very good info on the leds tron. now, i was wondering with staying in the bounds of the kiss method. scince leds have advanced so much scince mr. meyer, would we need the complexity of electronics to make the leds pulse? could meyer have pulsed the leds to get extra output from the leds that we may not need? or are the leds pulsed for a more important reason? hmmm...
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Atomic Physics and Stan Meyers Gas Processor
I got your point. You are confusing molecules and atoms. 1 mole of oxygen molecules ( o2 )actually occupy +- 22 liters. 1 Mole of oxygen atoms ( o1) occupy +-10.88 liters Did you understand what i'm talking about? I maybe posted it this way because i started from 1 mole of water You see now we are talking the same language.
I read everything you write i don't ignore anything because you know how this thing works, who knows when one good information comes out? I check everything.
However the calculation i shown is for 1 mole of atomic oxygen. Ok.
I'm going to repeat so what i stated more clearly. 1 mole of water totalize 1 mole of oxygen monoatomic and 2 moles of hydrogen monoatomic.
If you ionize 1 mole of monoatomic oxygen to its 4th potential you'll have 107 amperes.
Meyer said on his memo the laser should be triggered on at the resonant frequency. Check and you will find its clear like water.
Last edited by sebosfato; 09-23-2009, 09:33 PM.
Originally posted by rdmwc View Postvery good info on the leds tron. now, i was wondering with staying in the bounds of the kiss method. scince leds have advanced so much scince mr. meyer, would we need the complexity of electronics to make the leds pulse? could meyer have pulsed the leds to get extra output from the leds that we may not need? or are the leds pulsed for a more important reason? hmmm...
The GP is extremly important. First off, if you study hydrogen you'll find it takes a lot of gas to get a good amount of energy. A typical 4 cylinder car would need about 80-100 liters per minute to run on hydrogen.
The Gas processor causes atomic instability, which results in excessive energy output on smaller amounts of hydrogen. It can be explained in a variety of ways, but basically the Oxygen atoms are instable because they have 4 missing electrons, and when mixed with hydrogen and ignited the two gasses collide and try to form water (H2O) but because the oxygen atom does not have enough electrons to stabilize it ionizes the hydrogen atom, leaving the unstable hydrogen atom, which decays. Per einsteins E=MC2, when you decrease mass you increase energy!
This is how Stan explained it, but I believe there could also be other explanations for the increased energy.
Basically the GP increases the efficiency!
A mole is the amount of substance of a system that contains as many "elemental entities" (e.g. atom, molecules, ions, electrons) as there are atoms in 12g of carbon-12. A mole has 6.022 1415•10^23 of atoms or molecules of the pure substance being measured. A mole will possess mass aproximantely equal to the substance's molecular/atomic weight in grams.
You were just given a free class as to what a mole is. So yes, I do know what I am asking you for, so if you please just answer the question. But I am glade we had this little talk for at least now I know what you are doing. So please go over your math and do a unit analysis as it is incorrect and that means everything else that is based on it is also incorrect.
Now if you where not talking about the gas processor why would you write in a thread made just for descusing the gas processor? HMS-776 is very sharp and he had questions on the GP. From what he has shown me thus far I now should be able to run a full set of calculations to show that all of this does not violate the 2nd law of thermo dynamics.
Now when Meyer talks about the coherent light resonated with the atoms he is talking about the wavelengths that the atom will absorb for that is resonance. The atoms resonate at certant frequncies of light called wavelengths. Most LEDs have a very narrow band of coherent light they will put out, you will have to check the specs to make sure you buy LEDs that will resonate with the
targeted oxygen atoms.
Originally posted by sebosfato View PostI got your point. You are confusing molecules and atoms. 1 mole of oxygen molecules ( o2 )actually occupy +- 22 liters. 1 Mole of oxygen atoms ( o1) occupy +-10.88 liters Did you understand what i'm talking about? I maybe posted it this way because i started from 1 mole of water You see now we are talking the same language.
I read everything you write i don't ignore anything because you know how this thing works, who knows when one good information comes out? I check everything.
However the calculation i shown is for 1 mole of atomic oxygen. Ok.
I'm going to repeat so what i stated more clearly. 1 mole of water totalize 1 mole of oxygen monoatomic and 2 moles of hydrogen monoatomic.
