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The one thing I will not tell you is how to build your designs, for we need as many different designs as possible. That is percisely why I set up an engineering/builders challange and just gave everyone the rules of task at hand. For in every one of my engineering projects at college when the assignment was due all teams would have working models and yet none of the would be the same. We need this for if any one person was the sole maker of the design that one person would disapear any his/her design along with. It has too be this for it is the only way we are going to see this technology enter our everyday lives.
Anyway that you come up with is fine by me for your way brings diversity and spirit to the whole water for fuel movement, and makes all the more unlikely that movement will be stopped. This is also the best way to show that theories I put forth work on Stanley Myers water for fuel technology work.
The one thing I will not tell you is how to build your designs, for we need as many different designs as possible. That is percisely why I set up an engineering/builders challange and just gave everyone the rules of task at hand. For in every one of my engineering projects at college when the assignment was due all teams would have working models and yet none of the would be the same. We need this for if any one person was the sole maker of the design that one person would disapear any his/her design along with. It has too be this for it is the only way we are going to see this technology enter our everyday lives.
Anyway that you come up with is fine by me for your way brings diversity and spirit to the whole water for fuel movement, and makes all the more unlikely that movement will be stopped. This is also the best way to show that theories I put forth work on Stanley Myers water for fuel technology work.
Definitely, there are many way's to approach this, my idéa is just one of many. But this one (my idéa) is expensive for a test unit, so that one (if it works) will be as a commercial unit. But anyway, all i am doing is thinking out loud. How i will approach it ones i get to that point is unsurten right now, there are to many factors to think of right now, so there are still time to do that and so on.
All i was attempting whit this illustration AND the UV Spot Light Source, Hamamatsu is to think in a direction where we can use just one lightsource that can cover 80-90 % of the needed wavelenght/frequensys and a mercery-xenon lightbulb that covers 400-700nm is a good place to start.. note; TO START... that word is important.
What we need is more of this outstanding thinking - "think outside the box" method right?, yes that is what we need and that is exactly what we are striving for. Just becous Meyer did what he did doesent mean that we NEED to use he's approche on it... i think we are past that point now - but i am happy that Meyer showed the way, i am.. and that you h2opower understud the secret.
What if... we can use this fiberoptic method on the HGG.. so that the unit on the engine block can have a physical small size?.. so that the maine units (VIC, EEC etc) can be placed on an more suited place???.. to have every component on one place is not always the best... Anyway, that was my real aggenda whit that idéa i posted earlyer.. how about that...
Something to think about maby?
Here's some math for that 150W unit. Lets say that we have aproduction of 7L/min*60min = 420L/h devided by 150 = 2.8W per liter of hho... not to bad right? If we look at it this way, 150W is not that bad.. IF this method works.
Keep up the good work everyone.. the clock is ticking and we are not getting younger
Okey, here we go. Another "reporter" that claim's he KNOWS that the "HHO communety" is a bunch of scammers and that Stanley only talks BS... wow.. just wow. He even used these words on Peter Lindemann and i quote.
Well as is so often the case in the world of BS, this guy's credentials are highly questionable. His "PhD" was apparently bestowed on him by a friend and is in the area of natural medicine.
So what do we have to say about this article? Well, there is "some" truth into that there are people how are trying to scam, sure it is, and sure that SOME of he's calculations is "correct".. but c mon... these claims is made upon what? Where does this reporter get he's facts?
Anyway, just whanted to page this articel, food for thought's as we are dealing whit this technology... mayby take a breake and think over what we are doing - and WHY we are, this is one reason, just as good as anyone ells! And even after posting all of this he have the gut to aks this:
And if, as he claims, there are companies that have developed this technology to the point where they're running systems on water with enough energy left over to do useful work -- why don't we hear about the? Why hasn't a Nobel prize been awarded for breaking the laws of thermodynamics? And why hasn't the government or the oil companies killed everyone who knows about this?
What a nerv... is this guy insecure about he's claimes?, can we see a shred of hope in the end of he's article? a hope that there just might be someone out there that are developing a S.Meyer type of system?..
mostly I don not engage the may Sayers for they know not what they do for the most part. But the use of the cohrent light source really doesn't seem to matter, just as long as everyone knows that the light has to be pulsed opposite the capacitors pulsing everything should work out fine.
