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Ozzie Freedom charged with fraud by state of Texas

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  • Ozzie Freedom charged with fraud by state of Texas

    The state of Texas has filed a lawsuit against Eyal Siman-Tov, aka "Ozzie Freedom" for deceptively bilking more than 3,000 Texas consumers to the tune of over 300,000 dollars. The actual legal filing can be viewed here:

    Evidently, Eyal made claims that consumers could expect to double, or even triple their gas mileage by installing his "Water4Gas" system. He also claimed that purchasers could claim a Federal tax credit. These claims definitely are false, so Eyal doesn't have a way out of this lawsuit. Eyal has made millions of dollars selling his books and kits, and may now end up penniless after being forced to pay damages, as other states will surely follow Texas with their own suits.

    Eyal, or "Ozzie," or whatever you want to call him, certainly deserves to be taken down for his deceptive business practices. What's unfortunate, though, is that this suit, and the ones that follow, will cast a cloud over the entire Hydroxy movement. This is because the court documents also charge that no scientific proof can be shown that Eyal's claims of significantly improved gas mileage, increased performance, and cleaner exhaust can be attributed to the small amount of Hydrogen gas produced. So if those charges are upheld in court, the case will lay the groundwork for lawsuits against legitimate manufacturers and sellers of Hydroxy boosters, kits, or plans. What's more, states may follow up with a ban on use of Hydroxy boosters because of the possible dangers involved. Eyal's plans call for use of glass Ball Mason jars for the boosters, and of course this is a foolish and unsafe method of construction.

    In another recent court case, Dennis Lee weaseled his way out of a predicament because the prosecutor was not properly prepared. You can bet that Lee will be back in court again soon, and that the prosecution's case will be much stronger. It's really a shame that these scam artists are bringing all this negative publicty upon the Hydroxy movement, which has come so far in the past few years, and that the good works of many will be overshadowed by the misdeeds of a few.

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

  • #2
    Mason Jar "BANDIT"

    Hi Rick,

    It's about time the "mason jar" bandit got his day ....... in court

    Open Source Experimentalist
    Open Source Research and Development


    • #3
      Im getting file damaged and cannot be repaired.


      • #4
        Thanks for posting Rick, the only thing i want to mention about Ozzie is that

        He did make "Millions selling his books and kits" He did that with an open source device! And it was a "crappy" booster. So i use his example all the time for researchers to license and open source it out, you can still make money, imagine if it was a good booster etc.



        • #5
          Many people still believe him more that what open source hydroxy show. Good thing he got taken down, bad thing it also influenced other hydroxy system.


          • #6
            Reply to Iotayodi:

            Originally posted by Iotayodi View Post
            Im getting file damaged and cannot be repaired.
            I just tried the link in the first post, and it works fine. The documents are in a pdf file, which requires that you have a pdf document viewer installed on your computer. Chances are that you don't have one if you can't open the document, but you can get the Adobe pdf viewer for free at the following website:
            Adobe - Reader 9

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • #7
              Reply to Ash:

              Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
              Thanks for posting Rick, the only thing i want to mention about Ozzie is that

              He did make "Millions selling his books and kits" He did that with an open source device! And it was a "crappy" booster. So i use his example all the time for researchers to license and open source it out, you can still make money, imagine if it was a good booster etc.

              That's quite right, Ash. There is money to be made, and one does not have to be dishonest to rake it in. Ozzie made most of his money while gas prices were sky high, because people were looking for a "magic bullet" to reduce fuel costs. Ozzie placed his Water4Fuel ads all over the Internet at sites where people would be looking for ways to reduce energy costs, and that was very effective. When people had to pay $50 or more every time they went to the gas pump, it probably seemed to them that paying $97 for books or kits from Ozzie was worth taking a chance on, especially after reading all the hyped up b.s. at Ozzie's websites. Thing is, if Ozzie had put together a better product and been honest about it, he could have marketed that the same way, made oodles of money, and wouldn't be headed for court now. Smack put out a much better, and far safer booster, and made his plans freely available, but was still able to sell a great many units even without aggressive marketing. So there's definitely something to be learned from all of this. Those who go through expensive patent procedures and wait several years for their patent to be granted, and face the problem of raising startup venture capital, are wasting their time. They would get rich much faster by simply making the technology available now through licensing, plans, kit sales, and unit sales. Why wait ten years to make a million when you can make several million this year? Besides, your technology may well be outdated in another 5 to 10 years, and become relatively worthless as better products are developed. It is really strange how many inventors just can't seem to understand this.

              Best regards,

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