If you ionize 1 mole of monoatomic oxygen to its 4th potential you'll have 107 amperes.
Meyer said on his memo the laser should be triggered on at the resonant frequency. Check and you will find its clear like water.
Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
Meyer said on his memo the laser should be triggered on at the resonant frequency. Check and you will find its clear like water.
I challenge you to POST the quoted statement, As written by Meyer in the patent document , PLEASE give page number and pdf file name or section if no page number...
just so we all know you have original source material from Meyer...
thank you
When he talk about the Gas processor, page 3-21 he says something very interesting:
To further destabilize gas atom (104), emitted laser energy (electromagnetic energy having zero
mass) (116) is, now, injected into Gas Resonant Cavity (410) via optical lens (121) and superimposed
onto gas ionized process (260) and subsequently absorbed by gas atom nucleus (108), as illustrated in
(260) of Figure (3-33) as to (270) of Figure (3-34). The absorbed laser energy (122) of Figure (3-35) not
only causes ionized gas atom orbitals electrons (124) to be deflected away from gas atom nucleus (108)
but, also, weakens electrostatic force (AA') between gas atom nucleus (108) and deflecting electrons
(123a xxx) ... allowing even a greater number of electrons (117a xxx) to be ejected from ionized gas
atom (104) beingsimultaneously
subjected to Electron Extraction Process (260), as illustrated in (280)
The effect of the light pulse is instantaneous so if you want to take that electrons out and or accelerate them to obtain high ev collisions you should do it on real time.
I remember you that is easy with a pll design to sync the pulse to the laser at exactly he same frequency of the resonant frequency and there are many methods of doing so.
Have you imagined a transformer with two secondary coils one connected to the positive side of the battery on one side and oriented to have positive potential on its extremity and the other connected to ground and configured to give a negative polarity too.
I say this because if you put negative voltage on the cathode you can maybe lower the work function because you have its polarity repelling its electrons already accelerating them. He says sometimes also on some of the patents that he applied negative voltage to the cathode.
However he states:
The ionized atoms along with free floating negative charged electrons are, now, deflected (pulsing electrical
voltage fields of opposite polarity) through the Electrical Polarization Process … imparting or
superimposing a second physical-force (particle-impact) unto the electrically charged water bath.
Oscillation (back and forth movement) of electrically charged particles by way of voltage deflection is
hereinafter called "Resonant Action", as illustrated in Figure (1-10).
If you ionize the oxygen atom positively with a high voltage DC field what's going to happen?
it will become positively charged and will be attracted to the negative side and be repelled by the positive side and them vice versa. I believe this was he talking about particle oscillation as energy generation. I believe that the higher the voltage the highest will be the impact between these molecules freeing up many electrons.
Only serious experimental tests will show up any working model doesn't matter how much we talk here. By the way i was talking about the gas processor and electron extraction circuit h2o. And can you repeat the question? Some one in from alaska said " the repetition some times is the only way to make people think so here it goes.
1 mole of water are equal to 2 moles of hydrogen atoms and 1 mole of oxygen atoms. Faraday said that to separate each molecule of water you need to pass thru it 2 electrons so in the end of his calculations he ended up with about 53,5 amps to dissociate 1 mole of water. If we want to extract 4 electrons from this 1 mole of oxygen atoms how many amps you end up with? 107 Amper/hour. Please prove what i'm saying is wrong because i checked my unities and are exact. Or just show where i'm wrong.
Ampere hour means that you would take one hour to extract this from 10.88 liters of oxygen atoms keeping in atoms mole to be clear.
If you treat about 1088 liters of oxygen to its 4th potential energy in one hour, about 100 moles of oxygen atoms or 1600g of oxygen about little lees than 2 liters of water oxygen content
You would have 10700 amps This is the amount required to make electrolysis of 4 liters of water in one hour...
Stan stated that he used 44ml/min of water to drive at 100km/h speed about 3000rpm so 2,6 liters of water in one hour.
Think about. Why on his drawings he shows up the electrons extraction tube over the wfc water cell.... Food for your mind....
The mass of the electron is = 9,109382E-31 . 4 electrons extracted per atom from 1 mole of oxygen atoms = 2,19432E-6 mass reduction in grams.
