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Stanley Meyer Explained

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  • When I said this:
    Stan was for sure applying maybe 2 or even 40kv using 1 ma/h but after 1 second working at for saying on my design 500khz you have 500000*60sec*60min= 1800000000 pulses in one hour right ok if you have 1mA / 1800000000 you have 5E-13 amps per pulse ok so if you apply 500khz for an infinite Q circuit you would have 5E-13 amps * 500khz^500000. Now you know how to calculate a duty cycle for controlling this. If you have about 5000 Q you have 5E-13*500000^5000 band width would be 100 Hz +-

    I calculated the amount of amps per pulses for than calculating the recirculating current in one second or whatever you want.

    For better understanding in one hour working with 500khz you have 1.800.000.000 pulses than I divided the 1 mili ampere hour consumption that meyer used than you have the amount of amps for every pulse this way you can calculate in one second what is the recirculating current inside the circuit. so if you have two inductors of 10uH with 6miliohm resistance and a 10nF capacitor you have a Q greater than 5000 a bandwidth of+- 100hz.

    So recirculating current in one second is = +- amps per pulse * frequency of operation elevated to the Q value.
    Because every pulse you ad you have the previous pulse already recirculating and adding. Is based on relativity theory. But for telling you the true this calculation is a prediction i'm realy not sure of the formula but i think is kind of this check i you want. The greater the frequency the greater the number of recirculation cycles so the bigger the amount of water transformed.
    Stanley said if you need higher rates of h2 production you need bigger plates and far from each other because capacitance reduce its value when distance of the plates are greater this way you have higher frequency operation.

    I remember you, you need to have a path for current recirculate 360°. So you need 2 inductors two diodes and 2 or 3 capacitors

    Oh you know why it is a series circuit and not a parallel circuit ????
    Because of the diode
    If you put a coil in parallel with the wfc like stanley described once just to confuse you tron with a diode in there between you don't have a parallel circuit because it is half wave rectification but if you ad another capacitor and inductor and diode you have a full wave resonance in series i mean the current need a place to go when it become negative you just need to create the path for it to go and it will really resonate. Resonance on simulation don't seem to be very difficult to maintain if you have a high Q too. Even if you apply a frequency different from resonant frequency thats why i find it so dangerous. My inventor friend once exploded a laboratory doing the first test. So Please don't think you are going to have that tiny bubbles you see on normal electrolysis. be Careful.

    Tron i have a question to you do you have ever read meyer words saying it was parallel resonance? I'm quite sure to have read all of his papers and 1000's times and didn't find anything about it. I know you may have read about parallel resonance that tell you need high inductor resistance and you have no amperage and just high voltage. I'm sure meyer made this to confuse people and because of that you are making your statements.

    Again i remember you Vic was there only as a way to drive this resonant circuit I'm referring to, with dc pulses.

    I repeat to you guys if you want believe do so if you don't want you don't need to, i'm sure you have read so many times ravi, dave, or anyone who lied saying many bull**** about this technology trying to fool you or even sell you units that just don't work because of their ignorance and need for money. Is hard to believe that now one comes and tell you the true right? anyway i did it because i'm convinced that this way i protected myself.

    I'm waiting for some pieces to finish my unit and do my real test, until that, i cant tell you anything different that what i told you until now at least on this thread and few i linked to on my posts. If you want i can send you my pll design assembled or the plans but it will not be very cheep but it is great, i took many months to figure it out and as i need money for my project i can sell and not give it away unfortunately anyway is not impossible to understand and recreate it but it takes time and I'm saying this not because I'm bad guy is just because it costed me lot of money to research about this and no one helped me when i needed. Anyway just to tell you how people are. I can say in the last 3 years I spent more than 15.000 euros until now with no live costs like house rent bills... and I don't even have a car... hope you understand my point, If you help me i'm going to be very happy to help you.

    Anyway i gave you all the rules for it to work if you read very well my posts you are going to understand and be able to do it so good luck guys and next week i come with the good news.
    good luck to every one.


    • I knew that was your aim to take over my little thread, in saying follow your rules when I have already set the rules of Stanley Meyer's technology in this thread. As far as I am concerned I am done with Stanley Meyer's technology, all that is left for me to do is build it.

