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Stan's Gas Processor & circuit

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  • Stan's Gas Processor & circuit

    This thread is dedicated to figuring out how to duplicate the circuit that is placed downstream of the HHO Water Bath Cell.

    First we must decide which approach was being used, then design the circuit.

    Theory # 1: The gas processor cavity used LED light to charge up(down) the protons of both gases and was lit up and synchronized with the High Voltage Pulses. The LED/photon energy was used to inject the "aperature" of the proton that Stan said would open up during the high voltage stress cycle. This was to KEEP the ELECTRONS in the outer orbits making them easier to strip off when they hit the grid of stainless screen that connected to the filament or bulb downstream and isolated from both voltage plates, to consume them. (which happened to be during the off pulse).

    To test theory #1: Assume that photons carry a negative charge and that this charge can be used to lower the positive charge level of the proton (++++) to (+++). Now that would mean that if it has a lower positive charge the electrons can stay in their outer (high voltage induced) orbit, a weaker orbit for longer periods of time. Lets also assume that the electrons are knocked loose by collisions with high intensity light momentarily and also because of this weaker bond orbit with their associated proton. That would make the consumption of these electrons possible as they try to source to the positive (electron deficient) leg of the VIC circuit and get set free as heat and light outside of the gas processor, by the filament. (kind of like a mini air conditioning system, think of the EEC grid as the evaporator in your house and the filament as the condenser coil outside, the heat is transferred from the inside to the outside)

    ( NOTE: Because the EEC circuit was pulsing alternately with the Hi Voltage/LED circuit at a 50% duty cycle, then only half of the gases are processed per volume of fuel passing thru the chamber. To process ALL the gases would theoretically mean great power yields but would require many stages in series, each time 1/2 of the volume left that wasn't processed in the previous stage would be. and so on, making the ratio of processed gases to un-processed smaller with each stage.This is why he spoke of stages for greater energy yields, rockets, etc.)

    Here is a schematic circuit to create the alternating pulses:

    unless someone can think of a better way...
    Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.

  • #2
    PS, addtl. Info

    The chip used is an SG3525A or NTE1721
    I suppose tying pins 2 and 4 together on a TPS2813 mosfet driver with one And gate and one Nand gate would work....Here is the best circuit

    See Attached:

    PS use a LM555 timer, all resistors are 1/4 watt, digikey has the high voltage relays 650 mA x 1000 VDC, (CLA313-ND_RELAY MOSFET 1.0A ISOPLUS-264)
    about $12 each
    helps to have a breadboard with jumpers (until you get the circuit right and make a PCB)
    Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.


    • #3
      I'd like to talk more about the circuit you show for I think it has promise.



      • #4

        To test theory #1: Assume that photons carry a negative charge and that this charge can be used to lower the positive charge level of the proton (++++) to (+++). Now that would mean that if it has a lower positive charge the electrons can stay in their outer (high voltage induced) orbit, a weaker orbit for longer periods of time. Lets also assume that the electrons are knocked loose by collisions with high intensity light momentarily and also because of this weaker bond orbit with their associated proton. That would make the consumption of these electrons possible as they try to source to the positive (electron deficient) leg of the VIC circuit and get set free as heat and light outside of the gas processor, by the filament. (kind of like a mini air conditioning system, think of the EEC grid as the evaporator in your house and the filament as the condenser coil outside, the heat is transferred from the inside to the outside)
        I am glad you are thinking about this, but I would like to set you a lil' straight. Light is known to be positive in charge, as early back as Nikola Tesla, in fact, Tesla showed this by using a capacitor charged with voltage connected to external plates insulated with a clear dielectric. When a light was shined onto the negative plate charge was dissipated, when the light was shined onto the positive plate charge went up (despite like charges, the photon is traveling at IMMENSE speed...enough to overcome repulsion). He was careful to also note that the light needed to be DC to see this.

        Knowing this explains what Stan said in one of the Lecture videos, "...strengthens the Hydrogen and weakens the Oxygen"...The true "Inverse Electrolysis" of Meyer uses Voltage potential to "motor" the waters own electrons INTO THE LIGHT when the Charging circuit turns off, the EEC (LED array) is turned on, this re-routes molecular electrons in a chain reaction releasing ionized gas (H+ and O-) the work from those electrons are dissipated as heat/light in the LEDs...this heat/light is the same energy from the molecules only in a DC PHOTONIC form....this stacks on the H+ strengthening its overall + charge (and it's ability to attract electrons)....and hinders the O- decreasing it's overall - charge. (hindering it's ability to give up electrons) can manipulate the ionic gasses through more voltage zones and energy syncs (Isolated uninsulated electrodes +/-). Look through Stan's many patents for the desired ionic configurations (number of electrons)


        • #5
          The circuit built should be for the whole set up. That is to say each tube in the WFC in the gaseous injection system and/or each injector in the water injection system has to have it's own VIC Voltage Circuit/VIC Voltage Enhansement Circuit. Pluging a fet into a fet alows for variable voltage control independent of space with and pulsing. And the EEC and LEDs are like Radiant_Science says, they have to be pulsed together in the off times of the pulsing going to the WFC/WFI/GP. This way we get a circuit ready for any application for in both different systems the GP(gas processor) is still in the system. So depending on the number of tubes you have in your WFC or the number of cylanders you have will determin the number of FETs needed to be controled by the circuit for you only need one GP, and EEC we will have to just work it out the hard way as to how many are needed. This way we get just one circuit that will work with both WFI or WFC type systems.

