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Stanley meyer the true

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  • Stan secret was to short the circuit again with the ions accumulated in the neighborhood of the electrodes. This is the electron extraction circuit. If you note on his drawings he show a diode and two transistors witch are activated alternately 180° from each other.

    Ok but now if you understand what I mean:

    Near the positively charged electrode there will be a bunch of OH- ions And close to the negative side there will be H+ ions now what happen if you short the circuit (understanding and remembering yet another time that this discharge will have the secondary of the transformer involved remember the drawing)? The discharge will energize the transformer with the electricity from the ions that when get discharged becomes gas =) . Why?

    Because OH- ions will lose their electrons in excess and H+ ions will gain those electrons forming this way H2 and O2.

    Discharging the gases. The way is written on chemistry books.

    Yes, the dielectric polarization (voltage perform work) creates a coulomb force attracting x repelling the ions toward the electrodes. Result, in the end of the pulse sequence if you short the electrodes the ions will discharge with reversed polarity, because the positive side will have OH- ions witch will be the electron donor in the equation. So if all this happen and physics say that something got to happen, than physics says. Nobel prize for this guy!!!

    All this with pure water... best would be distilled water.. .

    The higher the voltage the greatest is the force so the greatest will be the electricity and or analog H2 and O2...

    Keep it simple stupid!!!

    If the ions were discharged on one of the alternator windings you would got the alternator to run in resonance with the cell because the greater the discharge the greater will be the energy generated on the alternator and so on..

    Last edited by sebosfato; 11-24-2010, 02:53 AM.


    • I agree with rosco1, it's the same exact reason we have all of these wars, a poor country wants to benefit from free energy and the dominate countries use the military advantages in the technology as an excuse to deprive and invade that country, so the country stays poor. The same thing is happening in Iran right now, they have a living right to free energy.

      Now, I can go take tesla's work and make a ray gun and go kill people? But why? We have reached a point as humanity where we have two decisions, 1) Destroy ourselves with the technology that has surpassed our primitive evolution or 2) Use that technology for the benefit of every citizen of the world to have a rich life without working 8 hours a day slave laboring, giving the taxes back to the federal reserve as interest.

      Now, I'm sure any one of us could easily join the Illuminati and go work in black budget projects and also visit mars, but you would be depriving your fellow species a good life, would you sell your own species??? I wouldn't I would die.

      sebosfato, Nobody is going to get super rich with these alternative energy devices, you may be bought out but the product wont be produced for the benefit of anyone, so by withholding information you are just holding your entire species back. But it's alright, because Tesla's work explains most of what we need to know. It's simple, do you want your children and grandchildren being slaves to the current system or do you want a beautiful and wonderful life for them? Its up to everyone on these forums.


      • Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
        Keep it simple stupid!!!
        Ahh, KISS, old Stan's favourite saying.

        So I guess the reason why no one has yet replicated his invention is that we're over-complicating things... which would tend to suggest that Stan had the edge over us by being far more stupid! There's logic in there somewhere!


        • Can you see the abllity of this sistem to work?

          Separating the ions by coulomb forces (voltage performing work) And discharging them using this energy to increase the coulomb force. Exponential increase in energy..


          • you are missing a great discussion here


            • Yet better:

              Voltage is not the amount of work necessary to bring the charges together?
              Voltage is not consumed in an electronic circuit. But if does perform the work of separating charges..

              So lets say we have 100 volts across the water and we discharge the ions, this ions will have 100v of energy so if you have for example 100 amps of ions there the discharge will have 10kw of power.


              • Incredible Stuff!!

                Hi Sebosfato,

                Incredible stuff!!

                Best Regards,

                Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                my gift for you guys however help if you can donating or requesting me to construct a pll circuit for you...