      So it is like this; The technology of a wheel was lost and I redecovered it, and now your trying to tell me how it works. Get real! The one thing I don't need is someone telling me how it works when I already know how it all works!

      I ask you nicely to make your own thread so you can post your technology and talk about it with others that are interested in what you are doing. But as far as in this thread, Stanley Meyer's technology is all out in the open for everone to have, all they have to do is build it, same as I am doing. Do you get me, IT IS DONE! If you follow my lead you will have a working model. Mostly all I do is help everyone to understand it better so they will feel the need to build and test things out for themselves. But are far as you trying to put your rules in a thread that is not your own that is a site deal breaker.

      Energetic Forum Guidelines ~ Read Before Posting
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      For as far as I am conerned you have set up a situation that will upset me by posting your rules in my thread. Which is why I ask you to make your own thread in the first place for the one thing I can do very well is read people and their intensions. Now I ask you to ease your rules from this thread and put them up in your own thread. For you have broken the forums rules.



      • Originally posted by sebosfato
        Ok h2o I'm sorry for disturbing your thread I hope you be ok. I'll stop posting if you want, no problem. I hope you can leave this posts I posted at least for a while for let the people to have the opportunity to have this information too as I left all about it I could in this few posts I could made.

        Print the all thread guys protect your future.

        if some wants help or to help me you find me here

        Good bye I'm going to wait to see the future change in my old tv.
        Not really for now we have two sets of rules to the same technology that do not agree with one another and that will confuse anyone who reads them. I went through all of my explainations trying to follow known science all the way. I am not sure how you did yours, and I will read your explaination in your own thread. But again as far as I am concerned I am done with Stanley Meyer's water for fuel technology. I am in the process of building everything and converting a car to run on water right now, as are many others. I am not alone in all of this for someone out there might beat me in becoming energy independent. I started moving forwards after all the math was done about 7-8 months ago. Since I am not rich getting things designed and built take time plus I work at my own pace. I have went as far as to show my version of a Gas Processor, but I have seen many others some that I really like, but I don't think I could make them, plus I will stick to my design for it is after all what I came up with.

        So if you would please not confuse people that read this thread by removing your information to your own thread and put up a permlink so anyone wanting to read it can do so, thanks.



        • Thanks h2opower!

          Thanks h2opower!

          Your time and effort in this endevor is self evident. Thanks again for all your hard work and your willingness to share it with others.


          • ...

            Sebosfato - i think that h2opower is right and we need to respect that. You are moore then welcome to creat your own tread, but it is important to not mix two different ways to do it. Not everyone understands electronics like you, TRON and h2opower does. I´v seen different ideas about this and still after what i believe was the last input of understanding done by TRON, you´r persistency to be different is distructive behavior and bad for this tread.

            IF you (means anyone) dont agree whit this tread, stay out of it or just use a few words to say why it is so and in case you realy need to develop your reason do so in you own tread and link that so everyone can follow and participate, but this tread has so fare covered it.

            So this goes to everyone - dont mess it up, for we are so close now!
            - Behold the truth -


            • ?

              Yip I have to agree with H2O

              I was getting a bit confusing with all the coments flying around.
              My little head os stil spinning !

              Just keep to the thread and priciples H2O have laid down thats all If you differ then start a thread on your own we dont want politics here just pure brotherhood and helping each other please no egos look at formula one what happens if strong personalatys dont give in.

              [ATTACH]pq 1 - Sheet1.pdf[/ATTACH]

              Here is some drawing I have done I am bussy to machine some parts though I have to do things as time is available and money.

              I really believe this is going to work there is some work still left almost there.
              the VIC is still a mystery to me but I will get there.
              H2o after explaining why the LED had to pulse out of sequence with the puls train further up the thread helped allot thanks!

              You are allowed to critisize mydesign ha ha I am just a amature.
              Attached Files


              • Looking good

                How much space do you have between your voltage zones? The design looks great, almost like a final prototype. I wonder if I should show my design or would just lead to mass copying and even more questions for the copicats will have no idea of why I did things the way I did. One day perhaps when I start seeing more designs to let me know people are using their own creativeaty. For there many different ways to do this and in this thread I have talked about three different ways it can be done each having verying levels of risk that go along with them.

                Keep up the great work for in the end you will free yourself from the energy enslavement game.



