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Atomic Physics and Stan Meyers Gas Processor

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  • #76
    Thank You for Posting Again!!

    Originally posted by HMS-776 View Post
    Slovenia, thank you for the kind remarks.

    It's been a while since I posted, perhaps that will change soon....Many projects are going on right now....

    I've searched and searched on any information relating to the gas processor....It's a difficult road and I'm starting to think the GP technology may have been his own, which is why we cannot find any related information or scientific explanations.

    As far as the Electrical Extraction Circuit goes, seems to me like Stan may have got the idea from a photomultiplier tube, in which excess electrons are accelerated and absorbed into the anode where the current is then measured. In the case of the EEC the current flows through a circuit including a bulb or several bulbs.

    The work continues still!

    Hi HMS-776,

    I appreciate what you have shared with us.

    Best Regards,


    • #77
      Great Info

      Originally posted by HMS-776 View Post
      One thing it seems I have had a hard time finding out is how many energy levels the Oxygen atom has before it becomes ionized. I have been told by a few that there are countless electron energy levels. I now tend to wonder if Stan Meyers GP took the atom to 7 specific energy levels.

      Just one quick thing I noticed. Stan's gas Processor has 3 rows of 7 LED's each. And in the Tech brief (page 1-15), a drawing shows 7 "electron Deflection" levels. I think we still have a few things to look into here.
      Hi HMS,

      Thanks for starting this thread. I have been looking back at all your posts and you shared very great information with us all.

      Best Regards,


      • #78

        I guess its time to get back into it, I've been doing other things for a while....


        • #79

          Originally posted by HMS-776 View Post

          I guess its time to get back into it, I've been doing other things for a while....

          Hi HMS,

          I look forward to seeing a lot more of your posts.

          Your pic of Meyer's gas gun is very clear and nice. Do you have any other pics of the gp showing better the inside workings? Thanks.

          Best Regards,


          • #80
            That is the only good picture I have of it...If you want more details you can see it drawn clearly in Stan Meyer's patent # 5,293,857!


            • #81
              Thank You!!

              Originally posted by HMS-776 View Post
              That is the only good picture I have of it...If you want more details you can see it drawn clearly in Stan Meyer's patent # 5,293,857!
              Hi HMS-776,


              Best Regards,


              • #82
                for anyone......

                hi there guys good job with all of these things.......i am a simple man tho' and ijust want to build the damn thing and see how it behaves......but i have a question: do those two voltage zones inside the GP have to create a spark between them? do the two voltage zones have to be placed in such a way that the light from the leds would hit the airflow perpendiculary and the field lines from the plates (voltage zones) would be parallel with the air stream? i want the answers to these questions so i can start building and experimenting already!!!!!
                consciousness & energy, create the nature of reality


                • #83
                  If you look at the pictures of the GP it is easy to see which way the airflow is, and where the LED's are located.

                  I think understanding the GP is probably the most important part of Meyer's work. As we know all the watercar inventors used methods to get excessive energy from the little amount of hydrogen they used.

                  Daniel Dingle and his liberator
                  Herman Anderson and his vacuum plasma hydrogen chamber
                  Stan Meyer and his Gas Processor

                  Although hydrogen is a great fuel, it has a very low energy density. It takes a lot of hydrogen to power something, which is why you see hydrogen cars with high pressure storage tanks. Most require pressures of 80PSI or higher. The way of getting around that is to increase the energy density of the hydrogen, and by doing so you can increase the efficiency of the whole system.

                  I don't have much info on Dingles apparatus. It seems Stan Meyer had the safest one.

                  The basics of the GP. The LED's are used to bring the oxygen atom to as high of an excited state as they can (while still being low in cost) to aid the ionization of the first electron. From that point the high voltage fields cause the electron to gain enough energy (velocity) to cause impact ionization of the atom's it collides with. There will more than likely be arcs within the GP. But keep in mind it is not an ozone generator because the electrons are absorbed (not consumed) into the electron extraction circuit. Also knowing the Gas Processor's outer case is made from either delrin or nylon we know that the temperature of the tubes must not have been too high meaning that the arcs must not have been consuming inside the chamber. From all the research I have done I think the voltage remains constant in the GP and the one thing that controls engine power is the voltage appiled to the electron extraction circuit. It is the positive eec voltage which either causes more or less electrons to be absorbed into the circuit. Any electrons which are not absorbed will return to the atoms making them stable again. If you know electronics, it seems like this could be easily done.

                  I haven't studied the GP in a while, been involved with other things. But like most of Stan work I think it's all there, you just have to do a lot of study and research. I think this discussion as well as H2opowers are the most informative.
                  Last edited by HMS-776; 07-11-2010, 06:17 AM.


                  • #84
                    If you look at the ionization energies you can see that with each electron removed the energy level of the atom increases, this is because it becomes more unstable with each ionization.

