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Stanley meyer the true

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  • #91
    You are penishead. If you can't understand what i said. I'm talking about wars.
    By the way people can do it i many many different ways. One that watch youtube can construct an radioactive bomb much easily so. And i think this all open source is not a good thing at least since we have already many problems in this world.

    I just don't want it to become part of the arsenal.


    • #92

      Forgive me as well for I know I am out of line! I do not post on these forums but I do visit quite often in an attempt to learn how we can better our lives and the world we live in.
      You say that you know the truth to Stan Meyers process and are working on duplicating the process. You want others to contribute to your cause so YOU CAN PATENT IT? You want to prevent war? Do you truly know why wars are waged?
      It sounds to me like you might just be trying to con people out of their hard earned money to better yourself. If you are concerned about war let me tell you. The powers to be have plenty of weapons that could end the world. If you are worried about someone being able to construct a weapon from open source information, what stops them from buying a device that is made from your patent and reverse engineering it! You can not, You have NO CONTROL over that! If someone wanted to use the technology to build a weapon, do you think they will email you and ask for permission to use your patent or what it will cost? I think if they had the intent of doing harm they would not care what you say anyways!

      I want to believe that you might be on to something but I am starting to think H2OPOWER WAS CORRECT in you being a misleading individual. Your post on other threads states that if you want to learn how to do this visit your thread. So far all I see is a salesman trying to sell snake oil.

      I hope that you get what you truly want, money, fame, or whatever it is your after but your reasoning is not sound.

      Sorry to be so harsh but everyone should be working on this as a global effort and not for patent rights to one individual or small group of individuals! This technology needs to be free for the people of the world and the people need to be taught how to do it to prevent wars.

      I wish I knew the key to make the process work for I WOULD TELL EVERYONE how to do it so we can free ourselves from big oil, utilities, and better the lives of everyone.


      Best of luck to you.



      • #93
        Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
        Actually is the same process but as meyer didn't patent the right things as he was trying to protect his technology I can do it for sure.

        Here I described the true you can clearly see I came up with a new way of thinking about how it works that is the true. So don't get sad if I say I want to patent it I just believe is my rights.

        This way I can control this technology for the uses as safety as i can... People could construct bombs if they where up to do this with this technology if I patent it I could have a little control over it as I don't want this things to happen.

        I am sorry to hear this from you. I thought you are a humanitarian type of person. If Meyer didn't patent this technology, surely he did not release it to the public, and as far as I know he was very scared to be poisoned, and they poisoned him. If he did release it, it could have saved his life.

        Patenting will not protect the technology it will destroy it. You can patent it if you want but I suggest you not to make the mistake other inventors did, and release the information to build it. Just look and see who makes the bombs? Yes, the main creators of the bombs are the governments, and when you patent it you give the technology to the bomb makers straightly and hide it from the people who need it. And also they will not let you mass produce the technology, because these technologies are the main threat to them.

        And I assure you that the government does not need these things anymore because they have already got black project technologies that we even may not be able to imagine what they have behind the closed doors.

        Asking for money is not a bad idea, but taking knowledge from people, is not a very good idea, I don't think that anyone can "own" any knowledge. I understand this to be labeled as "greed" which the ego possesses, and has been one of the main problems of humanity. With Free energy, greed is totally meaningless.

        The best way to fight with those "bomb" makers is releasing it to the public and it will wipe them away like a bomb.
        Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


        • #94
          I understand what you say guys and i'm not here saying i want to patent it and pretend to sell it but if make a patent where i really explain how it works i people could also copy it and thats good thing the only thing is that if someone start to mass produce it i should earn too as i re discovered it. In todays world anyone give you anything for free, with no money i can't eat! So i want to work with my technology for giving the people if i can a new way toward a new society that uses the technology as a powerful tool not for making money but to better people lives. I don't think is right to replace people by machines and let people with no work while still earning money, this is killing our world as it generates a high powerful Social inequality and the main reason for this to happen is also because we must pay for our food. Such a thing should be a right as also free clean energy and clean water and waste treatment. Also education , and medical and dental, public transport, communication, culture (art, and fun) and information.

          You see? until at least all we must not pay for our food, i'll need to sell my technology, because is the only way to advance in technology and redistribute money for a better world today.

          I must patent it to prevent some one can use it to make big money don't redistributing the money and restarting our problems from the start instead of making any changes. Almost 99,999999999% of the people are selfish I'm not. I just want a better world, fair for all of us black white yellow and red.
          Last edited by sebosfato; 09-06-2009, 12:32 PM.


