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Stan's Gas Processor & circuit

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  • #16
    Originally posted by TRON View Post
    How do you get the circuit above, to output 2 pulses that are 180 degrees out of phase? (in order to have two mosfets controlling 2 high voltage relays, one for the EEC collection of electrons and the other for the high voltage signal to the plates to expand the oxygen atoms...)

    Easy answer, you don't. What I am doing with it is replacing the 555's in your set up with this for it has far less parts and is far more effiecent than 555's timer chips. I have to learn how to use the program you posted and once I learn how to use it I will show what I made of your circuit, plus a lot of control mods for engine use. Give me some time to learn how to use it, oaky?

    Oh and we are not expanding the oxygen atoms we are reducing their size by stripping electrons from them.



    • #17
      The Meyer EEC SCHEMATIC... removes all doubt!


      • #18
        The alternating pulses above...

        As you can see during high voltage pulses the EEC grid is disconnected. In between High Voltage pulses the EEC kicks in. Atomic electrical stress, electron extraction, Atomic electrical stress, electron extraction, etc. etc. at a specific voltage (to be determined) and at a specific frequency. I believe the patent states that the EEC is between 5 and 100 HZ
        Quoted page 12 of 4,826,581, line 25" a potential of several thousand volts triggers the ionization state... to promote gas ionization, electromagnetic wave energy such as a laser (high intensity LED's) or photon energy source of a predetermined wave length (red) and pulse intensity is directed to and absorbed by the ions forming said gas...semiconductor optical lasers (led's) surround the gas flow path....photon energy is injected into a seperate absorption chamber. The incremental stimulation of nuclei to a more highly energized state by electromagnetic wave energy causes electron deflection to a higher orbital state... ( this weakens the bonding force between the proton and its specific number of electrons, when we extract some of these loosely coupled electrons, the result is a positively charged O or H atom, called an ION... An ION is simply an atom with more or less electrons than it needs to stabilize, thus a positive ion or a negative ion, based on the NET CHARGES after adding or removing electrons).at line 43 "The electron extractor grid, FIGS 5A and 5B is applied to the assembly... and restricts electron replacement. The extractor grid is applied adjacent to electric field producing members within the resonant cavity. The gas ions incrementally reach a critical state which occurs after a high energy resonant state. At this point the atoms no longer tolerate the missing electrons, the unbalanced electrical field, and the energy stored in the nucleus. Immediate collapse of the system occurs and energy is released as the atoms decay into thermal explosive energy. (heres the critical part of the circuits functionality as relates to the timing of the LED lights at 12 volts DC)...The repetitive application of a voltage pulse train (a thru J of FIG 3a) incrementally achieves the critical state of said gas ions. As the gas atoms or ions shown in fig3c BECOME ELONGATED DURING ELECTRON REMOVAL, ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE ENERGY OF A PREDETERMINED FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY IS INJECTED. The wave energy absorbed by the stimulated gas nuclei and electrons causes further destabilization of the ionic gas. The absorbed energy from all sources causes the gas nuclei to increase in energy state, and induces the ejection of electrons from the nuclei.... the electron extractor grid is placed in space relationship to the gas resonant cavity structure. the grid is attached to an electrical load (light bulb that emits heat and light, probably a large neon lamp, or even a regular incandescent bulb, or a car headlamp...) when a positive electrical potential (B+) is placed on the opposite side of said load.
        THe incoming positive wave form applied to resonant cavity voltage zone through a blocking diode is synchronized with the pulse train (PWM trigger signal) applied to the GAS RESONANT CAVITY, by the circuit of fig 4 VIA ALTERNATING GATE circuit (pulse 61 is on while pulse 62 is off...)... As one pulse train is gated "ON" the other pulse train is switched "OFF". A blocking diode directs the electron flow to said electrical load (BULB) while resistive wire prevents voltage leakage during pulse train "ON" time... ( heres why i think both the hydrogen and the oxygen are gases that go through this secondary resonant cavity)...(Meyers States " THe electron extraction process also PREVENTS SPARK IGNITION of the COMBUSTIBLE GASES traveling through the gas resonant cavity because electron buildup and potential sparking is prevented." As we can see, the photon energy is injected during electrical stress on pulse # 61, AND THEN...while the LED's are off and the high voltage is off, the Extractor GRID ( a 2" DIA clear vinyl tube, 4 " long with a stainless steel sink strainer screen inside (hardware store $1.98), connected to a stainless bolt thru the wall of the clear vinyl tubing..for example. maybe with 1/2" pipe thread bushing PVC to 2" O.D. ($.50 each) at each end for connecting the EEC chamber to your gas tubing...) collects the electrons and sends them to the light bulb circuit on pulse #62

        SO @ question again is... how do we use your hef10406 inverter to get TWO alternating square wave signals to TWO mosfets... one for cavity and one for relay to lightbulb (LOAD) as in the MEYERS CIRCUIT previously posted???

