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Stanley meyer the true

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  • Stanley meyer the true

    hello people from earth I'm finishing my prototype and i need some money because its parts cost a bit and I'm out of funds so i guess can just help you to understand what resonance really was in meyer work, this information will make you understand the reason why he used stainless steel wire for his charge pump vic transformer, and why it is not necessary, I'm going to show you why he used 1200v 40 amps diodes and why he said it could work with any water.

    From the start.

    The Vic transformer.
    This is a charge pump transformer because it has a diode of high voltage low amps maybe 40kv 1 amp overkill connected between the secondary and what stan calls Resonant charging choke 1. the other resonant charging choke is connected straight to the secondary or can also be not necessary being only the secondary continuation. Anyway any of this is important because the important thing here is that it wont resonate with the cell as stan made everyone believe he was doing. Stainless steel wire was just to add resistance as to damp any tentative of resonance of the vic that could destroy it. It serves only as a high impedance output for charging what was the real resonant circuit. i'm going to show a diagram of exactly how the coils are arranged for the vic. Anyway a normal transformer would also work and also with no diode the only thing is that the secondary inductance should be higher than the real high Q parallel resonant inductor by a fator of at least 100. The reason for this is that you don't want the very high power current kwatts recirculating power in the resonant tank to go thru your transformer thin wires. The resonant frequency of the transformer connected to the resonant capacitor should be much lower than the actual resonant frequency of the resonant inductor and the resonant capacitor i think its clear enough.

    A tank circuit or parallel resonance is known to accumulate power and its ability to accumulate power is defined by its Q factor. You should want a not very big value of inductance and a bigger capacitance. Vic just keep inputing lets say 20 ma pulses every cycle and than the current recirculating within the tank grow and grow and grow up up to very high value. I reached with simulation more than 100 kwatts of recirculating power with only 50w input power over a very wide range of frequencies and values of inductance and capacitance. The bigger the capacitance the bigger the current if you proportionally reduce inductance to maintain the same frequency. Thats too simple.
    (the recirculating currents build up to its maximum value in few microseconds depending on components values)

    The Resonant inductor that is arranged in parallel with the resonant capacitor must be made of thick wire 4mm or higher. Could be useful to use litz wire to have a greater Q Factor.

    Its like induction heating systems.

    The resonant capacitor should be very high Q too Because it must handle very high voltages and high recirculating current. I bough a Vacuum capacitor 125pf 60kv 280amps from jennings that costs 2300$. vacuum has almost 0 losses. It could be done with ceramics too and i'm going to try it too. But money is needed.

    Now i ask you if you want to give a help to finish my project make a donation on pay pall

    If i receive donations i will keep posting the rest of the information like where the hell you must put the water to have all this power to efficiently decompose the water. the diodes the values of the transformer windings ... and how to get ahead of the dielectric proprieties of water to have maximum flow of amps at resonance.

    any help?

    I'm so sorry to have to do this but all information on web is crap everyone still thinking that stanley meyer was using the only the vic resonating with the wfc.

    I need donations.

    Later i can explain how this apply also to the gas processor and how stan used this as an electricity source for his car.
    If you could donate any way how much would 100$ cost to you? 100$? How long you've being reading and anywhere no one has no idea of what really resonance is so how much time you lost how much misinformation have taken place.

    Hope you see my point
    Last edited by sebosfato; 08-18-2009, 04:07 AM.

  • #2
    thanks for the effort in explainning your ideas, can you provide a simulation program for that circulating tank current you mentioned?Sounds like you have access to a really good program


    • #3
      multisim 10 easily found on demonoid or torrent...
      You can ad as many ammeters you want, I suggest 1 between the inductor and capacitor (to see the recirculating current) and one between the function generator and tank or between transformer (if you are using one) and tank to see the input current, you can use oscilloscope, voltmeter, transformer, function generator, wattmeter, capacitor, inductor... Resonant frequency is easy calculated. If you plan to use bifilar inductor with fields aiding you should multiply the inductance of one winding by 4 assuming 1 coupling factor on the ideal transformer. If you plan to use two inductances (no mutual coupling) you just multiply the value of one by 2. If the fields are opposing this equal to no inductance.

      sorry link for donations was broken now is working
      Last edited by sebosfato; 08-18-2009, 04:40 AM.


