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Stanley meyer the true

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  • #61
    if you try that link with those values and plot the resonance and adjust the resistance it shows the voltage going nearly to infinity if the resistance was high enuf.


    • #62
      I used this values

      Set generator 86mh

      set impedance

      L 231uh
      C 131nf
      R 990 KOHM
      F 28.932khz

      I got at voltage vector screen The line must be in horizontal position in resonance

      V in 15kv
      I in 15ma

      input power 120w

      Q factor of 23*10^6

      but actually as i said this is a function generator not a transformer so it behave a little different and the R in our case is in series and is very low because of this.
      People have being confused by meyer because he talked about stainless steel coils with thin wire to be its resonating coil but if you check this simulation you clearly see the high impedance is connected in parallel with the tank and is not showed as high impedance in series. otherwise you have no usable Q factor.

      In this simulation they show the input current dropping as you get resonance and don't show the current flowing between the elements to build up who knows why ???
      They don't provide a series resistance between the inductor and capacitor being the series losses of the circuit. Anyway mostly anywhere you find about parallel circuits talking only about high impedance in parallel.
      I'm telling you that you can put the load between the inductor and capacitor where resides the very high current.

      Parallel RLC Circuit

      With this calculator Impedance
      you can calculate your circuit complex impedance to have the input current depending on voltage applied
      you must put like Z1 the inductor dc resistance and +j x witch is the impedance positive value
      and than Z2 capacitor series resistance esr value .... and j-x impedance negative value
      Impedance will be = to 2pi*F*L for the inductor and will be the same for both components at resonance ecept that capacitor have negative value. example inductor +1000 capacitor -1000
      The result in ohms you get where you see "and the parallel combination is"
      Last edited by sebosfato; 08-28-2009, 11:30 AM.


      • #63
        just created a complex impedance calculator for exel just chose series resistance of the inductor and capacitor and its values it calculate the resonant frequency the impedance of the components and the complex impedances in series and parallel
        RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
        up to 10 downloads here if the link is broken advert me.


        • #64
          have anyone tried the calculator???


          • #65
            Originally posted by sebosfato View Post

            I used this values

            Set generator 86mh

            set impedance

            L 231uh
            C 131nf
            R 990 KOHM
            F 28.932khz

            I got at voltage vector screen The line must be in horizontal position in resonance

            V in 15kv
            I in 15ma

            input power 120w

            Q factor of 23*10^6

            Using such a high Q factor is very unrealistic with lumped coils.

            The best pot core coil designs achieve a maximum Q of 600-700 or so, using Litz wire. For power coils like used in switch mode power supplies the Q is around 150-200 or so with the chosen ferrit material, at best.

            rgds, Gyula


            • #66
              Thats true gyula, is an impossible Q but was just to describe how thinks work. Actually the Q I'm planning to use is fro 100 to 1000 if I can. Using high frequency and litz wire because as lower value you get for the capacitor the higher the overall Q right? On the simulations i'm doing using a load and rated inductor with its ohmic losses and capacitor losses i can achieve a Q from 1000 to 2000 max.

              Thats why i say i'm using so much reactive power about 100 kwatts of power... using only about 50W

              with this complex impedance calculator you can find you will have easily considering the losses in the circuit get a high ohmic value for say 40 mega ohms or so, if you input voltage goes up to 40kv it will allow only 1ma to flow.


              • #67
                Originally posted by sebosfato View Post

                On the simulations i'm doing using a load and rated inductor with its ohmic losses and capacitor losses i can achieve a Q from 1000 to 2000 max.

                Thats why i say i'm using so much reactive power about 100 kwatts of power... using only about 50W

                with this complex impedance calculator you can find you will have easily considering the losses in the circuit get a high ohmic value for say 40 mega ohms or so, if you input voltage goes up to 40kv it will allow only 1ma to flow.


                a Q from 1000 to 2000 is still unrealistic in practice, you may still use idealistic L and C components in the simulator, why?

                Would like to know how you can utilize the huge reactive power, how can it do useful work for you? (Sorry if you already described the answer, I did not wade through the many letters/threads.)

                Re on you impedance calculator, unfortunately my Excel is from the year 2000 and it cannot open .xlsx files, only the older xls files, sorry.


                • #68
                  Hi gyula in my simulation i use not ideal components with no losses but i have the option to
                  i created another one and add also the Q factor calculation and saved for xls this way should work fine to every one.

                  here is the link RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
                  Can be downloaded 10 times if the limit is reached and you can't download make me know.


                  • #69

                    Thanks for the file it works now.