                    Harnessing the energy from an unstable condition is common and is exactly what electricity is. In electricity there is an area which has a positive charge and an area which has a negative charge. The charges can be created by magnetic fields which causes electrons to move from one part of the circuit to the other. An area with an excess of electrons is a negative charge (negative voltage) and an area with a positive charge means that it is deficient of electrons. This is the unstable condition, as the electrons try to return to the atoms (with missing electrons/the positive charged area) to reach stability the movement of the electron is harnessed and it becomes a form of energy. The gas processer is a related process. You create an unstable condition, and harness the energy as the unstable condition returns to stability. The energy in this case is harnessed in the combustion chamber!


                    • #85
                      thnak you....

                      yes what you say makes a lot of sense to me, especially after plowing through the "Stanley Meyer Explained" tread's pages i am a lot more enlightened now thanks to you and h2opower and all of the people who contributed to this thread with their posts. so thank you once again, and i promise i will post my results with the gas processor after it is built and tested

                      if i am not to intrusive..... might i ask you what project you are currently involved in ? you made me very curious.......this is because my thought process goes like: what on earth could this man be doing, that is more important than the stanley meyers project? you don't need to answer me.....i was just thinking out loud
                      consciousness & energy, create the nature of reality


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Dragomir View Post
                        yes what you say makes a lot of sense to me, especially after plowing through the "Stanley Meyer Explained" tread's pages i am a lot more enlightened now thanks to you and h2opower and all of the people who contributed to this thread with their posts. so thank you once again, and i promise i will post my results with the gas processor after it is built and tested

                        if i am not to intrusive..... might i ask you what project you are currently involved in ? you made me very curious.......this is because my thought process goes like: what on earth could this man be doing, that is more important than the stanley meyers project? you don't need to answer me.....i was just thinking out loud

                        Hi Dragomir,

                        You can follow h2opower's work here: Electric Fields and Moving Media, Stanley Meyer Explained - Heretical Builders
                        as this site became unsafe for him to teach in. You will find he has advanced much as all of the energies can now be added up with no more magic or gray areas with concerns to Stanley Meyer's work. Basically he has now solved the work of Stanley A Meyer and is busy working on the project as a whole.



                        • #87
                          Originally posted by HMS-776
                          Over the last 5 years I have been moving from one of Meyer's inventions to the next. Trying to understand it completly, math and all. I move around alot. after all this time I am still trying to figure it all out. I've posted most of it here.

                          Lately I have been working on Stan Meyer's VIC...

                          To put it simply. A series Resonant circuit has something called voltage magnification. The amount of voltage magnification is dependant on the Q factor of the inductors and capacitor. The Q factor is dependant on both the reactance and series resistance of the circuit. The reactance is depandant on the capacitance, inductance and frequency....It's a lot of math but you can actutally calacuate the voltage magnification and current developed in the VIC. And once you start doing the math you'll find it speaks for itself....It will tell you very quickly that you will achieve the highest Q and voltage magnification in the audio freuqncy range (1-20kHz), meaning that an electrical steel core it used. This is also stated by meyer in his TB several times.

                          Where it gets complicated is the circuit is a frequency doubler, and the capacitance of the capacitor chages as the water is split. These 2 things occuring together in the circuit cause an instability phenemenon known as parametric resonance which causes the voltage to rise exponentially and the current to decay exponentially. As stated above parametric resonance is an instability phenemenon and is not easily controlled....The way you control it is by allowing the capacitor to leak off it's charge by gating the curcuit peridodically.

                          Another important thing, maybe the most is that water, even distilled water is somewhat conductive. It will conduct a small amount of current creating electrolysis which is the exact opposite of what we are trying to do. This small amount of current compared to the small current used ot charge the capacitor will prevent it from ever charging to a high voltage. Because of this it is imperitative that the tubes be coated with a dielectric of some sort. I have recently done some research and found that many companies make clear dielectric coatings. I believe that's what Meyer did, used a clear coating on his water capacitor. Without it the small charging current will leak through the water and across the capacitor plates resulting in the cap never charging or charging but with very low efficiency.

                          At the same time you must remember that no dielectric is perfect and leakage will always be there, which is good in the way that it allows the capacitor and circuit to leak off it's runaway voltage, therby keeping it from climbing high enough to destroy circuit componenets.

                          If you want to see a Meyers Replication showing parametric resonance (which is shown on the oscilloscope as voltage step charging) water splitting clink the link below.

                          Water Fuel Cell ( WFC ) Researches
                          you are one smart guy.........i do not fully understand what you are saying for i am tired. after 4 days i have finished reading h20power's tread: stanley meyers explained and i am endeavouring to assimilate al the info and filter all the bs........anyway thank you for replying to my messages
                          consciousness & energy, create the nature of reality