      • #4
        I will send you $100, but only by mailing. Hopefully, you're in the US.



        • #5
          Another thing to say that is also very important is why to use a resonant tank to split the water?
          This way you can pass huge current with mili volt potential thru the water getting many more amps because of the voltage transformation.

          That was stanley talking about allow voltage to take over and perform work under a dead short condition. You could use the same lets say 50watts 1v 50 amps to create 0,1 volts and 500 amps. And the reason this current will pass thru the water is that you got on the other side 40kv for say allowing the flow of the current to be very big with not much power consumption. Did you got it?

          The true is that faraday constant was limited to 1,24 volts. But the amount of electrons was important for the electrolysis not voltage. This is also the reason it wont get hot because you don't need to have over voltage.

          If you want more information give me a hand and i will give you two...


          • #6
            I think that Stanley Meyer circuit could be done for less then 100$, why do you use so costly parts ?
            Voltage without current !


            • #7
              The is no voltage without current anyway the vic or input transformer is inputing high voltage at low amperage anyway the fact is that you need thick wire for the resonant coil and copper costs already 15 euros kg.

              current handling of a capacitor depends on its capacitance value frequency and voltage and the esr value.

              Stanley said it would cost 1500$ at that time for an mass production cost today money value is much lower so today it would cost much much more than that even in mass production.

              If you buy 1000000 capacitors it cost you x if you buy only one it cost you maybe 20 times more

              anyway when it will be ready and everything could be calculated well we can reduce costs by using lower cost materials but only for the pll design with all controls and sensors for the car it costs more than 150 euros. only electronics not counting high voltage diodes and high amp diodes ...

              Hope this answer your good question
              Last edited by sebosfato; 08-18-2009, 05:03 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
                I will send you $100, but only by mailing. Hopefully, you're in the US.

                Hello quantumuppercut i'm in europe Maybe you could make a prepay card or i think there is also a method to send from your bank straight to my paypall account i will check how and make you know. Than i can send you all the information i have including the schematics and my progress. I thank you a lot.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                  Hello quantumuppercut i'm in europe Maybe you could make a prepay card or i think there is also a method to send from your bank straight to my paypall account i will check how and make you know. Than i can send you all the information i have including the schematics and my progress. I thank you a lot.

                  Yeah, I figure when you say euros. I've never use paypal before so I'm not confident I could do it. Let me find out how it works for my part and try paypal anyway. You do not have to send me anything if it cost you too much to ship over. Just keep on helping out what you can. What you saying makes perfect sense to me.


                  • #10
                    Thats just great my friend i will keep posting more information. It makes sense because its like a lc circuit works. I will send to you a zip file with few books that explain everything about lc circuits or i can collect the links and put them here...

                    Actually is like a tesla coil primary tank but have some things that are a little different.

                    Is very similar to a transmitter too or induction heating. its all about to make the current recirculate.

                    I using the coil wounded around my cells but now i need to buy more wire about 4 kg to make a bigger coil with higher inductance to make some tests.

                    Water have a small amount of sodium hydroxide to allow the resistance to become very low under maybe 200 mohms to allow maximum Q factor of the resonant tank. As the highest Q factor is dictated by :

                    very low series resistance being it coil resistance diode resistance and water resistance as it is connected in series. Remembering Consumed Power is = to amps^2 * resistance

                    Or same low series resistance and a load of high resistance connected in parallel.

                    In both ways you have the same recirculating current but the different load is connected in different ways.

                    I remember this is a tank circuit Parallel resonance.

                    If it was series resonance the components is the same to have a high Q factor but the flowing current will be = to the input current as when impedances cancel each other you have 0 impedance. I believe it would be needed if you want to use pure water, anyway you must have the same parallel tank but with a series matching inductor connected in series with each water cell just to cancel the impedance created by the dielectric to allow the Q of the tank circuit to go high. You will understand when i post the schematic. I discovered this because while making simulations i thought about using a leak capacitor just to simulate the cell i have here and being the capacitance of the cell different of the resonant tank capacitor you need to add an mach inductor in series with the diode to have the current to flow at max.