          Now this circuit I will be subing in for the LM555 you are using:
          for this 40106 chip is more effecient than the 555's and has far less to hook up to it. Together we can knock this one out of the park easily.

          Last edited by h20power; 04-16-2009, 10:43 PM.


          • #6

            Looks promising, who can supply a solid VIC coil and bobbin/core assembly that efficiently transfers 50% duty cycle square wave pulses from 12 VDC up to 36 or 72 VDC? 1:3 step up or 1:6 step up ratio? forget about the chokes for the moment... this step up coil alone is a major hurdle for many people out there!

            I think the dual mosfet, alternating DC output to a double primary will re-create
            the AC conditions required to see a good response to changes in flux in most core materials but the dual primary windings have to be :
            A > B
            C > D
            and have primary wire A get 50% from mosfet #1 and primary wire D get the other cycle from mosfet#2, with B & C tied together to form a "center tapped ground return. SO if Mosfet # 1 is positive square wave +12 and mosfet # 2 is Negative square wave -12, then we get a good transfer of flux to the separate secondary, that is pancake wound 10 segments, with each having 30 turns spiral (center outward, not along the axis) wound. this makes a good high frequency transformer... much more complicated that stans dwg. of a simple square wave into a primary coil and a simple amplified square wave out the secondary side... i have never been able to get that concept to work without lots of heat and amperage... and a few burnt fingers, it just doesn't work... ( great way to explain a concept without showing exactly how its done! Stans method was not detailed in his conceptual drawings, it was merely explained in simple terms so a six year old could get the big picture)


            • #7
              Tron send me a message and I can arrange it for you.


              • #8
                Originally posted by TRON View Post
                Looks promising, who can supply a solid VIC coil and bobbin/core assembly that efficiently transfers 50% duty cycle square wave pulses from 12 VDC up to 36 or 72 VDC? 1:3 step up or 1:6 step up ratio? forget about the chokes for the moment... this step up coil alone is a major hurdle for many people out there!

                I think the dual mosfet, alternating DC output to a double primary will re-create
                the AC conditions required to see a good response to changes in flux in most core materials but the dual primary windings have to be :
                A > B
                C > D
                and have primary wire A get 50% from mosfet #1 and primary wire D get the other cycle from mosfet#2, with B & C tied together to form a "center tapped ground return. SO if Mosfet # 1 is positive square wave +12 and mosfet # 2 is Negative square wave -12, then we get a good transfer of flux to the separate secondary, that is pancake wound 10 segments, with each having 30 turns spiral (center outward, not along the axis) wound. this makes a good high frequency transformer... much more complicated that stans dwg. of a simple square wave into a primary coil and a simple amplified square wave out the secondary side... i have never been able to get that concept to work without lots of heat and amperage... and a few burnt fingers, it just doesn't work... ( great way to explain a concept without showing exactly how its done! Stans method was not detailed in his conceptual drawings, it was merely explained in simple terms so a six year old could get the big picture)
                I make the VIC transformers just fine, and explained how to do so on my thread. They are not as hard as everyone makes them out to be.



                • #9
                  link please

                  can you post a link to explanation of VIC or post dwgs of core and bobbins
                  Sizes, suppliers?

                  heres a high voltage circuit i made
                  place an automotive coil between pad 24 and pad 25, huge sparks!
                  here is a board layout
                  Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.


                  • #10
                    i have been toying with this for a few weeks now and have 12 leds mounted inside a reflectve coated tube in the centre is two mesh screens. i have been experimenting with ambient air eg compressed blowen thru the tube at a moderate flow rate i get .7 of a volt appear on my multi meter the leds are pulsed by a gated pwm. if i switch off the leds the voltage goes to zero with the air going, if i stop the air with the leds still on i still get a reading on the multi meter but it is minimal. very backyard but it works on this theory your discussing i will refine it at some stage i have got 1.5 volts with 600ml per minute of hho and compressed air blown thru recently.


                    • #11
                      Here is a complete VIC with diode, SS430FR and everything as of 6.1 included and matched L cavities. Plug and play. Contact me for more info.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12

                        What a thing of beauty ......How much?


                        • #13
                          @Radiantscience, send me a private message and I will help you.


                          • #14
                            Here is the circuit as I see it, 40106 INVERTER

                            Eagle Layout freeware version 5.6
                            make the schematic, then the PCB is automated for you with a few clicks...
                            attached .png
                            see ya, enjoy the "cinco de mayo" barbeques out there...easy on the tequila we need all the braincells we can get!
                            Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.


                            • #15
                              @ H20power

                              How do you get the circuit above, to output 2 pulses that are 180 degrees out of phase? (in order to have two mosfets controlling 2 high voltage relays, one for the EEC collection of electrons and the other for the high voltage signal to the plates to expand the oxygen atoms...)