                • h2opower

                  How's the assemble of the GP going? ... i'm curious about the mock up for the LED's and such.
                  - Behold the truth -


                  • an idéa

                    What if we use a "mass spectrum photovoltaic light source" (just a name) as our light source [meaning; one lightbulb that gives off something like 200nm-700nm mounted beneath the GP] that use fiberoptic's as the lead and a lens to spread the light instead of LED's in the GP? This whould give us almoste all the needed wavelength at every lightsource...

                    Just one approche on it - never mind the cost, just the idea!
                    - Behold the truth -


                    • Oneminde Fiber Optics

                      Originally posted by Oneminde View Post
                      What if we use a "mass spectrum photovoltaic light source" (just a name) as our light source [meaning; one lightbulb that gives off something like 200nm-700nm mounted beneath the GP] that use fiberoptic's as the lead and a lens to spread the light instead of LED's in the GP? This whould give us almoste all the needed wavelength at every lightsource...

                      Just one approche on it - never mind the cost, just the idea!
                      I am still trying to grasp the laymans meaning of most of H20Power's revelations. But I have been thinking of trying something like what you mentioned here. Instead of duplicating the original Meyers design (with the use of large quantities of LEDs poked thru the sides of the wall; as I have admired in the many beautiful drawing and pictures) If we were able to use something like this....

                      ... and in the interest of K.I.S.S. & Economics use one each of the preferred LED wave lengths "shining" (if you will) on one stick. Then conducted by way of fiber optic cable to another or multiple light sticks on the inside of the GP and cut costs while bombarding the molecules at as many wave lengths as is possible.

                      But again I am way behind you guys on all of these plans.

                      Here is where I found these Light Sticks.
                      Fiber Optic Landscaping
                      Good Luck!

                      Last edited by netzerite; 07-05-2009, 06:31 PM. Reason: My html is almost as bad as my spelling.


                      • Originally posted by netzerite View Post
                        I am still trying to grasp the laymans meaning of most of H20Power's revelations. But I have been thinking of trying something like what you mentioned here. Instead of duplicating the original Meyers design (with the use of large quantities of LEDs poked thru the sides of the wall; as I have admired in the many beautiful drawing and pictures) If we were able to use something like this....
                        ... and in the interest of K.I.S.S. & Economics use one each of the preferred LED wave lengths "shining" (if you will) on one stick. Then conducted by way of fiber optic cable to another or multiple light sticks on the inside of the GP and cut costs while bombarding the molecules at as many wave lengths as is possible.

                        But again I am way behind you guys on all of these plans.

                        Here is where I found these Light Sticks.
                        Fiber Optic Landscaping
                        Good Luck!

                        First of all, the ones you linked to are too long, but you´r on the right track so to say. If you look at the image i provide her, that is what i am looking for;

                        We need to change the design, but this is one shows what i am looking at. Of curse the solution needs to be changed/addapted to our project. You need an 90 degree coupling and a lens to spread the light inside the GP.. one of the reasons for me looking at a solution such as this one is becous it whould be simpler to control an replace one light source instead of maby 50!

                        Here's one exempel of light source. This unit's range is 400nm to 700nm (mercury-xenon) and it only consumes 150W/h.
                        UV Spot Light Source, Hamamatsu
                        But i'm sure that we can finde a better one, even 200nm - 700nm. That sould cover it i believe

                        I´v added an image that shows the ide better.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Oneminde; 07-05-2009, 07:32 PM.
                        - Behold the truth -


                        • OneMinde

                          These look very nice!

                          Thank You!

                          Be sure to check out the other items in this web site as well.
                          They are very diverse.

                          Fiber Optic Products




                          • The illustartion i added ONLY works for a WFC + GP setup, the HGG - i have ideas for that one to, but it´s a complitly different setup
                            - Behold the truth -


                            • Originally posted by Oneminde View Post
                              The illustartion i added ONLY works for a WFC + GP setup, the HGG - i have ideas for that one to, but it´s a complitly different setup

                              What do you use for illustrations?



                              • Originally posted by netzerite View Post

                                What do you use for illustrations?

                                It's a simple image i made in Photoshop CS3, nothing advanced, just to show the idéa, that´s all - this is not by any mean a construction image.
                                - Behold the truth -