Right now I am on the part of the technology that the VIC transformer has to be matched to the GP, once I get that done then on to the injectors and electronics. The GP for the most part is completed all LEDs/resistors have been purchased and mostly all of the needed electronics are already brought.
With each our ideas comes the hard task of testing them out, you know, the R&D part of all of this. That is one of the main reasons I will not listen to anyone that tries to me which side of the bed the sun rises on. For the prototype is already planed out and I am well on my way into the project. For once you finally get off of the drawing board you have to stick to the original ideas that you started off with. Getting off of the drawing board is what holds up most people, and on this technology getting out of pure theory is the most hardest thing for a lot of people to do for they never get around to testing even a single idea out. I did blind testing to gain more understanding of Stanley Meyers patents, and if I hadn't I would have learned how the VIC trasformer really worked. Everyone else at the time was too afaide to just try and test this out and told me I was just waisting time and money. For I take the hands on approach and get some testing under my belt, thaw is done in the real world and not something this just in theory. Too many are affaid to get their hands dirty when it comes to trying something new. The time has long past for pure theory type thinking with no test data to back up what they say for fear of looking stupid or something. All each of use can do is to test things out for ourselves or understand someones elses test data and move on to the next step. For through testing and failing many times is the only way we truly learn anything or did someone out there just pick up a bike and started riding it from listining or watching someone else ride one?
I got the part I broke made so now the GP is just about complete just have to put the LEDS/resisters in and it is done.
When it comes to the nay sayers I really don't even engage them with talk for they have zero understanding as to how any of this works and as a result all talks would be fruitless. But remember even Stanley Meyer said we have to be thick skined when it comes to this technology for it is a new way of thinking, but not something new to science as I have found out and hopefully too anyone that has read the thread.
Now back to work for I don't get as much time as I would like to spend on working on the project. But it is only a matter of time for the math and science has been done so I know already that I will become energy independent as soon as I have completed the project.
Best wishes to all on their own projects aimed at becoming energy independent,
Now here's a question. We can see in different images that the VIC circuit vary in physical size, how come?.. what is the difference between the image provided by The Orion Project and does 11 VICS we can se on the Dune Buggy?
Now here's a question. We can see in different images that the VIC circuit vary in physical size, how come?.. what is the difference between the image provided by The Orion Project and does 11 VICS we can se on the Dune Buggy?
It all depends on the capacitance of the capacitor it is going to be hooked up to, that is to include the dielectric being used also. Remember each bobin space has to have the same inductance that is one of the rules everyone has to follow. Now if you have a different size capacitor does it not take a different inductance to reach resonance at the same frequency? Now you know why I feel so sorry for all those people just copying the VIC transformer out right without any understanding for that is just plain stupid unless your running a blind test to see what the transformer does, but those stupids are making it the rule when clearly it is not. It's like they have no concern with standerd science practises and will go and make a new kind of science all their own.
Now you can see how I differ from just about everyone else, in that I will use my brain, and they will just blindly follow the easiest path they can find. I jumped off of that bandwagon along time ago for mostly they are chasing their tales going round and round in circles, a dog finds that fun but I am not a dog. I have seen many people make the VIC transformer having no idea what it has to be hooked up to. What size capacitor will they have to make? For which medium are they going to use it for? What frequency are they aiming to drive the transformer at? They all have no idea and that sadens me, but that is the way of the world it seems and I can not change that. All I can do is try to point people in the right direction, but in the end they are the ones that have to open the doors to where that leads them.
Once you understand the simple rules you can make a VIC transformer for anything you have in mind for it. But if you have no desire for understanding and just have a love of copying be my guest. I for one don't like chasing my tail for I just don't find it amusing at all. That is why I ask everyone to strive for understanding for if you understand a thing you can build it in any fashion you so desire and it will still work. So depending on what the VIC transformer is going to be hooked up too will determin it's size for a given frequency you are aiming for.
Energy independence is the type of change we all need,
I agree to 100%, and that is also one of the reasons i aksed that question. For as i see it. The VIC we can see in The Orion Project image, that one belongs to the injectors and the one we can see on the Dune Buggy belongs to the WFC?
But Meyer was good at missleading people, so let's not jump to an early conclution
One need to understand the function before one can make changes to it, that is true. What you have done is to show the way, now the rest is up to us.