        ( and maybe there needs to be a way to split pulse signal #61 to two different circuits, LEDS and hi Voltage on the cavity pulse, one mosfet for high voltage and one simple low voltage mosfet for LEDs, both controlled by pulse #61 or should the LED's be an entire separate signal with its own frequency POT adjustment?)
        PS, send this thread to everyone you know... its really the key to all of this, someday we can run a lawnmower on this stuff! or at least a skateboard!
        Last edited by TRON; 05-06-2009, 09:13 AM.


        • #19

          In this circuit I am replacing the 555, moving the LED pulsing to the EEC side, and adding in one more mosfet for every VIC transformer used. Once I am done with the circuit it should be able to run the whole set up be it water fuel injectors or water fuel capacitors. I will also add in a pll circuit to lock in resonance with the injectors as I am not using it for a water fuel capacitor set up. I don't think the gas processor needs a pll circuit due to the air has a dielectric value of one, but only testing wil confirm this.

          Now is it clear how I will be getting the pulsing done? I just made some needed changes to the circuit you posted. So if your circuit works the way it shows then I can take it the rest of way crossing the finnish line. Like I said I liked what saw and it shows great promise but needs a little work.

          Best Regards,



          • #20
            Originally posted by TRON View Post
            (heres the critical part of the circuits functionality as relates to the timing of the LED lights at 12 volts DC)...The repetitive application of a voltage pulse train (a thru J of FIG 3a) incrementally achieves the critical state of said gas ions. As the gas atoms or ions shown in fig3c BECOME ELONGATED DURING ELECTRON REMOVAL, ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE (***LED LIGHT ***) ENERGY OF A PREDETERMINED (lightwave)FREQUENCY(RED) AND INTENSITY IS INJECTED. The wave energy absorbed by the stimulated gas nuclei and electrons causes further destabilization of the ionic gas. The absorbed energy from all sources causes the gas nuclei to increase in energy state, and induces the ejection of electrons from the nuclei.... the electron extractor grid is placed in space relationship to the gas resonant cavity structure. the grid is attached to an electrical load (light bulb that emits heat and light, probably a large neon lamp, or even a regular incandescent bulb, or a car headlamp...) when a positive electrical potential (B+) is placed on the opposite side of said load.
            THe incoming positive wave form applied to resonant cavity voltage zone through a blocking diode is synchronized with the pulse train (PWM trigger signal) applied to the GAS RESONANT CAVITY, by the circuit of fig 4 VIA ALTERNATING GATE circuit (pulse 61 is on while pulse 62 is off...)... As one pulse train is gated "ON" the other pulse train is switched "OFF". A blocking diode directs the electron flow to said electrical load (BULB) while resistive wire prevents voltage leakage during pulse train "ON" time... ( heres why i think both the hydrogen and the oxygen are gases that go through this secondary resonant cavity)...(Meyers States " THe electron extraction process also PREVENTS SPARK IGNITION of the COMBUSTIBLE GASES traveling through the gas resonant cavity because electron buildup and potential sparking is prevented." As we can see, the photon energy is injected during electrical stress on pulse # 61, AND THEN...while the LED's are off and the high voltage is off, the Extractor GRID collects the electrons and sends them to the light bulb circuit on pulse #62
            The thin resistive wire between Extraction grid #51 in FIGURE 11 and the diode #57 and bulb is designed as a "resistive wire to prevent voltage leakage during pulse ON time"(pulse #61). Why did he put this in the patent? because the voltage can leak out of the chamber thru the extraction circuit while he extraction circuit is not conducting?
            so to understand meyers patent, the LED's are ON while the oxygen (and hydrogen) gas has its electron orbit in an oval, or distorted state (during hi VDC stress) he says in Full Data patent that the "energy aperature" is open in the nucleus during ON pulse. This is why the LED's are added during ON pulse in HI VDC chamber. With the orbits of the electrons pulled away, there exists an opening where the added photon energy can kick the electrons into a more energized state. at this higher state, they then tend to stay longer in their extended orbits when the " energy aperature" closes (HVDC pulse OFF)...and because the electrons only stay in these higher energy states for .75 seconds, the LED's help to extend that time so that they can reach the EXTRACTION MESH and flow into the lamp before collapsing and stabilizing their respective atoms.
            Thats what i think...
            SO please explain why you want to Pulse ON the LED's during the HVDC OFF pulse(when the EEC circuit is conducting and consuming electrons) ?
            According to meyers schematic posted above (Figure 11) there are two timing pulses 180 degrees out of phase...Which one is used to time the LED's ?
            Anybody care to bloviate on this one?
   states:"To bloviate means "to speak pompously and excessively" or "to expound ridiculously". A colloquial verb coined in the United States, it is commonly used with contempt to describe the behavior of politicians, academics, pundits or media "experts," sometimes called bloviators, who hold forth on subjects in an arrogant, tiresome way."
            Last edited by TRON; 05-07-2009, 04:57 AM. Reason: clarification of quote