"Oxygen atoms are instable because they have 4 missing electrons, and when mixed with hydrogen and ignited the two gasses collide and try to form water (H2O) but because the oxygen atom does not have enough electrons to stabilize it ionizes the hydrogen atom, leaving the unstable hydrogen atom, which decays. Per einsteins E=MC2, when you decrease mass you increase energy!"
This is what he explain when he says Hey I'm the big oxygen atom... Basically the oxygen become very positively charged but also the hydrogen having only one proton have less force to held the electron than the oxygen to steal it from the hydrogen. So he says this way the atom of hydrogen can release an enormous amount of energy straight from the atom.
I particularly think this is about Rockets technology or electricity generation levels not automobiles. Probably he said this to confuse us even further.
As i said only repeating his procedures with lasers will be possible to have a good result.
I just don't think that any of the people reading this that will be able to reproduce this effect will post it here because most of the people is so much selfish.
Best regards to all
Okay Seb,
I will make the corrections for but it is going to take time for I need my computer writting with the Iphone doesn't let me use the forum correctly. Just give me the time to get my PC fixed is all I ask, okay?
@ HMS-776,
Thanks to you I now have a clearer picture of how the GP works now. When I made a deeper study into the arua lights I found out that the GP simulates the arura lights. The mechanizim of the arura lights show that the ionization take place on the magnetic field lines in the GP's voltage zone which is a capasitor. And as we all know the field lines in a capacitor are always perpindicular to the capasitors surfaces. What I found out about the arua lights is they act perpendicular to the field lines of the capacitor which is in the direction of the air flow. The GP has everything that is found in our upper atmosphere, a source of coherent light, magnetic field lines, high voltage stresses, and air. So what is the GP? A arua ionization simulator, that is what the GP really is. For anyone wanting to read the infomation that led me to this clasification look into the mechanizins of the arua lights for that is how mother nature does it. I'd like to thank you for if you hadn't ever opened up this thread I would have never took a more indepth look at the arura lights and what made them work and/or tic.
There is so much more I'd like to go over most having to deal with properly seperating different ways he used to break down the water molecule, but I need my PC inorder to do that effectively. Right now I just wish Dr. Lindemann would add in some input from time to time. As I move to complete my work on the water for fuel technology these last few steps are taking a very long time to make. Will I share my results? Haven't I done so since my very first post to this forum? So I see no reason to change my giving nature.
@h20 I about the correction i'll wait for that thanks. And about the sharing thing i was talking generally not you me or HMS...
I would like to show you some interesting thing i found:
X-Ray Generator: Pyroelectric Crystal
YouTube - Particle Accelerator Concept Using Ping Pong Ball
YouTube - Lec 9 | MIT 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002
When i talked about the W isolated ground i mean that he could be using tungsten as W in the periodic table is tungsten coated with a low working function oxide. When you ionize the cathode with photons they will release electrons taking up a positive charge this electrons released are accelerated by the Electric fields and reach high electron volt energy and when the find an oxygen or whatever atoms like nitrogen argon it will ionize them making their electrons to be released. Already having provided a Hv Diode that is able to allow this electrons to flow thru it during the negative moment of the oscillation of the atoms. This electrons goes to a tank circuit to be reused. I'm talking about the atoms oscillation because of the effect i said that once you have oxygen positively charged it will go to the direction of the negative electrode but if the negative electrode is exited by laser would be necessary for it to be at the resonant frequency of this atoms oscillation. Stan used a feed back also on this recurring current thru the diode as to have the right frequency of operation all the times. Calcium and magnesium tungstates are widely used in fluorescent lighting. X-ray targets.Last edited by sebosfato; 09-25-2009, 02:26 PM.
H2O & everyone, thanks for the posting here. I think so far this has been a worthwile discussion. My goal has still not been reached.
I have searched everywhere and asked questions and physics and chemistry forums with no exact answers as to oxygen's energy levels and wavelengths.
The internet has so much information on oxygen and wavelengths it seems nearly impossible for me to draw any conclusions.
I still stand by my belief that the LED's purpose is only to aid the first ionization, from there impact ionization completes the job.
I have what I believe is the first wavelength required which (from NASA) states that oxygen is excited directly to it's second level with a photon equal to 1.63eV (760nm). What I'm still trying to understand is how many possible energy levels does the oxygen atom have before it becomes ionized. It gets complicated because you have orbitals, suborbitals, etc etc.