The one thing i'm stuck att is that if we look at the bobbin (yet again The Orion Project), i dont understand how they whould fit inside the VIC incasement - look att the ones in the Dune Buggy... they doesent seem to fit...
Anyway, i understand what you are saying and it makes sense to me, that is one thing i do not doubt. I'm just putting all the pieces together so I can build somthing and not just another replication.
HI to all..
I see every the same GP tube.. at this time water car had to be ready. Meyer object was the thermal explosion energy and not transform simple water into hydrogen. This post is fully of words based on free energy..etc.. I believe on this but are necessary not only words but more facts.. For this in the next days I send to you link of video on youtube.. This video is mine video with real experiment for demonstrate that thermal explosion energy exist really and is true without any usage of electronic or anything else.. only using an little copper tube in details conditions..
I dont get it, why do people still talk about elektrolysers in this forum?.. just let it go. We are not dealing whit elektrolyzers, that's a loong time ago.
I understand your effort in resolving the issue - but yet again, NOT THE ELECTROLYZER. Just a waist of time..
But it's nice to see that people are interested in the subject "hydrogen as a fuel".
All the rules for making transformers still apply, to get the highest magnetic field you make the bobbin spaces in such a way that the coils cross section is as close to a square shape as possible. Since all coils are bifilar you get the highest magnetic field strength by default for all coils have one wires width distance apart from one another.
To make these transformers you make one bobbin for each of the coils, test the inductance and note the coil count. For once you have the number count for one bobbin space you have them for the whole transformer. The secondary and choke coils need to be done that way. The primary needs to be Bi-directionally wrapped which is just another name for something cross wrapped and it too should have the same inductance of the secondaries and chokes individual bobbin spaces.
A question I get a lot is, "How do you get the same inductances in all the coils when they are of different configurations?" Answer: by verying the wire sizes, for the primary is only two layers, and the inside chokes bobbins will be multilayered as too for the others. In order to get them to have the same inductance the wire sizes have to be different and/or the wire wrap counts. I think there is a mass relationship going on here, but I haven't looked into it as of yet. For it seems by putting close to the same mass of wire in all places you get the same inductances, but that is just what I have observed nothing prooven as of yet.
And there is not that much of a difference in the WFC and the injectors for both are just capacitors in a way, they have different dielectric mediums being used between the plates and the capacitors physical sizes are very different. All of Stanley Meyer's work is on capacitors, for the Gas Processor is also a capacitor. The trick to it is it doesn't take a whole lot of energy to charge a capacitor and to keep it charged when the dielectric medium is moving through them. Mother nature uses capacitance to make lightining strikes so it's nothing really new just something we have taken for granted. When you take a look at how life works you might be surprized that capacitances also plays a key role in that too. When mother nature deals with things for the most part it is on a very small scale unlike us humans like to do. In dealing with things on a very small scale life is made possible, energies are transfered, and the least amount of energy is expended.
We kinda noticed this with the use of fosile fuels but not many made the connection. If you atomize the fuel and then burn it you get more faster and complete energy yeilds than if you try and burn it when it is in a puttle or stream. Atomizing the fuel increases the chances to get at the individual atoms for the energy exchange. That is why when an injector isn't working properly you get bad performance and fuel ecconomy for most of the energy is being pushed right out the tail pipe. When we atomize the water through a voltage zone the water pics up an image charge and can now react well with the ionized gases for both of them are at very high mixture rates and that gives them the chance to react together most effeicently. Only when the mixture of charged water mist and ionized air gases are put together is it explosive. It even says that right in the patent when Stanley Meyer is talking about safty issues for in that sense it can be made to be more safe than fosile fuels.
Hope that helped with understanding things better,
Sure it does, for me at least - i understand this more and more everyday and it's gratifying to be a part of this trip of knowledge and one day iīll be sitting there in my car thinking; "what happened?" and knowing that i to am energy independed. It is an exiting time we have infront of us.
But, Meyer did a splended jobb in hiding he's information about a true capacitor and the GP AND the EEC... but i figured it out together whit you h2opower, TRON and persons how failed in doing so - for those how failed showed me that, that was not the way. And that is the reason for my words at the bottom of every post.
I am grateful for this and one day i will share my knowledge - but only when i am redy and understand it fully.