          • #95

            If you have the answer to Stan Meyer's tech. and you Patent it the Government will take if from you saying it is a threat to national security.
            Then they will threaten to jail you if you release it and the tech. will be lost again.
            At least that is what I believe.
            Do what you think is best, but if it is open sourced They can't stop it and the world will be a better place and your life will be better and that is what we are working for


            • #96
              His actions have spoken louder than any words could have. He is in Italy and he wants to patent the water for fuel technology for his own personal agenda's, but he wants you all to pay for it. Sound fare to all of you? A patent is ment for just one thing, rights to sell the item for a time when no one else can so that the inventor gets paid. But as the title of thread states the technology comes from Stanley Meyer, an American, and it has already been patented. The patents are in the public domain now for they have expired.

              If one reads the patents and the Tech brief, then read you will see I have already explained a great deal and do judge me by my actions for I have not ask anyone for a dime, nor have I said anything about patenting anything. I did this as a gift to humanity, for the only way any of us are going to see this technology is for it to be given away. And like I said before do judge me by my actions for I have stepped up to the plate and did the right thing for humanity. Why? Because I am no young fool and can see the big picture with both eyes. Having actually been to war opens ones eyes to the truth, those in power are willing to put your life on the line, to stuff their pockets with gold, and this technology stops the game.

              Energy Independance is now yours for the taking,



              • #97
                I wouldnt worry about this idiot by the time he figures out like charges repell the rest of us will be will have moved on.This thread develeoped in one of the most moronic threads Ive ever read.It wouldnt hurt my feelings at all if sebefasto was banned and not ever allowed in ANY energy forum !


                • #98
                  the answer is much simple


                  You say i'm this, i'm that, but i can say i could do better to this world than just sharing this if i share it i won't earn the big money and this is a risk too being a normal people with no big money or not big as the real big ones, i can't do any to crack them out and for the people. I see this way, i have many projects for this world not only this.

                  By the way i already gave to all of you all the clues i can and if you really were up to do this you already could do it by your self just reading what i wrote if any of you just knew a little what i'm talking about I know is not simple but as i was the worst student in my class and i found it you can i'm sure. The school i studied say like this:

                  Who wants, can!

                  I needed to research for 3,5 years to find all of this and i gave it to you in about less than 1 month

                  I give to you another clues:
                  instead of complaining so much read again the all thread and everything i recommend you to read like the posts i wrote on h20power thread as the informations are distributed also there you can find most important things on page 36 and 37.

                  Than check this
                  PhET Photoelectric Effect - Light, Quantum Mechanics, Photons, Electrons

                  Than consider making a donation as i'm out of funds and can't really help you much more with no money to buy materials lamps, (lasers 60$ each), and make more experimentations for example.


                  • #99
                    more about?

                    Originally posted by NewGuy View Post
                    I wouldnt worry about this idiot by the time he figures out like charges repell the rest of us will be will have moved on.This thread develeoped in one of the most moronic threads Ive ever read.It wouldnt hurt my feelings at all if sebefasto was banned and not ever allowed in ANY energy forum !
                    Guys you are so funny
                    one come to you answer your questions invite you to think show you how things work and than...

                    Idiot, moron, penishead...
                    Maybe you think ohh this way he shows something else to prove his right????
                    I'm right, read and think!

                    about H2O all he had in his thread is misunderstanding i showed in a very basic stupid logic way how vic work described in detail how the resonant cavity work, also the gas processor... Is so well described a children could understand and as such those who understood the point i'm, donated and helped a lot as i could put more of my time on it going from here to there finding what i need to finish.

                    little Quiz
                    Why should i help who don't help me?
                    a)Because i'm Jesus?
                    b)Because I'm stupid?
                    c)Because I don't have anything else to do?
                    d)Because I want the others to still slaves?
                    e)Because I have no hope?
                    f)Because I want to bring out misunderstanding ?
                    g)Because I believe this could create a war?

                    Think about and judge yourself before judging the others

                    I was negotiating with a another researcher in this forum a 10.000 euros contract that should be to help me finish my prototype. He have investors and is researching this technology since years now with no success. He said " Lets make a contract i give to you the money and you can work on your project decently not being subjected to the hungry, starving, condition you have now. As i already said all I have I put in the project. He wanted with that contract the right to sell in his country and he wanted also the prototype at the end of the next 3 months and he didn't want to give me any % of the future profit and no money to patent it when is ready ohh he wanted also every technical information before was finish so clearly he didn't want me to patent it just to stole my knowledge and live me with nothing. 10000 euros i spent to construct it and give you everything, and than remain with nothing, is that right??? He also wanted me to block this information i posted here. I didn't accepted even with no money in hand.

                    You are my second road.

                    As far as you can see in this world no one give you anything for free or for a better world or i didn't met the right person yet or all of them are like this. As i said i'm not like this i started studying this as i think is the only way to really change the world but i'm really getting tired of seeing how selfish is this world and i'm starting to think to myself if i really want to put my life in risk, taking all this responsibility for this 99,9999% people that really show that don't deserve. Some can say do it for the world i would say i'm not going to be crucified i prefer to see everything burn prior than make the end "jesus" stanley or tesla, made for people who don't deserve it.

