This discussion is meant to understand the Gas Processor by studying physics and engineering principles. The intention is to understand what happens inside the gas processor and how the multiply ionized, excited oxygen is created in an economical and simple way.
The first thing I would like to talk about, is the mention of "Particle Impact" in Meyers Tech Brief as well his hydrogen gas gun patent 4,826,581.
Now if you all research Electron Impact excitation/ionization you'll find that a free electron can be put into motion by a positive charge, hitting other atoms on it's way to the positive charge, and causing those atoms to be excited and even ionized.
Electron avalanche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also, the other thing I would like to mention is the Splitting of atomic spectral lines by the use of electric fields, known as the Stark Effect. In plain english it means, When you put an atom in a electrical field the atom has a higher number of photon wavelengths it can absorb (or emit) to be excited (or return to it's ground state).
Stark effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It seems the Gas Processor's purpose is to create what is known as Rydberg Oxygen.
Rydberg atom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Rydberg atoms form commonly in plasmas)
So we have a few things to look into here. To me it seems that if you study the Stark Effect you'll notice that as the electric field increases so does the spectral line splitting. The stronger the electric field, the more spectral lines there will be, and the more possible wavelengths could be used to excite the atoms.
The first thing I would like to talk about, is the mention of "Particle Impact" in Meyers Tech Brief as well his hydrogen gas gun patent 4,826,581.
The released atomic gasses are next ionized and electrically charged in a vessel while being subjected to a further energy soruce that promotes Inter-particle impact in the gas at an increased energy level.
-Patent 4,826,581
-Patent 4,826,581
Electron avalanche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also, the other thing I would like to mention is the Splitting of atomic spectral lines by the use of electric fields, known as the Stark Effect. In plain english it means, When you put an atom in a electrical field the atom has a higher number of photon wavelengths it can absorb (or emit) to be excited (or return to it's ground state).
Stark effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It seems the Gas Processor's purpose is to create what is known as Rydberg Oxygen.
Rydberg atom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Rydberg atoms form commonly in plasmas)
So we have a few things to look into here. To me it seems that if you study the Stark Effect you'll notice that as the electric field increases so does the spectral line splitting. The stronger the electric field, the more spectral lines there will be, and the more possible wavelengths could be used to excite the atoms.