                    You need two diodes to allow the current to flow in both directions while not allowing the 2 water cells to have back and forth current.

                    Thank you for the interest
                    Last edited by sebosfato; 08-18-2009, 05:58 PM.


                    • #11
                      If you have this on multisim 10 why not provide a link to the file so people can see the recalculating current for themselves?


                      • #12
                        Because i worked very hard on this and need money to finish my setup so if i got donations i will be releasing it to who donate or help me finish what i'm doing.

                        I need to buy
                        40kv 1amp diodes
                        Thick wire 4kg
                        wire for the transformer about 0,5kg
                        high voltage ultra high amperage Diodes
                        As you can see is a good deal to help me builld something that really works it works not because it cost but because it works like this.

                        I tried with microwave parts and the wasn't enough to do this
                        think to your self if i'm telling you the truth and you will find the answer
                        read my posts one to one i made links to books that explain this very well
                        but if you want it ready working i just cant give it to you now if you don't help me, i'm not jesus.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                          Because i worked very hard on this and need money to finish my setup so if i got donations i will be releasing it to who donate or help me finish what i'm doing.
                          This is the very attitude that has held back our development for so long.

                          Why not post or publish your research and instructions and let others who have the money, do it on your behalf. You will then have your results and we could all benefit. Not just those who pay you money.

                          No offence intended, just my opinion.

                          You can view my vids here



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by dambit View Post
                            This is the very attitude that has held back our development for so long.

                            Why not post or publish your research and instructions and let others who have the money, do it on your behalf. You will then have your results and we could all benefit. Not just those who pay you money.

                            No offence intended, just my opinion.

                            Steve the research already costed me a lot of money until now (in tree years without counting the time i studied and house rent more than 13.000 euros) and I'm finishing it when it will be ready than you can have a list of material to buy and instructions on how to put it together, why should I make you spent so much money on trying to make something I didn't finished yet? That could have many improvements if worked well. I just don't see your point. At least where I benefit from giving it to you and you mounting your unite and dont help me finish my one as soon as possible to prove the concept? I believe that together we can do it as I have the knowledge and maybe in 10 together we can have how to put some money together to finish a complete instruction on how to get it working. I didn't made vacations this year to work on this i invest every money i get from my job into this except 120E month for food as i need to eat too.

                            I already gave you the most important information if one was up to understand what I'm talking about could construct it with only the half of the information I posted. If some one was to be really interested could download the software work on it for months to get a good resonance condition find out a high Q capacitor that handle the current and voltage requirements inductors diodes transformer pll circuit driver ...

                            Before me in internet you have never seeing no one talking about using a high Q coil and capacitor instead of a stainless steel coils magic and all that misinformation voltage and no current...where from god?

                            I worked really hard on this, i guess you can see it now and i think the information i have is result of a lot of work and as such it deserves a bit of respect. What i'm asking is not 1000 euros (could also be great if you can but) i'm asking just a donation to start and than you will receive the information and get surprised on how much it can be a shortcut to you complete your research than you can decide if help me further...

                            I can give you the schematic for my pll circuit, or if you want i can build a pll circuit for you... thats what i'm saying collaboration. you help me i help you.

                            I will send my schematics, the pll design with resonant scanning circuit and feedback ...,my files of the simulations, calculation exel file, drawings, books...

                            hope you see my point


                            • #15
                              If you want i can give this for now

                              Technology to use the heat lost by the engine to run the engine.

                              I found that you can use about 20x 100wpeltier modules connected in parallel assembled in your motor to your battery and use 2kwatts of power to generate h2 from water for free!!! really fuel saving.

                              All you need is to arrange the modules with a heat sync that can have water that goes inside the cell to cool it generating electricity that will later transform the water into h2 under normal electrolysis.

                              If you think about a normal engine burns gasoline and 75% of the energy becomes heat so you can use this heat as a source of electricity to make hydrogen and create more heat. As you see the efficiency becomes even more pronounced because heat generate heat over and over again.

                              you could also use more modules, you funds are the limit. if you buy 100 modules it costs 70 euros per module i guess. I guess you could double your mileage this way.

                              Easy and Clean
                              Hope you liked