                    I see from it that you used Rc=10 Ohm for the capacitor series resistance, this can be a good value for capacitors formed in electrolytes.
                    However you used RL=1 Ohm for the coil series resistance and I wonder how can you make a coil that has got 0.1Henry inductance and its total loss is only 1 Ohm? (at 50.3kHz)
                    Earlier you agreed the realistic and practical Q values for the best coils are in the some hundred range (I also mentioned Q values of 600-700 for ferrite pot cores wound with Litz wire).

                    Please answer my earlier question in my previous letter: Would like to know how you can utilize the huge reactive power, how can it do useful work for you? (Sorry if you already described the answer, I did not wade through the many letters/threads.)

                    rgds, Gyula


                    • #70
                      when you have resonance voltage is 180° from current so i'll use it to have a very high current with almost no voltage. Or allow voltage to take over on a dead short condition to perform a work. To induce the current flow.

                      for the Q factor is needed very thick wire and toroidal high Permeability material as to have few turns to achieve this high value. but actually i'm working on other values because i'm using air core being the water and the electrodes my permeability materials. I going to perform tests on both ways also with litz wire as to avoid skin effect that can reduce the Q. The form factor of the coil is also important i read in many books about this and i'm going to try all. Also to reduce capacitance between coils... I want to do many tests to verify what is the best way. But definitely is this the way. The numbers are that of meyer... 40 megaohms 40kv 1ma .... Electrons being ejected...

                      If you could use 1cm thick litz wire would be perfect i guess...


                      • #71
                        Oh, I see.

                        To get 0.1H with few turns on a high permeability toroidal core is a tradeoff, you may get high Q of several hundred (but 2800 is rather unlikely) but the big reactive current will certainly reduce it by approaching saturation in the closed toroid material. And toroid core with big cross section area, hence with big OD are rather expensive even from ferrite material, not to mention metglas.
                        I wish you good luck!


                        • #72
                          Thank you i'm conscious about these problems i don't believe i can get more than 1000 Q factor but i'm going to make the best i can to achieve it. Maybe the air core will be better because the having no saturation limit i can have more stable resonance as inductance will not change much anyway i have the pll design that can track and adjust to pulse in phase with the oscillation happening inside the tank circuit so will aways be in resonance.

                          Even with 500 Q factor or 100 could already work, I'm not sure yet, but know that would incur in more heat dissipated in my coils so more power consumed.

                          Working at little higher frequency i can have higher Q factor on the capacitor and i can have less resistance in series than 1 ohm for the inductor and 10 ohm in series could be as low as 100mohms.
                          Last edited by sebosfato; 08-30-2009, 06:08 AM.


                          • #73
                            Thank you guys for the donations its helping a lot i already could buy high voltage diodes 40kv 1 amp for my pulse transformer and more ceramic capacitors to test they will arrive soon and some wire. Please donate i still need more things to finish it.

                            More info for you:

                            Making some simulations i found how to make it a self oscillating system.
                            I discovered why stanley meyer used bipolar transistors... This way you can limit the current. I used on simulations a 5kohm resistor in series from the function generator to 2n2222 base and straight connected to the positive supply and the other pin connected straight to 2n3055 base with a 100kohm resistor connected to ground. This way current was limited to about 4 amps.

                            To make it self oscillate you must connect from the current transformer sensing the resonance current in correct phase with a 1kohm resistor straight to 2n2222 base even if you turn of the function generator it still oscillating after enough current is developed mseconds. You must just make the current transformer to have a enough voltage to trigger the transistor base.

                            Thats why meyers said can't i take this maybe 100 amps extracted from water and input again on the circuit restrict amps .... he said this on the house meeting on new zealand.

                            Of course here i'm using only the signal but if we achieve collision we are going to have the current growing exponentially as he showed on some drawings saying it was the resonant action restricting current bla bla bla.

                            Actually if you find high voltage book that talk about collision it shows exactly the same drawings. And tell you that when this condition is reached current increase exponentially like a chain reaction as i described.

                            Please consider donating you wont find informations like this anywhere.

                            For donations

                            A good book for looking is "high voltage engineering C.L. Wadhwa"
                            find on rapid share ...

                            Last edited by sebosfato; 08-31-2009, 09:11 AM.


                            • #74

                              There are a whole lot of Meyer documents over at:
                              The H2earth Instititute - CYBRARIUM: The Waterfiles Archive


                              • #75
                                Thank you lamar thats a good source of meyer documents and citations
                                There is in this link one of the patents mentioned by meyer tay patent that talk about collision too.


