Description of what i'm doing:
Basically i want to use from 100 to 50W from a car battery 12v to drive a step up transformer that match the impedance of the resonant tank that is composed of a high Q inductor and a capacitor connected in parallel and a load in series between them. The transformer should be able to use about from 3 to 10 amps max from the car battery and transform it to about 40kv 1 or 2ma. This would create a high voltage for say about 40kv and current about maybe 5 amps recirculating on the tank circuit in few mili seconds. At the start up the current on the primary will be greater and when the tank is full the primary impedance should rise. I'm not sure but i think i need to design a voltage source.
I made an exel calculation. That allow me to have automatically the values of the transformer windings including its impedance and power consume just changing series resistance supply voltage and inductance and capacitance values. I confirmed all the values on simulations using multisim and all holds true so.
I'm going to give you some values so you can picture that:
Supply voltage 12v
series resistance on the tank 1,1 ohm
Capacitor 350pf
Inductor 10mh
tank voltage 34kv
Tank impedance 26Mohms
recirculating current 6,3 amps
recirculating Power 216,3Kw
watts being consumed on the tank 45w
Resonant frequency 85.071,88hz
transformer primary 8uh
primary impedance with no load should be 4,4 ohms with the load at the start should be around maybe 1 ohm or less and maybe when charged about 2 ohms I don't know
Secondary inductance 48Henries
Secondary current 1,3ma
I found many interesting constants on calculation and found they to hold true on simulations
for example I found that the recirculating current depends only on voltage supply and series resistance so I found that recirculating current is = to V/R/2 and so power consume is recirculating I^2*R. I found that The transformation factor of the transformer should be = to Q Factor of the tank /2 And that the output current of the secondary depends on its impedance so I calculated from the complex impedance of the tank the inductance value for the secondary and from its value and the transformation factor the primary value. I than tested on simulation and the value holds true but i aways have twice the losses predicted on the second calculation. Calculating from the primary impedance i found that i would have 3.1 amps with no load and 6.3 loaded adding the power being consumed on the tank to the primary losses. On the simulation this is the current consumed so I found this to be true for any component value.
Now what i need is to design the output stage mosfet or bipolar transistor to drive this primary. And any, I mean any help would be great.