                    Last edited by sebosfato; 09-08-2009, 09:40 AM.


                    • yesterday i found Insulated steel wire i'm going to try it out to see if its better than cooper for the input transformer. My ceramic capacitors and highvoltage diodes from china didn't arrived yet so i'm going to try with the setup i tested the recirculating current i posted a couple of weeks ago. It is magnetic i mean it glue on the permanent magnets so maybe it have a different inductance behavior. The 30 meters 15cm diameter coil that comes have already a inductance of 1.5mh. the wire seems to be about .5mm diameter and with the coating seems like .9mm it weights 86gr.


                      • Today i made the test with the same capacitors and inductor of the last test but with the transformer winded with the iron wire and i tested also the influence of permanent magnet on this
                        I found that you can recirculate almost 700W 150v 5A using only 40W 12v 3,5A with lots of dissipation on the inductor it almost blowed and the transformer does not even got warm. I found that when i got close with a permanent magnet the wattage grew up and amps being consumed halved. I have only 5 turns on the primary and about 15 meters of wire between steel and cooper on the secondary i'll continue and test with some diodes to try with the charging pump effect.

                        I plan also to put a capacitor in parallel with the primary as to recirculate the current also there in simulations i found it could be good.

                        The permanent magnets are of magnetron type.


                        • rub some tator juice on it.


                          • I believe meyer also tried to use permanent magnets together with the vic as it increase the impedance output of the transformer. I got almost twice the outputs with permanent magnet. Maybe it saturates the core and makes the leakage greater doing the same to the impedance I don't think it has to do with the iron wire as i got the same effect on copper. Strangely with the steel wire it arrived maybe up to 1 cm yellow discharge and its just 15 meters of wire. Again the transformer don't even get warm and the resonant inductor blows. the capacitors used don't heat up strangely i handled up to 5 amps with almost no heating (2 caps 68nf 1,5kv in parallel).

                            Is pretty much how inductions heating systems or tesla primary coils works...

                            Now i'm able to construct induction heating systems and tesla coils.

                            Tomorrow I'm going to make more tests adding also the diodes and as soon as it arrives the test with ceramic high power capacitors.
                            Last edited by sebosfato; 09-11-2009, 12:46 AM.


                            • Hi sebosfato, I want you to know there are many more people in this world that want to be truly free than you may realize. The truth is were not here strictly to create things, it's what we create and how we go about creating it. I understand certain ones have over time created conditions that limit us and in this climate it is the most challenging and testing to ones soul, thus providing much greater learning for your soul. I try and do what I feel is the highest good of all and try and come as close as possible to unconditional love given the circumstance we are in. Give freely, share freely without strings attached when you can my friend. Kindness is not weakness, kindness is the most powerful force in the universe, love. Good luck in your creating.
                              peace love light


                              • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                                Hi sebosfato, I want you to know there are many more people in this world that want to be truly free than you may realize. The truth is were not here strictly to create things, it's what we create and how we go about creating it. I understand certain ones have over time created conditions that limit us and in this climate it is the most challenging and testing to ones soul, thus providing much greater learning for your soul. I try and do what I feel is the highest good of all and try and come as close as possible to unconditional love given the circumstance we are in. Give freely, share freely without strings attached when you can my friend. Kindness is not weakness, kindness is the most powerful force in the universe, love. Good luck in your creating.
                                peace love light
                                Thanks Tyson wise words

                                I did more tests today and found that the diode changes a bit the effects but not much I used a 4007. It didn't heat. Again voltage approached 150v and the resonant inductor heated to hell the nice thing is that i winded more primary turns and now i reached 150v with about 4 amps recirculating inputing only 150v 200ma or 14 volts 2 amps. Frequency were that predicted from calculation.

                                With the diode i have very few visible effect using the permanent magnet.

                                I found that the transformer is just to match the impedance of the resonant tank thats why meyer used a Variac much easier and on his drawings he made taps to indicate you should try and try and try again.

                                I found from my calculations that things must work this way:
                                You have a complex impedance of the tank right.
                                So you must design the transformer to match that impedance, for this you must consider the frequency to select the primary inductance and than you multiply it's impedance or inductance by the transformation factor * transformation factor, this way you find the secondary impedance and desired inductance to match. The secondary voltage will depend only on the Q factor of the tank not on voltage transformation factor so the input voltage you should consider for the resonant voltage rise and recirculating current is the +- battery voltage.

                                With this information you could be able to replicate the effects i'm claiming.

                                Oh i'm not using the feedback yet.

                                Last edited by sebosfato; 09-11-2009, 08:40 AM.

