge now.

                          Although they still do not fully understand the full mode of operation there are 2 theories
                          Either the the molecule gets charged and starts repelling each other and whole the surface decreases due to Colomb Fission the become even more charged und breaks up even further into smaller particles
                          Or the voltage applied will exceed the suface tention and will casue the molecule to fall appart into smaller particles.

                          I hope this is write so far the votage neede looks small like in 3-5 k so thats easy

                          My question is though
                          do I only ionize the water like this and feed it with the primed gas form the gas gun ?

                          Thansk Digits
                          Yes, that's the idea, but I found that in order to get water to break into hydrgen and oxygen it has threshold of about 20k volts depending on the frequency or so then you can pulse flow the water like an injector. It is why scienctist don't like to use water with a taylor cone for it evaporates, but what they didn't know was some of it was breaking up into hydrogen and oxygen. No one ever put a match to it, lol. That threshold also hold true for the Kelvin grenarator watch this video and pay attention to the single hook up or the one with the batteries, but Stanley Meyer applied 20k and higher to the ring: YouTube - Lec 9 | MIT 6.013 Electromagnetics and Applications, Fall 20 This video also helps explain how the WFC works in that it will stretch or elongate the water molecule and in the very next instant consume the negetive electron only causing an unbalancing of the equilbrium in water, then the water responds by releasing gases to restablish equalibrium. That is the importance of the EEC in the WFC.



                          • Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                            If you apply positive voltage you generate acid water... you need to apply hig voltage negative field.. you need to add more elctrons on water not strip electrons.. air must be ionized positively and water negatively.. There re availables some way not only one, important is that concept must be clear..

                            Yes, I think the water has more hydronium ions as a result due to the image charge placed on it. Remember there are, as far as I know, two ways to create these miro capacitors. One found in Kelvin Genarators and the other in Taylor Cones. Both people where trying to understand lightining storms better, and in doing so they started to unravel the mysteries of life it self. For our very own bodies us water in this fasion but on a miro scale with lots of different chemical interaction, plants too also do this.

                            But remember the rule: Ions
                            If an atom has more or less electrons than protons, that atom acquires an electrical charge. A shortage of electrons results in a positive charge; an excess of electrons gives a negative charge. The element's identity remains the same, no matter how great the excess or shortage of electrons. In the extreme case, all the electrons might be removed from an atom, leaving only the nucleus. However, it would still represent the same element as it would if it has all its electrons. A charged atom is called an ion. When a substance contains many ions, the material is said to be ionized.

                            Also know the rules of dielectrics in a capacitive field, but note water is a bit different than other substances, for no substance on earth can do the things that water can do, Carbon dioxide comes close but no dice. Due to the relaxation time of water the capacitive plates don't have to be parallel as shown in the Kelvin genarator video above. Professor Walter Lewin did an expirement lengthing the gap between the water suply and the charge ring to demonstraight that concept. This is something I don't think Stanley Meyer understood or his injector systems might have looked a lot different, but he did use both forms for the tappered one is closes to the Taylor cone in fuction.

                            The electro static precipitation chamber with coherent light enhansement(Gas Processor) bombards the air atoms with ions from the corona discharge, and on the off pulse times the photons having been chosen to hit oxygens wavelengths hit the oxygen atoms to not give them a break so they don't revert back to lower energy levels. The electron extraction grid consumes these freshly stripped electrons and lessons the chance that the oxygen atom will stabilize greatly and also prevents the creation of ozone in the process.

                            hope this helps,



                            • Originally posted by h20power View Post
                              I am cheating a little bit in your favor by telling you this, build the gas processor, then get a LPG/Hydrogen conversion system from here: Alternative Fuel CNG Engine Conversion LPG Hydrogen Erdgas. Use any hho system that produces 7L/min or more, (Boyces systems will do that with ease with just over 5amps of current draw) and away you go. But once you understand how the Gas Processor works fully you will also understand how Stanley Meyer's WFC works fully, hint, the WFC will not work without the EEC.

                              But another question you should have asked is, "How do you make mirco capacitors from water?" If you already know then in your next post answer that question, if you would be so kind.

                              This would require two steps:

                              Create a potential difference

                              Separate the charges.


                              • I guess I wasn't very clear, what I meant was what methods do we know of today that can create micro-capacitors from water? Answer is the Kelvin Genarators, and Taylor Cones. There might be more ways, but these are the two ways I know of on how to make micro-capacitors out of water. But you are correct but also water physical properties lend it to also doing so, mainly in that it is a dielectric liquid able to take on an image charge from a capacitive zone. The waters' dielectric properties also make it so the capacitor doesn't have to be parallel as seen in the demostration of the Kelvin Genarator due to the relaxtion time of water.

                                Then we can use gas law science to get the most out of the water molecule PV=nRT and the phase diagram of water. Albert Bowe's water motor is an good example of that use:
                                YouTube - The Water Manipulation Motor - Introduction (1 of 2)
                                YouTube - Water Manipulation Motor - the details (2 of 2)

                                Now using what you have learned about the Gas Processor imagine it being used on Albert Bowe's technology. This is why I say there are many ways to use water as a fuel source, and why I saw the Gas Processor is the key to the technology. For the Gas Processor can be used on different systems away from Stanley Meyer's patents. I gained a lot of understanding from Viktor Schauberger on the nature of water: Sacred Living Geometry -Enlightened Environmental Theories of Viktor Schauberger .

                                Last edited by h20power; 04-14-2009, 12:44 AM. Reason: Had in wrong video