            • #21
              high voltage pulses

              start with 4, 12 vdc batterys in series to get around 48 volts, put two mosfets 180 degrees out of phase on a custom made dual primary, "centertapped" transformer like this: make the primary wires out of 6 pcs of twisted 26ga magnet wires for better electron flow instead of one pc. of #8 solid magnet wire. so hook up A&B (one wire, phase 1) and C&D (other primary wire phase 2) as such: connect wire end A to phase 1 mosfet with sink to ground. Connect wire end D to other phase 2 mosfet sink to ground. Connect wire end B over to wire end C (at opposite ends of bifilar winding 10 turns for each in the pair , side by side left to right, clockwise, equally along core length approx 1/2"dia x 2" long spool) making both ends meet in the middle, this becomes the center tap... not like an autotransformer. place 40 volts DC at the custom center tap.

              this is how you create AC with a DC source for better efficiency in a step up transformer...

              Looking at the bobbin... when phase 1 conducts on primary wire A_B, the current flows from left to right A to B, when phase 2 conducts on primary wire C_D, the current flows from right to left D to C. Since B and C are connected to the 40 volt source, we create alternating current on the core of the transformer. less heat is produced and the Alternator/Motor/rheostat device can be eliminated from the system.

              With 40 volts on primary in this way with 10 turns primary (each wire) then we wind pancake coils on a seperate secondary bobbin, 10 coils, 100 turns each #30 wire, left to right , clockwise..( thats 10 to 1000 ratio OR 1 TO 100 RATIO) with 40 volts in we get 4000 volts AC out.(30 ga. wire restricts amperage to a safe level, but be careful anyway, this stuff aint for beginners) .. put that thru a full bridge rectifier and you should get 2000 Volts rippling DC !
              by controlling the frequency on the primary we can fine tune the step up transformer to its core to get a better efficiency!

              see attached dwg to understand primary connections...
              Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.


              • #22
                From SMTB page 1-9
                The absorbed Laser Energy "forces" or "deflects" the electrons away from the gas atom nucleus
                during voltage-pulse Off-Time. The recurring positive voltage-pulse (k) attracts (qq') the liberated
                negative electrically charged electrons to positive voltage zone (E3). While, at the same time, the
                pulsating negative electrical voltage potential (E4) attracts (qq') the positive electrical charged nucleus.
                Am I the only one who reads the patent! This is why I am taking a break from teaching for too many people just like to put up a fight when they clearly haven't read the patent! Or am I being too harsh? Now you can read the patent for yourself for I have just put it up for you to read. Now do you know why the LEDs are pulsed in the off voltage times? Because that is the way Stanley Meyer did it.



                • #23

                  Well if you want this info to get out to the masses, we have to have "fundamental" discussions like this all over the internet, with REAL data, NOT hypothetical stuff like those bumbling idiots out there that put baking soda in a glass jar and end up getting sued for damaging someones motor!
                  no, you are not being too harsh, but probably frustrated at all the newbies like myself...AND WE NEED TEACHERS LIKE YOU !
                  PLEASE DONT GIVE UP !
                  Thanks for the page ref.
                  But if you think it thru.. hes saying that "the absorbed laser energy" forces or deflects the electrons away during voltage pulse OFF time.. so its obvious that the EEC is conducting during voltage pulse off time, as evidenced by the two signals in Figure 11 previously posted.