One thing i would like to point out, is I believe Stan used a specific voltage (in comparison to the area). The 4th ionization energy level of Oxygen is
77.4eV, and the 5th level being 113.8eV. As we know, a free electron's energy is directly related to it's velocity. The velocity of the electron is controlled by the amplitude of the positive (attractive) charge (voltage).
It seems that another design parameter in the GP is to create a specific elelctron energy by using a specific voltage (in comparision to the area) in the Gas Processor. I other words, the energy imparted to the electron from the positive voltage field must be great enough to cause the 4th ionization of 77.4eV, but no greater than 113.8eV, if we go that far I fear we would see energy that we would not want to be near.
Here's a website which has lots of good info, this page talks about electron energy, and it's relation to velocity caused by electrostatic fields. Velocity Modulation
PS, sebosfato, I have learned much from Meyers work, namely that he leaves clues everywhere. In one of his patents he states the following:
Engineering design parameters based on known theoretical principles of atomic physics determine the incremental levels of electrical and wave energy input required to produce resonance in each stage of the system.
Stan Meyer Patent# 4,826,581 Paragraph 2Last edited by HMS-776; 09-26-2009, 12:12 AM.
HMS This exactly what i was talking about. If you are able to accelerate the electrons with voltage you get high electron volts energy high speed free electrons colliding with the atoms. Its possible to quantize the energy gain so you know what energy level you reach. And you can calculate that. I'm not able to calculate that yet but i believe 40kv should do the job from what i read about photoelectric effect and particle acceleration. It depends on the distance and Electric field /mm.
Check the videos i posted they talk about this. We need to find a physicist able to calculate this! any of you can invite one to this forum?
I'm going to visit the Polytechnic University tomorrow again it's the 100x time to try to find someone on chemistry or physics department that could help on this.
I would like to be able to buy a piece of potassium metal and some lasers to test this. I found that, is possible to produce (low working function) electrodes by electroplating and cooking an explosive liquid material witch is not easy to buy here in italy without a proper license.
Look after it.
have you gave any thought to coating the electrodes with paint,specificaly the kind that is also used as rocket fuel such as the type of material used for the skin on the airship that blew up or the kind that use to be with modle planes ? Titanium dioxide paint is readily available as well wich gives off electrons with regular light.I believe tho a better ceramic type material with embedded things like that stuff just mentioned might work as well,more uneducated guesses tho
I liked H20's explanation for the purpose of the GP,but is there another explanation that goes into detail about the purpose of the GP from the beginning to end? Increasing effeciantcy is ok but then some ppl just use to add ozone for increased effeciantcy.Last edited by NewGuy; 09-26-2009, 12:52 AM.
Hopefully this post and others will come to a full understanding and explanation of the GP. It will take a while, but one day soon we'll have it all figured out.
Here's a diagram showing the Absorption wavelengths of Liquid oxygen. Does anyone know if the absorption wavelengths change when the gas changes from a liquid to a solid, or a gas to a liquid? If not this diagram may show us the wavelengths we are looking for!
Something else we should realize, is that for each increased electron energy level the energy required to get there increases. So if the first level is 1260nm, the second one must be a smaller number (i.e. 760-763nm/ shorter wavelength=greater energy).
The diagram posted above is from the following website, everyone reading these posts should review this ebsite for further understanding of the oxygen atom and it's many possible electronic states:
Electronic States of OxygenLast edited by HMS-776; 09-26-2009, 05:40 AM.
After reading the site you just posted HMS-776, I feel bad about taking out the 780 nm LEDs but they where just too costly. For the cost of the 780 nm LEDs alone cost more than all of the LEDs I brought combined so I made the choice to cut them out of my GP's design. But Meyer seemed to only use the 630 nm LEDs in his gas gun design, so I feel confident in my choice of LEDs, bit I can always add different ones if I feel the need arises.
Studying the aurora lights gave me all I needed to know on what Meyer was trying to do and ways too improve on the design. The more a perticular wavelenght is absorbed by the atom is like if you where trying to fill up a baloon with air and got the air nossel just in the right spot to fill the baloon with air with very little waste or air lost from missing the filling hole. Maximum absorbtion is resonance with the atom and the more the atom will absorb the less work is needed to do a task, in our case ionize the oxygen atoms. By taking the removed electrons away we break the chain of restablization for the electrons are nolonger around to react with the unstable atoms too stablize them.