                  BUT hold on...WHEN EXACTLY was the Laser Energy ABSORBED, that is still not clear. It may have been absorbed during voltage ON time and we see the benefit during OFF time... Stan was a master at doing the work, but not so good at teaching on paper... If he were still alive, im sure this would clear up quickly...Consider this...AT high frequencies it may not be a critical issue, and are we assuming that the LED's are pulsing at the same frequency as the Voltage zones? at the top of page 1-9 the frequency of the light pulses is from 1HZ to 65 HZ

                  According to Meyer on Page3-16 the resonant frequencies of the water bath are 1 KHZ to and above 10 KHZ so it really doesnt make sense for us to control the EEC or the Voltage zones along with or tied into the LED timing circuit. Now that i have seen these two different frequency ranges in the patent i think its a better idea to have a separate timing circuit for the LED's between 1 and 100 Hertz, and the figure 11 circuit above for the EEC and Voltage zones.
                  - H20power... without this discussion, i would never have noticed this! Thank You...

                  Did you notice that on that page under "Electron Extraction Process" that BOTH the H and O gases are being sent thru the gas processor? This must have been before he decided to only process the Oxygen as you have said in previous posts.


                  • #24
                    10406 circuit results

                    with a 2.2nF cap between pin 13 and 7 i get 150 to 265 khz
                    with a .47 mfd cap i get around 400 Hz
                    Do you have a configuration that will give from 1 HZ to 65 Hz ?
                    my 555 will do that, but i cant get this schmitt trigger chip to slow down!


                    • #25
                      I will have to work with it for as of right now I don't know, until I build it and test it out for myself, okay? The parts for your circuit should be coming in any day now and then I have to learn to use the program I just got. Right now I am very busy with other things and don't find enough time to teach as a result. Plus I have written down just about everything one would need to get started on the testing phase.

                      I have notice that too that as Stanley Meyer advanced the technology he started to tell less about it. But the way I see it the atoms are not given time to relax so as to better stay in an unstable state. The Gas Processor is both electron bombardment and photon bombardment to the incoming air atoms. With todays advancements in LED technology we should have no problem pulsing them at the same speeds as the voltage zones, though one has to remember that the VIC transformer doubles the frequency so the frequency the the LEDs and EEC will be half of that of the Gas Processor. We must make good use of a scope to make sure all the pulsing is taking place at the right times.

                      The WFC on the other hand it is very important to pulse it the right way for the EEC and the VIC transformer share the positive of the capacitor and if pulsed wrong it will give you just standerd everyday faraday type electrolysis.

                      The injectors have an inline EEC or amp consuming device on them, something totally different than the Gas Processor and the WFC. I am dealing with that now and with more testing I will get to some form of an answer to how it works. The important thing here is to get to testing and off of the drawing boards. With testing we learn and see with our own eyes and answer some of our own questions, something a lot of people just are unwilling to do, like some I have talked to from Italy. They seem to like building wfc after wfc without end but when it comes to the Gas Processor they cry me a river as to why they will not build one and if they are unwilling to try I am unwilling to give them the time of day. For the way I see it we have nothing further to talk about. I am talking about test data and they are talking theory and they don't realize they have been left behind for the bus is on the road now.

                      Anyway your and happy testing to all that give this an honest try



                      • #26
                        my last post on this subject for a while...need to find a job!

                        here is a circuit i found... lets wait and see who else can come up with circuits to try...ill check back in a few weeks.
                        Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.


                        • #27
                          Any Logic Geniuses out there??? HELP!

                          Here is a Logisim diagram and the Figure 2 part of Stans Control Circuit... anyone care to help?

                          Ive got A1 and A2 and the final flip flop figured out aswell as the 2 counters that iterate thru 0-15 and start over again, but those inverters, that NOR and the chip between the two MUX Cd4067b's has got me baffeled !

                          Any geniuses with Logic out there...?

                          see attached
                          Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.


                          • #28
                            the big picture...

                            here is a diagram of how the system works when connected to an engine...IMHO

                            ( my opinion...)
                            Last edited by TRON; 09-23-2009, 06:47 PM.


                            • #29
                              Hi tron and others i just created a new thread where i explain what exactly meyer technology was check it out



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Gauss View Post
                                Here is a complete VIC with diode, SS430FR and everything as of 6.1 included and matched L cavities. Plug and play. Contact me for more info.
                                PM: Gauss has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

                                Please send me information about price, inductance of two coils, capacitance between layer and resonant frequency, tinkness of wire used for this coil.

                                Also, if you can to build coil with my parameters, plesa send me info about core dimension and core material.

                                Diode included, is not important to me :-)


